Two people’s first date

The calendar quietly turned another page, and it was the Chinese Valentine's Day again. 

Fu Xiao obviously didn’t pay attention to these things. It was Fu Mingming who said dejectedly: “I originally wanted to visit Zening this weekend, but the weekend is the Qixi Festival. You and Zening must go out on a date.”

Fu Xiao, who was looking at the documents in his hand, paused, he nodded and said: “En, don’t go to him.”

It was only then that he realized that he had completely forgotten about it.

This is the first Qixi Festival for him and Zening.

It has only been two short months since the two of them established their relationship.

This is considered their first commemorative holiday.

And he almost forgot about it.

Fu Xiao felt a little guilty. He had a lot of work in the past two months. He hadn’t even had a serious date with Zening. 

Zening waited for him to return after his training every day. But he was so lively when he was Little Sugar Cake, let alone now that he was human.

He knew that Zening didn’t want to go out to play, but wanted to accompany him more.

He’ll take some time to play with him this weekend.

Fu Xiao made up his mind secretly, but he was a little worried. In all his life, this is the first time he had such a serious date. 

Even if he really doesn’t want to admit it, the generation gap between him and Zening may be slightly bigger.

Fu Xiao hesitated for a while, and looked at his biao zhinu, who had dyed her hair green. He coughed softly, and asked: “Where do young people like to go recently?”

Fu Mingming’s eyes lit up at once, and she stood up excitedly and said to Fu Xiao: “Biao shu, are you asking my opinion?” 

“God, you asked me, I’m so happy, Wait wait, let me see, what fun do we have here. By the way, my fans told me that the amusement park is good, and the night market——”

Fu Mingming excitedly picked up a pen, then she tore off a piece of paper from the notebook beside her while talking, and wrote densely all night.

Looking at Fu Mingming’s dazzling appearance, Fu Xiao felt a little bad in his heart.


In the evening, Fu Xiao came home.

Zening was not there in the living room. After looking around for the whole place, Fu Xiao looked at the butler.

The butler said with understanding: “Zening is in the bedroom.”

Fu Xiao pushed open the bedroom door. 

The black curtains in the bedroom were drawn, and no light came out, only a bundle was vaguely seen arching over the bed.

Fu Xiao walked over and gently lifted the quilt.

Inside was a white long-haired cat sleeping soundly.

Fu Xiao couldn’t help shaking his head. Although he can freely become a human now, sometimes Zening still prefers to live in the form of Little Sugar Cake. 

According to his preposterous argument, a big cake in the palm of his hand can be eaten in a few bites if he’s human, but he can eat it for a long time if he was a cat.

The same goes for sleeping.

Being a cat is like enlarging the bed tenfold.

It simply overturns the sky. 

Even if he was obviously a teenager before going to bed, he will be faced with a big-faced cat sleeping in his arms the next morning.

Probably his movements that alarmed Zening.

Ktf mja, ktbrf yfiis kjr oilqqfv bnfg, wbnfv rilutais bc atf yfv, lar pfkfi-ilxf fsfr bqfcfv.

Vfflcu Me Wljb, Ifclcu’r fsfr yglutafcfv, jcv tf aklrafv tlr kjlra jcv uba eq ogbw atf yfv. Ktf ktlaf xlaas delmxis pewqfv bcab Me Wljb, jcv joafg geyylcu lc Me Wljb’r jgwr obg j ibcu alwf, tf gfjilhfv atja tf kjr ralii j mja. 

Zening was embarrassed, he held his clothes scattered on the ground with his mouth, and went into the bathroom.

After a while, a sunny teenager with red cheeks, black hair and blue eyes came out in a white hoodie, and ran towards Fu Xiao.

The teenager ran into Fu Xiao’s arms, and he hugged him tenderly.

This habit, whether human or cat, still hasn’t changed. 

It was Zening who felt embarrassed first, he got up from Fu Xiao’s arms, saying: “You came back very late today, ah.” His tail was slightly raised, with a little little coquettishness that he didn’t even notice.

Fu Xiao reached out and tried to brush the hair off his forehead.

The corner of the teenager’s eyes, who had just woke up, was slightly red, and he looked at him with pure and clear eyes.

Fu Xiao’s breathing inevitably stagnated slightly, and his slightly rough fingers remained imperceptibly at the tip of the teenager’s eyes for a while, and then he stroked the teenager’s messy hair behind his ears. 

Zening looked up at Fu Xiao confusedly.

Fu Xiao’s eyes were as gentle as water: “I finished taking care of things today, so I’m a little late. But I can take you out for the weekend, shall we?”

Zening’s eyes lit up and quickly nodded his head: “Go go go.”

But he was afraid that Fu Xiao would regret it. 

