You can never reason with a cat


Little Sugar Cake scolded Fu Xiao, then slipped away with a jump.

Wagging his tail, he strutted off to the study.

What did the big smelly socks say?

Sorry, he’s just a cat and can’t understand your human language. 

Fortunately, Fu Xiao didn’t expect Little Sugar Cake to answer. Looking at the back of Little Sugar Cake leaving, he muttered to himself: “What about when the old man comes back.”

After all, he is merely raising it in name nothing more, ah.

When old master Fu comes back, he still has to pick up Little Sugar Cake, ah.

The group of cats outside the yard has already dispersed. Fu Mingming put her live broadcasting phone on the sofa, and she very much live broadcast herself playing the mini game “Cut the Fruit” to the audience. This game is very simple. All you need to do is to cut all the fruits that appear on the screen in half. The more you cut, the higher the score, the higher the level, the higher the score requirements are.

The game was recommended by the audience. Fu Mingming had never played it before, but after playing a few games, Fu Mingming’s results were simply tragic. She was stuck in level 9 and couldn’t go through it. When she played level 9 for the tenth time, Fu Mingming vowed: “I, in any case, is a well-known and powerful game anchor. I didn’t have experience before, but this time, I already have a lot of experience, I will absolutely beat this level, if not, I will reverse my name.”

A minute later, there’s a huge “game failed” on the phone screen.

Fu Mingming:  …

On the screen—— 

[Peach does not eat sugar—— Sugar does not eat peaches]

[Welcome to our new anchor—— Sugar does not eat peaches]

[A genuine game anchor]

[Well, a powerful anchor] 

In the face of the screen full of “hahahahaha” the Kill Matt girl touched her nose in embarrassment. Putting the phone on the sofa, she rubbed her hands: “My luck is so bad, I’m going to have a glass of water to turn my luck around.”

The barrage poke mercilessly——

[How can the anchor have a problem? It’s all about luck. Smile.jpg]

[The power of throwing the pot] 

[Luck: Blame me]

The game has started a new round, and Fu Mingming just clicked pause.

At this time, a white kitty nimbly jumped to its own royal throne on the sofa. It curled its tail, and stared absently at the phone that was casually placed on the sofa.

Little Sugar Cake then casually patted it with its paw. 

C ofk wlceafr ijafg, Me Zlcuwlcu jcrkfgfv lc ogbca bo atf rboj.

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf rja bc atf rboj, ibbxlcu ja tfg lc j mbiv jcv cbyif wjccfg.

Me Zlcuwlcu uijcmfv ja gjcvbw jcv kjr rajgaifv. Ktf rmgffc bo tfg ilnf ygbjvmjra wbylif qtbcf kjr jigfjvs vfcrfis qjmxfv klat yjggjuf.

[People are not as good as cats] 

[Shame among people—— Sugar Can’t eat peaches]

[Powerful game anchor Little Sugar Cake]

Fu Mingming suddenly had a bad premonition, so she hurriedly picked up her mobile phone for playing games, and the level 10 on the mobile phone had already been cleared.


No one else has been in the living room.

The meaning of those barrange——

Fu Mingming looked at Little Sugar Cake on the sofa casually licking its fur with a complicated mood.

Little Sugar Cake glanced at Fu Mingming with a guilty conscience, he couldn’t resist his cat instinct, okay? 

The colorful and swaying fruits really attract cats, ah.

Because there were pet bloggers who often posted videos of their pets playing this game online, Fu Mingming was not surprised that Little Sugar Cake could play. She just clicked pause just now, so Little Sugar Cake must have started the game unintentionally.

Fu Minging was surprised that Little Sugar Cake cleared the customs.

But she couldn’t. 

Her pride as a game anchor wavered.

Fu Mingming encouraged herself in her heart, how could she be inferior to a cat? It must be a matter of luck, she vowed as she clicked level 11 again.

Ten minutes later, Fu Mingming looked at the words “game failed” on the screen again, and lay on the sofa like a salted fish.

As her eyes lowered in frustration, she happened to meet the blue and cold eyes of Little Sugar Cake. 

Fu Mingming then had a flash of inspiration, and slowly approached Little Sugar Cake with a smile.

She can’t clear it.

Little Sugar Cake does not necessarily fail, ah.

Little Sugar Cake took a few steps back vigilantly—— 

What does Fu Mingming want to do with this little kitty?

A few minutes later, Little Sugar Cake looked at level 11 that had been cleared under his paws, and gave Fu Mingming a cold look.

Fu Mingming didn’t even care to put away the cell phone held both in the hands of Little Sugar Cake to play, she closed the game at the speed of light. Recognizing the fact that Fu Mingming has given up the struggle, she cannot choose her talent, but she could choose not to lose face again.

