Are you done with your work?


Little Sugar Cake was worried. Every lunch here, a female assistant jiejie would take him to the cafeteria to eat, but how could the cafeteria satisfy him? There is ice cream, chocolate, and cakes waiting for him to eat outside.

But this requires money. When he is Little Sugar Cake, as a cat, he doesn’t need to worry about money, but the butler will not prepare money for a cat, so now his family’s wealth is still poor.

Su Zening looked at the strawberry cake on the ground and felt more distressed.

He must hurry up and retrieve his remuneration that was hidden in Fu Xiao’s office for his cameo appearance in the variety show. Not everyone can enter Fu Xiao’s office, and he, an intern, has no way to sneak into the office to take out the money. 

In the office, Fu Xiao raised his head again, subconsciously looking for the trace of the black-haired teenager.

Sometimes things are just so weird.

Once you start paying attention to a person, your eyes will inadvertently rest on that person.

Fu Xiao is exactly like that.

His eyes would always fall disobediently on the black-haired, blue-eyed teenager.

The black-haired teenager was staring blankly at the shattered strawberry cake on the ground, as if it was not a cake but a piece of his own meat that fell on the ground.

Like a pitiful kitten, one can’t help but want to touch his hair.

Fu Xiao raised an eyebrow. 

Is the treatment of Xingchen so bad?

Why go so far for that piece of cake?

At this time, a knock on the door sounded, pulling Fu Xiao out of his thoughts: “Please come in.”

His life assistant pushed the door and entered. 

It was beyond Su Zening’s expectations.

In the afternoon, Fu Xiao’s life assistant ordered a piece of cake for everyone, and it was the signature cake from the top restaurants in the city. The taste is naturally beyond words.

Although Su Zening was a newcomer, he was also given a piece of strawberry cake, and his heart that had been aching all the time was finally getting better. 

He took the cake and his eyes lit up.

Others couldn’t help shaking their heads and laughing when they saw it.

Still so childish.

Ve Ifclcu ecfzqfmafvis tjv j ubbv alwf lc atf boolmf veglcu atlr alwf. 

Lf tjr j ubbv qfgrbcjilas jcv lr wbgf vlilufca. Ciatbeut tf vbfrc’a xcbk wemt, jcv j iba bo tlr mbwwbc rfcrf kbeiv wjxf qfbqif ijeut, tf tjr j rkffa wbeat, jcv mbeiv mbjz wjcs ygbatfgr jcv rlrafgr lc atf boolmf ab yf tjqqs.

Someone couldn’t help teasing: “Xiao Ning, let’s switch, okay?”

Su Zening’s eyes widened and his heart ached, but he still pushed the cake out and said: “Okay.”

This gege usually takes good care of him. 

The man smiled and said: “It’s better for you to eat it.”

Su Zening breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took the cake back.

The life assistant smiled and left after dividing the cake.

Su Zening looked around, his sharp eyes discovered that there seemed to be no Fu Xiao, ah. 

He looked into the office, won’t Fu Xiao eat it?

He looked at the pink ice cream dotted with strawberries in the palm of his hand, which seemed to have a few big words written on it—— I am delicious, come and eat me.

But Fu Xiao didn’t seem to have anything for lunch.

Little Sugar Cake sighed. 

Sure enough, he still has to take care of him, ah.

In his heart, Fu Xiao is his responsibility.

Everyone had returned to their positions. Su Zening, who was not noticed, slipped to the door of Fu Xiao’s office like a little hamster and knocked twice.

Fu Xiao’s unique cold voice sounded from inside: “Please come in.” 

Su Zening pushed open the door and entered.

Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows was a clear blue sky, and in front of it was the office table. Fu Xiao sat there without raising his head, looking down at something. There was no sound from the door for a long time, so he raised his head, and his dark eyes froze for a moment.

Su Zening had already walked up to him, holding an exquisite packaging box with a bright red ribbon on it.

Fu Xiao quickly asked: “What’s wrong?” 

Su Zening smiled, the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing two small tiger teeth. He stretched out the cake in his hand, and said: “Do you want to try it? You didn’t eat even a little at lunch.”

Su Zening didn’t think too much, he just wanted to give Fu Xiao what he thought was good.

And he also remembered that the butler said that Fu Xiao had a bad stomach before, so he should pay attention to his diet.

However, he forgot that his current identity is not Little Sugar Cake but Su Zening. 

With a natural familiarity in his tone, Fu Xiao was taken aback.

