He wants to protect Fu Xiao!


Fu Wei froze and looked at Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao repeated: “Who said I told you to leave?”

Then Fu Xiao seemed to remember something, and said with a pale face: “It’s grandpa.”

Little Sugar Cake suddenly understood. 

Although Old Master Fu has been doing nothing for so many years, he was still the one who brought the Fu family to its peak, and took charge of the Xingchen Group. No matter how good-tempered Old Master Fu was, hearing about the scandal that his second grandson robbed his eldest grandson’s fiancée, it was estimated that he would be very angry, not to mention that Old Master Fu’s temper was not good at all.

He just didn’t expect that Old Master Fu would kicked Fu Wei out of Xingchen directly.

And for Fu Wei, he is not short of money now.

It was just leaving Xingchen means leaving the Fu family’s center of power, and he was expelled from the Fu family, which no amount of money can make up for.

A wry smile hung on the corner of Fu Wei’s mouth and said: “Is grandpa so angry?”

Fu Xiao looked at him with dark eyes, then shook his head, and said with disappointment in his voice: “Did you even think of this before you and Feng Jiaming got together?”

Obviously, with Old Master Fu’s tyrannical personality, he would never let it go.

“Mr. Fu.” At this time, Secretary Zhang hurried over and said to Fu Xiao: “Mr. Kong of Lingtong Group is coming soon. Do you want to wait for him in the conference room?” 

Fu Xiao didn’t care about Fu Wei, who was stunned in place, and turned to leave.

Outside the building, Feng Jiaming said anxiously to the front desk: “I’m going to find Fu Xiao.”

Fu Wei went to find Fu Xiao. 

She was late and didn’t know what was going to happen there.

The front desk smiled and made a call, then hung up and said: “Miss Feng, I’m sorry, I just called Mr. Fu’s assistant, and he said you don’t have an appointment, so you can’t go up.”

Feng Jiaming’s face was a little impatient, she didn’t notice the content of the front desk call just now. Because she was really anxious, she just thought it was because the front desk didn’t make it clear.

But with years of developing good character as a public figure, she kept smiling and said: “You tell them my name, and they’ll let me up.” 

The lady at the front desk said politely: “Miss Feng, I have already reported your name.”

Feng Jiaming was stunned for a moment, then couldn’t help but whisper: “How come?”

In the past, she could go to Fu Xiao’s office just by giving her name.

However, it was all in the past after all. 

Fortunately, Fu Wei came out at this time.

Feng Jiaming, who felt a little strange in her heart, quickly threw the strangeness aside, she hurriedly stepped forward and said worriedly: “Ah Wei, what’s wrong?”

Fu Wei smiled reluctantly, then held Feng Jiaming’s hand, and said softly: “It’s nothing, but I may not be able to go back to Fu’s house and Xingchen these days.”

Mfcu Aljwlcu tfiv Me Qfl’r tjcv jcv rjlv: “Pa’r bxjs, sbe mjc ilnf klat wf.” 

Me Qfl kjr wbnfv: “Aljwlcu.”

“Ct Qfl.” Cc biv nblmf rbecvfv ja atf vbbg. Cybea rlzas sfjgr biv, j ragbcu jcv rqlglafv biv wjc jqqfjgfv lc atf tjii, cfza ab j yecmt bo wfc ktb obiibkfv tlw jgbecv. Ktf biv wjc tjr qgbyjyis yffc lc j tlut qbrlalbc obg wjcs sfjgr jcv tjr jc jlg bo vluclas ktfc tf kjixr. Lf lr Bbcu Olcutf bo atf Olcuabcu Xgbeq.

Fu Wei raised his head and couldn’t help but smile: “Mr. Kong.” He and Mr. Kong had hit it off in the previous cooperation. Mr. Kong also admired him very much. He also admired this old man who made a career in a foreign country alone.

Mr. Kong stopped a few steps away from him, he looked at Fu Wei’s bright eyes, and said in a friendly manner: “Ah Wei, why haven’t you come to see me recently.” He’s like an ordinary old man who cares about his younger generation. 

Fu Wei smiled embarrassedly: “I have something to do recently.” Mr. Kong often asked him to go out together, but recently he was busy meeting with Jiaming, so he naturally has less contact with Mr. Kong.

Mr. Kong didn’t care, but said with concern: “It doesn’t matter, young people are just busy with their careers, which project team are you in recently?”

Fu Wei smiled bitterly and said helplessly: “I may have to leave Xingchen.” 

A look of surprise flashed in Mr. Kong’s eyes. The old man reached out his hand as if to pat Fu Wei’s shoulder, but he thought he seemed that this was not good again, so he pulled his hand back in mid-air and said to Fu Wei: “It’s okay, it’s good to go out more often when you’re young, and come to me if something happens.”

Fu Wei looked at President Kong gratefully and said: “Thank you.”

A complicated look flashed in Mr. Kong’s eyes, but his loud laugh covers it past: “You never have to say thank you to me.”


In the office, Little Sugar Cake was still a little groggy, but he was much better than in the morning.

Idle in the office, the bored Little Sugar Cake rummaged his long forgotten red and blue progress bar.

Although Fu Xiao never said anything, the red progress bar representing the relationship between the two has reached an astonishing height.

