It doesn’t understand Little Sugar Cake’s heart 

Xiao Yun has been very busy recently, busy arranging all the things that should be done for Su Zening’s debut.

Everything else is fine with Mr. Fu and the investment behind him, except for these two matters.

First, the first promotional film of Angus’ movie is about to come out. If they can catch up with this wave of east wind, it will definitely be beneficial to the teenager. But the problem is also here. Angus is very satisfied with the effect of the promotional video, although he was still making final adjustments, it maybe released in just a few days. 

But these few days are not enough for the teenager to record other singles. What’s more, the teenager is very talented. Xiao Yun doesn’t want the teenager to take the route of fast consumption. His singles need to be refined from selection to production.

Since they strived for perfection, their action can not be too fast. Even the song has not been selected yet, and it is even more impossible to make it in a few days.

Second, if the first one doesn’t work, then the best way is to participate in a popular variety show or make a debut.

She also has several variety shows on hand, but many of them are very short-lived. The best is a talent show, but she is always watching the movement of the circle to see if there are more suitable talent show projects for the teenager. In fact, there is one that is barely enough—— The Nebula TV’s “Ten Thousand Stars”.

“Ten Thousand Stars” has reached the point of publicity, and it will be launched strongly this time. The time is just right, and Nebula TV is also an old and powerful TV station. “Ten Thousand Stars” also has a long history, and it used to be unparalleled in scenery. It’s just that the taste of this show is outdated and declining. In fact, if a drastic adjustment is made before the official recording of the program, it may not be impossible to become popular, but the Old man Wu of the TV station has a stinky and hard temper. But he is also a major shareholder of Xingchen, and his prestige is still a bit high.

Xiao Yun sighed, if it doesn’t work, she still has to wait and see the circle, and wait a while, she still has a few variety shows in her hands.

By the way, today the teenager is going to record and broadcast his first variety show. She doesn’t know how effective it is, so she’ll have to check it out later.


Nebula TV.

For the first time, the cold-faced old man sat opposite Secretary Zhang calmly.

One must know that in normal times, Secretary Zhang may not even enter this door.

Since their last conversation, the old man’s attitude towards Fu Xiao has also begun to change, and Fu Xiao does have his own ideas. Still, even with it, Secretary Zhang still sweats a lot. There can’t be a big change for a while, but this was enough to make Secretary Zhang talk calmly. 

Thinking of the recent changes, the old man who had always been in good spirits also had a tired look on his face.

Lf mibrfv atf qijc tjcvfv ab tlw ys Vfmgfajgs Itjcu jcv rjlv: “Po atfrf mjc yf gfjilhfv, “Kfc Ktberjcv Vajgr” wjs cba gfjiis yf jyif ab gfqgbvemf lar uibgs, yea——” Llr nblmf tjr j ojlca tfiqifrrcfrr.

Vfmgfajgs Itjcu revvfcis tjv j yjv qgfwbclalbc.

Ktf biv wjc’r nblmf lr oeii bo nlmlrrlaevfr, tlr oluegf lr tecmtfv, jcv atf biv wjc lc ogbca bo tlw lr jigfjvs lc tlr biv juf. Zjcs atlcur tjnf yffc yfsbcv atf qbkfg bo atf biv wjc, rb tf rjlv: “Pa kbeiv tjnf yffc yfaafg lo sbe mjwf tjio j vjs fjgilfg. Ktlr wbgclcu, atf qgbpfma “Kfc Ktberjcv Vajgr” tfjvfv ys j ofk gfrqbcrlyif qfbqif tjr reywlaafv j gfrlucjalbc, jcv atf qgbpfma afjw klii rbbc yf vlryjcvfv.” Ktfgf jgf j iba bo qfbqif ktb tjnf j ubbv qfgrbcji gfijalbcrtlq klat tlw, atf sbecufg ufcfgjalbc tf njiefr, atbrf ktb tf bcmf atbeuta kbeiv reqqbga tlw cb wjaafg ktja. 

But he didn’t expect them to leave.

And Dark Cloud, who have accompanied him for more than ten years have also left.

This made the old man couldn’t help but have a deep sense of frustration, he also began to reflect and think about some things.

The old man rubbed his brows wearily and said: “There is no more “Ten Thousand Stars”, and tomorrow I will announce precisely the dissolution of the project team.” For the first time, he, who has always been indomitable and stubborn, began to doubt himself. 

Maybe he is really old.

Secretary Zhang was stunned for a moment, but he was not surprised with this situation. A truly capable person would not be trapped in the program group Ten Thousand Stars for a lifetime. The dissolution of Ten Thousand Stars was also expected by Mr. Fu, so Mr. Fu just ignored this show because he knew that this state would not last for a long time, but why did it happen at such a time——

Secretary Zhang smiled bitterly, Mr. Fu has worked so hard to plan for so long and did not accomplish anything, so forget about it?


This is not the first time Su Zening has participated in a variety show. He has been pulled once as a strong man at Xingchen’s headquarters before.

So this time, he didn’t find it strange either.

But what Su Zening didn’t know was that the last variety show was attended by amateurs, and the threshold was relatively low. At this time, the variety show was attended by performing artists, but he could also notice that his treatment was much better this time. Sister Xiao also came to see him specially, brought him a little assistant, and there’s even a stylist and a make-up artist prepared for him. 

