Fu Xiao, please be kind


Fu Xiao, who had been tossing and turning all night, opened his eyes, coughed a few times. His voice hoarse, he sat up from the soft bed, the fine muscles in his back were slightly bulging, revealing a nice line because of his movement.

As soon as Little Sugar Cake looked up, he saw Fu Xiao’s chapped lips, and when he heard Fu Xiao coughing, he knew that it was not good. He jumped from the cabinet to the bedside table, then stretched out his furry front paw and pushed the white mug towards Fu Xiao.

The big cat’s face protruded from the bedside table, and its blue eyes looked at Fu Xiao worriedly.

Fu Xiao stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Little Sugar Cake’s head, but he couldn’t help but think about the pair of eyes he had dreamed about last night, and his hand stopped in the air, and he stiffly put it down again. 

Little Sugar Cake, who was already squinting and was waiting to be touched, looked at Fu Xiao suspiciously, and then turned to look at his snow-white back fur.

Very nice and soft, ah.

Why didn’t Fu Xiao touch him, ah?

Little Sugar Cake was a little puzzled, but he still looked down at the cup beside his front paws, then he meowed, urging Fu Xiao to drink quickly.

Fu Xiao took the cup, then took a sip, and put it aside. He looked at Little Sugar Cake, and sighed: “Really good.”

In the company.

Su Zening, who was buried in words, looked at Fu Xiao’s office and sighed again. 

He thought that Fu Xiao would have a good rest at home today, but he did not expect that even in this situation, Fu Xiao would still choose to come to the company.

He doesn’t know what happened to Fu Xiao.

Xiao Liu said irritably next to him: “Does Star TV eat shit? This year has been the thirtieth year of the national audition singer talent show and nothing has changed for 30 years. Does anyone really still watch this show? This year, they still want to send it up, aren’t they looking for scolding? If they don’t want to live, don’t implicate me who will send the documents, ah.”

When Su Zening heard this, his heart moved, and he said to Xiao Liu: “I will send it.” 

Xiao Liu hesitated: “Really?”

Su Zening stood up and said immediately: “Then forget about it.”

Xiao Liu quickly stopped Su Zening and said: “Don’t——please, your brother owes you once.”

Only then did Su Zening take the copy of the project book and say: “Is it urgent to send it?” 

Xiao Liu said sadly: “The director of Star TV station will be killed soon, so we can’t delay any longer.” The director of Star TV and President Fu’s cat have become two legends in the office on this floor.

Su Zening knew this person from other colleagues. The director of Star TV is now the second largest shareholder of Xingchen. He is of the same generation as Fu Xiao’s grandpa. He is one of the company’s veterans. He is an eccentric old man, old-fashioned and always disliked Fu Xiao. Every time he came to find Fu Xiao, they would break up unhappily. And he almost never won against Fu Xiao, and hated Fu Xiao to the bone.

Of course, he is also one of the targets of Su Zening’s vigilance.

Su Zening knocked on the door with the documents in his hand and entered Fu Xiao’s office. 

Fu Xiao and Secretary Zhang didn’t know what to say, so they stopped when they saw him coming.

Su Zening didn’t care either. Looking at Fu Xiao’s face, he was relieved. He also knew that it didn’t make much sense for him to come in, but he was always worried about it unconsciously. He just put the documents down, and then saw that Fu Xiao’s glass was empty, so he brought Fu Xiao a glass of water, and left without saying a word.

Fu Xiao, however, endured looking sideways at the back of his leaving figure, and called out: “Yi Ning.”

Su Zening turned his head to look at Fu Xiao, his blue eyes were a little puzzled. 

Fu Xiao’s voice paused for a moment.

Ve Ifclcu ibbxfv ja tlw rerqlmlberis.

Me Wljb rjlv: “Qjla jcv obiibk wf bea.”

Ve Ifclcu kjr raeccfv, kjr Me Wljb pera ublcu ab afii tlw atlr? 

