“Hype, stepping on people, scowling face, the road to the top of the 18th-line scheming rookie”


Fu Xiao took out Little Sugar Cake’s contract again, and called Xiao Yun from the brokerage company.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Xiao gently glanced over at the teenager in the video.

Under the singing video, some people praised him as the voice of nature. Fu Xiao took a closer look and found that this comment was nonetheless a popular comment.

He looked up. Outside the glass, the corners of the black-haired teenager’s lips curled up, holding a document that is half a person’s height, but he shuttled through the crowd effortlessly. Occasionally, he passed by his powerful female colleagues, and the female colleagues, who don’t usually have smiling faces in the workplace, were teasing the teenager and stuffing the teenager’s pocket with a few pieces of chocolate. 

The voice of nature?

With a smile in his eyes, Fu Xiao shook his head.

Backstage at the recording studio.

“The voice of nature?” Feng Jiaming looked at the video in her phone that was reposted on Weibo, showing a sarcastic smile, and her red nails deeply clasped her fair skin.

When she first debuted, she was known as the voice of nature.

And now the teenager is also the voice of nature.

This is too insensitive. Seeing as she was being stepped on to ascend the throne, did they really treat her as a dead person? 

What’s more, she remembered that before she and actor Rong Hang appeared on variety shows, it was Yi Ning who gave her a lot of embarrassment. She didn’t believe it was a coincidence, how could there be such a coincidence?

What’s more, a newcomer who has some brains will not do these things.

Her intuition told her that this newcomer was targeting her.

Fortunately, she found the producer of the show and cut that part off. There was a problem with the program before, and counting the time, it should be broadcast soon. 

When the time comes, she also has to ask her manager to keep a close eye on it, so as not to be caught by her black fans.

She stood up, threw her phone aside indifferently, and said towards the door: “Xiao Wang?” Where did Xiao Wang from the program team go?

She just asked Xiao Wang to prepare room temperature water for her, how come it hasn’t come yet?

This Xiao Wang always procrastinates in doing things, la. 

Feng Jiaming frowned and opened the door, and walked towards the corridor on one side.

As soon as she got closer, she heard two people talking at the corner.

“I really envy you for following Feng Jiaming, I heard she has a good temper.”

Another person complained incessantly: “How is it possible? Feng Jiaming relied on her ability to sing a few songs, but she was very difficult to serve. Even the water she drank had to be at a fixed temperature.” 

Feng Jiaming’s face was livid, and she just wanted to go out and reprimand the two people who were talking too much and give them a hard time.

Who knew that the other party would say——

“However, you won’t be able to serve her for long. I heard that the director thinks she’s too expensive, with such a flat face, the program effect is too mediocre, so they decided to change someone.”

Mfcu Aljwlcu ogbkcfv, ktja vbfr atlr wfjc? 

“Ktf sbecu affcjufg ktb kjr nfgs qbqeijg bc atf lcafgcfa j ktlif jub, atf bcf ktb rjcu ab atf mjar, P tfjgv atja tf lr jirb jc jgalra bo Wlcumtfc. Ktf vlgfmabg lr agslcu ab ufa lc abemt klat tlw.”

“Pr atlr ublcu ab kbgx?”

“Whether he can do it or not, anyway, everyone is guessing the identity of the teenager now, and there will always be a wave of enthusiasm.”

It’s that Yi Ning again! 

Hearing all this, Feng Jiaming could not understand.

She signed a short contract with the program team before, and she originally thought that the renewal of the contract would be a matter of course, but she didn’t expect that the director team had long thought of tearing down the bridge.

Thinking of the director team’s face when they begged her to come, she couldn’t help her face darkening, but she has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and she knows that she can’t tear her face at this time. 

After all, it is the freedom of both parties to renew the contract, and she can only admit her own fate for this dumb loss.

But it was impossible for her to swallow this breath.

What’s more, it’s that Yi Ning again!

Feng Jiaming repeatedly recited this name in her heart, with a flash of coldness in her eyes. 

She won’t just let a newcomer ride over her head.

She pushed open the door of the lounge.

In the lounge, her manager had already returned, so she came in from the outside and said casually: “Jiaming, the show is about to start, don’t run around.”

Feng Jiaming glanced at her manager, then walked to the mirror and straightened her hair in front of the mirror. The woman in the mirror had beautiful eyebrows. She bent her mouth, then turned to face the manager and said: “Sister, I remember you have Old Wu‘s phone number.”

Old Liu is the person in charge of a marketing company in the industry, and he has some tricks. The entertainment industry has always been a pool of muddy waters, and now that she is in this position, she can’t be as naïve as before.

Hearing this name, the manager immediately asked vigilantly: “What’s the matter? Who do you want to deal with? It’s troublesome now, don’t cause trouble.” 

Feng Jiaming raised her eyebrows and said: “It’s just the newcomer with no eyes.”

The manager breathed a sigh of relief, but then disagreed: “The most urgent thing now is to get in touch with the director of Nebula TV station.” Nebula TV station will host a large-scale party with the national official media this year. If Feng Jiaming can make the grand finale, her status in the circle will definitely be able to take a step further.

The old man surnamed Wu of Nebula TV is also not easy to deal with.

Feng Jiaming’s face flashed with triumph: “Sister, I do not want to cause trouble, but I am now being bullied over my head, and I can tell the difference in priorities. I have asked someone to find a cat that is exactly the same as Station Director Wu’s dead cat.” She heard Station Director Wu’s most precious thing is his cat, which he treated like his own son. 

