CH 5

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
Ch5 - [Your esteemed self have started to distribute pornographic content]

Shi Tao shivered in the cold rain.

Under the gaze of III-9, the impulse and courage he had when he pushed his way to the front of the squad dissipated. Feelings of humiliation and inferiority made Shi Tao subconsciously turn over to hide the half of his left arm that wasn’t amputated.

Although he was rigidly standing, in the end, he finally revealed himself fully in front of III-9, feeling dejected and desperate.

He was terrified of being abandoned and afraid that III-9 would disagree. 

Shi Tao’s title was nearly worthless in this style of dangerous level tour, with the existence of supernatural phenomena and requiring them to participate in a brawl continuously. His ability was so weak he couldn’t even feel the danger.

“Intoxicating Xiangxi, how would it be intoxicating Xiangxi…”

After his brother, who had always been strong, knew about it, his brother secretly cried that night.

They were brothers, and they were both selected to enter the Travel Services and depended on each other.

Shi Tao, on the other hand, was not like his brother, who was talented and intellectual. His brother held a unique title and was chosen by a strong tour party. Shi Tao only possessed a powerful body. Shi Tao was merely a Middle-rank Two-star tourist even after many tours, struggling inside the Travel Services.

Shi Xiao was so worried after learning that Shi Tao had been chosen for the Intoxicating Xiangxi series tour that he requested the leader of his tour party for props to protect his brother’s life.

But the level of difficulty was too high in Intoxicating Xiangxi series tours. Even his brother couldn’t guarantee that Shi Tao would survive the tour.

Shi Tao had mentally prepared himself to die when he got off the bus. If it wasn’t for his brother, who threatened to fall out with him, Shi Tao almost wanted to stuff the life-saving props back to his brother. 

It was not worth it. It was a waste to spend it on him.

It was merely dying. What was there to be afraid of?

But now, an hour and a half later, Shi Tao was still alive.

Even though they only traveled half the distance to the first scenic spot. 

His previous courageous and eager attitude to welcome death was washed away by the cold rain. Shi Tao trembled with fear at the thought of death.

Death was really too terrifying.

Shi Tao didn’t want to die, but he understood that in the current scenario, the tour guide would have to make a decision.

He could either leave the weakest tourist behind or only protect the tourists in front—in this way, Shi Tao would die! 

As if he was manic, he rushed to the front and did not hesitate to kneel to plead to III-9, humbly praying for his mercy. In the face of death, all his self-esteem had disappeared.

He wanted to return alive and see his brother again.

“What kind of rubbish are you? Do you think you deserve to carry my Brother 9?”

The tourists were stunned by Shi Tao’s boldness, and Lin Xi was the first to jump up in anger. 

“You’re merely a disabled person. If Brother 9 falls down because you didn’t carry him properly, would your life even be enough?!”

Lin Xi disdainfully and sarcastically insulted him. His words were like a sharp sword stabbing Shi Tao, pinning him down so much he couldn’t raise his head.

“I, I will carry him stably.”

Shi Tao pleaded, nearly begged. His brain was blank, and over and over again, he repeated this sentence, “Please allow me to carry you!” 

“Cgf sbe j obbi? Jjc’a sbe ecvfgrajcv tewjc ijcuejuf?”

Olc Wl kjr tsrafglmji jcv jcugs, fnfc gertlcu eq ab qert Vtl Kjb jkjs. Valii, atf vfqatr bo tlr fsfr gfnfjifv atf rjwf ofjg Vtl Kjb qbrrfrrfv.

“Qts jgf sbe rb rfiolrt! Po kf vfijs jcs ibcufg, atf ktbif abeg ugbeq klii vlf!”

Yes, everyone knew that what the tour guide would do in the next step was to leave the weak behind and speed up. They were all saving their energy privately, pretending that everything was peaceful on the surface, but they were all gnashing their teeth, trying to surpass the other tourists. 

They wouldn’t die if they could surpass someone else!

The one lacking at the back deserved to die!

But Shi Tao’s appearance had allowed all the underlying truths to be exposed in front of everyone.

No one wanted to die. Everyone knew that the closer they were to the tour guide, the safer they would be. 

