“You did well, but be careful of the dangers around you, and I’ll give you a surprise when everything is over.”

Little Sugar Cake opened his blue eyes, and looked at Fu Xiao’s sleeping face beside him, and couldn’t help crawling forward into Fu Xiao’s arms. It wasn’t until he felt Fu Xiao’s warm body temperature that he felt relieved. 

In spite of this, his pure eyes flashed with worry.

He remembered that voice, and it belonged to that old white-bearded grandpa.

Was the scene in the dream just now what the white-bearded grandpa wanted him to see?

He remembered the cufflink on Fu Xiao’s cuff at the end of the scene. 

It is the kind of cufflinks that Fu Xiao most often uses, but he had never seen the one Fu Xiao is wearing.

Could it be that the scene in the dream will happen in the future?

Little Sugar Cake suddenly remembered.

In the original book, Fu Xiao disappeared for a period of time, and during that time, Secretary Zhang handled the company’s affairs on behalf of Fu Xiao.

Although Fu Xiao appeared soon after, it was this disappearance that left a slight hole in Fu Xiao’s control over Xingchen.

Is it that time in the scene?

No, absolutely not.

He couldn’t let Fu Xiao have an accident. 

The white long-haired cat’s almond eyes shone with a firm light. He walked to Fu Xiao’s pillow and sat down. His slender and fluffy white body encircled Fu Xiao, like a guardian in the dark night.

In any case, the scene in the dream must not be allowed to reappear.

However, he is still a cat after all.

The white-bearded grandpa let him be alert to the danger around him. 

Fu Xiao would take him to the company occasionally, but not every day.

It is difficult for him to follow Fu Xiao 24 hours a day to protect his safety. And a cat is a cat after all. Although Fu Xiao can understand his meaning many times, they still have a language barrier after all.

There must be a way. Since the white-bearded grandfather asked him to come to Fu Xiao’s side, he would definitely not give him such an unsolvable problem.

He suppressed his impatience and looked at the progress bar. It was probably because the white-bearded grandpa had just come here, the progress bar took another step forward, and he unlocked another skill. 

The skill looks rather useless, it can be transformed into a white cat that looks exactly like him.

He could see what the cat saw and probably manipulate the cat to do some simple actions.

Little Sugar Cake didn’t understand, why did the white-bearded grandpa give him this skill?

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind! 

Right, in this case he would be able to appear in two places at the same time.

There is a cat in one place, and a human in another place?

For example, Fu Xiao’s company?

Besides, he still has the human identity of Yi Ning. 

Maybe he can stay by Fu Xiao’s side——

Little Sugar Cake, who gradually formed calculations in his mind, finally felt a little more at ease.

It looks like he’ll have to find a chance to try out both skills tomorrow.

After getting a solution on this side, only then did Little Sugar Cake think that the old grandpa also seemed to have said that he would give himself a surprise. 

What will be the surprise?

He opened the progress bar again. Little Sugar Cake noticed that the interface of the progress bar had changed. At the top of the blue progress bar, there appeared a line of indiscernible golden words, and that line was—— Go Home.

Little Sugar Cake lost himself and stood up.

What, go home? 

Can he still go home? Back to the house where my dad and mom are? Little Sugar Cake’s heart throbbed, he thought he would be very happy, but he looked at Fu Xiao, who was sleeping, and he was hesitating for some reason.

He looked at Fu Xiao’s sleeping face and sighed, he remembered the scene in his dream just now.

Jjc’a tfiq yea atlcx——

Why is Fu Xiao’s fate so bad? 

Aera xcbklcu atja tf wluta ub tbwf, yea Me Wljb lr ralii lc vjcufg, atf ktlaf ibcu-tjlgfv mja abrrfv jcv aegcfv klatbea riffq. Lf pewqfv boo atf yfv ilutais, jcv rja lc Me Wljb’r mibjxgbbw.

Ktf cfza wbgclcu.

Me Wljb, ktb tjv j ubbv ylbibulmji mibmx, bqfcfv tlr fsfr jr ereji, jcv qjaafv tlr jgwr tjylaejiis.

But it was empty. 

He opened his eyes and looked around, nothing.

Where is Little Sugar Cake?

The bedroom door was half open.

