It’s simply insulting the world scheming bitch


Xiao Liu looked at the post, then wiped his eyes and looked at Yi Ning, and his eyes widened as copper bells.

The teenager over there was sneaking like a little hamster, turning his head to look in Mr. Fu’s direction, then quickly and without revealing a trace, he stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth.

Xiao Liu couldn’t help but blurted out in a low voice: “Fuck.”

That peerless white lotus scheming bitch in the post is Yi Ning? 

It’s just——

It’s an insult to the word scheming bitch.

With just Yi Ning?

Xiao Liu didn’t take it seriously, and threw his phone aside. It looks like this is just a made-up nonsense news, how could anyone believe this?

He then immediately went back to work.

When he came back to his senses, he picked up his phone and glanced at it again, and his eyes almost fell off.

He just didn’t looked at it for a few hours. Why did Yi Ning have so much scandal all of a sudden?

Soon he figured out why, a variety show was broadcast not long ago. In the variety show, Yi Ning and Feng Jiaming played a confrontation game. In the last round, careful netizens calculated that Feng Jiaming answered more questions, but it was Yi Ning who won in the end. In the middle, Yi Ning seemed to have started an argument with Feng Jiaming, who seemed very rude to his seniors. 

Xiao Liu randomly glanced at a few posts, and looked at Yi Ning’s serious crimes that were half-hidden by insiders.

Frequent drinking and making troubles, and the teenager’s delinquent behaviors.

What kind of alcohol? Liquor bonbons?

Delinquent teenager, simultaneous evil deeds? Does stealing his chocolate count? 

Rich love history, countless girlfriends?

Even if they say that he has countless boyfriends, he still wouldn’t necessarily believe it.

Shamelessly ascending to the top, and even has a gold master behind him.

Xiao Liu was silent for a while, and couldn’t help looking at the door of Mr. Fu’s office. He couldn’t refute this one, so he pretended not to see it, and jumped directly to the next line. 

Looking at the more and more excessive remarks, Xiao Liu couldn’t help but frown, and made a calculation in his heart.

Lf’r cba raeqlv, Tl Rlcu kjr bynlberis yflcu tjmxfv.

Qtb lr ufaalcu lc atlr rliis ybs’r kjs?

Vevvfcis j tjcv kjnfv ja tlr fsfr. 

Wljb Ole mjwf yjmx ab tlr rfcrfr. Lf rjk Tl Rlcu jqqfjglcu lc ogbca bo tlw, klat yfjealoei fsfijrtfr ilxf oilmxfglcu yeaafgois klcur, tf jrxfv: “Dgbatfg Ole, la’r alwf obg joafgcbbc ygfjx, vb sbe kjca mjxf?”

Yi Ning was holding a cake in his hand, probably wanting to give it to him.

Thinking of what he was looking at on his mobile phone, Xiao Liu quickly wanted to shut down the screen in his hand, which was still resting in the middle of the post. Unexpectedly, he was in a hurry, making his phone slip in his hand and fall to the ground.

Shit! Xiao Liu secretly shouted badly. He hastily bent down, but he was one step too late, and Yi Ning had already picked up his latest fruit brand phone. 

Su Zening, who bent down to pick it up, saw the post hanging on the screen at a glance. The screen title reads “The Greatest Liar in the Entertainment Industry Reveals the Big Truth”.

Somewhere in there, it says——

“YN, this person is very fickle. Not only that, he also had plastic surgery. Before that, he weighed 280 pounds. Don’t be fooled by him, sisters.”

Because he just turned the page, the photo of the YN on the ground floor has not been loaded yet, and Su Zening can’t guess who it is just by relying on those strange two-word abbreviations. 

However, 280 pounds?

How could this person be so fat ah!

Su Zening couldn’t help feeling emotional, his heart trembled, then he handed the phone to Xiao Liu, and asked casually: “Who is that YN?”

Xiao Liu: … 

Xiao Liu didn’t speak, but he didn’t pick up the phone either. Instead, he looked at Su Zening complicatedly.

Not only was Su Zening not aware of it, but he also couldn’t help but gossip and glanced at the several layers of posts.

En? YN also cheats, has plastic surgery, and fake singing? It seems that he’s just a starlet who has just debuted? This kind of person is simply a scum of the world, how could he still be a celebrity, ah!

Su Zening couldn’t help shaking his head. 

This is simply the public morals degrading with each passing day.

Su Zening couldn’t help but say to Xiao Liu again: “YN is so bad! How can there be such a big villain.”

Xiao Liu: “Shut up.”

Su Zening looked at Xiao Liu in shock, his eyes despised Xiao Liu’s taste: “Do you like stars like YN?” 

Inexplicably, Xiao Liu’s forehead twitches when he was blamed: “How about you guess who YN is?”

