Feng Jiaming’s struggle


On a luxury long Lincoln limousine.

The white kitten, with an obsidian-studded bowtie around its neck, sat proudly on the rear bar, with its fluffy tail happily swaying from side to side, and its blue eyes curiously looking at the rear compartment of the limousine.

The car slowly stopped, and Feng Jiaming stretched out her hand to hold Fu Xiao’s hand.

Little Sugar Cake then made a prompt decision to smack it down with a paw, and jumped between the two of them. 

Fu Xiao grabbed Little Sugar Cake and got off the car.

Feng Jiaming was left alone in the car.

She froze for a moment, then bit her lip, and got out of the car behind them.

This banquet is specially designed to welcome and celebrate the cooperation between Angus and Xingchen. Although it was not very formal, there were still many Xingcheng executives attending.

Therefore, those high-level executives saw their usually unsmiling CEO walk into the venue with a cat in his arms.

Secretary Zhang, Fu Xiao’s partner for many years, had already brought a glass of wine over and handed it to Fu Xiao, saying: “Mr. Fu, the people are almost here, and Director Angus is also coming.”

Fu Xiao nodded while holding the wine.

While Fu Xiao was not paying attention, Little Sugar Cake curiously and secretly tried to put his paw into the glass. 

“En, good.” As Fu Xiao spoke, he held the sneaky paw of Little Sugar Cake and pressed it down gently.

A gleam of light flashed in Secretary Zhang’s golden glasses, looking at the kitten in Fu Xiao’s arms, he complimented: “Is this Little Sugar Cake? It’s really pretty and cute.”

Little Sugar Cake looked up suspiciously——

Is this person Secretary Zhang? 

In the original description, Secretary Zhang is a very powerful person. He treats different people with completely different attitudes, but he is also the most heartfelt person to Fu Xiao. Until the end, he never betrayed Fu Xiao.

This alone makes Little Sugar Cake feel good about him.

Not to mention the fact that now he has the good eye to compliment himself.

Little Sugar Cake proudly raised its head and raised its chest with a meow-ao as a response. 

The various delicacies in the banquet exuded aroma, and Little Sugar Cake’s keen sense of smell stared at these delicacies on the table, silently drooling.

Today, Fu Xiao really did what he said. He ate cat food with no taste for breakfast and lunch.

The thought of having to eat for another week makes him feel hopeless.

At this moment, looking at the delicious food at the banquet, his eyes almost glowed green. 

Little Sugar Cake wisely found a reason for himself.

This party does not provide cat food.

It’s not that he doesn’t eat, it’s that he doesn’t have any.

Fu Xiao laughed and said to Secretary Zhang: “Bring something for Little Sugar Cake to eat, boiled is fine.” 

Secretary Zhang nodded, and Little Sugar Cake happily jumped into Secretary Zhang’s arms, wagging his tail happily.

Secretary Zhang is worthy of being Fu Xiao’s gold medal secretary, and soon asked the kitchen to specially prepare fresh shrimps boiled in water for Little Sugar Cake, and also used a small plate with golden edge to put some water next to it.

He even thoughtfully prepared a separate room on the second floor for Little Sugar Cake to eat, and he also put a red velvet gold tassel cushion pillow for it to rest.

Secretary Zhang was the person in charge of the banquet and was still quite busy. He answered the phone and left, but he carefully closed the door of the room before leaving. 


How could this stop Little Sugar Cake!

After eating, Little Sugar Cake flexibly started running, then jumped up, hugged the door handle, and opened the door.

Then the jailbreak was successful—— 

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf, ktb ifoa atf gbbw, bglulcjiis kjcafv ab olcv Me Wljb, yea atfgf kfgf abb wjcs qfbqif ja atf yjcdefa, jcv tf jirb vlv cba rff Me Wljb obg j ktlif.

Ccv tf kjr jmaejiis lc j mbgcfg ktfgf cbybvs mjwf.