Fu Xiao hesitated whether to take out that A4 paper that was heavily covered with numerous patches written by Fu Mingming.

However, Zening thought that Fu Xiao regretted it. He gritted his teeth, and swore in distress: “Take me with you. I’ll never turn into a cat for another meal after I eat.”

Having both a cat and a human identity, most people didn’t know that one immediate benefit of it was that he can eat two meals.

One for a person, another for a cat. 

To give up this privilege is simply to cede land and pay indemnity.

Zening’s blue eyes were full of heartache, as if a piece of his flesh was cut by someone.

Ai, in order to hang out with Fu Xiao, what else can I do?

However, this is the bottom line, la! 

He was not willing to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country!

If Fu Xiao still doesn’t agree, it’s all over!

Even if it was not the first time he knows that Zening has an amazing show and operation.

Fu Xiao was still speechless for a while, he couldn’t help falling into deep thought. 

What exactly did he do wrong in the education of Little Sugar Cake?

Seeing that Zening was dying of heartache, he still pretended to be indifferent.

Fu Xiao was silent for a moment and nodded and said: “Okay”

His voice paused as he prepared to take out the piece of A4 paper and said: “But——” 

He hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Zening thought that Fu Xiao was not satisfied.

While he was shocked by Fu Xiao’s shamelessness, was he really reluctant to hang out with him? He gritted his teeth and said: “Why are you like this, I promised you so many things, and you are still not satisfied? Hmph, at most I promise you that later when I go to bed at night——”

“Wait!” Fu Xiao interrupted quickly, he was afraid that he would not be able to explain again, and Little Sugar Cake will have to bear the pain of selling himself clean. He took out the piece of paper and said to Zening: “This is the place Mingming recommended for us, see where do you like to go?” 

Fu Mingming gave too many places.

They simply can’t visit everything in one day.

Zening’s blue eyes lit up, he took the piece of paper, then glanced at it, and said in surprise: “I like the amusement park, the lake is also very good, there are a lot of fish, I can fish with Fu Xiao. Wait, the fruit forest is also very good, I can pick peaches with Fu Xiao.” The black-haired teenager frowned, and lay on top of him with his broken thoughts, apparently he was also in deep entanglement.

Fu Xiao looked at the lively teenager like a beam of light with a warm brow, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: “It’s okay, but let me know tomorrow.” 

Early the next morning, Zening, who had been entangled all night with a huge dark circle under his eyes, abruptly woke Fu Xiao from his sleep. Afraid that he would regret it, he quickly said: “I decided to go to an amusement park, and go fishing.”

Fu Xiao, who had no temper at all, closed his eyes and pressed the black-haired teenager into his arms familiarly: “En, good.”

The black-haired teenager yawned and lay in his arms obediently, and said with a little pride in his voice: “That day is Qixi Festival, right? You are going out on a date with me on purpose, right?”

Hehe, the big smelly socks wants to go on a date with him. 

Although the big smelly socks was embarrassed to say it, he understood.

However, things didn’t go as expected.

On the day of the Qixi Festival, the company had an emergency.

He just changed into casual clothes, Zening’s eyes flashed a trace of loss, but he still pretended to be generous towards Fu Xiao: “You go first, if you solve it sooner, we can still go fishing in the afternoon.” 

Fu Xiao just wanted to say something.

But Zening waved his hand indifferently and said: “We still have a long time to do these things in the future.”

There is still a long time left.

Fu Xiao’s eyes moved, the corner of his lips hooked up, and he gently placed a kiss on Zening’s forehead. 

Zening was bored waiting at home alone.

When it was almost noon, he finally couldn’t hold back and was going to go to a small park near Xingchen to wait for Fu Xiao.

After telling Fu Xiao his location on his mobile phone, Zening walked to a quiet and remote corner of the park.

There is only one stone bench in the corner. The stone bench is very long, enough to allow four or five people to sit side by side. At the other end of the stone bench was a raccoon cat licking its fur. 

Zening was going to rest on the other side of the stone bench.

Who knew that just as he was about to go on, the raccoon cat on the stone bench stood up, hunched its back and its fur exploded as it meow meow meow at him.

“Wow!” Zening sat on the stone bench and said in shock: “Why are you so stingy, ah? Can’t I just sit down for awhile?”

He sniffed, this was not even the territory of that raccoon cat at all. 

It was also here to rest, ah. Such a long stone bench, he wasn’t even allowed to sit.

Too stingy, ba.

Instead, the cat became aggrieved, it leaned against the stone bench, meowing.

It made it look like Zening was a bully. 

With no one around, Zening was unwilling and went to argue with the cat!

They are all cats, who are afraid of who, ah!

He’s never been so unreasonable before.

Fortunately, at this time, Fu Xiao finally came. 

Only then did Zening reluctantly left.

