Little Sugar Cake: I’m so smart


The person that Fu Xiao wants to take Little Sugar Cake to is Old Madam Song, who is really critically ill.

But why would she coincidentally fall critically ill just when Song Mingwei was about to make a move? Or was Song Mingwi so deranged that she even wanted to kill her own mother.

But now, Song Mingwei has been controlled by the police, and the person closest to old madam Song in this world is Fu Xiao.

Little Sugar Cake probably knew that old madam Song was a little different from the rest of the Song family. Back then, Fu Xiao still showed a bit of sentiment and face probably because of old madam Song’s sake. 

Getting in the car, the two of them headed to the sanatorium, and the driver of the car is still the conscientious Secretary Zhang. Su Zening sat in the back seat with a guilty conscience. He was wearing obviously ill-fitting clothes. Although Fu Xiao’s villa had prepared clothes, most of them were Fu Xiao’s suits. At this time, Su Zening was wearing it, like a child secretly wearing an adult’s clothes, with unspoken awkwardness, and Secretary Zhang guessed at a glance that it was Mr. Fu’s clothes.

Secretary Zhang drove the car with a blank expression on his face, but in fact, there was a huge wave in his heart.

The teenager suddenly appeared at Mr. Fu’s villa early in the morning, and changed into these clothes that obviously did not belong to him.

Mr. Fu is not wearing his own clothes either.

It’s very likely that the two of them shared the same room.

These two people stayed in the same room for one night, and changed their clothes separately. They are both adults, what else can they do?

What’s more, at such a sensitive moment.

Although Mr. Fu told him this morning that Little Sugar Cake is no longer in danger, last night, Little Sugar Cake’s life and death were unknown, and at this moment, this teenager was by Mr. Fu’s side during such vulnerable moments. 

Hehe, he is not stupid.

He just didn’t expect Mr. Fu to act so fast.

Secretary Zhang looked at the teenager behind him calmly, secretly thinking that he, as Mr. Fu’s right-hand man, must not drag his feet.

So without any guilt, he officially used his authority for private interests and set the location year-end team building at a well-known international lovers’ sanctuary. 

And the two of them would share a room!

Su Zening’s back felt chilly, and he couldn’t help shaking.

Secretary Zhang’s eyes are so strange, ah!

After getting out of the car, what caught Su Zening’s eyes was a sanatorium with beautiful scenery. Rather than a sanatorium, it looks so much like a scenic spot. 

The road is being repaired at the gate, and the car cannot drive in.

Secretary Zhang parked the car on the side. The road outside the car was uneven.

Fu Xiao got down first, and when Su Zening was about to get down, a hand stretched out from outside the car.

Su Zening stared at Fu Xiao’s hand for a moment. 

Fu Xiao wouldn’t treat him like this before, when he was working as Fu Xiao’s secretary, let’s not talk about how miserable he was!

Endless work, endless classes.

It’s a world apart in comparison to now.

Why did he work so hard before? 

Fu Xiao said: “Not coming down?”

Su Zening looked at Secretary Zhang in front of him.

Secretary Zhang did not look their way

Su Zening felt relieved, and put his hand in Fu Xiao’s palm without any hesitation, not even the least uncomfortable of using the President. 

What’s wrong with holding hands.

Usually he is hugged by Fu Xiao.

The two walked into the sanatorium. The facilities in the sanatorium are very good, and the conditions are top-notch in the country. The medical department behind it is also top-notch. The management is naturally very strict, and all visitors need to register.

The registration procedure is a little bit extra tedious as Fu Xiao has not come here before. 

In the medical department, the nurses registered their identities. The head nurse is about 30 years old, mature and capable. She likes children like Su Zening, who look very good, and was very kind to Su Zening, so before leaving she gave Su Zening a few strawberry-flavored fudge that was prepared for visitors on the plate at the service desk.

The two were led inside by the nurse in charge of Old Madam Song.

Although Fu Xiao has never been very talkative, he was also very silent along the way.

Su Zening, who was always sensitive to Fu Xiao’s emotions, noticed this. 

With Fu Xiao’s character, he has always been clear about grievances and grudges. Since he is willing to see Old Madam Song for the last time, Old Madam Song should have sheltered little Fu Xiao, ba.

Fu Xiao still can’t treat Old Madam Song as a stranger, right?

Su Zening just wanted to make Fu Xiao happy. After thinking about it, he walked to Fu Xiao’s side quickly, he held his hand, and stuffed a strawberry fudge into his hand unexpectedly.