Turning off the live broadcast, Fu Mingming started watching the TV series on the super big screen in front of the living room with relish. 

The TV series is a classic dog drama called “Crystal Love” years ago. The male lead’s father and the female lead’s mother remarried, which dissatisfied the male lead and made things difficult for his little white rabbit step sister in every possible way. Finally, after a series of bloody plots, the story ends as they get married.

At the very beginning, when Little Sugar Cake first saw it, he looked at it very contemptuously——

What the hell is this scene?

Why did the female lead fall into the water and ask the male lead, who was far away from the house, to save her? 

Is there really no problem with the male lead jumping directly into the pool from the second floor?

But one episode later.

There’s only——

The male lead is so handsome! The female lead is so cute! 

How their love has so many twists and turns.

Little Sugar Cake watched the screen with an aunty’s smile all over his face.

One person and one cat stared at the TV series intently, they didn’t even notice Fu Xiao walking down.

Fu Xiao didn’t pay that much attention, and he walked straight up towards the two. A tall shadow then blocked the TV in front of the two. 

The TV series is reaching a critical moment——

The female lead is bullied by other people in the office.

Fu Mingming looked at the screen that was almost blocked by his cousin. Although her heart was anxious, she didn’t be rash because of her cousin’s imposing aura, and just anxiously asked: “Cousin, is something wrong?”

She doesn’t know if the overbearing male lead has arrived in time ah. 

However, a furry paw poked out from the side.

Little Sugar Cake did what Fu Mingming dared not do, it meow meow as it stretched out its paws and pushed Fu Xiao aside impatiently.

Everyone was shocked!

Fu Xiao raised his eyebrows. 

Fu Mingming shivered and thought, Little Sugar Cake was probably the first person who dared to push her cousin, no, cat.

After the push, Little Sugar Cake also felt old behind his back, and his outstretched paws froze.

It’s his fault for being too involved in watching the TV series, ah.

But the overbearing male lead is really responsible and handsome, ah. 

Little Sugar Cake stood up obediently, he stretched his head out and rubbed on Fu Xiao’s leg like a spoiled child. There was a delicate meowing sound in his mouth, trying to cover up the fact that he just pushed Fu Xiao away as a prelude to acting like a spoiled child.

Fu Xiao shook his head and hugged Little Sugar Cake in his arms, and went to the sofa.

Little Sugar Cake’s blue eyes immediately looked at the screen, but the ending song of the series has already been played, and today’s share has already been broadcast. Little Sugar Cake and Fu Mingming then bowed their heads in disappointment at the same time.

Fu Mingming soon recalled what she was here for today. She hung up a pleasing smile and asked her cousin politely: “That, cousin, I heard that there is a banquet in Xingchen tonight, and Director Angus will go too.” Director Angus is her idol! 

She always felt that during this period of time, her cousin had softened a lot. He was smiling more, and his eyes were not as cold as before, and there was a trace of warmth.

In fact, she admired her cousin the most in the Fu family. When her cousin returned to Fu house from his grandfather’s Song;s house, no one was optimistic about him at all. Those who knew the inside story said that Patriarch Fu already abandoned him.

But her cousin climbed back from hell step by step by himself, which convinced the people of the Fu family.

So she has admired her cousin since she was a child, but it was undeniable that she was also a little afraid of him. In the past, she definitely wouldn;t dare to speak like this to her cousin, but now she finds that her cousin was not as cold, so she has the guts to say so. 

Fu Mingming said it very euphemistically, but she knew that her cousin would definitely understand what she meant.

Sure enough, her cousin thought about it, then said: “Go if you want.”

Little Sugar Cake had his ears perked up, so when he heard of this, he immediately stood up——

What Angus Director’s Banquet? Is that the one Feng Jiaming is going to? 

He is going too!

As for how to go——



In the evening, Fu Mingming, who had already prepared her makeup and hair, wore a dark blue gradient dress with her dull blue-green hair. It didn;t feel abrupt, but rather, it was a bit fashionable.

Feng Jiaming was wearing a long white dress, her hair was pinned with diamond pins, and she stood elegantly and nobly on the other side.

And Fu Xiao, who was wearing a black suit, looked at his feet helplessly.

Under his feet, the white cat held Fu Xiao’s legs with four claws, and its fluffy tail was also wrapped around him, like a dog skin plaster, which could not be torn off. 

As soon as someone tried to pull the kitty away, the kitty would immediately let out a pig-killing howl.

We are a similar set, so I would just not let go. What are you going to do with my scoundrel face?

If you have the ability, you can reason with the cat, ah!

Sunnyshies:  Unedited!! I’ll edit it later!!!