Sunnyshies: Hahaha, its late, but thank you KyleenJones for the kofi again! I was supposed to post this chapter in much earlier date, but I got lazy again…hahaha…anyway here it is!

The drained kitten 

The young man and the young girl said at the same time: “Yes, thank you.”


The young man and the young girl looked at each other suspiciously, then smiled and waved their hands—— 

“You recognized it wrong, this is our family Mimi.”

“You are mistaken, this is my Xiao Ju.”

The other party must have made a mistake.

They went on to explain——

“Mimi has white fur on the tips of its ears.”

“Xiao Ju has white fur on the tip of its ears.”


They have already spoken at this point.

But the young man and the young girl still didn’t understand. The smiles on their faces were stiff, and the two slowly turned their eyes to the orange cat pretending to be dead in the hands of the black-haired teenager.

The black-haired glanced proudly at the orange cat in his hand, and exclaimed in a hypocritical voice: “Ah, what a coincidence.”

What a coincidence? Aware of the incoming troops, the orange cat turned to look at the teenager, anything but reassuring. 

The teenager looked at Fat Orange proudly. Receiving its emotions, he tried his best to squeeze out a distressing face and said: “Ai, it’s called Big Fat in my house. Its okay for it to eat a lot in my house, but I once saw it go home with you. When I meet you today, I can’t bear to hide it from you anymore.”

The orange cat stared at the teenager in disbelief, and called out angrily: “Meow meow meow meow meow!”

This shameless big liar, has he ever invited me to eat or drink soup? Which piece of meat was raised by him! How dare he say that.

The teenager reasonably pinched the belly of Fat Orange, then headed the cat to the pair of teenagers, who were still dazed, and said: “I don’t want this cat anymore, I’ll give it to you.” He cast a sidelong glance, then looked at Fat Orange critically, and didn’t forget to step back on it: “Because it’s too fat and bald, it’s ugly.” 

The teenager said this solemnly and seriously.

The shocked orange cat: …

It has never seen such a brazen human being.

What grudges do they have? 

After saying this, the revengeful youth let out a long sigh of relief. Refreshed, he then strode away.

He completely ignored the orange cat who kept swearing, yelling meow meow meow meow behind him.

Haha, anyway, he is now a human, he can not understand what that dead fat cat is saying.

After the black-haired teenager left. 

The girl looked at the angry fat cat in her hand and laughed angrily.

They haven’t said anything yet, but the cat master seems to be greatly wronged.

The handsome and slender young man in the opposite, pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, and with a light cough, he glanced to the side with slightly embarrassed eyes and said: “Xiao Ju cheated food and drink at your house because I didn’t discipline him well. I will take it to your house to apologize later, and I will pay you for all the cat food it ate.”

Vigilance flashed in the girl’s eyes, and she immediately took a step back, while holding Fat Orange, and retorted with a smile in the corner of her mouth: “Hahaha, look at what you said. Mimi is the one who caused you trouble. I’ll take it home first and take good care of it.” 

The two looked at each other, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning between their eyes. After a moment of silence, the two smiled hypocritically.

“Haha, you’re joking, Mimi came to our house three years ago.”

“Wljb Ae obiibkfv wf olnf sfjgr jub.”

“Pa mjc’a yf mbecafv ys alwf. Zlwl bcis riffqr klat wf fnfgs vjs.” 

Mja Ygjcuf, ktb kjr islcu lc atf sbecu ulgi’r jgw, sjkcfv jcv qjaafv lar qjkr.

Ai, it knew it must be because it was too handsome. Therefore, that human who treated itself like that turned his love into hate. 

Obbxlcu tjcvrbwf lr gfjiis j rlc.

Dea kts vbfr atja qfgrbc rwfii j ilaaif ojwliljg?

Fat Orange sniffs suspiciously——

Why does he smell like Little Sugar Cake? 

The refreshed Little Sugar Cake walked in the garden.

He didn’t notice that next to him, a low-key car was driving slowly.

The cold man in the car inadvertently raised his head. The black-haired and blue-eyed teenager suddenly entered his line of sight, and Fu Xiao frowned slightly. 

How could Yi Ning appear here?

The next morning, Secretary Zhang was already waiting at the door.

He was ready to use Yi Ning’s identity today, and Little Sugar Cake squatted on Fu Xiao’s shoulder with guilty conscience.

Fu Xiao only thought that Little Sugar Cake’s health was still not very good, so the cold man gently touched Little Sugar Cake’s chin with his long fingers, and said to the butler: “Send Little Sugar Cake’s lunch to the company.” 

This was meant to bring him to work.

No, he can’t go.

He’s going to sneak off to the company today.

