Terrifying Existence 

The old man’s pupils shrank.

When he was young, he was also an all-powerful figure. This kind of small gangsters is simply too beautiful to put in his eyes, but now, he is old after all, and his body can’t respond much anymore.

However the expected fall did not come. 

The gangster leader glanced at them for a moment.

He saw the slim and slender palm of the teenager sitting across from them pressed on the table, and the teenager’s black hair flared. His ice-blue almond-like eyes looked at them casually.

It’s as if he didn’t even put them in his eyes.

The gangster leader snorted coldly, then put his other hand on it, and he put more force on overturning the table, while his eyes became more serious as well.

The table is securely under the teenager’s hand without even moving a bit.

The gangster leader insisted on trying harder, but it’s still not moving at all. Not even the soup in the three bowls of cat ears on the table was shaken.

The scene was a little weird for a while.

The gangster leader is also a muscular male adult, but because of too much force, his face is red, and his muscles have contracted. Opposite of him, the sitting teenager still had one hand on the table, with a relaxed expression and his legs dangling between the table and chair. He had an absent-minded look on his face, in stark contrast to him. 

Fu Xiao looked at the teenager beside him with thoughtful eyes.

The teenager is so strong, then what about Little Sugar Cake?

The teenager felt guilty for a while.

Immediately, he thought of his poor, weak, and helpless cat persona, and immediately felt relieved. 

He’s not Little Sugar Cake now. Little Sugar Cake is pitiful, weak and helpless, but he’s not.

So he confidently looked towards Fu Xiao.

Su Zening could help showing off.

He wants to let out ruthless words! 

When he used to teach other cats (or people) as Little Sugar Cake, he could only meow meow meow.

So the teenager raised his black hair, then looked up, and his blue eyes carelessly swept the gangster leader and said: “Is that the best you can do?” The teenager’s original sunshine temperament became bright and aggressive, Fu Xiao’s heart moved when he saw it.

On the other hand, the old man on the side cooperated very well, and knocked his crutches heavily on the ground. Looking down at the gangster leader with contempt, he said with the extreme desire to pull hatred: “Little gangster, you’re nothing but appearances.” 

“Smelly old man, you are courting death!” The gangster leader said angrily. The worst thing is the little brothers behind the gangster leader also showed suspicious eyes at him.

A great shame.

The gangster leader, who had never endured such humiliation, was so angry that he was about to burst into flames. He has realized that the opposite teenager’s strength may be very strong and he may not have an advantage in strength.

But he would never admit defeat like this. 

Looking at the opposite slim and thin teenager, as soon as his eyes turned, he violently struck first. He stretched out his fist and swung at the teenager.

It’s just that his hand was stretched halfway, when it was imprisoned by another hand. The gangster leader looked over, and saw the man in suit grabbing his hand, and his dark eyes looked at him coldly, shaking the man’s spirit.

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao in shock.

Can Fu Xiao fight too? 

As if sensing the sight of the teenager, Fu Xiao laughed softly and pushed his hand.

Ktf ujcurafg ifjvfg delmxis abbx j ofk rafqr yjmx. Lf reqqgfrrfv atf qjiqlajalbcr lc tlr tfjga, jcv ibbxfv ifoa jcv gluta ja tlr rfnfc jcv fluta ilaaif ygbatfgr yftlcv tlw, jcv tlr tfjga revvfcis mjiwfv vbkc. Rb wjaafg ktja atf atgff qfbqif jmgbrr ogbw atfw jgf mjqjyif bo.

Jjc atfs fnfc yfja j ugbeq bo qfbqif ilxf atfw?

Thinking that, the gangster leader gestured to the little brothers with his eyes. The little brothers followed behind him this time, and the gangster leader walked up to the three arrogantly. 

This time he glanced at the table, his eyes lacking in confidence, but then he saw three bowls of warm cat ears on the table, and his eyes lit up.

Since the table can’t be lifted, then it’s also good to throw the things off the table.

So the three bowls of hot and fragrant cat ears, which had not eaten yet, were thrown to the ground by surprise.

The teenager stood up, his eyes widened, and he looked at the cat ears on the ground with heartache. 

He hasn’t eaten yet.

He hadn’t even taken a single bite of cat ears, now it was gone.

So angry, ah!

Seeing that the teenager suddenly stood up, the gangster leader smiled arrogantly and said: “Are you afraid now? If I don’t teach you a good lesson today, how can I, Jin Ye, be mixed on this road?” 