Lf jikjsr ofia atja atlr kjr cba ktja Me Wljb kjr ublcu ab rjs, yea tf ralii cbvvfv.

Coafg j ktlif, atf akb rfa boo.

The transparent elevator opened, and Su Zening, who was holding the documents and followed behind Fu Xiao, had a stiff back. He paused as he walked in. Once he entered, he leaned in the corner, staring at the operation panel as if there were many flowers on it, and he didn’t dare look down at all. 

Fu Xiao looked over and asked lightly: “Afraid?”

Su Zening straightened his back and said: “Just a little bit.”

He was very afraid in his heart though.

But he is the person who is going to save Fu Xiao from the fire and water in the future. In order to see Fu Xaio shed tears of gratitude to him in the future, and worship him in a kowtow, he must maintain his image. 

Fear of high or something is too cheap.

Just after he finished speaking, the elevator ceiling suddenly shook.

Su Zening immediately shrank behind Fu Xiao, it’s as if there’s actually an accident, Fu Xiao has to be smashed first. He simply has no employee’s intuition.

The elevator only vibrated for a moment, and soon returned to normal. 

Fu Xiao glanced at him sideways: “A little bit?”

Don’t think he didn’t hear the smile in Fu Xiao’s voice! Even if others can’t hear it, can’t he hear it?

Su Zening clenched his fists angrily, he raised his head and looked at Fu Xiao, trying to defend himself: “Maybe this little bit of mine is a little bit more than the others.”

The teenager’s blue eyes looked at Fu Xiao, like clear sea water, clear and bright. 

Fu Xiao uncomfortably turned his head away, and looked at the elevator control panel: “Here it is.”

He walked out of the elevator, and Su Zening, who was holding the document behind him, chased after him and explained: “You have to believe me, it’s really just a little bit, ah.”

The two men sat in the car with the car’s partition raised.

Fu Xiao and Su Zening were both sitting in the back seat. Su Zening was holding the document and was still thinking about what happened just now. He couldn’t help crying in his heart, for his future glorious image. 

The driver brought the two up the highway, and they didn’t seem to be able to reach their destination so quickly.

Fu Xiao closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

When Su Zening saw it, he remembered Fu Xiao’s appearance in the morning and said: “Take a rest.”

Fu Xiao was about to shake his head. 

When Su Zening said seriously: “If you are sick, you should rest well. It’s hard to be uncomfortable all the time, ah.”

Fu Xiao asked: “How do you know?”

Su Zening didn’t even think about it and said: “I can see it at a glance, ah.” The black-haired teenager looked at Fu Xiao solemnly and swore: “I will wake you up later.”

Fu Xiao didn’t refute, he really needed to rest, and after that dream last night, he hardly fell asleep. 

Closing his eyes, Fu Xiao leaned on the seat behind.

After a while, Su Zening saw that Fu Xiao was breathing evenly, he took off his windbreaker jacket, and gently covered Fu Xiao’s body. After covering him, he couldn’t help but look at Fu Xiao’s profile.

The familiar side face was slightly frowning at this time, and seemed to be worried about something. Looking at it, Su Zening wanted to smooth him out by himself.

He didn’t know when it started, Su Zening thought casually. It seems that he doesn’t like seeing this person in front of him unhappy and indifferent. 

Mom and Dad used to say that there was no way they could see himself unhappy either.

They say that most parents all over the world are like this. And he was the same to Fu Xiao.

So he simply treats Fu Xiao as his own child, ah!

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao with the eyes of an old father. He maturely reached out and touched Fu Xiao’s forehead, then touched his own forehead, and sighed after confirming that Fu Xiao had no fever. 

He just didn’t know when Fu Xiao could save himself some snacks, ah.

Su Zening thought about the mess in his mind, and also fell asleep while leaning on the seat. 

After a long while, Fu Xiao opened his eyes, then looked at the clothes on his body. There was also the numbness left by the teenager’s fingers touching his forehead just now, and ripples appeared in his heart.