Little Sugar Cake’s pointed ears trembled, he then jumped off Fu Xiao’s shoulder, he raised his head and meowed in refusal. 

Fu Xiao frowned and said: “Be good, be obedient.”

He was really worried that Little Sugar Cake would get sick again, so with it being by his side, he could rest assured.

Little Sugar Cake stood up.

Fu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Little Sugar Cake was coming over. 

Unexpectedly, Little Sugar Cake turned a corner, bypassing him, and walked behind the marble table in front of him. It squatted down, and its two front paws tightly hugged the legs of the western-style table, and its almond-like eyes looked at Fu Xiao confidently; “Meow——”

It’s a look that says that it won’t go.

Fu Xiao raised his eyebrows and looked at the dumpling acting shamelessly under his feet.

He didn’t even know where Little Sugar Cake learned it from. 

Secretary Zhang couldn’t help but smooth the fluffy fur of Little Sugar Cake: “Mr. Fu, if Little Sugar Cake doesn’t want to go, then don’t go. People don’t want to move when they’re sick, let alone cats. Let it rest at home, it should rest more since it’s sick.”

The fluffy tail of Little Sugar Cake twitched, confirming Secretary Zhang, he meowed two times. He felt more and more that Secretary Zhang was reasonable, gentle and kind, and is a great man.

Fu Xiao looked at the dog-leg appearance of Little Candy Cake, he was so angry and amused, but he instructed the butler that he would leave Little Sugar Cake at home, and depart by car.

After Fu Xiao left, Little Sugar Cake heaved a sigh of relief. The white cat then stood up, and his blue eyes flashed with determination. He turned his head and walked outside. 

He thought about it, if he hid in Fu Xiao’s room for a long time then became human, it’s difficult to be discovered for a long time.

So he needs to find a corner that is close to Fu Xiao’s villa and has no one.

Leaving the villa familiarly, Little Sugar Cake came to the corner of Fu Xiao’s house. He looked up at this old western-style but gorgeous villa in front of him.

The Fu Residence consists of three main villas; one for Fu Xiao, one for Father Fu and one for Grandpa Fu. 

In front of him is Grandpa Fu’s villa, which has been vacant since he left to go to the nursing home.

Sometimes, cat gatherings are held in front of this villa.

He ran in curiously and found Fu Xiao’s room when he was a teenager. Although Fu Xiao had moved out, the room still kept its original appearance. It was basically empty except for the servants who cleaned it regularly.

And this place is very suitable for him to become a human. He has often come back here to play, and there was no one in this house. He can run over in the morning as Little Sugar Cake, then manipulate the fake cat to go home, and switch back in the evening. 

Then Little Sugar Cake familiarly found Fu Xiao’s room.

Young Fu Xiao’s room is very similar to his current room. The same simple composition of black and white. The entire wall of the room is covered with bookshelves, and the books in the shelves were arranged in alphabetical order.

Little Sugar Cake pushed open Fu Xiao’s cloakroom. His teenager clothes were neatly arranged, and a lot of them still have labels on them.

On the other side, there are photos of Fu Xiao in his youth. The teenager is about 13 or 14 years old and Fu Xiao’s brows haven’t changed much from now. But Little Sugar Cake was still keenly aware of the panic and stubbornness in the teenager’s calm eyes. 

At that time, Fu Xiao should be afraid.

Little Sugar Cake let out a sophisticated sigh, but immediately, he puffed out his chest proudly.

It was all because he wasn’t there, ah.

But now—— 

Big smelly socks!

Wait, I’m here to protect you la!

He could already imagine himself in his mind, hiding his merit and fame by Fu Xiao’s side, then at the time of crisis, he would use his whole body to save Fu Xiao from fire and water. Fu Xiao would hug his thigh with tears in his eyes, then after that, it would be the scene of him wanting to be his little brother.

Thinking of this, the white long-haired cat couldn’t help giggling. 


An hour later, in Fu Xiao’s office.

Fu Xiao looked indifferently at the teenager with black hair and blue eyes, who failed to understand his status,  in front of him and concluded: “So you just left your job behind and went out with your friends for so long?” 

The man’s voice was indifferent, and did not even carry much meaning of reprimand, but listening to it made the teenager tremble with fear.

This is probably the so-called aura of the superior.

The black-haired and blue-eyed teenager summoned up his courage and said honestly and sincerely: “Yeah, ah, ah, ah, aachoo.”

He sneezed pitifully. The black-haired teenager’s cold was not yet well enough, and at this time, he secretly raised his eyes and glanced at Fu Xiao. 

The Fu Xiao in front of him looked so unfamiliar, ah.

