S-Class Contract


The horizon is faint and particularly bright.

Fu Xiao looked at everything around him in confusion. It took him a moment to realize that this was in a dream.

He stood up, walked into the crowd, and looked around.

This was the lively park next to the kindergarten. There was a children’s activity center in the northeast corner of the park, and most of the parents were playing there with their children. He seems to be transparent, and people come and go around him, turning a blind eye to him. 

Fu Xiao looked at the out-of-place child in the corner, and then stopped.

This child also looks about seven or eight years old, dressed in neat clothes. Black and white clothes wrapped every inch of his skin tightly, but the socks on the little leather shoes were certainly ridiculous, one blue and one yellow.

This is——

He followed the child’s eyes, and sure enough——

The child stared at a pair of father and son in the park. The father smiled and held the child’s hand. The little boy naughty wanted to climb on his father’s body, and the father smiled helplessly and carried the little boy on his shoulders.

The silver bell-like laughter reached the child’s ears. The child clenched the wrinkled and disfigured photo in his hand and looked at everything in front of him greedily. He was able to determine that the man in the photo was his father among the pair of father and son.

This was the father he has not seen in three years and the younger brother he has never seen.

The child chewed the word father silently in the bottom of his mouth, and then bent the corners of his eyes, and he thought with great expectation—— 

When he walks over, what will his father do to him? Will he pick him up like what he did to his brother?

Can he tell his father that he doesn’t want to stay with the Song family anymore?

With a joyful stride, the child walked toward the smiling and happy father and son.

Fu Xiao’s face was indifferent, remembering the incident in his memory. 

At that time, he was just eight years old, and it took him about half a year to finally produce some courage for the first time. He ran out from under the noses of the security guards the Song family had arranged for him, and exhausted every means an eight-year-old could think of to find the park and his nominal father.

At that time, he was still full of unrealistic fantasies and expectations for the word father.

But now he can see clearly, how could he escape the surveillance of the Song Family when he was just eight years old? All this was just a warning and ridicule from the aloof ruler of the Song family to him, and the first lesson he taught to himself.

What happened afterwards? 

Before the child could approach the father and son, he was stopped by the long-awaited bodyguards.

The still-young Fu Yunxi looked at the bodyguard his father had left for himself in disbelief and said: “This is, what’s the matter?”

His gaze then fell on the child whose shoulders were held by the bodyguard, he paused for a second, then looked away and said: “Who is this?”

The child who was being held down looked at Fu Yunxi with wide eyes, and something in his heart cooled down a little. 

Fu Yunxi felt that this look was inexplicably familiar.

The bodyguard who was in charge of the Fu family said with a blank expression: “The child of Mr. Fu’s friend, who sneaked out on his own.”

Fu Yunxi felt a little strange, but still said: “Then take the child back.”

The young boy in his arms suddenly waved his small hand and said in a childish and cute voice: “Brother.” 

The child who was held down by the bodyguard turned back suddenly.

Fu Xiao watched all this.

This happened so many years ago, why did it appear in his dream again?

He was already grown up, he watched the child gradually leave. 

This was the first lesson that man in the Song Family taught him, and it was also the moment that left a deep impression on him. That was the moment when his nominal grandfather tore open the benefits of the human world for him to see, so that he could understand the shallowness of family affection.

Does the Fu family not know?

Fu Yunxi may really not know.

But how about Old master Fu, and what if he knew? 

At that time, Xingchen were divided among the Fu family, the Sun family, the Song family, and the Wu family.

The Fu family and the Sun family were already fighting fiercely, and the Fu family can not lose the Song family. At that time, Song Mingwei was not completely crazy, so the Fu family chose the lesser of two evils.

So he was sent back to the Song family by the Fu family’s bodyguard.

Vlcmf atfc, tf tjr yffc atlcxlcu jybea ktja xlcv bo qbkfg atf abq bo Wlcumtfc tjr, rb tf wera rajcv eq atfgf jcv ajxf j ibbx. 

Ccv tf tjr vbcf la. Me Wljb ibbxfv ja tlr tjcvr jcv mibrfv tlr fsfr rlifcais.

Pa abbx tlw akfcas sfjgr ab ufa ab atlr qblca.

One of the worst things that old master Fu did in his life was to transfer some shares to Fu Yunxi before his operation.

Heishan has been silently acquiring Xingchen’s shares over the years, plus his own shares, and those shares that Fu Yunxi is about to sell. 

It won’t be long before the Fu family is no longer the primary shareholder, and the top management of Xingchen has gradually been replaced by his own people little by little over the years. Soon Xingchen will change hands again, and the Fu family will be expelled from the board of directors, and he will completely own Xingchen.

In the dream, these deeply buried thoughts raged in Fu Xiao’s mind.

He was never a good man.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought, after all these are completed, what is he going to do? 

Is he still alone in this world?

No matter how gorgeous the throne of Xingchen is, it is still cold and without temperature.

At this time, his hand was suddenly pulled from behind, and there was a burst of warmth in his palm.

