Your partner?


“Hello.” After the song was sung, Xiao Yun walked towards Su Zening. She looked at Su Zening’s, like she was looking at some kind of a treasured object.

Those gaze looked at him as if measuring a commodity, making Su Zening take a step back.

Xiao Yun smiled, she stepped forward and introduced herself: “My name is Xiao Yun, and President Fu asked me to take you.”

Su Zening didn’t answer: “President Fu” Fu Xiao, what kind of trick is this? Take him what? Why would she take him? 

Su Zening couldn’t hide anything on his face, and that face clearly wrote out all his thoughts in his mind.

Xiao Yun chuckled, President Fu didn’t tell him, so she naturally wouldn’t say it. The expression in her eyes was poisonous, she’s been in the entertainment industry for so many years, what kind of disagreements and dirty things she has not seen.

She could clearly see the relationship between President Fu and this teenager at first glance, and President Fu was serious about this teenager.

But she’s a smart person and knows what to say and what not to say. She came to see the teenager in order to give her heart a foundation.

The contract was only read by her first, and the teenager hadn’t signed it yet. It was not certain that President Fu will take this contract to make the little beauty happy someday. So why would she fret over trifles and tell him this matter in advance? So she just smiled and said: “I have seen the contract you signed with Angus. You have the obligation to cooperate with the announcement of the movie. You will cooperate with the announcement in the future. But you can’t do this now, so I’m here to help you.”

She was right, the teenager is really good, but as an artist, he still needs to take some physical lessons.

Since she decided to take the teenager, she naturally understood that cooperating with Angus’ movie announcement was an excellent opportunity for the teenager to debut. If it works well, the teenager can definitely become famous in one battle.

How could she miss this good opportunity? When the first round of the movie’s promotional video is released a month later, the teenager’s contract should have been signed, and both two would fit just right. 


A look of regret flashed across Xiao Yun’s face. If there are music variety shows with decent national views this period of time, the teenager’s popularity can be further improved.

Unfortunately, time is limited, and there is no domestic music program scheduled for a month, and it’s too late to form a team now.

Unless there is a ready-made team. 

There is no way to do this. She has to think about whether there are other ways to improve the teenager’s popularity.

Xiao Yun thought so much in her mind. Su Zening didn’t know it at all, he just looked at Xiao Yun hesitantly.

By this time, the people around had also recognized Xiao Yun and greeted her: “Chief Xiao.”

Xiao Yun nodded slightly, she smiled and handed Su Zening a piece of paper: “This is your training class schedule. The time and place are all there, you can just go there on time.” She found the best teachers, which ordinary artists can’t afford to pay for. 

Of course, the teenager doesn’t have to know this.

Su Zening took this piece of paper and didn’t think much about it. He only regarded it as part of the cooperation with Angus. After all, Angus’ movie is also one of the key projects of Fu Xiao’s company this year, and Fu Xiao single-handedly facilitated it.

He was even a little proud of being able to help Fu Xiao, which also helped Fu Xiao’s career.

But this kind of pride only lasted until he opened the piece of paper, and saw the densely packed course on it for a week. Su Zening’s eyes widened. 

So many lessons! He will die after taking all of them.

Before he had time to feel sad, Wesson had already told him to go over and start the second recording.

Ktlr alwf, atf werlmljcr kfgf jii lc qijmf jtfjv bo rmtfveif, jcv atflg fzqgfrrlbcr kfgf cb ibcufg pbxlcu, jcv atfs rtbkfv atflg agef rxliir.

Qfrrbc rwlifv klat rjalrojmalbc. 

Lf xcfk atja tlr jggbujca afjw tjv jigfjvs gfmbuclhfv atf affcjufg.

Tick ​​tock, time passed little by little.

Ktf abemtlcu nbmjir tewwfv ilxf atf klcv lc atf wbecajlcr, mbcrajcais mlgmilcu lc atf rwjii gfmbgvlcu raevlb, klat atf kjgwat bo atf rqglcu ygffhf.

“Okay! Done.” Wesson took his eyes off them, rubbed his eyebrows, with joy in his eyes. 

Although it was just the theme song for the promo video, he wasn’t able to finish it so quickly.

He looked at the teenager as if he was looking at a treasure. What was even more surprising was the the teenager’s attitude. It was completed so quickly, but he doesn’t even have a trace of pride. Instead, he kept asking himself if he could record it again, then he would try it for a few more days, so he could choose the best version.

Wesson looked at the teenager with approval, and the tall Nordic man said softly: “It’s already great, you don’t need to choose. Yi, you have to trust me and yourself.” He was very satisfied with the humble attitude of the teenager. He had seen too many talented but arrogant people.

Su Zening reluctantly smiled and looked at the class schedule that said to start immediately after the end of the recording. He couldn’t even laugh. 

God, ah. Does he really not believe in himself?

It’s just that he doesn’t want to go to class yet.


Su Zening squatted gloomily in the dessert shop near Xingchen, eating strawberry-flavored ice cream with a spoon.

The strawberry-flavored ice cream is the best.

He will start his class in the afternoon.

Only ice cream could give him some solace. 

With a few doughnuts packed in his hand, Su Zening walked out of the dessert shop.

Suddenly there was a panicked meowing not far away.

Su Zening saw a few wild cats meowing around an old cow cat.

The cow cat's fur except for its white paws, its body was pitch black and its eyes were sharp. Although it was lying on the ground, it still pays attention to its surroundings. It could be seen at first glance that it was very powerful when it was young, but now its fur was sparse. Su Zening found it strange at a glance, this cat is about ten years old. 

Wild cats don’t live that long.

Beside it, several wild cats meowed anxiously, desperately pushing the things they found to the old cat.

