The cat, who covered his ears while stealing the bell

The taste of strawberries in his mouth spread faintly, and the sweet taste lingered in his heart.

So many years later, Fu Xiao still remembered this kiss. 

At this moment, Fu Xiao hugged the teenager in his arms and looked around. This place, which was the coldest and darkest in his memory, was torn apart by the teenager. After many years, the warm light finally shines here again.

The teenager’s clear eyes, after meeting his eyes, were a little shy, and he looked away uncomfortably, completely different from the passionate temptation at the beginning.

But Fu Xiao understood the sincerity of the teenager.

No more words are needed.

Xiao Ning had already given him the best answer to yesterday’s question.

His eyes fell on the cabinet on the left side of the desk, and he suddenly felt relieved.

He gently dropped a cherished kiss on the teenager’s flamboyant black hair, just like treating the most cherished treasure.

Fu Xiao never thought that fate treated him favorably, and he never gave in to fate, but now, he even thanked fate for bringing this teenager by his side. 

At this moment, he was finally able to reach a reconciliation with fate, and he was relieved of everything in the past.

Su Zening obediently lay in his arms, letting Fu Xiao hold him, then said: “Have you remembered?”

Fu Xiao took a last look at this room, then his eyes fell on the chair, that seat that used to belong to the arbitrary owner of the Song family. He smiled lightly, then looked at the teenager with relieved eyes and said: “It’s not important anymore.”

After he finished speaking, he took the teenager’s hand and turned to leave. 

The two returned home.

Of course, Su Zening is still a human being.

As soon as he got home, the butler grandpa looked at Fu Xiao with a sad face and said: “Young Master, how about Little Sugar Cake?”

Su Zening looked at the butler grandfather and was very touched when he heard that. 

Sure enough, the butler grandpa really loved him.

Not much better than Fu Xiao.

“He’s very good, but we can’t go see him for the time being, but the doctor will take good care of him.” Fu Xiao glanced at Su Zening, and said with deep meaning: “I went to see him before I came back. He is already awake, quite energetic, and would even bite.”

Su Zening: …… 

What does Fu Xiao mean by biting, not the kind he’s thinking of, right?

Wow! Fu Xiao is such a hooligan!

After the butler grandfather heaved a sigh of relief, only then did he notice the teenager beside him. He smiled and said: “Xiao Ning is here.” Su Zening also came to Fu house before, so the butler grandfather also knew him. He also has a good impression of this well-behaved teenager.

The butler grandfather’s gaze fell on the two holding hands and his eyes flashed. 

Sensing the gaze of the butler grandfather, Su Zening couldn’t help but want to pull his hand out of Fu Xiao’s palm, but it was unknown what medicine Fu Xiao took wrongly, he held his hand all the way, which made him very embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xiao’s hand refused to let go of him. After a few times of futility, he smashed the jar and met the butler grandfather’s eyes in despair.

And Fu Xiao, this big rogue, turned a blind eye to the butler grandfather: “This is Xiao Ning, my friend will be staying with us these days.” 

Ktf yeaifg ugjcvojatfg mbeivc’a tfiq yea alcufv klat pbs jcv rjlv: “Olnlcu lc sbeg gbbw, sbecu wjrafg?”

Ve Ifclcu’r fsfr klvfcfv.

Pr la qgbugfrrlcu rb ojra? Lf’r cba gfjvs sfa. Gb atfs tjnf ab obgmf tlw ab aegc lcab j mja jujlc?

Lf aegcfv tlr tfjv jcv rjk Me Wljb, ibbxlcu ja tlw klat j rwlif lc tlr fsfr. 

Fortunately, Fu Xiao still said personally: “No, Xiao Ning can live in the room next to me.”

The butler grandfather sighed insignificantly and said: “Yes, young master.” The deep regret in his tone made Su Zening tremble uncontrollably.

Su Zening’s room is arranged next to Fu Xiao’s master bedroom. Just a wall away from him.