The black-haired teenager could not help but squeeze his fingers, thinking a little tangled——

Fu Xiao had never spoken to himself like this.

Even he himself didn’t realize that this sentence actually means more coquettish than complaining. 

Seeing the black-haired teenager making small movements in this situation, for fear that other people might not know that he had a problem, Fu Xiao’s heart has an inexplicably palpitations. A thought flashed through his mind like lightning, but in an instant, this thought was like a drop of water falling into the sea, it disappeared without a trace. He wanted to say something else, but for some reason, he suddenly put out that thought, and said to the apprehensive teenager in front of him: “Go out.”

Su Zening raised his head and looked at Fu Xiao stupidly.

Just let him go so easily?

Secretary Zhang said unhappily: “You’re not leaving yet.” 

The black-haired and blue-eyed Su Zening ran to the door as if his butt was on fire. Probably because he ran too fast, his new work card fell to the ground, he didn’t realize it, and even stepped on it. He ran to the door, and touched his chest, then reacted slowly as he came back. Under Fu Xiao and Secretary Zhang’s gaze, he braced himself as he stiffly picked up his work card with a footprint on it and trotted out.

Secretary Zhang looked at Fu Xiao complicatedly.

Who was so thoughtless as to send this teenager here?

He looked at Mr. Fu and asked: “How to deal with him?” 

Fu Xiao rubbed his forehead and said: “Leave him for now. Wait for him to reveal himself first and see what his purpose is.”

Secretary Zhang nodded, he closed the door of Mr. Fu’s office and left.

The black-haired, blue-eyed teenager looked at the door nervously.

Secretary Zhang said to Xiao Liu: “I’ll leave him to you.” 

“Ah——choo.” Su Zening couldn’t help sneezing several times.

Although Xiao Liu was reluctant, he nodded and said: “Good.” He turned to look at Su Zening and frowned: “Are you sick?”

Su Zening nodded. This damned cold is not cured yet. He looked at Secretary Zhang and said empathetically: “A minor problem, no need to rest.”

Secretary Zhang told him before that he should have a good rest when he is sick. 

What if Secretary Zhang asked him to go back to rest and recuperate at this time? How could he leave at such a critical moment.

So he quickly opened this up to Secretary Zhang to dispel Secretary Zhang’s thoughts of letting him go back to rest.

Unexpectedly, Secretary Zhang sneered and squinted at Su Zening: “Rest? What’s wrong with being sick? Would you stop working when you’re sick?”

Su Zening looked at Secretary Zhang in shock, as if he had never known this person before. 

Secretary Zhang pushed his glasses and said coldly: “En?”

Why do you have an opinion?

Xiao Liu’s frantic desire to survive made him tactfully pull Su Zening and doggedly said towards Secretary Zhang: “You are right.”

What a joke, ah! If Secretary Zhang is unhappy, isn’t it him who is going to be unlucky? 

Su Zening, who was sitting at the desk, took a deep breath and looked at Fu Xiao’s office——

Although it is not the same as he thought.


He thought with confidence.

He can finally protect Fu Xiao la.

The next second, with a bang, Xiao Liu placed the half-person height document on his desk. The huge weight made the desk tremble. Su Zening looked at the pile of documents with uncertainty and raised his head to look at Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu smiled slightly, showing two little tiger teeth. He clapped his hands, crossed his arms and said: “Secretary Zhang gave you the task, and it has to be completed today.” 

Su Zening opened his mouth wide.

Is it possible to finish so much?

Aware of his thoughts, Xiao Liu flung his bangs confidently, revealing his shiny teeth and said: “I tried, and did it all.”

In the evening, coming back from the dinner party, Fu Xiao and Secretary Zhang returned home. 

Upon entering the door, he saw the snow-white fluffy cat’s exhausted, ravaged appearance, lying on the living room sofa like a pancake.

Fu Xiao frowned and asked: “What’s going on?”

How does it look like it’s been squeezed dry?

The butler said strangely: “I didn’t play with Little Sugar Cake for long today, so I don’t know how they got so tired that it wouldn’t even eat dinner.” 

Secretary Zhang said, feeling distressed: “Is it because it didn’t get enough rest when it’s sick? When you’re sick, you need to rest well, ah.”

Hearing the movement here, Little Sugar Cake didn’t even want to move. He worked so hard to finish the work today, and now his mind is full of words written in black ink. Just the slight movement would make him feel dizzy. He moved his eyes, and looked at Secretary Zhang and Fu Xiao with accusations in his eyes.

What’s going on?

Is it because your cat is working overtime for you ah! 

If you have the ability to feel bad for me, don’t let me work overtime if you have the ability ah!

Sunnyshies: We’ll get to see Su Zening often now.