The manager’s eyes lit up, and she didn’t even care about the newcomer Feng Jiaming said: “I’ll ask someone to contact Station Director Wu.”

Feng Jiaming walked up to her and reminded: “Sister, that newcomer.”

The manager didn’t care and said: “I’ll call old Liu right now.”

Feng Jiaming nodded in satisfaction. 

The title of the voice of nature is not something everyone can use.

In Fu Xiao’s office.

The pink cake on the desk is decorated with delicate red cherries. 

Su Zening looked at the limited edition delicious cherry cake on Fu Xiao’s desk, and looked at Fu Xiao hesitantly and asked: Is this for me?”

Fu Xiao nodded expressionlessly. Seeing that Su Zening didn’t eat much at noon, he specially asked the dessert shop to deliver it. He said: “This cherry cake is the shop’s specialty, try it.”

If someone had told Fu Xiao a year ago that one day he would store a bunch of desert store phone numbers in his mobile phone, he would not believe it, but now.

Not only does he have a bunch of numbers, but he even knows the specialties of every dessert store in the city like the back of his hand. 

Su Zening’s eyes lit up, but then, as if thinking of something, he raised his eyes and secretly looked at Fu Xiao from time to time.

Fu Xiao, who was too familiar with this expression, said alertly: “What are you thinking?”

Holding a fork in his hand, Su Zening hesitated and said: “It’s nothing, I just want to eat this cake in a different way.”

Don’t want to use a fork? 

Fu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and said: “It’s up to you.”

Su Zening was pleasantly surprised: “Really?”

Fu Xiao: He suddenly had a bad feeling.

Su Zening looked around, and when he saw the sofa, his eyes lit up, and then he trotted to the sofa. 

Fu Xiao: ???

After a while, a snow-white cat emerged from the layers of clothes. With sparkling blue eyes, he jumped onto the table and surrounded the cake with his body. The cake, which was originally only the size of the teenager’s palm, is now a third of his body size. The cat looked up at Fu Xiao and meowed proudly.

Fu Xiao, who understood the meaning of Little Sugar Cake at a glance: !!!

It’s true, a smaller body means more cake. 

Fu Xiao simply admires Little Sugar Cake’s imagination and cleverness, especially when it comes to eating.

Little Sugar Cake cherished the most beautiful cherry on the cake and set it aside. He saved the best for last, and then buried his head in happiness.

Fu Xiao took a deep breath while looking at Little Sugar Cake. He opened his eyes, he was so angry that he stretched out his fingers and picked up the plump cherry on the cake.

Little Sugar Cake looked at Fu Xiao pitifully. 

Fu Xiao put the cherry on Little Sugar Cake’s mouth with a blank expression.

Little Sugar Cake’s blue eyes widened as they moved in a circle. He took a bite, but missed it.

Little Sugar Cake looked at Fu Xiao suspiciously.

Fu Xiao was still expressionless, and put the cherry not far from his mouth. 

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but think, it must have been an accident just now, so he wagged his tail again, biting down happily, but it was still in vain.

Fu Xiao teased Little Sugar Cake expressionlessly.

The unyielding Little Sugar Cake followed the cherry and ran around, panting after a while.

Half an hour later, Su Zening came out of the office contentedly covered in thin sweat, and couldn’t help but burp. 

Xiao Liu thinks that he is one of the most outstanding young talents of Xingchen Group, and his life in the first twenty years can be said to be smooth.

This went smoothly until he met Yi Ning.

Yi Ning simply subdued him with five elements.

He accidentally saw through the adulterous affair between the boss and Yi Ning, then being discovered by Secretary Zhang, it was simply one of the most regrettable things in his life. 

Thinking of Secretary Zhang’s threat, and warning to keep his mouth shut, Xiao Liu couldn’t help but tremble with fear.

He looked at Yi Ning, who came out of Mr. Fu’s office with a messy shirt and reddish cheeks.

Xiao Liu was almost desperate.

He could control his own mouth, ah. But he couldn’t control how bright the two of them were, he almost wrote “We’re in a relationship” on his face, ah. 

First of all, let’s not talk about Yi Ning’s blushing cheeks, and thin sweaty and shy look, just saying, does sending a file take half an hour?

That’s half an hour ah!

And it’s winter now, even if the central air conditioner in their office is 20 degrees all year round, it’s not easy to sweat all over.

For half an hour, Mr. Fu also locked the person in his office. 

This is simply a cover-up.

Don’t blame him for his dirty thoughts. What’s more, compared to the two who did this kind of thing, he couldn’t be more innocent.

After a whole half hour of a lone man and widow lady alone in a room together, Yi Ning’s cheeks were reddish, and his clothes were disheveled and sweaty, while shyly coming out. Besides doing that…

Is it possible to run inside?

Sighing, Xiao Liu’s cell phone, di di di, ring again.

This afternoon, Xiao Liu’s mobile phone received constant reminders of WeChat messages, and Xiao Liu has never had time to read them. Now when he clicked on WeChat, he discovered that it was the gossip group in the company that was ringing non-stop, as of they were chatting about some gossip—— 

There was a beep, and there was another new message,  which was a forwarded message of a forwarded post “Hype, stepping on people, scowling face, the road to the top of the 18th-line scheming rookie”.

What the hell is this thing, ah. Xiao Liu clicked on it casually, then looked at the photo in the uploaded post, and then his eyes widened.

The person in the post, how could it be, could it be——

Sunnyshies: Feng Jiaming appeared again!