Aera jr tf kjr jybea ab ub bea, tf rjk j wjc lc tlr atlgalfr mbwf bnfg klat tlr jgwr jgbecv j ulgi. Cibcu atf kjs, atf wjc’r tjcv rilv eq jcv vbkc ja atf ulgi’r ybvs lggfueijgis. Ktf ulgi ibbxfv ilxf rtf kjr lc tfg akfcalfr jcv tjv pera ugjvejafv.

The man obviously had ulterior motives by taking the girl to this empty place. 

The girl seemed to sense something was wrong, and quickly tried to break free from the man and wanted to leave, but the man grabbed her arm and pressed her against the wall.

He heard the girl panicking and sounded a little terrified.

Su Zening rushed out at once.

The white kitty walked towards the two of then, it raised its head and called out to the man, with a bit of warning in its voice—— 

The man looked down at the white cat, the man’s eyes were cold, as if he was looking at another worthless toy.

The cat’s natural intuition told Su Zening that this human being is very dangerous. Su Zening, who has a very keen sense of smell, even smelled a faint smell of blood of the same kind on him. Even so, Su Zening still let out a low growl in warning.

After all, the girl is still in his hands.

The man didn’t look that benevolent, and if he left, he was afraid that if he left, the girl would perhaps be in danger. 

The man didn’t care, he stretched out his foot and was about to kick Su Zening’s stomach, scolding: “Come on, you are lucky to meet me here, don’t spoil my good deeds, little beast.”

After saying that, he forcibly took the girl to that room——

Su Zening was ready to consume his intimacy points to use his own abilities. During this period of time, his intimacy value was almost full again, and then he made a mental calculation. Although he had yet to attack a human, there should be no problem dealing with one.

At this moment, a male voice came over and said, “Deng Hui, what are you doing?” 

Su Zening raised his head, and someone came over. He also knew this person, it was the man who tried his best to praise him at the Fu family banquet.

He seems to be called Lu Mingqing?

Seeing that it was Lu Mingqing, Deng Hui laughed disdainfully. Even so, he restrained himself, he put his hand down from the girl and said to Lu Mingqing: “What’s our manager Lu doing here?”

Lu Mingqing sneered. This Deng Hui and he are in the same investment company under Xingcheng, however, Deng Hui’s personality is very insidious and his risk assessment is very bad, but he relied on his relationship with the high-level officials to be unscrupulous, and even—— 

Lu Mingqing clenched his palms tightly. The prospect of his first project was very good, but he was robbed by this person. Deng Hui made his way to the top management with this project. He finally chose the second project, but it also failed to pass the high-level review due to Deng Hui’s intervention. He had no choice but to contract President Fu directly, and find an opportunity to introduce his project to President Fu.

If he doesn’t do this, he is afraid his second project will become Deng Hui’s soon.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Mingqing suppressed the anger in his heart, then looked at the girl beside Deng Hui, and said: “You don’t want to, right? Do you need help?”

“I——” The girl spoke quickly. 

Deng Hui squinted and interrupted gloomily: “Fang Yu, think before you speak.”

Fang Yu didn’t dare to say anything any more, she broke free from Deng Hui, thanked Lu Mingqing and Su Zening, and said apologetically: “Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Then panickily walked away with quick steps.

Deng Hui was even more arrogant, and he stepped forward with pride: “Yo yo, I don’t know how I offended our manager Lu, and even pissed off my female companion.” 


Reversing black and white, Little Sugar Cake called in the midst of the atmosphere.

Deng Hui lowered his head full of malice and kicked Little Sugar Cake, squatting on the edge of the stairs.

Little Sugar Cake hurriedly jumped back, but he forgot that he was next to the stairs—— 

Falling down will not kill him, at most it will only peel off his skin.

Oh no!

Fortunately, Lu Mingqing next to him quickly grabbed Little Sugar Cake.