Fu Xiao walked to the living room. 

In the pink princess tent in the living room, the white kitty had its eyes closed and was sleeping soundly.

The butler was beside Little Sugar Cake.

Fu Xiao asked: “How is it going?”

The butler said: “I’ve taken its temperature, and it’s much better.” 

Fu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes finally relaxed.

Animals are always very fragile. In the past, Little Sugar Cake was so lively and active that it would make him forget that Little Sugar Cake’s life was actually much more fragile than that of humans.

Little Sugar Cake’s life is only about ten years, and Little Sugar Cake can only accompany him for ten years.

With tenderness in his eyes, Fu Xiao touched the fluffy head of Little Sugar Cake. 

Even in its sleep, Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help rubbing against Fu Xiao’s palm.

Trust and attachment.

The butler leaned in and was surprised.

Fu Xiao looked over. 

The butler rummaged through Little Sugar Cake’s cat nest and found many obsidian cufflinks. Aren’t these the young master’s cufflinks?

Apparently Fu Xiao found it too, and he said indifferently: “Does Little Sugar Cake like these cufflinks? Then leave it for it to play with.” Little Sugar Cake seems to like these sparkling things.

It was probably because he slept too late last night, when Little Sugar Cake woke up, Fu Xiao had already left.

He looked at the nest full of obsidian cufflinks and sighed. He had hidden all these obsidian jewelries yesterday. 

He also knew it was useless.

It’s just that there is an inexplicable panic in his heart, and he has to do something to feel at ease.

Even if he knew it was useless, he still wanted to give it a try, ah.


After waiting until no one was around, Little Sugar Cake carefully locked the door to Fu Xiao’s room.

Fu Xiao’s room is not for people to casually just go to. Regular cleaning servants can only go here at designated times.

So Little Sugar Cake is very relieved to try his new skills here.

First, he wanted to let the white cat out. 

The white cat is exactly the same as him, but its eyes are a little dull. The manipulation method is very simple, and it will act according to Little Sugar Cake’s thoughts.

Little Sugar Cake manipulated the white cat to walk out of Fu Xiao’s room and lay down to rest on the cat nest in the living room.

In this case, it doesn’t matter if they don’t see him for a while.

Little Sugar Cake heaved a sigh of relief, then carefully took out a set of casual clothes, and dragged it into the bathroom. 

After a while, the bathroom door was pushed open, and a teenager with dark hair and blue eyes came out.

Little Sugar Cake looked in the mirror with satisfaction and decided to try his teleportation skills.

When he closed his eyes and opened it again, Little Sugar Cake had already appeared on the periphery of Fu’s house. This was the first time, so Little Sugar Cake can’t go too far. After all, in case of failure, he doesn’t know how to come back.

He recognized at once that this was the garden that Fu Xiao had once brought him to. And he appeared in a remote corner with no one around, so he didn’t have to be afraid of being found out of nowhere. 

He opened the progress bar.

Su Zening looked at the red progress bar.

One teleport plus the fake cat, and the progress bar went a quarter all of a sudden.

But because the upper limit of the progress bar keeps rising these days, the amount that the red progress bar, which was originally difficult to even support becoming human, was already very high. 

There’s nothing wrong with staying human all day long.

It’s rare for him to become human, and come out for a walk, so he decided to take a look around.

After all, he still has the identity of Yi Ning.

Although this identity is full of flaws, the good news is that the real Yi Ning will definitely help him hide his fake identity. 

Even if they really discovered something fishy with him, he can use teleportation to sneak away.

Thinking of this, the black-haired, blue-eyed teenager finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he is by Fu Xiao’s side 24 hours a day, there should be nothing wrong.

Little Sugar Cake tried to pick up a stone on the ground, and with his unusual strength, he threw it on the tree next to him at will, and the round stone was embedded in the branches of the tree. 

Even if Little Sugar Cake had long been used to his own strength, looking at the stone completely embedded in the tree, he couldn’t help being silent.

Right over there, there was a burst of meowing from the grass, and a lazy voice came: “That rude human actually woke up this uncle, trying to take a nap.”

This shameless tone!

This familiar tone! 

Little Sugar Cake’s blue eyes ignited from anger, and he turned to the grass. Sure enough, an unusually plump orange cat twisted its body and looked up lazily at himself.

