Shock! One person and one cat are in the bathroom together, and he did this kind of thing to him


What partner?

He has no partner!

Fu Xiao couldn’t understand what the old cat said, but he found that the teenager’s earlobe was red as if it was about to drip blood.

Behind them, there was a sudden clatter. 

The two turned back.

They saw that the plastic back in Xiao Liu’s hand fell to the ground, staring at them with his mouth open.

Under the gaze of the two, Xiao Liu paled and quickly said: “I just came, I did not see anything.”

President Fu and the teenager were sitting under the shade of a tree like a couple on campus. President Fu’s hand was stroking the teenager’s face or something, and he didn’t see it.

But President Fu really knows how to play, ah.

Fu Xiao: “…”

He didn’t intend to hide it, so he kept silent and didn’t explain it.

Instead, Su Zening looked at the time and whispered: “It’s time.” 

After such a delay at noon, it was time for his afternoon class.

Fu Xiao knew his time table better than the teenager, so he said: “Are you leaving?”

Su Zening nodded and looked at the old cat in embarrassment.

Then Fu Xiao said towards Xiao Liu: “Later, inform the driver to send this cat home.” 

Su Zening’s eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help curling up.

Fu Xiao promised it!

And Xiao Liu, who was suddenly named, straightened his back subconsciously and said: “Yes.”

He couldn’t help thinking—— 

President Fu didn’t care about such trivial matters before, ah.

So he looked at Su Zening with an unfathomable expression. Under the sun, the teenager’s face was glowing brightly, and Xiao Liu couldn’t help but feel that he was caught.

The villain in Xiao Liu’s heart instantly ran out. He clutched his chest in heartache. This is exactly like a demon concubine who brought disaster to the country and the people, and his wise and marvelous General Fu.

Ying ying ying.

The teenager squatted down and patted the old cat’s head without any awareness, and then said with a smile: “I’ll see you in a while.”

The old cat turned its head to one side awkwardly, but did not refuse Su Zening’s petting. 

The teenager’s hand inexplicably reminded it of the day its owner brought it home, and that day, the old hand of its owner was so gentle.

In the afternoon, Fu Xiao looked at the plan submitted by Xiao Yun in the office.

If someone told Fu Xiao before that he would personally inquire about an artist’s development, he would definitely think that person was crazy. 

But now——

Fu Xiao put the plan aside and asked Secretary Zhang: “Is it done?”

Secretary Zhang pushed his golden glasses, and said: “I have already made an appointment with the director of Nebula TV, and you will meet him in the afternoon, so later on Director Wu will come over.”

His eyes were hesitant. 

The surname of the director of Nebula TV station is Wu. He is an old man. He and Old Master Fu jointly establish Xingchen. He is also the second largest shareholder of Xingchen. Probably because he is alone and has no children, he has a particularly stubborn temper, and is conservative, and he has a stinky face whenever he sees anyone.

His philosophy and Mr. Fu’s development philosophy of Xingchen has always been different, and the two can be said to be in constant conflict over the years, but he has been in Xingchen all his life, and has many loyal subordinates. He also has prestige in the board of directors, causing Fu Xiao a lot of trouble.

And he was a remarkably tough nut to crack.

Kbvjs, tf vlvc’a xcbk kts, Zg. Me abbx atf lclaljalnf ab jrx atf biv wjc Qe obg j wffalcu, ktlmt gfjiis regqglrfv Vfmgfajgs Itjcu ugfjais. 

Pc ojma, atfgf lr cb vffq tjagfv yfakffc atf akb.

Ciatbeut biv wjc Qe lr raeyybgc, tf lr bcf bo atf qfbqif ktb obecvfv Wlcumtfc joafg jii, tf lr jirb rtgfkv, yea klat atf fzmfqalbc bo bcis bcf.

That is a program called ‘Ten Thousands Star’ on Nebula TV, which is a music variety talent show with a long history, and can be said to be the memory of the generation.

Xingchen rose because of this program. This program also accumulated capital for the fledgling Xingchen at that time, and signed a large number of excellent singers. After that, Xingchen followed the east wind back then. It took decades of development to get to where they are today.

As of today, this show has long lost its former vitality. It has been changed several times in the middle, but it has never improved.

But the old man Wu is still unreasonably stubborn, and provided the best production team for the show, and spends a lot of money every year.

And Fu Xiao has seen at a glance that this project can no longer be saved, and naturally decided to invest resources into projects with more potential. 

But Old Man Wu refused. He believed that this project had special significance to Xingchen and should not be given up anyway. In addition, there are many senior executives in Xingchen who were born in the project team of the show. And now that the Xingchen family has become a big business that little money doesn’t matter. It has remained a stalemate.

Because of this incident, the old man accused Mr. Fu of being ruthless and merciless in front of the board of directors. Profit-seeker, and a white-eyed wolf, who forgets his roots.