It was already afternoon when the two of them set off. Originally, they planned to go to an amusement park, then go fishing, but now they can only go fishing.

The two came to a stream on the outskirts of the city, where there were not many people and the view was very nice.

The clear stream flows down the depression, surrounded by layers of mountains. The scenery is lush and green, obviously the weather outside is still a little hot, but the mountains and forests look exceptionally cool. 

Fu Xiao set up a fishing rod for himself and Zening in a place where no one was around.

There are BBQ tools and some other food that they brought on the side.

The two were sitting by the stream, and as soon as they sat down, Zening said with confidence: “Fu Xiao, let’s compare who catches more fish, okay? The one who loses has to promise the one who wins one thing!”

Fu Xiao looked at Zening with a smile in his eyes and said: “Are you sure? You can’t cheat when you lose.” 

Zening had a bad premonition in his heart, but he was too confident, and he said without thinking: “Sure, I’m not going to cheat.”

The two sank the hook at the same time, and after a while, there was a fish on Fu Xiao’s side that bit the bait. One, two, three.

Fu Xiao caught more and more fish.

But Zening didn’t even move, he couldn’t help but secretly glanced at Fu Xiao at the side. Fu Xiao looked at ease without rushing, as if he was in a position to win. 

Zenin couldn’t help but get anxious.

How could Fu Xiao be so powerful, ah.

He doesn’t want to lose, ah!

He looked at the small fish swimming along the edge of the stream at his feet, and his eyes suddenly lit up. 

He threw the fishing rod to the side, seeing that there was no one around, he walked to a remote corner, and after a while, a snow-white cat was seen walking out of the grass.

Little Sugar Cake walked to Fu Xiao’s side and looked at Fu Xiao with a guilty conscience.

Fu Xiao raised an eyebrow, and looked at Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake let out a justified meow meow meow—— 

What’s wrong, he didn’t break the rules.

Fu Xiao waved his hand, indicating that Little Sugar Cake is at his own discretion.

Little Sugar Cake breathed a sigh of relief, then his almond eyes stared at the little fish swimming by the stream. Standing on the stone by the river, he carefully stretched out his claws into the air, and his fluffy tail was raised high to maintain balance, and then he slammed his left claw and his right claw to catch a small fish quickly and accurately.

The white cat proudly passed by Fu Xiao with the fish in his mouth. 

Fu Xiao sighed and took off another fish from the hook.

He doesn’t know how many fish in the garden fish pond have been devastated by Little Sugar Cake practicing his catch fishing skills.

Little Sugar Cake didn’t know how many small fish he actually caught, and he did not pay attention to the fish bucket behind the two.

About not as much as Fu Xiao. 

Who knows, at the end of the game, he actually had a few more runs than Fu Xiao.

He looked at Fu Xiao’s bucket in disbelief, and then looked at his own surprise and said: “Did I really win?”

He clearly remembered that there were not only a few fish in Fu Xiao’s bucket. Did he remember it wrong?

Fu Xiao’s dark eyes looked at him and nodded with a smile: “You won.” 

Zening jumped up happily.

After catching the fish, the two started to cook the little fish.

Although the two of them were together, it was basically Fu Xiao grilling, and Zenign eating and helping hand over a few bottles of seasoning.

While Fu Xiao was grilling the fish, he saw Zening picking the fish bones in the grilled fish, and putting the fish aside. He asked casually: “What’s wrong?” 

Zening picked the fish bones seriously and said without raising his head: “Separate the fish first, then wait to eat with you, ah.”

Fu Xiao moved, flipping the grilled fish, then he smiled and said: “Good.”

When the two of them got tired of playing, they slumped on a large flat rock by the stream.

Zening rested on Fu Xiao’s lap and slowly closed his eyes. 

The trivial sunlight in the forest shone on Zening’s face. The person who slept soundly seemed to have had a sweet dream, with a sweet smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, silently reciting the two words; Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao couldn’t help reaching out and touched the teenager’s eyebrows.

He wished his teenager to be so happy and cheerful forever.

Although there are still many difficulties to overcome ahead, Old Master Fu, who has not yet known about this matter, Zening’s identity and future, and many other things still waiting for him to be done. 

This moment was enough for him.

He finally saw the greatest kindness of fate to him.

There is nothing better than quiet water and good times.

The author has something to say: 

Mom, I can’t have a sweet wife.

But my cub must have


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Sunnyshies: Qixi festival or tanabata festival– its the day when the two separated lovers reunited again…its sounds romantic, but its actually quite tragic…the gods separated them because they neglected their duties, and the gods can’t get the the girl’s beautiful clothes anymore…so the gods went, “do your jobs, and we will make you guys meet one day every year.” Ah, cruel!

Oh, and Qixi festival originated from the story star cross lovers.