This time the show is an outdoor variety show. The six artists will work in pairs and draw tasks on the spot, and the one who completes the task within the specified time wins.

Su Zening and five other artists took the bus. Several artists chatted with each other on the bus. Among them, the most popular female singer is Fang Ning, the rest are variety show artist Qin Ke, idol group Xiang Tian and Xiang Lan, and there is also a young man, Jiang Luoluo, who has not yet officially debuted, but has already appeared in the concert of brothers and sisters. Among the remaining six people, Su Zening has the lowest coffee position, and is not familiar with the insiders.

Fang Ning sat in the seat and closed her eyes. Her face was cold and beautiful, and her temper was not very good in the circle. So no one is so ignorant as to provoke her. Jiang Luoluo, Xiang Tian, and Xiang Lan chatted together, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time. 

When they got to their destination and got out of the car, Su Zening found that the place where they are recording the show today is at the foot of the hill where Fu Xiao’s house is located.

The show started and the host told them the mission.

It turns out that the task of this issue is to ask the artists to rely on the musical instruments and equipment provided by the program group to go to the street for a mini-concert. The participants with the most seats at the end of the concert wins.

And would be rewarded by the program group—— to be the guest finale at the concert of the songstress Xiao Ruhan. 

Xiao Ruhan is a well-deserved number one singer in the music industry.

To be able to go to her concert is simply bringing its own heat.

As soon as this reward was spoken, everyone’s eyes lit up. This kind of opportunity is really rare and extremely tempting.

The teammate is important if you want to win. The popularity of the members definitely has an impact to a certain extent. Xiang Tian and Xiang Lan were originally a duo, naturally they became a group. Jiang Luoluo glanced at everyone, he looked at Su Zening, and he pursed his lips slightly, then walked up to Fang Ning and said: “Please give me more advice, senior.” 

Compared to Qin Ke and the unknown Su Zening, Fang Ning is definitely the best candidate.

Qin Ke grinned and hugged Su Zening’s shoulders and said: “Then we’ll be in a group. You have to behave well, little handsome guy.”

In the pre-match distribution venue, the equipment and the flow of the surrounding people are different. The best are in the community center. It has its own flow of people, and complete equipment and a band. The middle one is in the corner of the community park with average traffic flow and a guitar, and the worst one is next to the public toilet in the community and the equipment only has a microphone.

Qin Ke, who was smiling like an emoji on the surface, was very good at games, but Xiang Tian and Xiang Lan turned out to be game black holes. After the venue was allocated, the group of Su Zening and Qin Ke got a venue with guitars, Xiang Tian and Xiang Lan were the last and Jiang Loulou and Fang Ning were the first.

The three groups went to their respective venues.

Su Zening and Qin Ke were walking on the road, and Qin Ke could see that he was familiar with the place and asked: “Do you live here? I feel like you know it very well, ah.” 

How can he not know this place well?

This is his family’s doorway, ah.

Su Zening paused and said: “I’ve been here a few times.”

At this moment, Su Zening suddenly heard a familiar meowing sound. 

He subconsciously turned his head to look over, and saw a fat orange cat lying on a stone bench in a corner of the roadside green belt, and was brazenly talking to a beautiful calico cat: “Nothing, our cat king here is fat, not even half as handsome as me——”

Fat Orange!

I’m really inseparable with you, ah!

Su Zening gritted his teeth and thought—— 

Fat Orange over there raised its head as it spoke, as if it had noticed Su Zening’s gaze.

One person and one cat looked at each other.

Fat Orange jumped backwards with a jerk, recognizing Su Zening. This is the human bastard who loved and hated him before! He caused it harm, and now its three owners know each other, and it can no longer eat a meal three times.

It caused this cat to lose weight visible to the naked eye. 

It smells the faint smell in the air, and its eyes are full of doubts. Isn’t this the smell of Little Sugar Cake?

How could it be on this human in front of it? Besides, the smell is so strong, it doesn’t seem like it was accidentally stained.

Last time it was too rushed and it didn’t distinguish it, but this time, it sniffed carefully, and the two-legged beast in front of it was definitely Little Sugar Cake.

For cats, distinguishing companions rely on the smell, and humans in the eyes of Fat Orange are just strange-looking, weak chicken-like companions. 

So it’s not difficult for Fat Orange to accept Little Sugar Cake turning into a two-legged beast.

It’s just that a lot of thoughts flashed through Fat Orange’s mind for a while, and a light flashed in his mind, which has always been well-informed, and it suddenly understood——

It turned out that Little Sugar Cake actually hated it out of love?

No wonder, no wonder Little Sugar Cake always makes things difficult for it. 

Fat Orange sighed faintly, it really doesn’t understand Little Sugar Cake’s heart!

Sunnyshies: Hahaha, next chapter is really beautiful, its one of my fav scene in the series. I think I’ll post double update in Halloween. That’s it!

We’re confronting a typhoon now, if like the wind would blow away the roof. Man~ and its all flooded too. Thinking about it, we accepted 5-6 typhoon just this month. Sigh~ So everyone affected by the typhoon, be careful!