But now Mr. Fu has taken the initiative to invite Old Man Wu to talk about “Ten Thousands Star”, and Secretary Zhang hesitated.

Where in the world did Mr. Fu think of messing with this matter, ah. 

Seeing Secretary Zhang’s face, Fu Xiao naturally understood what he was thinking. He blankly wondered why he had come to provoke this——


Isn’t it because of his cat?

“Ten Thousand Stars”, as an old Xingchen project, although it is not the same as its heyday, the foundation is still there, and because of its special status in Xingchen, it has always had the best behind-the-scenes team in Xingchen. 

Decades of heritage are no joke.

But the decline of “Ten Thousand Stars” is because of these qualities.

Old man Wu is good at everything, but he is too nostalgic. There are too many people in the “Ten Thousand Stars” project team who are plugged in by virtue of their relationships. The factions in the project team are small and complex, with great rivalry. No matter how strong the production team behind the scenes is, they can’t stand these people desperately pulling their legs.

Fu Xiao rubbed his eyebrows. 

He didn’t want to worry about these things.

But it happens that this show is the most suitable for his cat.

He could only find the old man Wu to discuss the integration of the project department, without being too troublesome. In the future, a competent producer will be sent to take over the re-planning. The only gratifying thing is that by relying on the heritage of “Ten Thousand Stars”, after the reorganization, his cat’s participation should be good.

Thinking of this, even if these things are tedious and annoying to do, Fu Xiao’s mood is inexplicably good. 

Fu Xiao didn’t know that his complicated mood had a special name——

It’s called the joy of being an old father!

Then a knocking sound of a cane rang outside of the door.

The gray-haired old man didn’t knock on the door, but directly barged in with a cane. Although the old man was old, his eyes were as sharp as those of a falcon, and his face was mean, an appearance that was difficult to deal with at a glance. 

The assistant hurriedly stood in front of the old man, sweating profusely and said: “Director Wu, Secretary Zhang is still inside talking to Mr. Fu about something, can you wait a moment?”

The old man snorted coldly, pounding the ground with his cane and blowing his beard, then he glared as he said: “When I was in Xingchen, that kid still didn’t know where to play in the mud. What, I can’t listen to the matter of Xingchen.”

He said as he forced his way in.

After hearing the rumors of Old Man Wu for a long time, the assistant who was dealing with Old Man Wu for the first time couldn’t stand it. 

Why does he think that old man Wu is more violent than the rumors say?

Fortunately, Secretary Zhang had already come out and welcomed Old Man Wu in.

The assistant breathed a sigh of relief.

The colleague next to him looked at him sympathetically and said: “Count yourself unlucky, old man Wu has been in an extraordinarily bad mood lately, even his assistant was scolded away by him half of the time.” 

The assistant was surprised: “How did that happen?”

A colleague sighed and said leisurely: “I heard that the assistant did not take good care of the cat he had raised for so many years, and it was lost. Now the old man exploded at one point.”

The assistant asked in wonder: “A cat?”

A well-informed colleague said: “Old man Wu has no children, only such a cat accompanied him for more than a decade. Some time ago, I heard that he didn’t even care about the TV station, and specially accompanied his cat to see a doctor.” 

The assistant sighed, “Poor thing, ah.”

Inside the door, the poor old Wu patted the table heavily, and yelled at Fu Xiao angrily: “Don’t even think about it, as long as I’m alive, your people will not be able to enter my Ten Thousand Stars.”

He knows Fu Xiao too well. These years in the business world, Fu Xiao is notorious for being cold-blooded and ruthless. Where there is interest, there is Fu Xiao.

If the program really reaches the hand of the people under him, perhaps only the name Ten Thousand Star will be preserved. 

He will never allow others to destroy Ten Thousand Stars.

Old man Wu, who was already in a turbulent mood, walked away.

Physical training room. 

Su Zening cautiously probed in, and there was already a male teacher waiting inside the door.

Su Zening looked at the time and found that he was not late. He walked in with a sigh of relief, raised a bright smile and said: “Hello.”

The man turned around and looked over. He was about thirty years old, and his appearance was just average, but every move he made carries a unique aura, and it makes one happy to see it.

Su Zening didn’t dare to make trouble for some reason. He walked in obediently and said: “Are you the teacher?” 

The man nodded with a smile. He looked at Su Zening up and down and was very satisfied. The teenager’s body was in good shape, he just had some bad habits, but it would not be a big problem if he corrected it.


His eyes gradually moved to the plastic bag under Su Zening’s hand.

What is this? 

When Su Zening saw the teacher looking at the donut in his hand, the teeanger raised the donut generously and said with a bright smile: “Teacher, this is the donut I bought. Do you want to eat it?”

The man’s voice paused and said softly: “Donuts? Do you often eat them?”

Su Zening nodded unconsciously: “Yes, the store’s donuts, ice cream, chocolate, and milk tea are delicious.”

The man smiled softly and said: “Really?” 

