You can not cover up all his light just because you love someone


Little Sugar Cake was about to run away from the window in a fit of embarrassment.

Fu Xiao laughed, he then hugged Little Sugar Cake in his arms, and stretched out his hand to grab his front paw. After setting it in place, he then walked to the dressing room, took out a few sets of clothes, then handed it to Little Sugar Cake and said: “Don’t go back, in case someone sees you.”

No way, it’s only six o’clock in the morning, no one will see him.

Though thinking so, Little Sugar Cake still held the set of clothes with his mouth and dragged it into the bathroom with difficulty. A few moments later, as if remembering something, he turned back, then in front of Fu Xiao, he flicked his tail and closed the bathroom door. 

Fu Xiao shook his head dumbfounded.

A few moments later, the black-haired teenager walked out of the bathroom, wearing a dark blue hoodie and jeans, looking extraordinarily youthful and lively.

This clothes was prepared for him by Fu Xiao. He had never tried it on, but it fit him unexpectedly.

When he came out, he saw Fu Xiao looking at him intently.

Su Zening couldn’t help tugging at his clothes and said: “Am I not wearing it properly?”

Fu Xiao said in a low voice with a hint of teasing: “Really good-looking.”

Su Zening: !!!

The teenager’s face turned red, and then he immediately thought that he should be calmer, and that he shouldn’t act like he had never seen the world. As a man, he must always have a calm demeanor in front of his lover. 

Just like his dad, he always looks like he does things with ease in front of his mom no matter what.

Thinking of this, the teenager pretended to be calm and walked in front of Fu Xiao, and said seriously: “Looking like what? People will laugh when you say things like that.”

He looked like a little school boy, teaching his little girlfriend a lesson.

The little girlfriend Fu Xiao sighed and said: “But that’s what I want to say.” 

The teenager paused, and said helplessly in a low voice: “If you really want to say it, you can say it when there are only the two of us.”

He felt that Fu Xiao was indeed a bit too embarrassed. He was in a dilemma, but after a while, he made up his mind, he looked around and kissed Fu Xiao gently on the cheek.

A smile flashed across Fu Xiao’s eyes.

But then a heartbroken meow meow came from the window outside. 

Su Zening turned his head to look over, and saw the little kitty, Xiao Xue, who was always powered with carved jade, standing outside the window with dirty white fur. Xiao Xue, who hadn’t seen Little Sugar Cake for a few days, ran to the window on the second floor desperately, wanting to see if Little Sugar Cake was good, but unexpectedly saw this scene in front of it.

Wljb Wef’r yfjealoei ygbkc fsfr kfgf rb rjv, jcv lar wbeat vlvc’a vjgf ab wfbk klat mbcolvfcmf.

“How could Little Sugar Cake kiss that two-legged beast? Xiao Xue is much prettier than a two legged beast! Why won’t Little Sugar Cake kiss Xiao Xue.” 

Su Zening: …

At this time, the old cat who came up from behind couldn’t bear to look directly. It covered its eyes with its paws, and calmly meowed inside: “Excuse me, please continue.”

Then it grabbed Xiao Xue by the back of its neck, and sharply jumped back down.

Su Zening couldn’t help but look at Fu Xiao with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, Fu Xiao couldn’t understand anything, so he breathed a sigh of relief. 

But he was ashamed to say, sometimes too much charm is a sin.

Su Zening couldn’t help sighing, ai.

And if Fu Xiao could understand those meows, he would definitely feel that it was indeed a very wise move to guard against those cats from the very beginning.


The two walked out of the room one after the other.

And they just happened to run into the grandpa butler who was upstairs.

Grandpa Butler glanced at the two of them and was slightly taken aback, then he nodded knowingly, and couldn’t help but smile and said: “Why don’t you take a longer rest.”

Little Sugar Cake: … 

Grandpa butler, what’s with that clear look in your eyes? Stop your imagination, nothing happened to us.

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help explaining: “I just happened to go to his room to find him…”

After speaking, he glanced at Fu Xiao who still had a smile on his lips.

Fu Xiao coughed lightly and said: “Yes, he did come to look for me just now.” 

Little Sugar Cake felt that something was wrong, why did he think that Fu Xiao’s explanation sounded so strange?