Me Wljb bqfcfv tlr qjiw, jcv ibbxfv ja atf mjcvs lc tlr qjiw. Lf kjr raeccfv jcv atfc ibbxfv vbkc ja Ve Ifclcu. 

Ve Ifclcu qgfafcvfv cba ab mjgf jcv rjlv: “Lfgf, atlr mjcvs lr vfilmlber, ags la.”

Me Wljb rlifcais tfiv atf mjcvs alutais lc tlr qjiw, atfc ybkfv tlr tfjv jcv mtemxifv. Lf kjr bynlberis nfgs tjqqs lc tlr tfjga, yea tf rjlv: “Ccv cbk sbe xcbk tbk ab mbjz wf klat ktja batfgr ulnf sbe.”

He’s been using this trick since he was a cat, giving away his cake or something that others gave him, but he didn’t expect for him to be like this too as a human.

He thought of how Su Zening was favored by the group of big sisters in the office, and couldn’t help but speak again: “Do you still have some conscience, giving me things that others use to make you happy, do you really think I’m that generous? 

When Su Zening heard Fu Xiao slapping him back, he was very aggrieved and said: “Wow, you still have the nerve to scold me. As soon as you stand there, most of the girls’ eyes won’t even come down from you.”

At Fu Xiao’s age, with his aura of being in the top position for a long time, as well as his handsome face, and his gentleness towards the teenager by his side, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

He was magnanimous enough not to refuse, but Fu Xiao still said that.

The more Su Zening spoke, the more angry he became. He stretched out his hand and angrily said: “Give me back the candy.” 

He knew that Fu Xiao liked to turn over old scores!

Naturally, Fu Xiao would not return it to Su Zening.

Along the way, Fu Xiao let the teenager surround him and make trouble. When they were at the door of Old Madam Song’s ward, Fu Xiao’s mood had already improved a lot.

Pushing open the door of the ward, Su Zening was taken aback. The old woman in the hospital bed was as dry and thin as a dry tree, and all of her vitaly seemed to be drained. 

She was completely different from the elegant old woman he met last time. At this moment, the old woman was sitting, leaning against the hospital bed as the winter sun shone down. In the sunlight, the old woman looked at the person who pushed the door and entered. She squinted her eyes with difficulty, and said after a long time: “It’s Ah Xiao…here you go ah, you came…just in time.”

She trembled and turned her hand toward a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a suit next to her: “Lawyer…Wu, this…is my…grandson.”

She spoke every word with great effort.

Then the man in his forties or fifties said to the old madam with a professional smile: “I know your grandson, and I was also responsible for handling Master Song’s affairs back then.” 

He looked at Fu Xiao on the opposite side, and he doesn’t need to recall any trace of him in his memory. Who in this city doesn’t know Fu Xiao?

Who would have thought that the skinny little boy would have grown into what he is today.

But he has always maintained a somewhat respectful distance from Fu Xiao, because Master Song’s situation at that time was too weird. Master Song, who was not too old, had a heart attack and died in the study, and the quick-acting heart pills fell under his hands. It’s fine if there’s no one else in the room.

But it was obvious that Fu Xiao was also in the room at that time. 

A heart attack is extremely painful. Fu Xiao is already so old, it is impossible not to know. But he watched Master Song die helplessly.

What’s the difference between that and a murder?

But what surprised him was that Old Madam Song was also an insider of what happened back then, and he didn’t understand why Old Madam Song still treated her grandson as if nothing had happened.

Old Madam Song looked forward to Fu Xiao and said: “Ah Xiao, come here…let me…have a look.” 

Fu Xiao raised his eyes but did not move.

Mother Liu, who used to take care of Song Mingwei, couldn’t help but say: “Ma’am, this person killed the master and also harmed the young lady, he doesn’t deserve your treatment like this ah. Besides, if it weren’t for the Fu family, how could the Song Family have fallen so fast! I——”

Before she could even finish speaking, Fu Xiao gave mother Liu a cold look, and mother Liu couldn’t help shivering with that look, and obediently shut her mouth, not daring to say more.

Fu Xiao turned his head to look at Su Zening, sizing up his expression. He doesn’t care about anyone else. 

He only cares about what Su Zening thinks, will Su Zening mind this matter?

Will he doubt himself?

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Su Zening looking at him worriedly.

Fu Xiao suddenly felt relieved. 

In fact, not only mother Liu, but also Lawyer Lu thought so, and couldn’t help but look at old Madam Song.

And this is not his fault either.

At that time, Fu Xiao’s situation was kept secret, not even the closest people knew about Fu Xiao’s situation.

And it was impossible for the Fu family to speak up, and it was even more impossible for the Song family to speak up. 