This shows that there was no way for Fu Xiao to leave him long ago. 

Little Sugar Cake thought proudly.

Then he glanced at the blue progress bar on the other side.

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but let out a meow. After driving away Father Zhang, the blue progress bar made a big step forward, and when it made one more step forward, a skill was unlocked. And there was only a little bit left to unlock another one in the progress bar.

This is probably the change in Fu Xiao’s fate caused by the cancellation of the contract between Feng Jiaming and Fu Xiao. 

Little Sugar Cake looked at the skill. The skill is teleportation. In human form, he is able to transfer to any place he has been with this skill, and the limit is twice a day. And it will especially help him choose a place with fewer people.

Little Sugar Cake’s eyes suddenly lit up!

Teleport skills!


In the future, he will not have to walk by himself when he attends cat gatherings!

Holding back his excitement, Little Sugar Cake looked at the progress bar that was almost a third full.

He was a little suspicious again.

Isn’t Feng Jiaming and the car accident the one that has the greatest impact on Fu Xiao’s fate? 

Why is it that even if Feng Jiaming is solved, the progress bar has only gone up less than one-third?

Little Sugar Cake has very limited understanding of the original plot, he only knows some description in the original book, but Fu Xiao was not the protagonist after all, and the space was limited, so many things were not detailed.

Is there any secret?

While licking his paws, Little Sugar Cake thought hard about any possibilities, and the sad kitty simply had to lick his paws bald. 

Ai, his is really worried and feels upset for Fu Xiao.

At night, Old Master Fu sent another communication.

Old Master Fu, who was in a good spirit, was very angry with Fu Wei. He didn’t even ask any question when he saw Little Sugar Cake lying in Fu Xiao’s arms. 

Fu Xiao touched the fur of Little Sugar Cake with his fingers.

Little Sugar Cake’s illness has been much better.

But somehow.

In the evening, Little Sugar Cake became seriously ill again. 

Fu Xiao asked Old Master Fu at the communication side: “Did you let Fu Wei leave the company?”

Old Master Fu snorted coldly: “I won’t let that stinky brat go. How could I leave him there to make a fool of himself? Is his brain muddled? How could he do such a thing? Where can we put the face of our Fu family.”

Not only Fu Wei, but even that little star, he didn’t plan to just let it go.

It was just that Old Master Fu was worried about the rumor about the little star and Fu Xiao. He was afraid that Fu Xiao still had feelings for that little star, and would not bear it, so he didn’t say it. 

As for Fu Wei——

Hmph! He had already said hello to his old friends.

Anyway, in this city, Fu Wei would not be able to have any job.

When the careers of Fu Wei and that little star are ruined, he will see if they can still be so reckless. 

Thinking of this, Old Master Fu’s eyes couldn’t help flashing a trace of ridicule.

His character is exactly the same as his incompetent son, really worthy of being father and son.

Fu Xiao didn’t care about that.

What he cared about was that Old Master Fu did these things without his permission at all. 

After all, the owner of Xingchen is now him.

And it was no longer Old Master Fu.

What’s more, Fu Xiao didn’t feel that these tactics of Old Master Fu would make Fu Wei retreat.

In fact, from certain angles, he and Fu Wei are very similar. 

They all yearn for some degree of freedom.

Their only difference was that he knew that freedom has a price.

Fu Xiao’s face doesn’t show any traces as he talked with Old Master Fu, but he was silently calculating how long it will take to make those old-fashioned forces in the company obedient.

His things must be firmly held in his hands, ah. 

After hanging up the communication, Little Sugar Cake still looked sick.

Dr. Wu said this degree of recurrence is a normal occurrence.

On the comfortable bed, Fu Xiao had no other choice but to hold the soft Little Sugar Cake that was clinging to him.

On the other hand, Little Sugar Cake did not care and was not worried, he just closed his eyes in the arms of Fu Xiao. 

In the darkness of the night, a star in the middle of the sky suddenly emits a dazzling light.

In his sleep, Little Sugar Cake had a rare dream.

In the dream, he regained his health and sat at the same table with his mom and dad for dinner.

Mom and Dad looked at him with a smile, and with gentle and loving eyes. 

He sat between them, full of joy.

But suddenly, his shadow began to slowly fade. His mom and dad looked at him with eyes full of sadness, and his gentle and strong mom couldn’t help but cry in the arms of his dad.

Dad, who had never shown a hint of worry or sadness in front of him, had red eyes as he moved his lips.

Yet he knew. 

What Dad said was: “Daddy loves you.”

Little Sugar Cake has not yet recovered from his grief.

When the scene shifted again.

In a dark and messy warehouse. 

With messy hair, the calm man leaned against the corner of the wall.

A pitch-black gun was pointed at him. As if sensing something, the man raised his hand, the obsidian cufflinks on his sleeves reflected a dazzling light, and he raised his head, his cold gaze like a knife, and looked in the direction of Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake was startled, and his heart skipped a beat.

Because that face belongs to Fu Xiao. 

Little Sugar Cake woke up with a jolt. He was still half-asleep when he heard a voice whisper in his ear.

“You did well, but be careful of the dangers around you, and I’ll give you a surprise when everything is over.”

Sunnyshies: White-bearded grandpa long time no see!!