“What’s the matter?” Fu Xiao, who came to look for Little Sugar Cake, frowned and walked over quickly when he saw this scene. He only saw that Little Sugar Cake was about to fall down the stairs, but he didn’t see what happened before that. 

Little Sugar Cake immediately jumped into Fu Xiao’s arms, and said aggrieved: “Meow.”

Someone bullied me.

When Deng Hui saw the little beast jumping on President Fu’s body, his heart was not good, and his eyes turned and said: “President Fu, it’s not a big deal, the cat in your arms almost fell down just now. I wanted to grab it, but it was still far away.”

Lu Mingqing widened his eyes when he heard those distorted truths: “Deng Hui, it’s obviously you——”

Deng Hui said loudly: “Lu Mingqing, if you want to speak, speak with evidence. I know that you don’t like me, so you can’t frame me so indiscriminately——”

There was no surveillance in this place, and the parties involved were just him and Lu Mingqing. He insisted that it had nothing to do with him, and Lu Mingqing couldn’t do anything to himself.

As for the cat, is it still possible that the beast can talk? 

Little Sugar Cake’s blue eyes widened, and he called out to Deng Hu, meow meow meow.

He had never seen such a brazen person.

If Fu Xiao hadn’t hugged him tightly, the angry little kitty would have scratched Deng Hui’s face immediately.

Lu Mingqing took a deep breath, knowing that he had no evidence, and didn’t want to make trouble with Deng Hui in front of President Fu, so he asked President Fu: “Is Little Sugar Cake alright?” 

“Nothing is wrong.”  Fu Xiao had already checked Little Sugar Cake, and there was nothing serious. He looked sideways at Deng Hui, and his eyes were slightly deep. Little Sugar Cake is not a cat who likes to play around.

Deng Hui was a little guilty, and he panicked, avoiding Fu Xiao’s sight.

Fu Xiao sneered and glanced at Secretary Zhang.

Secretary Zhang nodded imperceptibly, and disgust flashed in his eyes, but on the surface, he remained calm: “Are you Deng Hui from the project department?” 

Deng Hui was flattered and said: “Assistant Zhang knows me?” It was not an easy task to be remembered by the secretary beside President Fu.

Secretary Zhang pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and smiled meaningfully: “You are a rising star of the investment company, your president Wang speaks very highly of you.”

Fu Xiao was the focus of this dinner party. As soon as he came over, there were already people gathering here, and they were mostly high-level executives from Xingcheng. They looked at Lu Mingqing beside Fu Xiao with a puzzled look, who is this?

Moreover, is President Fu treating him so pleasantly? 

Lu Mingqing, who was beside Fu Xiao, was a little uncomfortable under the sight of many bigwigs.

Fu Xiao comfortably touched the puffed up Little Sugar Cake in his arms, and recalled the content of the last conversation between the two of them, then asked Lu Mingqing: “Don’t you have a project?” He probably listened to some, and the prospects are really good.

Lu Mingqing lifted his spirits and said: “Yes, the prospects are really good. It is about the commercial use of drones, but the company has rejected it.”

Little Sugar Cake’s ears stood up all at once. 

The investment rejected by Xingcheng was about drones?

It seems to have been mentioned in the original work, Fu Wei invested in such a project and he made a lot of money.

Little Sugar Cake’s eyes suddenly brightened, and his little paws patted Fu Xiao desperately——

Can earn back a mountain of small dried fish ah! Be sure to vote. 

Secretary Zhang was a little embarrassed when he heard it. If the company vetoed it, Mr. Fu would not be able to change the decision, but doing so would jeopardize the company’s rules and regulations.

“Like this, ah.” Fu Xiao’s fingers went through the snow white fur of Little Sugar Cake, and Little Sugar Cake’s blue eyes looked at him with 囧囧.

Just say yes! 

Lu Mingqing’s heart rose to his throat.  He also knew that his project was difficult, but the prospects of this project are really good. He believed in his vision, and he looked at President Fu with anticipation.