The matter between the Song family and the Fu family seems to be that the Fu family not only abandoned the daughter of the Song family, but even annexed the Song family without any conscience after the fall of the Song family.

Not to mention the unexplained death of Master Song had something to do with the grandson of the Fu family, and everyone with a reputation knows it.

Fu Xiao and even the Fu family haven’t explained it for many years.

Therefore, although the Fu family is rich, their reputation outside is not very good. 

Lawyer Wu next to the hospital bed couldn’t help but look at Fu Xiao.

Su Zening glared over without mercy.

Fu Xiao could come! It is already magnanimous.

Seeing the teenager’s unconditional protection for him, Fu Xiao couldn’t help feeling a warm current flowing through his heart. 

“You…shut up, Mingwei…the thing is…she did something wrong and she has to…pay the price.” Old Madam Song said unexpectedly: “What’s more…it’s the Song family…I’m sorry…Ah Xiao.

At that time, all she could do was to bring little Ah Xiao by her side as much as possible, and little Ah Xiao would obediently hold her hand and call her grandma.

Later, she was in a dilemma between her husband and daughter, and Ah Xiao looked at her more and more disappointed.

Probably because the person is about to die, Old Madam recalled many things: “Your grandfather…it was, not your fault. Want to blame…can only…blame him…himself.” 

Lawyer Wu frowned slightly. Could it be that there is something hidden about what happened back then?

Old Madam Song turned to the side and said: “You guys…go out…I’ll talk…to Ah Xiao.”

Lawyer Wu nodded and backed out.

While mother Liu reluctantly walked out. 

Su Zening was planning to go out, but Fu Xiao held Su Zening’s hand.

Old Madam Song glanced at the hands of the two of them, as if she understood something, she said softly: “Ah Xiao, whether…you….believe it or not, I…once wanted…to take you…away.”

Fu Xiao finally glanced at Old Madam Song and said: “But you still didn’t do it after all.”

However, Su Zening could hear that Fu Xiao’s attitude was not as tough as it was at the beginning. It must be a comfort to Fu Xiao to know this ba. 

At the very least, someone once cared about him. For Fu Xiao, it was a kind of reconciliation with fate.

Old madam Song looked at this young man who shared the same blood as herself, and couldn’t help but said: “Ah Xiao, can you…call me…this…grandma.”

“ChongGuang, ChongGuang, is that you?”

Before she could finish her sentence, the medical equipment next to her began to alarm crazily. 

The doctor outside the door rushed in and began to rescue her, but everything was in vain. The male doctor sighed, he looked at Fu Xiao and said: “My condolences.”

Fu Xiao suddenly tightened his hand.

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao worriedly.

After a long while, Fu Xiao slowly let go of his hand. 

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao with distress, and couldn’t help holding Fu Xiao’s hand.

Fu Xiao held his hand instead, and the two walked towards the door together.

Fu Xiao stopped, and suddenly said to Su Zening: “Song ChongGuang is his name.”


Is it the old man of the Song family?

Su Zening paused, then he looked at Fu Xiao. Fu Xiao looked out of the window with a stern face, and he turned his eyes slightly turned away: “They all said I killed him.”

What does Fu Xiao mean by this?

He doesn’t know? 

Su Zening suddenly thought of another possibility.

He looked at Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao took a deep look at Su Zening and said: “Xiao Ning, I don’t remember.”

Not caring about it, Su Zening said: “If you don’t remember, then you don’t remember ah.” 

Fu Xiao stopped, turned to look at Su Zening sideways, he pressed his shoulder and said: “Xiao Ning, this means that it could really be me who did it, you know?”

Fu Xiao, who always looked unhappy, surprisingly carried a hint of apprehension in his eyes.

Su Zening also took a serious look at Fu Xiao’s face. He suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched Fu Xiao’s face and said: “What does it matter? Whether you did it or not, you are the Fu Xiao I know ah. I——”

Before he could finish speaking, he was suddenly hugged by the person in his arms. 

In winter, this embrace is extraordinarily warm.

Fu Xiao rested his chin on Su Zening’s shoulder.

Su Zening’s hands hanging on both sides of his body slowly hugged Fu Xiao tightly.

Lawyer Wu was already waiting outside the door, and he said to Fu Xiao: “My condolences, all the property under old Madam Song’s name will be left to you.” 

After speaking, he took out a key from the folder and said: “This is the key to the Song family.”

Although there is very little property left under the name of the Song family, the remaining part is still quite considerable.

But this time, Old Madam Song gave all of it to Fu Xiao, leaving nothing to her daughter.

Song family! 

Song ChongGuang died there.