The teenager turned his gaze to the gangster leader and narrowed his eyes.

Fu Xiao lowered his head and smiled softly. He stood up and pulled down his tie, then unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt. Beneath his white shirt hides layers of good-looking muscles, revealing a completely different wildness from his usual well-dressed self.


There was a scream from the small noodle shop. 

“Ah ah ah!”

“It hurts ah!”

“Run! Boss, we’ll cover you! You get out of here!”

“Fuck, which turtle grandson locked the door?” 

Ten minutes later.

There is a pile of “human-shaped garbage” in the corner of the small noodle shop.

Su Zening patted his hands casually and took a step towards the corner.

The gangsters ducked back in fear, but the man in shirt was behind, blocking them. 

So they hurried back again.

The teenager was as powerful as a monster, while the man in white shirt strikes black and spicy, always hitting tricky places.

The weak, pitiful and helpless gangsters swallowed and shivered: “You, what are you going to do? We’ll call the police if you come again.”

At this time, the gangster leader ran to the door from the gap between the two. This time the door that was locked was pushed open with ease, and he ran out of the door. 

However, as soon as he looked up and saw the outside clearly, his legs went weak and he sat on his butt.

A group of burly men in black suits and sunglasses stood outside the door.

The leader of the burly men picked up the gangster like a chick, and threw him at the feet of the old man, then said: “Director Wu, we are late. The door was locked and it took a while to open it.”

The old man sat upright on the chair and looked at the gangster sullenly. The old man with white hair and a somewhat hunched body used his cane to beat the gangster, who was covering his head, and said: “I’m a dead old man, right? A dead old man can teach you a group of little gangsters how to behave.” 

The gangster looked behind him, and the bodyguards in black were like a wall to him. He didn’t dare to hide, so he could only hold his head.

Simply pathetic and helpless.

Old man Wu’s bodyguard took the bunch of gangsters out.

After a while, the black-clothed bodyguard leader came back and said indifferently: “Under our teachings, they promised to never do anything against the law and order again after they came out of the police station.” 

Su Zening, who has always been very keen, swallowed his saliva and asked: “Teachings?”

The bodyguard in black tugged at the corner of his mouth expressionlessly and said to Su Zening: “Yes, friendly and sincere teachings.”

After driving the gangsters away, the store was also a mess. 

Old man Wu handed over his phone number to the shopkeeper and said: “In the future, if he dares to come, you can tell me. They come once, and I beat them once.”

Su Zening watched the group of bodyguards leave curiously. The old man seemed to have a high status, and there were so many bodyguards around him. Then he turned to look at Fu Xiao.

Does Fu Xiao have no bodyguards?

Fu Xiao seemed to be aware of Su Zening’s thoughts and said: “My bodyguards generally don’t follow that closely. I will notify them if something happens.” After all, he is also a young man, who’s not used to having so many people around him all the time. Except for working hours, he basically did not let the bodyguards follow him too close in his private time. 

Su Zening nodded, then his stomach growled.

Fu Xiao was dumbfounded, then he looked at the teenager with gentle eyes and said: “Are you hungry?”

The shopkeeper quickly untied the apron and said: “A few of you don’t go, my brother’s store is not far away by the park, if you don’t mind my craft, I’ll go to my brother’s store and cook a meal for you to thank you.”

The teenager was really hungry, so he looked at Fu Xiao. 

Fu Xiao naturally nodded.

But unexpectedly, the old man came along with them.

Along the way, the old man looked at Fu Xiao thoughtfully.

He did not expect that Fu Xiao would also have such a side. 

In his impression, Fu Xiao is inhumane, and interests come first. Even if it is a family friend, as long as there is a conflict, Fu Xiao can give them up. He has witnessed how Fu Xiao has reached this position by unscrupulous means along the way.

He never thought that Fu Xiao would fight with someone for a small unprofitable noodle shop.

Fu Xiao, on the other hand, treated the situation lightly

When they arrived at the store in the park, the shop of the owner’s younger brother was right next to the lake in the center of the park. There are several tables in the open air, and you can see the view of the lake. 

They were sitting at the table in the open air.

A black-and-white-gloved kitten watched them curiously at their feet.

Su Zening stretched out his hand.

The kitten raised its head curiously and boldly and put the tip of its nose close to Su Zening’s finger. 

The old man looked at the kitten with nostalgia, and his heart ached. His Dark Cloud ah, he doesn’t know if it’s suffering now. That group of trash can’t even look for a cat and can’t find it.