It was his old enemy —— Fat Orange!

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous. The black-haired, blue-eyed teenager crouched down and stared at Fat Orange, seriously thinking about whether to avenge himself. 

Bald ass king of cats?

To think it was so fortunate to get to eat too much of my cat food, how could it have no shame?

Bald ass Fat Orange sounds pretty good too.


Little Sugar Cake sighed.

As a human, it doesn’t seem to be a good idea to make a fuss with a cat either.

Little Sugar Cake was now in a fight between heaven and man.

The black-haired, blue-eyed teenager looked cute and sunny, but his face was full of struggles. 

Finally, the black-haired and blue-eyed teenager stood up and looked at Fat Orange with regret.

This orange pig is not worthy of him doing bad things at all.

He didn’t want to quarrel with a pig.


Fat Orange didn’t realize that his butt was almost bald, and took it for granted as he lazily stretched his back and said: “Another human charmed by this uncle.”

Little Sugar Cake was deeply shocked by Fat Orange’s confidence.

At this time, a graceful tortoiseshell cat from the cat group next door jumped over the corner.

Fat Orange familiarly said hello, only now did he know that Fat Orange also unexpectedly ate outside of the cat group. 

The tortoiseshell cat stopped, it licked its fur and asked curiously: “Fat Orange, you’re a little fatter. I heard that the latest boss of your cat group is very powerful, so that you are able to eat enough ah.”

The green eyes of the graceful tortoiseshell cat glowed, and it couldn’t help but longed: “Such a powerful and young cat must be very handsome.”

Little Sugar Cake, who raised his eyes to eavesdrop, couldn’t help holding his chest out proudly. With his efforts, his cat group no longer had a starving cat.

And Fu Mingming has been working with volunteers recently on a free egg-cutting program. He heard that there was a domestic cat nearby who was unhappy after its egg had been cut, so its owner was willing to pay for all the cats in the neighborhood to have their eggs cut to make his cat happy.

But what is egg-cutting?

Little Sugar Cake is a bit unclear.

Anyway, the better his cat colony gets, the better it is. 

“It’s just normal, I gave him the position of the boss.” Fat Orange leaned forward and stood beside the tortoiseshell cat to impress it and also smear Little Sugar Cake and said: “And it has no fur on its butt. Hahaha, you heard it right, it’s a bald-ass cat, ah.”

The black-haired teenager stopped walking.

“And it especially loved to eat!”

The black-haired teenager froze. 

“Very fat with a small tummy!”

The graceful tortoiseshell cat couldn’t help but open its mouth and said: “Has no fur, ah? Then it looks so ugly when it’s fat, ah.”

The black-haired teenager took a deep breath and clenched his palms!

Fat Orange! There is a way to heaven, but you didn't go, and there is a door to hell, and you swerve!

If I don’t teach you a lesson today, I won’t be called Little Sugar Cake!

“Not good! Damn it.” What else could Fat Orange have to say, its pointed ears trembled, and its complexion changed greatly. After cursing, its fat body twisted with amazing flexibility and got into the hollow of the tree next to him. 

At the two corners of the road in the distance, a young girl and a young man walked over from both sides of the road.

One of them shouted: “Mimi, where are you?”

While the other called out: “Xiao Ju, where are you, Xiao Ju?”

The two exchanged glances at each other, there was understanding and helplessness in his eyes. 

It seems that both their cats love to run around.

The young girl and the young man both stopped to talk.

“Do you have a cat?”

“Do you have a cat too?” 

“I have an orange cat.”

“What a coincidence, I also have an orange cat?”

“But my orange cat is a little fat.”

“Haha, surely not as fat as my orange cat.” 

The two looked at each other and laughed.

What a coincidence, oh.

Fat Orange hid in the tree hole and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it ran fast, or it was going to die!

But as soon as it looked up, it saw a teenager with black hair and blue eyes smiling at him. 

Fat Orange suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next second, a pair of hands grabbed the back of his neck mercilessly.

The black-haired teenager smiled and showed his cute tiger teeth. Holding the back of the fat orange cat’s neck in one hand, he called out to the young girl and the young man: “Hey, look, is this the cat you’re looking for?”