But they didn’t dare to get too close, let alone plead like Shi Tao. Because all tour guides wouldn’t let the tourists get too close to them.

Not to mention crazy III-9!

If Shi Tao annoyed III-9, they would all die!

After being pounced on and beaten up by Lin Xi, Shi Tao was petrified, as if he was a block of stone, motionlessly kneeling. He kept repeating, numbly and in a low voice, as if he had gone insane. 

“I’ll keep my back steady and run fast. Please let me carry you. Please let me carry you—-”


Lin Xi was so angry that he even pointed a knife at Shi Tao: “If you don’t scram, I will—-”

“Lin Xi.” 

A cold male voice rang out. Lin Xi instantly shut up, cleverly placing his hand back to his back. In III-9’s blind spot, he gloomily smirked at Shi Tao, hoping for the tragic end of someone who angered III-9.

Shi Tao would not come to a good end. All the tourists knew that. Shi Tao also knew that and was now so desperate he felt numb.

But III-9 was very interested in what he said. His teasing and contemptuous eyes fell on Shi Tao. He seemed to think that it was very bold and interesting for him to make this request.

“You only have an arm. Can you carry me?” 


Lin Xi laughed loudly, but Shi Tao tried to grasp onto his last life-saving straw:

“I can, I can do it!”

Shi Tao said in a loud voice and repeated incoherently: “I can carry you very steadily. I guarantee it with my life! I—-” 

“Well, fine. I’ll let you try.”

Lin Xi’s laughter stopped abruptly, and his eyes widened blankly. The entire tour group was shocked and couldn’t believe it!

But before the others could react, Shi Tao quickly got up and flipped over his duffel bag so that it would be facing the front of him.

In the quickest and most careful manner, Shi Tao carefully invited III-9 to his back. Then he pulled out a climbing rope and used his left arm as the fulcrum. Shi Tao quickly circled the climbing rope twice to fix III-9 in place. 

Although he was merely relying on his right arm, he was still very flexible.

As if he was trying to show off his physical strength, Shi Tao immediately started to run steadily after carrying III-9 on his back. The tour group, which was still confused, began to trot forward again, at a speed much faster than before.

“Keep up.”

Wei Xun held the tour guide’s flag in one hand and gripped onto the dagger tightly with his right hand that was leaning on Shi Tao’s shoulder. 

Just now, as long as Shi Tao knelt a mere moment later, Wei Xun’s dagger would be——

Stabbed onto his own body.

In other words, Wei Xun was trying to harm himself to allow his countdown to death to fall to zero.

Just moments into ascending the mountain, Wei Xun realized that he couldn’t deal with eight strong young people in his present state. 

How could tour guides become stronger?

Wei Xun asked this question sincerely in his heart. Although the tour guide rules he got were incomplete, the Travel Services would give tips whenever Wei Xun mentioned keywords.

And Wei Xun really found a way!

[Falling to zero: the tour guide can allow the countdown to death to fall to zero by seriously injuring themselves, so as to gain ‘extraordinary’ power] 

[Attention! Every tour guide should be careful when using falling to zero. Otherwise, it will cause irreparable consequences!]

Allow the countdown to death to fall to zero to obtain “extraordinary” power?

This reminded Wei Xun of the demon-like monster in his nightmare.

But now, Wei Xun had no points. Once the countdown to death fell to zero, there was no return. [Falling to zero] was a trump card. Wei Xun couldn’t use it until the last moment. 

He chose Shi Tao because he had an amputated arm and had the lowest rank. Shi Tao, who was scared out of his wits, was someone he could easily control.

If the rest of the tour included scenarios like these, Wei Xun would struggle since he would not be able to sustain the physical exertion. As a result, he needed a decent pair of “legs.”

Shi Tao was worthy of the title, athlete. Even though he was carrying III-9 on the slippery mountain road, Shi Tao carried him stably. Wei Xun could feel Shi Tao’s muscles under him that were much like a running cheetah’s, undulating and full of vitality.

This was what Wei Xun, a patient, had never possessed. 

As a man, who wouldn’t want to have a good figure and pleasant-looking muscles? Wei Xun was a little envious. He couldn’t help but touch Shi Tao’s muscles again and again.