The old cat just glanced at them and closed its eyes.

Su Zening recalled that some domestic cats would automatically leave the house a few months before they were about to die, which was probably the case with this cat. 

The teeth of old cats are not very good, and old cats can’t eat things that wild cats find.

He can’t look at this. Su Zening thought about it and went to a nearby pet store to buy special cat food and infant milk powder, then he asked for another plastic box, and soaked the cat food and put it in front of the old cat.

As soon as he walked over, the wild cats next to dispersed. The old cat just glanced at him, then lowered its head and leaned on the ground.

It seems to have given up. 

The black-haired teenager sat uncaringly on the side of the road, he then hugged the old cat in his arms, and put the soaked cat food in a plastic box to the mouth of the old cat.

The old cat whiskers moved and looked up at Su Zening.

Su Zening patted the old cat’s dirty fur and said seriously: “How good it is to live, your owner is still waiting for you to recover. If it’s not good, then it would be good to live one more day in the world where he exists, ba.”

“At least you can see the same moon as him at night.” 

It wasn’t just his words that moved the old cat, the old cat finally moved his mouth and ate the soft cat food.

Su Zening is not in a hurry and feeds it slowly.

So one person and one cat sit on the side of the road.

Under the tall and straight tree, the wind blew the teenager’s black hair, making it fly.  The beautiful teenager hummed a morning leisure song, and the cat in his arms raised its head to look at him from time to time. 

What Fu Xiao saw was this scene in front of him.

He came to find Su Zening, and Su Zening’s location is still in his phone.

He saw Su Zening’s position on the side of the road for a long time and didn’t move. Afraid that something happened to Su Zening, he came over.

Seeing that Su Zening was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief. 

Fu Xiao didn’t care and sat next to the humming teenager, not caring how his expensive high-fashion suit didn’t fit in with the place.

He rested his hands on the edge of his slender legs, and with his coat unbuttoned, making the handsome man have an additional touch of rare arrogance.

Seeing that it was Fu Xiao, Su Zening said hesitantly: “Mr. Fu, can your family adopt this cat?

Afraid of Fu Xiao’s misunderstanding, he quickly explained: “Last time I saw your house adopting stray cats. And the contract I signed with Director Angus before, all the income will go to the foundation, and the cats will be given food such as small dried fish, okay?” This is something that Little Sugar Cake has long thought of. 

Fu Xiao looked sideways at the teenager and deliberately joked: “If I don’t agree to let this cat come over, will you not donate that money to me?”

“Of course not.” The teenager replied, and he casually thought——

If Fu Xiao didn’t agree, he could only take the cat back as Little Sugar Cake.

When that time comes, don’t blame him if Little Sugar Cake leaves the house on the bus to look for this cat. 


The teenager tilted his head and looked at Fu Xiao. His eyes were like the blue sky, looking at Fu Xiao somewhat embarrassed, and because he was begging for help, the teenager’s voice was soft. The two were very close, and the hot breath from his lips as they moved slightly puffed on the nook of Fu Xiao’s shoulder.

The teenager bit his lower lip and said: “You help me, okay. I promise you, you can let me do anything in the future.”

Such as helping you carry dirty clothes to the laundry room, such as helping you carry your office tablet. 

He has already made a big concession!

If it were before, he wouldn’t have to grovel like this!

Fu Xiao took a breath, and his eyes darkened. The teenager still dared to say that he promised to do what he says, was it intentional or unintentional?

The teenager is very close, close enough to tell what the teenager’s body smells like. He’s sweet, like donuts in the candy cabinet, full of temptation, and his bitten lower lip was particularly red. 

Fu Xiao used all his willpower to look away from the teenager’s lips and said: “Okay, give it to me.”

“Fu Xiao, you are so good.” The teenager happily held the Fu Xiao’s hand, and habitually rubbed his head on Fu Xiao’s hand——

Fu Xiao’s eyes were on the teenager’s hands holding him.

The teenager immediately let go of his hand, then laughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and said: “Don’t be stingy, what’s wrong with touching you?” 

En? Stingy?

Fu Xiao hummed inexplicably, staring at the teenager with deep eyes.

The thick-skinned Su Zening also felt a little uncomfortable. Under Fu Xiao’s gaze, he slowly blushed, then he lowered his head, and whisphere: “What are you doing, ah.”

Fu Xiao laughed softly, his voice was very low and magnetic, he stretched out his hand and slowly approached under Su Zening’s gaze. 

Su Zening looked at the gradually enlarged hand, and his heart started pounding.

Fu Xiao, what is Fu Xiao doing?

Fu Xiao’s fingertips touched his face, and the slightly rough touch made Su Zening’s breathing stagnate and his heart numb.

He suddenly did not dare to look into Fu Xiao’s eyes. 

Fu Xiao’s low voice sounded in his ear with a subtle teasing: “Look, you have sugar grains on your face.”

Su Zening was stunned for a moment, his mind exploded, and then his face flushed red.

Fu Xiao’s eyes flashed with satisfaction.

The old cat, who was held by Su Zening in his arms, looked back and forth between the two of them and said to Su Zening: “Your partner?” 

The author has something to say:

Guess why Little Sugar Cake smells like donuts.

Because Little Sugar Cake ate donuts ah, and he also has a packed donuts next to him, ah. 


You guys, don’t learn from Mr. Fu, think about what you have and don’t have, how can a person smell like donuts?

Sunnyshies: I dunno about you guys, but like the author, I believe cats don’t live that long and I also took that ten years as their life span. But I think its depends of the breed of the cat? Our cats were all stray cats before they wander in our yard…but really they don’t live that long. But I don’t know about domestic cats, I never adopted cats with breeds before.