The gifts were all for Little Sugar Cake


After Fu Xiao finished saying those words, he stared at Little Sugar Cake lying on the sofa. He also had some regrets, what happened last night wasn’t a big deal, and what he said was a little heavy.

Will Little Sugar Cake be unhappy to hear that?

Hearing this, Little Sugar Cake, who was originally watching TV, tilted his head and looked at him with a pair of large eyes, with his mouth meowing.

He seems to be explaining something. 

Looking at those beautiful eyes, Mr. Fu, who has always been decisive in killing, immediately regretted it.

Didn’t it just get into the bathroom? The two of them sleep together, why is he talking to Little Sugar Cake like this because of this trivial matter.

The teenager is innocent.

He doesn’t know how sad he will be being told that by himself.

Just as he was about to rub the dumpling, who was sitting paralyzed on the sofa.

Little Sugar Cake, who was sitting paralyzed on the sofa, saw that he was blocking the screen and called out to him, but Fu Xiao didn’t even take a few steps to the side. So he sighed and dragged his body and took two steps, then he stretched out his paws mercilessly, pushing his legs and pushing Fu Xiao aside. He then turned his head and continued watching TV contentedly.

With a ‘none of my business’ look.

Fu Xiao:  … 

The butler broke the silence, and said: “Oh, I forgot, Little Sugar Cake didn’t eat the extra snacks last night. The kitchen has prepared a new one,  I’ll go bring it out now to add it to Little Sugar Cake’s meal.” After he finished speaking, he touched Little Sugar Cake in distress.

It lost a bit of weight this time.

The young master is really unreasonable, Little Sugar Cake is cute only if it’s fat, why not let Little Sugar Cake eat.

As soon as he heard about the snacks, Little Sugar Cake raised his head excitedly. 

The butler is the best.

The white kitty turned his belly, and let out a flattering meow meow in his mouth, then coaxed the butler into a beaming smile.

“Extra snacks?” Fu Xiao, who was pushed aside, said with a blank expression: “No extra snacks is allowed until Little Sugar Cake has dropped to normal weight.”

The butler hesitated: “But everything is ready.” He looked at the cute Little Sugar Cake and tried to fight for its due rights: “It can’t be wasted.” 

Little Sugar Cake also stood up suddenly, and raised his head to look at Fu Xiao expectantly.

“How can it be wasted?” Fu Xiao looked at the cats outside the yard, smiled ruthlessly and said: “There are so many cats outside.”

Ah ah ah!

This big bastard Fu Xiao! 

The old cat squatting in the yard looked at all this and shook his head silently.

Ccv j rey-jveia mja lc atf sjgv ibbxfv ja la alwlvis.

Snfc atbeut la kjr jigfjvs biv, atf biv mja ralii cbalmfv la klat lar rtjgq fsfr jcv ibbxfv bnfg.

Ktf mja kjr rb oglutafcfv atja la rqgfjv lar mijkr jcv lwwfvljafis tlv lc atf ujgvfc yertfr, vjglcu cba ab mbwf bea jujlc. 

Old cat: …

It just glanced.

The cat here is so squeamish, both the inside and the outside.

At this time, Little Sugar Cake, whom it thought was squeamish, walked behind it and said to it: “That was Xiao Xue just now. It was a cat that came two months ago. It was abandoned by its owner and wandered outside for a long time. It was a little timid, when you get acquainted with it, it will naturally come out.” 

Xiao Xue?

Why is its name so arrogant but it’s so delicate on the inside.

“Are you used to being here?” Little Sugar Cake asked. 

The old cat looked at the yard where it first arrived, and the cats playing in the yard in two and three. There were cats of all ages. From time to time, there were cats that pounced on a ball, and this inexplicably makes the old cat feel at ease, and it seems not bad to be able to find such a place to retire at this age.

The old cat remembered that when it first came to its owner, it was probably only as big as Xiao Xue. At that time, its owner’s hair was not so white, and he was still able to comfort itself in his arms from under the sofa.

It’s just that the life span of humans and cats are not the same.