Fu Xiao turned his head—— 

He didn’t know when the teenager with black hair and blue eyes appeared in his dream.

The thin and beautiful teenager raised his beautiful black hair and smiled warmly. While holding his hand from behind, he stood on tiptoe and rested his chin on his shoulder, swaying his hand and said coquettishly: “Fu Xiao, wait for me.”

At dusk and sunset, the smile of the teenager, who tilted his head, seemed to glow.

Fu Xiao clenched the teenager’s hand tightly, and stared at the teenager with deep eyes. After a while, he smiled suddenly, he took the teenager’s hand, and put a pious kiss on his lips. He thought his teenager was really good. 

He wants the whole world to see the teenager’s light.

After the kiss.

The teenager’s cheeks were slightly red, he lowered his head and stared at his toes. After a while, he mustered up his courage, then he took a step closer, and stood on tiptoes, and kissed the corner of his lips lightly.

It feels wet and hot, like a hot spring running through it, it feels so real. 

Then, Fu Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the dark ceiling.

Expressionlessly and skillfully, he picked up Little Sugar Cake, who was sleeping on his face, and then touched his face. Sure enough, there was a crystal clear liquid around his lips, and the corner of the sleeping white dumpling’s mouth was wet. He then turned over and found another place to sleep in Fu Xiao’s arms.

The next day, Little Sugar Cake opened his eyes on time. When he saw Fu Xiao, who still had his eyes closed, he smiled complacently. So there was a day when Fu Xiao slept in too, ah.

Little Sugar Cake, who was already called up by Fu Xiao, felt the courage of evil. He stretched out his paw and stepped on Fu Xiao’s handsome face.

Still no response.

He gave another push. 

Still no response.

Just as Little Candy Cake was about to dance on Fu Xiao’s face, Fu Xiao finally opened his eyes, and there was a slight blue and black under his eyelids. He didn’t seem to have a good rest last night, and calmly watched Little Sugar Cake, who has his paw halfway towards his face.

Little Sugar Cake stiffly retracted his outstretched paw, then licked it, and left as if nothing had happened.

Fu Xiao looked at the back of Little Sugar Cake leaving. He touched the place on his cheek which he had just touched, and sighed. 

Still like a child, ah.

Now that he has decided not to let go of him in this life, he has to think about the future path for Little Sugar Cake, ah.

In the company. 

It was Su Zening, who started recording, and was about to go to the recording studio.

Fu Xiao pushed the door open and asked: “Where are you going?”

Su Zening answered truthfully: “Go to Director Wesson.”

Fu Xiao said with an expressionless face: “It just so happens that I’m going too, let’s go together.” 

Su Zening snorted, a little reluctant in his heart. He originally wanted to sneak out and buy himself a cake or something, but if Fu Xiao followed, then wouldn’t he need to cancel the cake?

Fu Xiao looked at him sideways.

Su Zening immediately changed his tune and said: “Of course, there’s no problem.”

Thus, Fu Xiao condescended all the way to personally accompany Su Zening to the recording studio. 

The 20th to 30th floors of Xingchen belong to its brokerage company.

Who in the entire Xingchen doesn’t know Fu Xiao.

This way, Fu Xiao took Su Zening to the recording studio, which attracted the attention of countless people from brokerage companies. Many people are speculating the relationship between the teenager and Fu Xiao. Each and everyone in the Entertainment Industry are clever people, so they could see through it at glance. 

Is this a joke? What kind of great thing did he have that President Fu personally brought him over?

It was a common thing for people to watch dishes in their circle. Children with no background and no qualifications are only bullied here. President Fu took the teenager around like this just to tell everyone to keep their eyes open and not to provoke people who shouldn’t be offended. 

Anyone who is smart will know what to do when they encounter this teenager at work in the future.

However, Su Zening was completely unaware of Fu Xiao’s good intentions, and only felt uncomfortable being looked at by others.

The two walked down the empty corridor.

Su Zening breathed a sigh of relief. 

Fu Xiao turned his head to look at the teenager and asked: “Do you like to sing? The kind that sings to a lot of people.”

Su Zening replied without thinking: “I like it.”

Fu Xiao then lightly hummed and said: “As you like it.”

Su Zening was very puzzled by Fu Xiao’s mindless words, but he didn’t dare to ask Fu Xiao. 

After sending the teenager to the recording studio, Fu Xiao took a rare smoke of cigarette. Through the gap of the door, he watched the teenager with a soft expression for a moment, before putting out his cigarette and turned to leave.

For the future, he tossed and turned for a long time last night.

If Little Sugar Cake had been just a cat, he could have spoiled Little Sugar Cake for a lifetime. He would keep him at home, keeping him obedient.

But Little Sugar Cake is also a person after all. He is definitely not the kind of person who wants to be locked up in one place for a lifetime. 

Little Sugar Cake is always learning, and is beginning to know the outside world, and is learning to grow.

And what he has to do is to escort him all the way, shelter from the wind and rain.

Top floor office of Xingchen. 

Xiao Yun, the deputy general manager of Xingchen’s largest brokerage company, stood outside the door nervously.