Su Zeming looked at Fu Xiao’s face worriedly, and said to Lawyer Wu: “We don’t care about the Song family’s things, we don’t want them.”

When Fu Xiao heard Su Zening speaking with such courage, he smiled and said to Su Zening: “Are you sure you don’t want it? I remember that the Song family has a back mountain, and there is a lake next to the back mountain, which has a lot of fish.”

That good! 

Su Zening held back the severe pain in his heart and said: “No, we don’t want it, we don’t care.”

But the word “we” greatly pleased Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao took the bunch of keys into his hand and said: “But I don’t want to part with it.”

He looked at the bunch of keys, then at Su Zening, and his eyes warmed. 

The things that entangled him in the past have disappeared with the death of old Madam Song and it’s time to end it.

The two came to the Song residence.

The Song residence is a typical Western-style architecture, with a marble-paved path leading to a fountain in the garden upon entering the front door. Next to the fountain there is a tall cedar, three or four stories high. and it was verdant and lush. 

Because of the frequent maintenance, although the Song family is desolate, it doesn’t seem to be in decline.

However, Fu Xiao remembered that when the Song family was at its most prosperous, cars were parked on both sides, and there was an endless stream of visitors. He stopped by the fountain for a moment, and then looked at the gorgeous villa not far away. It used to be an incredible place to look up to, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

The difference is that he used to have countless words that could not share with others, but now, he has this person who he wanted to tell them to.

Su Zening couldn’t help looking back and forth and said: “What a big garden ah, it’s bigger than the garden of the Fu family.” 

Hearing Su Zening’s voice, Fu Xiao turned his head to Su Zening and said: “From here to the gate ground floor there are a total of 1,526 white floor tiles and 541 black floor tiles.”

Su Zening was taken aback for a moment, and then said: “That much?”

After so many years, Fu Xiao still remembers it so clearly. Su Zening could almost imagine how Fu Xiao felt when he was a child, counting the stone slabs on this road over and over again, longing for the road leading to the outside.

He hated the Song family even more. 

He hates it so much that he doesn’t want to stay here longer.

However, Fu Xiao glanced across a certain room on the second floor, with deep disgust in his eyes.

Su Zening took Fu Xiao’s hand and said: “Let’s leave.”

Warmth flashed in Fu Xiao’s eyes, and he held his hand in turn and said: “Don’t you want to see the place where I grew up?” 

Some things can’t just be dismissed as non-existent by not thinking about them.

After many years, as long as he is accompanied by the person by his side, he can face some things calmly.

Su Zening hesitated.

But Fu Xiao said: “Let’s go and have a look. I want to go.” His voice paused, and he said to Su Zening: “I want to try to get it back.” 

As soon as the door of the study room on the second floor was pushed open, a cold and gloomy atmosphere came.

Su Zening looked around uncomfortably.

Fu Xiao turned on the light familiarly. This place has always appeared repeatedly in his nightmares over the years, so he’s still very familiar with it——

The dark room suddenly lit up. 

Next to the scarlet velvet curtains of the room stood a huge wooden table made of excellent wood with a faint sheen, and has an odd table style. On the left there is a large unusual cabinet that can be locked from the outside.

Fu Xiao stared at the table stiffly, his whole body became cold instantly, and countless memories flashed back and flooded into his brain.

After returning to this place many years later, the coldness and darkness are still with him, just like his deepest nightmare, which he has never been able to forget.

Suddenly, warmth came from his fingertips, waking him up from the icy cold. He looked down at Su Zening, the teeanger held his hand and looked at him worriedly with his blue eyes: “This place, it’s terrible for you, isn’t it?” 

Fu Xiao smiled softly: “Is it so obvious?”

Su Zening nodded, he had never seen Fu Xiao like this before.

Fu Xiao said: “Really smart.”

Su Zening tilted his head, then he looked at Fu Xiao and bit his lips, and then he frivolously lifted Fu Xiao’s chin and said: “I’ve got smarter ones, do you want to know?” 

Fu Xiao nodded obediently.

In the next second, a kiss landed on Fu Xiao’s lips. Fu Xiao couldn’t help being slightly startled, and his eyes opened wide. The person who kissed him was more active, and their lips and teeth intersect. The teenager was inexperienced yet passionate, with a faint taste of strawberry fudge filling their mouths, and the sweetness reached his heart.

After the kiss ended, the teenager’s eyes were flushed, and his breathing was uneven. He lay in Fu Xiao’s arms, and said softly in a hoarse voice: “From now on, when you think of this place, besides those bad memories, there is also our kiss. So this place isn’t that bad anymore, right?”