This was the first time someone touched his forehead.

At this moment, the sleeping teenager leaned on his shoulder with a slight tilt of his head.

The hot and humid breath of the teenager hit Fu Xiao’s neck with a strange touch. 

Fu Xiao’s hand that was supposed to hold up the teenager turned a corner for some reason. He straightened the teenager’s shoulders to make him sleep more comfortably.

After doing this, he just closed his eyes and went to rest.

After waking up, Fu Xiao regretted the decision he had made.

He must have been crazy at that time. 

Fu Xiao looked at the suspicious mess of his shirt, and there was a suspicious water stain spread to his coat.

Su Zening cried out and said: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Terrible, terrible, how could he leave saliva on Fu Xiao’s clothes.

Fu Xiao took a deep breath and said: “Get out of the car first.” 

This time, he originally did not plan to bring Su Zening out, but he just doesn’t know why he suddenly changed his mind. But since it doesn’t hurt bringing him out, these things always have to be done slowly.

Su Zening heard his words and got out of the car obediently. At the doorstep of a secluded villa.

Fu Xiao entered the password, and the door of the villa opened. Su Zening followed Fu Xiao and walked in. The decoration and style inside was simple. Looking at this style of Fu Xiao, he just don’t know why Fu Xiao has such a house in the next city.

Fu Xiao said: “This is where I lived when I was studying. There is a party tomorrow morning. We will stay here tonight.” As for the party, it must be in the business field. 

Su Zening was so obedient that he didn’t dare to ask any questions, and looked at the water stains on Fu Xiao’s shoulders and nodded.

Fu Xiao looked at the black-haired teenager and asked: “Can you cook?”

Su Zening bit his head and shook his head.

More than just cooking, he has never even entered the kitchen. 

Fu Xiao sighed.

Su Zening faintly felt that this sigh was almost equivalent to asking what can you do.

Fu Xiao said: “Then let’s contact the hotel to deliver the meal.”

Su Zening nodded sharply. 

Fu Xiao looked at him.

He looked at Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao: “Then why don’t you go?”

Only then did Su Zening reacted suddenly, and he hurriedly started to ask the assistant brothers and sisters what to do in this situation. 

After figuring out a series of procedures, Su Zening finally got in touch with the hotel.

Fu Xiao had already changed his clothes. He sat on the sofa and said to Su Zening: “By the way, iron your clothes for tomorrow.”

While on the phone with the hotel, Su Zening hurriedly read the description of the ironing machine: “Address? Wait for me to see, Boulevard, the steam will be added to——”

“What? Not Boulevard Steam Plus Street!” Su Zening hurriedly said loudly to the other end of the phone: “No, no, don’t hang up.” 

There was a beeping sound from the phone.

He hurriedly called back, and he felt a stream of water under his feet, and he didn’t know how the water from the iron seeped out.

And the voice of Fu Xiao over there continued to come.

“Make the tea and use the one in the second drawer of the study.” 

“Contact the driver tomorrow.”

Fu Xiao sat on the sofa and flipped through the documents, not paying attention to Su Zening’s distressing situation over there. 

Su Zening was so busy that he didn’t stop for a moment.

After reading the documents, Fu Xiao walked out of the study. Looking at Su Zening lying motionless on the sofa, he said casually: “Wait a minute, check the documents you will bring tomorrow and the ones on the list, tonight——”

Before he finished speaking, Su Zening couldn’t help but widen his eyes. That list of ten pages, let him finish it tonight? He raised his eyes to look at Fu Xiao.

With sad eyes, he thought—— 

Fu Xiao, I advise you to be kind!

Otherwise, I can’t guarantee that your cat will not do anything too exciting.

Sunnsyhies: Oh hey! Its now my fav chapters! So I decided to do daily update till chapter 60! Until chapter 60 only, alright…I was just too excited towards these ten chapters that I became more productive…but I think I will deflate afterwards…hahaha…