The deputy general manager is a powerful working woman. She used to be a famous gold medal broker. In recent years, she has changed in administrative work, but her industry’s prestige and connections should not be underestimated. Rong Hang was actually brought up by her.

President Fu suddenly asked her to come over, which made Chief Xiao, who has already experienced all sorts of wind and rain, very frightened.

After all, although their brokerage company is big, they are not top-notch among the countless companies under Xingchen. 

She secretly thought back that she did not make any omissions in her work this past few months, Xiao Yun then took a deep breath and pushed open President Fu’s office.

In the office, Fu Xiao nodded towards Xiao Yun with a pleasant place, and said: “Sit down.”

Xiao Yun sat down according to his words.

As soon as she sat down, Fu Xiao handed her a document. 

Xiao Yun took over the file in a confused manner, and when she opened it, she found out that it was a teenager’s file. Her professional habit made her start to evaluate the potential of the teenager when she took over the teenager’s file. After flipping through the pages, Xiao Yun’s expression gradually became serious. It was only after reading the last page that Xiao Yun closed the document reluctantly and asked: “President Fu, what do you mean?”

Not long ago, she heard that President Fu personally brought someone to the recording studio. She didn’t believe it at first, but now she was somewhat convinced.

Fu Xiao said directly without beating around the bush: “What do you think?”

Xiao Yun objectively commented: “His potential is very good, and he is comparable to the original Rong Hang.” His appearance is unique, his ability is strong, and he is excellent in all aspects. 

Fu Xiao looked at Xiao Yun and said meaningfully: “Then I’ll give him to you to take in my own name, would you like to?”

Xiao Yun is a smart person. Hearing this, her heart started thumping involuntarily. She understood what President Fu meant. In his own name, naturally, he owes a favor, which makes President Fu owe her a favor.

How could she not understand what this meant in her career?

So she suppressed the ecstasy in her heart and said: “Okay, I will not disappoint President Fu.” 

In the recording studio, Xiao Yun quietly walked in.

In fact, she’s actually not good-looking in the entertainment industry where many beautiful people reside. At this time, she restrained her aura, then mixed in with the staff, and no one doubted it.

She silently looked at the teenager in the recording studio. The teenager has a slender body, and his face is considered good-looking in the entertainment industry. What’s even more rare is that there is a clear and rising aura around the teenager, letting him be free from vulgar custom among the many beauties in the entertainment industry. 

Although she put down her lofty ambitions in President Fu’s office, she was relieved when she saw the real teenager. She was full of confidence in an instant. As soon as the teenager fights with only his face value, as long as she’s not a straw bag, she can let him crush most people and stand at the top.

What’s more, how can a singer who can catch Wesson’s eyes have poor ability.

Su Zening was completely unaware of this. 

He started humming the song from the movie. This song will be released as the theme song of the first promotional video of the movie. So in a rush, he’s already standing in front of the recording device, but the band isn’t in place yet, obviously not planning to get involved the first time around.

In Wesson’s production team, there are all talented people, who were conceited and contemptuous, and doesn’t regard Su Zening, this little unknown, and doesn’t give him much of a courtesy.

Wesson did not stop this. In his perception, respect can only be earned by one’s own ability.

Not to mention the fact that the teenager has this ability. 

Wesson leaned against the wall on one side and looked at the teenager with certainty.

Su Zening was not annoyed by this, he took a deep breath and sang the lyrics in acapella. The teenager’s voice reverberated throughout the recording studio, and his melodious tune spread out in all directions. It was as if as soon as he opened his mouth, the teenager’s voice had a strange magic, he became the center of the room, and everyone’s attention would be drawn to him.

And that string of notes seems to be magical, it’s certainly difficult to ignore it, and it just flows into people’s ears to their hearts.

A few lines later—— 

The band members, who were laughing and joking, slowly stopped their playful movements and looked in the direction of the teenager.

And Xiao Yun, with uncontrollable excitement in her heart, abruptly took a step forward.

There was only one thought in her mind. No wonder Angus had to wait for this teenager. She seemed to have discovered a treasure trove. Maybe her career can really take a step forward.


This is her mobile phone suddenly receiving an email, which was sent by President Fu.

She hurriedly opened it, and the email contained two contents, one was the contract of the teenager in front of her, an S-class contract.

This is the second S-class contract in the history of Xingchen, the first being Rong Hang.

The other is just a few words. 

All the upfront expenses and costs of the teenager are borne by President Fu in his own name, and there is no maximum limit.

Xiao Yun looked at the teenager in the recording studio with a wry smile.

What is the relationship between this teenager and President Fu? How can President Fu do this for him?

The author has something to say: 

The relationship between the cat and the poop shoveling official!!

Sunnyshies: I was supposed to update much earlier, but I was hit by laziness and didn’t open the computer all day…

BTW, remember the Fu Xiao’s narration about Xingchen. This is very important details, esp towards the end. Though I think the author will not mention it again…

I don’t want to spoil anyone, but at the very end, if you guys question the ending of the main story, just remember, “Heishan is Fu Xiao”.