Ten years is just a part of its owner’s life. Indeed, that’s all there’s to it. 

Thinking of this, the old cat lowered its head and said: “It’s pretty good here.”

Little Sugar Cake curiously poked his head over, and asked: “Why are you out there?” The old cat was old and looked well taken care of, so how could it be wandering outside.

Thinking that a cat the age of the old cat cannot survive outside. This is cruel but true.

The snow-white kitty is fluffy and clean, he smells sweet and looks vibrant, and cats doesn’t hate him. However, the old cat sniffed lightly. It was already old, but it could still vaguely tell that the smell of the white cat in front of it seemed to have the same smell of the person who picked it up. But it was already old, and didn’t really care about this kind of thing. So in its eyes, Little Sugar Cake is just a special cat. The old cat licked its paw and said: “I’m going to die, so I ran out.” 

“I’m sorry.” Little Sugar Cake was stunned for a moment, then quickly apologized, but then he was puzzled: “Why do you have to leave the house at such a time.” Wouldn’t it be fun to spend the last time playing?

The old cat stopped licking its paw, and looked at Little Sugar Cake and asked seriously: “If you reach the end of your life, what will you do?”

Little Sugar Cake was stunned for a moment, and his thoughts followed the old cat’s words.

If that day comes, what will Fu Xiao do? 

He will be very sad and upset, ba. Little Sugar Cake didn’t care about life and death, but when he thought that Fu Xiao would be sad, his heart ached.

The old cat stood up, it shook its fur and looked at Little Sugar Cake: “Leaving is my choice, ah.”

It has felt that its life is drying up, and the last thing it can do for its owner is to leave him. In this way, when that day does come, its owner’s sorrow will probably be less.

Little Sugar Cake watched the old cat walk away from the back, and his blue eyes suddenly dimmed. 

If it was him——

He will never leave Fu Xiao, even at the last minute and last second.

At this time, a pair of warm hands suddenly touched the head of Little Sugar Cake, and Little Sugar Cake didn’t need to look back to know who the owner of the hands was.

The white cat suddenly turned and leapt up into the arms of the cold man. He leaned his head against the man, refusing to come down like a sticky rice cake, rubbing against him. 

The cold man, who was originally uneasy and followed out to take a look, was a bit overwhelmed by his cat’s sudden gesture of affection. His broad palms went back and forth to soothe the cat’s back, and he couldn’t help but ask in a whisper: “What’s wrong?”

What’s going on, he just didn’t watch him for a while, how could Little Sugar Cake become this way?

The white cat narrowed his eyes, and just leaned himself closer.

So will he and Fu Xiao be separated? 

After talking to the old cat, Little Sugar Cake has been a little unhappy these days.

But there is good news when the weekend comes.

Fu Mingming, who went abroad some time ago, finally came back. 

This time, she specifically expressed her firm desire to be an anchor to her parents, and introduced the prospects of this industry in detail. Unexpectedly, her parents agreed. Fu Mingming, who is in high spirits on happy occasions, dyed her hair pink to celebrate, looking like a cocktail bottle.

She then squatted in the doorway of Little Sugar Cake, looking at him for a long time. Unable to overcome the psychological barrier, he hesitantly put his paws on Fu Mingming’s ripped jeans to show his welcome.

“I miss you to death.” Fu Mingming didn’t notice the dislike of Little Sugar Cake, and just happily let people unload all kinds of gifts from her car, then she stretched out her hands to hugged Little Sugar Cake tightly in her arms, and even tried to kiss Little Sugar Cake on the cheek, but Little Sugar Cake waved her away with his paws.

Little Sugar Cake looked at the pile of gifts and was hugged by Fu Mingming. Although the local tyrant Sugar Cake, who worked hard to support his family during this time, no longer cares about this cat food, since it was his hard earned money, it’s good if he doesn’t need to pay. 

The gifts were moved to the end, then Fu mingming took out a box by herself, and coughed a little embarrassedly, she then said to the butler: “It’s almost my biao shu‘s birthday. This is my birthday present for my biao shu.”