Then, Wei Xun felt the muscles beneath him stiffen, tense up, and became as hard as a stone.

[Your esteemed self have started to distribute pornographic content, the current porno value + 1]

Wei Xun: ??? 

Ah, this? Is this considered distributing pornographic content?

Wei Xun moved his hand subtly, slowly moving down Shi Tao’s back. Wei Xun felt considerably more at ease, and he began to change the formation of his tour group.

Under his adjustment, the whole tour group turned into jujube shaped as they moved, with Shi Tao carrying Wei Xun in the middle. This formation enabled more tourists to be better covered by the brooch, making them feel safer than prior formation.

Judging from their current speed, they would be able to reach the destination in around 10 minutes. 

“Speed up.”

But Wei Xun was still like a ruthless dictator, ordering the tourists to speed up and speed up again and draining out all of the tourists’ strength, letting them run.

The droplets of rain densely fall, hitting the lush leaves, emitting a crackling sound. Pitter, patter. But it also sounded like some kind of living creature leaping on top of the leaves, closely chasing after his tour group!

The brooch on his chest became so hot that “having faith in science” was issuing a warning! Wei Xun touched the brooch slightly. 

Like a skinned baby drenched in blood, it landed on all fours, loose scarlet skin hanging between its limbs.

The eyes were so big that they could not hide their malice and ferocity. The backs of the whole tour group were reflected in their eyes.

It was getting closer, increasingly closer——

It was chasing the tour group! 

“Don’t deviate from the mountain road!”

Like a whip, Tour Guide’s Flag whipped at the tourists. Wei Xun calmly herded his sheep like a shepherd dog. In his heart, he was calculating the monster’s speed and the distance between them and their destination.

Within a short time, the tour group ran more than a quarter of the mountain road. Now, across the forest, half of the height of the buildings were visible—it was Little Dragon Farmstead.

When they arrived at a scenic spot on the tour, the spot would have a set amount of time where it was completely safe. So as long as they arrived at Little Dragon Farmstead, the monster behind them would temporarily not be a threat! 

Under the constant urging of Wei Xun, the tourists were all completely drained of energy, panting. At this time, the difference between the tourists’ physical strength was finally obvious. Shi Tao only had one arm and was still carrying Wei Xun, but he was still not tired and kept running at a constant speed.

But at the rear of the team, there were already some people who are not strong enough and began to slowly lag!

Run faster, continue to run faster.

Miao Fangfei was running with all her might, running so hard that she might even pant her lungs out, but the sharp pain in her abdomen significantly caused a drag on her speed. 

Miao Fangfei looked pale and clenched her teeth. Her face was blurred by the mixture of physiological tears and rain. The severe abdominal pain was like a snake gnawing at her internal organs.

Although Miao Fangfei used some props before she came to the tour, she didn’t expect that the effect of all props would be weakened in “Intoxicating Xiangxi”!

It’s so painful, too painful. It’s more painful than being bitten by a desert wolf that she had experienced in the past.

Miao Fangfei was already in a trance. If it wasn’t for fear of the lunatic III-9 and the desire to survive, Miao Fangfei would already have lagged behind so much that she would be separated from the tour group. Instead, she was now instinctively following his orders and doing everything she could to run. 

Now, Miao Fangfei had reached her limit!

“Miao Fangfei!”

This……was the voice of…….Tour Guide III-9.

He’s……calling her? 

But why was his voice traveling from her rear?

Miao Fangfei was slightly stunned. Her reaction was dull due to severe pain and exhaustion, causing her sixth sense for danger to not be as effective.

“Miao Fangfei!”

Her fear towards III-9 caused Miao Fangfei to dare not ignore his call. Hesitantly, she stopped moving. Miao Fangfei turned back. 

But what was facing her turned out to be something bloody, appearing like it’s a skull from a baby’s corpse! The sharp black claws pierced Miao Fangfei’s shoulder, and blood gushed out in a flash.


The author has something to say:

The novel is pure fiction, suicide and self-mutilation are not worth advocating! Please don’t imitate anything in the novel! 

Wei Xun: Hiss……this is how they determine distributing pornographic content……

Haitang Travel Services [X]

Jinjiang Travel Services [?]