Su Zening felt a chill on his back inexplicably.

And then.

In the afternoon, in the tightly closed physical training room, came out a teenager’s bursts of pig-like screams.

The passing staff passed by and shook their heads. Who is this, ah? It’s too miserable. 


When Fu Xiao returned home, he saw the same dull Little Sugar Cake.

As for the old cat that was brought back in the afternoon, the butler already consulted a doctor, and it was just old, every aspect of its body began to fail. The doctor couldn’t do anything either. The old cat doesn’t like crowded places, so it found a corner by itself as soon as it arrived at Fu Xiao’s house. 

Fu Xiao didn’t care about the old cat.

It was just that Little Sugar Cake seemed to be very concerned, so he asked.

However, why hasn’t Little Sugar Cake gone home yet?

But after thinking about the teenager’s time table, he understood a little, he was probably still in class. 

He rarely showed mercy and said to the butler: “Let’s add a late-night snack to Little Sugar Cake today.”

The butler heaved a sigh of relief and nodded vigorously: “Good.”

So he said, how can Little Sugar Cake not eat dinner every day, it’s still in a growing age! Tonight he will let the kitchen prepare live shrimp,  foie gras and beef for Little Sugar Cake.

After instructing the butler, Fu Xiao returned to his room, and was about to go to the bathroom. Fu Xiao, who used to lock the bathroom door, hesitated this time and did not lock it. 

After a few minutes, the exhausted and drained Little Sugar Cake dragged his tattered body and crawled back to Fu Xiao’s room.

Ying ying ying.

Classes are horrible.

Even so, Little Sugar Cake dragged on the ground with a straight back and strong limbs. Very elegant. 

At a glance, one can see that the effect of physical training is remarkable.

The sore Little Sugar Cake just wanted to do one thing, that is, go to the jacuzzi in Fu Xiao’s bathroom for a massage.

When Fu Xiao bathed him before, he used the jacuzzi to coax him.

Simply cool. 

He wants the Jacuzzi to save his life now.

Fu Xiao’s bathroom is large and divided into two parts, the luxurious bathtub and shower, and they’re separated by transparent glass.

If Little Sugar Cake takes one more look, he’ll find a shadowy figure in the shower.

But now Little Sugar Cake’s mind is full of massage. 

As for whether Fu Xiao was taking a shower, he didn’t care.

What’s wrong with it?

It’s not like they haven’t washed together.

What’s more, he was using a bathtub, which didn’t delay Fu Xiao’s shower at all! 

Getting in the shower by himself, or taking a bath with his cat, which is more important? Isn’t Fu Xiao already clear about it in his heart?

The white long-haired cat skillfully turned on the switch of the bathtub, and then jumped into the bathtub. The bathtub just had a small platform on which he could be massaged by the water without the water level rising above his head.

The warm water flowed through Little Sugar Cake’s limbs, and tiny streams of water pounded massaged Little Sugar Cake’s aching body.

The white cat squinted and hummed comfortably. 

Suddenly there was a sound from behind, and Little Sugar Cake tilted his head and looked behind him.

Fu Xiao picked up a clean towel, and wiped his dripping hair. He turned around, then froze.

One person and one cat look at each other——

Little Sugar Cake stared at Fu Xiao with wide eyes. Fu Xiao’s shoulders were wide and big, and when the whole person stood up, he carried this inexplicably pressure. His body just got out of shower and was still dripping wet, and at this moment, a drop of water slipped down Fu Xiao’s chin to his firm chest and then to his well-defined waist and abdomen. 

Little Sugar Cake swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

Fu Xiao immediately turned around and expressionlessly picked up the bathrobe next to him and put it on, blocking Little Sugar Cake’s eyes glued to him.

Where did he learn such bad habit, dare to hide in the bathtub to peek——

They are still nothing now, Little Sugar Cake doing this kind of act is so wrong. 

Fu Xiao couldn’t help thinking.

In fact, he is still a more conservative person in his bones, and he has always felt that some things should not be rushed.

The next morning, in front of a TV show. 

After the massage, the refreshed Little Sugar Cake squatted on the sofa and watched Rong Hang’s bloody drama with great interest.

The butler and the servants were also watching with great interest.

Fu Xiao walked down with a trace of blue and black in his eyes.

The butler casually discussed the plot with the servant and said: “You see, when it comes to falling in love, you still have to take initiative a little. See, didn’t that girl in the TV chase after the school grass played by Rong Hang?” 

Little Sugar Cake nodded in agreement and meowed.

Fu Xiao’s footsteps froze as he left. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the butler, and he stared blankly at Little Sugar Cake and said: “No matter how much you like him, you can’t be like this. Before the relationship is determined, you should be more reserved.”

Little Sugar Cake: “???”

Why is he talking to him, ah? 

The author has something to say:

Mr. Fu: I am a conservative person.

Sunnyshies: President Fu, you’re thinking too much.