He also stretched out his hand and touched the kitten’s head.

The kitten purred tenderly.

Su Zening asked: “Do you have a cat too?” The old man’s movements were very skilled. 

The old man nodded.

Su Zening smiled at the old man and said: “What a coincidence, Mr. Fu also has a cat at home. It’s handsome and good-looking.”

Fu Xiao looked at Su Zening with a smile yet not a smile: “Yes.”

By the lake, the scenery is just right, and the craftsmanship of the owner is also very good. 

The three sat together, and Su Zening talked warmly between the two.

The old man, who had looked at Fu Xiao with a cold face, gradually relaxed. He also began to talk to Fu Xiao on his own initiative. It was just a small chat, not even a full sentence, and there’s probably a common topic, until the two talked further and further away from the cat.

Surprisingly, their opinions and views coincide.

Probably very few people are willing to accompany the old man to talk so much. The old man rambled and dragged them for a long time. In the end, Su Zening reluctantly interrupted: “I’m going to be late for class.” 

The old man stopped. The old man looked at Su Zening and said proudly: “There are many delicious restaurants near Xingchen. I know all of them. I will take you to eat next time.”

Su Zening’s eyes lit up.

After separating from the old man, Su Zening still regretted it: “It’s a pity that I didn’t eat cat ears. It’s a pity.” And the owner of the store will take a break for a while, and he won’t open again soon. 

Fu Xiao’s eyes moved slightly.

Home, at night.

The butler brought a small bowl of cat ears with clear soup to Little Sugar Cake, and said lovingly: “Little Sugar Cake, eat something.”

This is what the young master specifically asked to make for Little Sugar Cake tonight. 

Little Sugar Cake, who was playing with his tail, saw the contents of the bowl, and his eyes lit up.

It’s cat ears ah!

The white cat’s blue eyes looked up at the butler, and gave a sweet meow at the butler, then he ran to the cat bowl and buried his head in it happily.

The delicious feeling lingered on the white long-haired cat’s tongue, and the little kitty cried out with happiness. 

The next morning, in the yard at the cats’ breakfast time. Little Sugar Cake can’t forget the cat ears last night, and even the canned cat food in his mouth didn’t taste good.

Silly Bai Tian looked at Little Sugar Cake absent-mindedly licking his fur, while bowing its head to eat, it brought its canned food over and asked in wonder: “What’s wrong with you, Little Sugar Cake la?”

The white-haired cat squatting on the stone table swallowed, and said: “It’s nothing, it’s just that cat ears are delicious.”

Silly Bai Tian held the canned food in its mouth for a while, and looked at Little Sugar Cake in shock, then the canned food in his mouth fell with a clatter. 

Little Sugar Cake, it, it actually eats cat ears!

Mao-mao is so cute, why eat its ears?

The short-legged orange car felt cold in its fluffy ears.

Its ears are not good, Little Sugar Cake must not eat its ears, ah. 

The old cat, who was eating a specially made soft cat food, looked over there speechlessly, then turned to look at the kitten beside it.

The pure white mixed-race little puppet cat, Xiao Xue, beside it cried and said: “Does Little Sugar Cake like to eat cat ears?” Little Sugar Cake is so good to them, if it likes it, it can only give its ears to Little Sugar Cake.

Ying ying ying.

It doesn’t know if a kitten without ears would be ugly. 

Xiao Xue doesn’t want to be an ugly cat.

The old cat sighed, then pulled Xiao Xue over and licked its fur.

It also wondered how exactly this cat group had grown to such a size, revealing an air of unreliability from the top to the bottom.

In a corner of the yard, Fat Orange looked at Little Sugar Cake in horror. 

Before long, a terrifying urban legend circulated among cats all over the city——

That ugly, fat and bald ass king of cats from the cat group at the Hilltop Villa loves to eat cat ears!

How brutal! Very scary!

Sunnyshies: I translated too slow these days. Did I say that I write before? Youtube has so many things, and last week, I seek some vids how to write much easier, and to improve, cause seriously, I never written anything that goes beyond chapter 30…I went running to tl thinking it would improve my patience…anyway, I found Abbie Emmons vids and she really has many good advices…you guys should try watching her vids too. After watching few of her vids, many of my ideas resurface, now I’m in trace and in daze every day that I can’t do anything. I tried writing it all down, somehow my mind cleared a little bit. 

Anyway, haha, Fat Orange will have more screen time next chapter!!