Su Zening rolled on the bed, feeling quite regretful. 

This bed is not as soft as Fu Xiao’s bed.

At this time, there was a regular knocking sound at the door.

Su Zening turned over and got up and opened the door. Fu Xiao stood at the door with a pile of clothes in his hands.

Su Zening turned around and let Fu Xiao in. 

Fu Xiao threw the pile of clothes on Su Zelin’s bed. Su Zening saw that all the clothes on the bed, large and small, were all his size.

Are these clothes prepared for him?

But how could Fu Xiao have prepared his clothes in advance?

Doubt flashed across Su Zening’s eyes, could it be—— 

The doubt in his eyes couldn’t be hidden from Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao coughed in embarrassment, thinking of what he did to Little Sugar Cake some time ago, now he probably couldn’t hide the fact that he had already seen through the identity of the teenager a long time ago.

Sure enough, the little guy shouldn’t have been bullied too hard at that time.

He opened his mouth, just about to apologize to the little guy. 

But the little guy blurted out: “Good ya, Fu Xiao! I didn’t expect you to be such a person. Are you going to say that you were deeply attracted to me from the first moment you saw me!” That’s why you secretly prepare so many clothes that fit me!

Tsk tsk tsk, Fu Xiao, this big men sao!

Fu Xiao:…… 

Fu Xiao said perfunctorily: “Yes, yes, yes!” To some extent, the teenager is really like Little Sugar Cake, generally have a huge confidence with himself.

Su Zening couldn’t help but win an inch, want a foot, and was probing on the verge of death: “Are you going to say yes to anything I say.”

Fu Xiao:……

He always felt that with the tone of a teenager, if he agreed, he would definitely regret it.

So Fu Xiao said cautiously: “You say it, ba.” 

The teenager’s eyes lit up, and he said like a kitten with its tail raised triumphantly: “Give me back those small dried fish that were confiscated before, and don’t abuse me again when I become a cat, not letting me eat this, not letting me eat that.”

After listening to the teenager talking more and more, he became even more boundless.

Fu Xiao couldn’t bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand and tapped the teenager on the head.

Indeed, three days without a beating, and a child will scale the roof to rip the tiles.

The teenager hugged his head in pain, and said aggrievedly with teary eyes: “Is that how you like me? That’s too much!”

Fu Xiao calmly said: “I’m not too much. What’s too much is that some people who eat chocolate, ice cream, and cake at work and then come back from dinner and continue to have another meal at home.”

Su Zening suddenly felt guilty. 

How did Fu Xiao know? He obviously hid it so well.

Su Zening’s tail that was raised up just now was put down in a disheveled way, and he pulled Fu Xiao’s hand obediently and said coquettishly: “But I’m really hungry, I just want to eat, ya.”

The teenager’s face suddenly approached, shaking Fu Xiao into a trance.

Fu Xiao almost couldn’t hold it anymore, but thanks to his firm will, he said: “You can’t do that even if you want to eat.” 

It’s also fortunate that the fat on Little Sugar Cake’s body would not transform together with the teenager, otherwise the teenager would definitely be a little fatty now.

However, if the teenager becomes a little fatty, he should also be as fleshy as Little Sugar, and feels very good to touch.

The teenager rolled his eyes, he didn’t know what’s in Fu Xiao’s mind at the moment. He hugged Fu Xiao’s waist like a self-taught kitten then rubbed his head against Fu Xiao’s neck and said: “But, it’s really delicious, ah.”

Fu Xiao’s life was almost taken away by the teenager. 

At night, in Fu Xiao’s dream.

In the gloomy study room, the old man, whose face could not be seen, said: “Why are you always disobedient?”

Only the child’s stubborn eyes answered him. 

As long as his nominal mother got a little tired of his disobedience, he will be called by this old man to the study for his so-called education.

In fact——


The old man opened the door of the cabinet next to the desk. Unexpectedly, the cabinet was empty. 