As soon as Fu Xiao was about to speak, the smile on the grandpa butler’s face deepened, and he said: “Oh, I see, ah.”

Little Sugar Cake felt more and more that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he can’t wash himself pure anymore: !!

He felt that Fu Xiao did it on purpose, but he had no proof. 

Kong family’s villa.

Kong Linghe’s face was gloomy and unsettled: “Failed?”

The subordinate in front of him trembled and said: “Yes.” He quickly explained: “We originally looked for foolproof people, but unexpected…however I can guarantee that our contact with Song Mingwei is very hidden, they will definitely not find out.” 

Unexpectedly, Song Mingwei was just as useless as Secretary Zhang’s father, wasting their energy for nothing.

Kong Linghe finally looked better, and he snorted inexplicably: “Where’s that woman?”

The subordinate who knew his personality immediately said: “The money on that woman Bai Yangxin is almost gone, and all her previous scandals have been exposed. Her good life will not last for a few days. And Fu Yunxi has also entered the game.”

Kong Linghe’s face turned slightly better, he then looked at the photos on the table. In the photo, a family of three were smiling happily, and the two or three year-old girl in the photo is smiling. 

When he was young, he devoted himself to his career. As a result, he was separated from his wife and child. His wife returned to the country, but his child unexpectedly went missing. He searched for decades, and finally found his daughter’s whereabouts.

As a result, he could only hold her daughter’s bones.

What was even more hateful was that his daughter has been wronged all her life. She was supposed to be the proud daughter of heaven, but she was rejected by the Fu family because of her bad background. She has been with Fu Yunxi for many years, but she has never been able to justify her name. She couldn’t even keep her first child, and was easily abandoned in order to make room for the Song family.

Later on, she managed to gain a foothold in the Fu family, but was looked down upon by that old bastard of the Fu family in everything. In the end, she could only die so unwillingly. 

This anger, how can he endure this.

Fortunately, the heavens took pity on him, and left him a trace of flesh and blood, leaving him with a purpose.

Ah Wei, this child is very good.

Kong Linghe felt a little relieved in his heart, but his eyes became more cruel. As for Fu Yunxi and others, he would not let them go. 

As for Fu Xiao.

Just blame himself for blocking Ah Wei’s way.

They are all surnamed Fu, how can his grandson be worse than Fu Xiao, why should he be inferior to Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao was lucky to escape this time, but next time he won’t be so lucky. 

The subordinate knew Kong Linghe well, and quickly said to him: “The young master has performed very well in the company recently. Everyone praises him.”

Kong Linghe’s complexion improved a lot, and he said with satisfaction: “Of course Ah Wei is excellent, but——” He was satisfied with Ah Wei with everything, except that he is as ignorant as his mother when it comes to choosing a lover.

He really doesn’t like Feng Jiaming, but it’s fine if Ah Wei likes her.

The most urgent task now is to let Ah Wei make some achievements. 

However, he heard that the old bastard of the Fu family had recovered and was about to return to the country, which was just the right time for him to come back. In his opinion, the old bastard of the Fu family is reluctant to give up his power, and Fu Xiao is also not as good and obedient as a puppet.

The old bastard’s body was not good enough before, which gave Fu Xiao enough freedom.

But now that the body of the old bastard has recovered, can their pair of grandfather and grandson maintain balance as they do now.

He was really looking forward to it. 

Kong Linghe narrowed his eyes and sneered.

In the company.

On Fu Xiao’s computer, there was a video of Little Sugar Cake singing on the street, attracting a group of cats recorded by someone else. He listened to the video of a teenager singing openly, once he sang, the teenager seemed to be radiating light all over his body. 

Fu Xiao couldn’t help but look at Su Zening who was busy outside the glass, and then looked back at the teenager in the video, who can attract the attention of countless people just by sitting there quietly.

In all fairness, he certainly hoped that Xiao Ning would stay by his side forever.

He will hold up the sky for Xiao Ning, so that Xiao Ning will always laugh purely.

However, he knew that Xiao Ning shouldn’t be like that. 

He can’t be so selfish as to block all his light just because he loves someone.

Fu Xiao opened the drawer again and looked at the contract that belonged exclusively to Su Zening, and secretly made up his mind.