Yes, there was always an inexplicable familiarity in this teenager’s tone, as if they had known each other for a long time. Such a misplacement of cognition always makes Fu Xiao a little confused.

But the confusion is only momentary.

Fu Xiao’s eyes fell on the cake, and he fixedly looked at the teenager. With indifferent eyes, he said: “No need.” 

He hadn’t forgotten that this teenager’s purpose was still in doubt.

The black-haired and blue-eyed teenager was taken back and said seriously: “Don’t you like it?”

Fu Xiao put the lid of the pen in his hand, then stood up, and looked at the teenager and said: “This is not something you need to be concerned about. You are now an intern here, and there is a working relationship between you and me.”

Fu Xiao’s words were cold and ruthless. 

Su Zening bit his lips, he originally wanted to open the cake, but he put it down instead, then he pinched the corner of his shirt and said: “I’m sorry.”

It was probably the close contact between him and Fu Xiao in the past few days that gave him an illusion.

Let him mistakenly think that the relationship between them is very close.

But in fact, Su Zening is just a stranger to Fu Xiao. Little Sugar Cake can do this, but Su Zening can’t. 

Su Zening understood this truth, but he still felt a little strange. The black-haired teenager took a small step forward and reached out to take the beautifully packaged cake box。

Since he is not willing to eat it himself, he will bring it back for him to eat.

But Fu Xiao suddenly said again: “Have you finished your work?”

Su Zening: … 

It’s simply a matter of attacking his spirit.

The black-haired teenager looked like a deflated balloon. Su Zening said in humiliation: “No.” Then he immediately added: “It can be done before getting off work, and it’s afternoon tea break.”

After speaking, Su Zening ran out of the office like a fire burning his tail, it was only after he ran out that he regretted it.

Forgot to bring the cake out. 

What a blunder, ah.

In the office, Fu Xiao made a move. He knew that Secretary Zhang had arranged a lot of work for Su Zening. If he could finish it before getting off work, then Su Zening was very attentive.

He couldn’t help but put his eyes on the cake box with the red ribbon on the table.

In the afternoon. 


The door of Fu Xiao’s office was finally pushed open.

After waiting all afternoon, Su Zening couldn’t help but look over.

Where is the cake? 

Will he still have a chance to get his cake out?

His eyes just happened to meet Fu Xiao’s eyes, who was preparing for a meeting.

Two pairs of eyes stared at each other, their eyes interlaced, both familiar and unfamiliar.

Tens of thousands of thoughts flashed through Fu Xiao’s mind, and he soon returned to calm. 

The cold man’s eyes skimmed Su Zening. After a slight pause, as if that glanced at each other just now was just the most normal eye to eye contact, he pretended to walk past Su Zening casually.

Even he himself did not realize what kind of ripples were swirling in his heart.

At night, Fu Xiao had a dream. 

In the dream, he fell asleep holding Little Sugar Cake. He was half-asleep, when Little Sugar Cake in his arms turned into a teenager with black-hair and blue-eyes. The teenager was wearing a shirt that was one size larger, while looking at him with his head tilted, looking like Little Sugar Cake. He smiled at him lightly, and then stood on tiptoe, and move closer to his ear——

Fu Xiao woke up suddenly.

He looked around, and beside him was a snow-white fluffy kitty.

He didn’t know what was going on, but it was sulking at night again. It even grabbed the cat bowl and refused to eat with him. When it slept, it also grabbed the cat nest, and Little Sugar Cake wouldn’t let go of it, he just didn’t know when it ran to his bed again. 

This kitty seemed to be dreaming, and kept meowing.

Fu Xiao shook his head, how could he have such a dream? It was so strange. He looked at the cat beside him, and for some reason, there was an indescribable loss in his heart. He got up from the bed with a wry smile, the cool touch of the floor cooled the hot blood in his body.

It was late autumn, and the temperature had gradually cooled down.

But Fu Xiao still felt a heat in his body, and the teenager’s face still lingers. 

He was barefooted, the muscular body under his nightgown showed beautiful lines while walking. and his slightly sunken spine in the middle was looming. He brought himself a glass of cold water and the dryness of his mouth only faded when he took a sip.

Fu Xiao took a deep breath and held Little Sugar Cake in his arms.

Little Sugar Cake, who was sleeping sweetly, stepped on his arms. However, he tossed and turned the whole night, and couldn’t fall asleep.

The next day, Fu Xiao fell ill as expected.