The old man sighed and said: “You know the rules.”

The thin child walked into the cabinet silently.

With a bang, the cabinet door closed.

There was only deathly silence and darkness in the cabinet with excellent sound insulation. 

The thin child is used to sitting in the darkness while hugging his knees.

He didn’t resist, because he knew that resisting at this moment was futile.

What’s more, when he tried to run out for the first time, he found that the door of the cabinet was locked.

Only when the old man was satisfied will he be released. 

The master of the Song family always demonstrates his authority in this way.

He has become accustomed to submission, since just disobeying their will just make his life even more difficult.

He will definitely leave, it’s just not the right time yet.

The child’s eyes are stubborn and proud, with a faint light that cannot be ignored. 

There was a dead silence all around.

This time the punishment was extraordinarily long.

Such a punishment is not easy for a child.

But this time it was indeed a bit beyond his limit. The child’s breathing became rapid, with chest tightness and shortness of breath. 

It’s like someone has a stranglehold on him.

The child couldn’t help opening his eyes wide. If this continues, he will really die here.

He glanced at the locked cabinet door, almost desperate.

The child’s consciousness has gradually blurred. 

He couldn’t help but fall towards the cabinet door, but it was beyond his expectation.

The cabinet door opened.

The light rushed down towards the child, and like a stranded fish, he desperately breathed in the air.

But the spirit of the child who was greatly stimulated is dissipating a little, and he was about to fall into a coma. 

No, he cannot pass out.

Because the child has always been strong, at this moment, he couldn’t help but feel a little fear in his heart.

He ran out early, how would that person punish him?

With his last effort, the child turned his head to look in the direction of the man, and saw the man’s ferocious head hanging to the side, and there were scattered pills under his chair. 

Realizing what happened, the child’s eyes widened. He wanted to call out loudly, but he couldn’t make a sound. He pinched himself hard, trying not to pass out a little bit, and moved towards the pills. But he already tried his best to move, only to advance a little distance.

Finally, the child’s eyes were completely dark, and then he passed out.

Fu Xiao opened his eyes abruptly, waking up from his dream. For him that day, he was also greatly stimulated. Even for a long time, he couldn’t face the darkness alone. He also forgot the last memory of that afternoon.

Returning to that place today, those memories that he thought he had forgotten came back again. 

It just doesn’t matter now.

Fu Xiao curled up beside his pillow. Sleeping with his legs facing the sky, he embraced the white cat with his tail resting on his face. Before going to bed, Su Zening clamored to sleep alone in his room, but at some point he turned into Little Sugar Cake, and sneaked into his room.

He gently stroked Little Sugar Cake, then turned over and continued to sleep.

The next morning, Little Sugar Cake woke up from Fu Xiao’s pillow, feeling refreshed. He stood up and stretched his head. 

Sure enough, he couldn’t fall asleep without holding Fu Xiao in his arms!

But Little Sugar Cake can’t let Fu Xiao know that he sneaked into Fu Xiao’s bed last night.

After all, he was the one who said righteously that he wanted to sleep alone before going to bed yesterday.

So Little Sugar Cake planned to sneak away before Fu Xiao woke up. 

Little Sugar Cake, with raised tail, proudly wanted to slip out of the window and go back to his room.

He originally pretended to sleep, but Fu Xiao, who had been trampled several times by the smug Little Sugar Cake, finally couldn’t help but open his eyes.

One person and one cat looked at each other awkwardly.

Fu Xiao said leisurely: “You want to live in another room, I don’t know who you’re trying to fool.” 

Sunnyshies: The truth was finally revealed, it makes me recall a certain horror story about abused child dying inside the cabinet after being forgotten by his mother. After dying, he became the ghost in the cabinet. That cabinet was then sold in a second hand store and was bought by a newlywed. They brought the cabinet to their bedroom and from then on they were haunted by the ghost in the cabinet.