Being watched by one person and one cat at the same time.

Fu Xiao chuckled and turned to Secretary Zhang and said: “I will invest privately with my name, so there will be no problem. It’s my thank you.”

If it weren’t for him, the little guy would have suffered a big loss this time, not to mention that this project is really good. 


The blue progress bar of the plot degree of change rose slightly again.

Little Sugar Cake lay on Fu Xiao’s arms, and happily wagged his tail.

Yey! The mountain of small dried fish is here! 

Afterwards, someone asked Lu Mingqing, who felt like he was dreaming, about the whole process exactly what made President Fu agree to invest in his project. Lu Mingqing thought about it seriously and told everyone, because he met a noble cat.

Feng Jiaming talked to Director Angus with a decent smile.

Director Angus has a trace of fatigue in his eyes. He has been looking for the owner of the voice on the internet these days, but unfortunately he still found nothing. That person seemed to have disappeared. 

Feng Jiaming was bound to win the cooperation with director Angus. Her agent also found out that she was the number one candidate for Angus’ selection, who knew that a mysterious singer on the internet suddenly appeared in the middle.

Feng Jiaming sneered in her heart.

After so many years in the entertainment industry, how many storms has she not seen?

It’s just another round of hype. 

What is the sound of nature? It’s just a third-rate singer who doesn’t dare to show up.

When she debuted, she was known as the voice of heaven. Some time ago, someone compared her with that third-rate singer, what PK of the old and new sounds of nature?

She has worked so hard for so many years to get to this position today, so who is that person compared to her?

She couldn’t bear the anxiety in her heart and asked: “I wonder if Director Angus already has a person of interest he wants to work with this time.” 

But Director Angus didn’t seem to mind, he sighed and laughed bitterly: “Of course it’s that voice on the internet, but unfortunately——”

Feng Jiaming sneered in her heart, but on the surface, she still said: “Angus, but that person has never shown up, maybe he doesn’t want to participate at all. I am very willing to cooperate with you, and I am willing to reject all other things and just focus on cooperating with you.”

Director Angus hesitated.

Feng Jiaming saw something, and in a heartbeat, she continued: “President Fu told me privately that so many staff are waiting, and everyday is spending the budget.” 

Director Angus frowned slightly. The premise of his cooperation with Xingcheng this time is that Xingcheng will give him great authority, which is what Fu Xiao promised him.

But it was also important to consider what it really meant to be in a cooperating partnership with Xingcheng. If he can, of course, he has to wait for the voice in his mind, but this project not only involves him, there are also countless actors in front and behind the scenes, and even the actor Rong Hang specialty vacated a few months for him. There is also Xingcheng behind the investment.

If President Fu didn’t want to wait any longer, he would have no reason to refute it. After all, every day money was wasted.

But next time he will definitely not be working with Xingchen. 

After all, every work is his blood.

He said coldly: “Since this is what President Fu means, then I will communicate with him in detail when I meet him.”

“Of course.” Feng Jiaming didn’t see Director Angus’ indifference at all. She thought that Director Angus had loosened up. She breathed a sigh of relief, then her eyes lit up, and she couldn’t help a smile forming on the corner of her mouth.

This cooperation is already in the bag, she didn’t think that Fu Xiao wouldn’t help her at all. After all, it’s just a small thing. 

What’s more, what she did was right, and Xingchen really couldn’t go on like this.

There, Fu Xiao had already come over with Little Sugar Cake.

Feng Jiaming said urgently to Fu Xiao with a smile: “You quickly tell Angus that there is no way the project can wait any longer for the Director.”

The author has something to say: 

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Sunnyshies: The chapter 25 is super long~~~~ so I divided it to 4 parts~~~~~

Edited too! Umm…a little spoiler, Remember Deng Hui? He’s the reason why chapter 25 is so long!! And a round of face slapping in ch 25 part 1~