There are still a few days before Fu Xiao’s birthday. Because Xingchen merged with their biggest rival last year, coupled with this year’s international development strategy, Fu Xiao’s birthday will definitely be held this year. The butler already started preparations a few months ago, and by now, most of the invitations have been sent out.

And Fu Mingming went back to the country in time for the birthday party, but she knew that her biao shu would be the busiest person at the birthday party, so she specially brought the gift here first. 

Little Sugar Cake curiously looked at the gift box, what exactly was in it?

Fu Xiao walked out and frowned slightly when he saw Little Sugar Cake being hugged. He walked to Fu Mingming’s side and stretched out his hand to Little Sugar Cake inadvertently.

Little Sugar Cake jumped from Fu Mingming to Fu Xiao without thinking.

Fu Xiao touched the back of the white long-haired cat in his arms with satisfaction. The fluffy touch made him feel extremely happy. 

Fu Mingming pushed the gift in front of Fu Xiao and said: “Biao shu, this is my birthday present for you. You will like it, hehe.” Every year, she will give her biao shu a gift. Of course, her biao shu will not take advantage of her as his junior. After each gift, she can go around the world with the financial support of her biao shu.

Fu Xiao looked at it in surprise.

What is it? How could she be sure that I would like it?

Before he could say anything, Fu Mingming was already eager to tear open the gift wrapping and presented the treasure to Fu Xiao. 

Inside the box is a small white simulation robot mouse. Fu Mingming turned on the switch, and the white mouse scurried around Little Sugar Cake, and she proudly said: “It’s intelligently controlled. It will walk automatically, avoid obstacles, and automatically run to the cat’s side through sensors.”

It’s really difficult to prepare a present that will satisfy her biao shu, but it’s not difficult to prepare a satisfying gift for Little Sugar Cake, ah!

As Fu Mingming introduced it, she thought proudly.

Little Sugar Cake’s blue eyes looked at the little mouse arrogantly. He wasn’t a real cat, so he didn’t like this kind of toy! 

The little mouse ran around beside the white kitty’s paws. The white kitty waved his cat paw and quickly patted the little mouse, but the little mouse slipped away from the kitty’s paw.

Little Sugar Cake looked at his empty paw, and his eyes opened wide. How could he miss it? It’s absolutely impossible. He slapped the little mouse again, not believing in evil——

Fu Xiao looked at Little Sugar Cake catching mouse in the yard, and the corner of his mouth bent, then he gave a rare compliment: “Not bad.”

Fu Mingming secretly rejoiced that her ski trip in Switzerland has been set into motion. 

It’s no secret in the circle that Fu Xiao has a favorite cat, which is the apple of his eye.

The people in the circle were all smart people, and many gifts have been delivered to Fu Xiao’s villa these days.

A large part of this is various cat supplies. 

All kinds of rare and not uncommon cat toys, limited edition gemstone cat necklaces, big-name customized cat bags, and so many gifts that often make Fu Xiao have the illusion—— it’s not him who will celebrate his birthday, but Little Sugar Cake.

Afterwards, Fu Xiao directly asked Little Sugar Cake to unpack the gifts.

And now, he even has a two floor, four bedroom, and two halls cat villa, with cat scratching boards installed inside, and other gifts piled up in the yard where they are all placed.

The group of ignorant countryside cats in Little Sugar Cake’s cat group couldn’t help but open their mouths wide and look at the luxurious villa in shock. 

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but curiously looked back and forth around the cat villa. After walking for a few laps, he felt that it was boring. No matter how big this cat villa was, could it be as big as Fu Xiao’s villa?

He casually stretched out his paws and continued to unwrap the pile of gifts.

Fu Xiao watched him patiently beside him.

Little Sugar Cake casually waved open a gift box. A light blue hand-knitted sweater was exposed from the gift box, and a red card came out along with the sweater. 

Little Sugar Cake looked at it at random, and there were three words on the card—— Song Mingwei.

Fu Xiao’s so-called mother.

The white kitty’s expression changed instantly. He wanted to shred the card, but it was a pity that Fu Xiao had already picked it up.