Su Zening said righteously: “Whoever he is, I won’t like him.” He is very righteous.

Xiao Liu showed sympathy: “What is the initial of your name?”

“S, no, I mean, Y——” Su Zening finally sensed something was wrong, and stared at Xiao Liu’s mobile phone that was still on the table with wide eyes, and the unspoken N word disappeared from his mouth. 

The picture that was loading for a long time on Xiao Liu’s mobile phone finally came out.

In that photo, a teenager with black hair and blue eyes was holding a guitar.

That person, isn’t he himself!!!


The cake fell to the floor, and the beautifully framed buttercream made a mess.

Su Zening’s face was gloomy——

Ahhh! He wants to kill those who spread rumors about him!

He’s not 280, and he’s not such a big fat guy. 

Su Zening thought sadly and angrily, is his reputation among the crowd going to be completely destroyed like his reputation among cats! What the fuck does this life really want to do to ah.

In the beautiful garden of the Fu family.

The little ragdoll cat, Xiao Xue, was depressed and listless, with its butt facing the outside, and its head buried in the shadow of the camellia tree. 

The old cat held a small dried fish in its mouth that Xiao Xue couldn’t get from the kitchen in its lifetime. It proudly threw the small dried fish on the ground and pushed it in Xiao Xue’s direction with its paw, then squatted beside solemnly and said: “I brought you snacks, feel free to eat it.”

Its golden eyes glanced at Xiao Xue vaguely.

At this time in the past, the little ragdoll cat who was too delicate and not at all like a manly cat would run to the old cat with wide eyes and act like a spoiled child. With bright eyes, it would say, Grandpa is amazing, Xiao Xue likes grandpa the most.

But today, Xiao Xue just raised its head and sniffed the small dried fish, then put its head back, looking listless. 

Could it be sick? Underage cat breeds like Xiao Xue are very delicate and easy to get sick.

The old cat’s eyes were serious, and it hurridley sniffed it. After finding nothing unusual, it breathed a sigh of relief, and meowed in wonder: “What’s wrong, Xiao Xue?”

When it asked this, Xiao Xue burst into tears and said: “Grandpa, Xiao Xue, really, really likes Little Sugar Cake.”

But Little Sugar Cake kissed that two-legged beast in the morning, ah! 

Old cat: …

The old cat said: “How much do you like him?” The old cat who deeply understands Xiao Xue’s nature added an analogy: “What if liking Little Sugar Cake will make your fur messy forever, and you’ll never be beautiful again?”

Not beautiful forever?

Xiao Xue showed a terrified expression. It struggled for a long time, and finally made up its mind, and said with a great heartache: “I’ll still like Little Sugar Cake!” 

For this beauty queen to say such words, it looks like it really likes him.

However, though.

The old cat still waved its paw expressionlessly, and pressed Xiao Xue’s head and said: “Little Sugar Cake is a boy, and you are also a boy. You are impossible.”

Xiao Xue was crying, its watery brown eyes were wide open, and its whole cat was soft and cute: “You’re lying to this cat, Silly Bai Tian and Xiao Hei are together.” 

The old cat was aggrieved and remembered that couple in the cat group, who never found a mate. Those strange male cats, who never get tired of being together all day. It was speechless, and it took a long time before it said: “They’re an exception.”

This silly brat, why is it so smart at a time like this.

It thought for a while and added: “Because they both like each other, it’s an exception, they can be together.”

“If Little Sugar Cake also likes Xiao Xue, then Xiao Xue can be with Little Sugar Cake. Xiao Xue wil take good care of Little Sugar Cake. Xiao Xue is willing to give its ears to Little Sugar Cake.” Xiao Xue’s eyes lit up, it cheered up and said: “Xiao Xue liked Little Sugar Cake more than it likes the owner.” 

The old cat frowned and said: “Your owner doesn’t like you at all, so don’t think about him anymore.”

Although Xiao Xue is a rare ragdoll cat, it’s of mixed blood, and its appearance is not good within the litter. It also has slow development, has slow reaction, and is very timid. The owner, who bought it back, has a big cat, who doesn’t welcome Xiao Xue very much. Whenever it gets close to the owner, the big cat will secretly beat it up. It would always call out at night because of fear, and didn’t dare to use the cat litter, which made the house a mess. The owner of the house felt that Xiao Xue was not close with people, it would always disturbed their sleep and dirty the room, and it didn’t get along well with the original cat, so he gave Xiao Xue to someone else.

And the second owner was a student. He couldn’t bring Xiao Xue back when he graduated, so he threw Xiao Xue away.

Xiao Xue, who was wandering, knew nothing. If it hadn’t been brought back by Little Sugar Cake, it would have almost starved to death. 

But it still felt that the owner who fed it everyday in the past liked it very much.

The old cat seriously corrected Xiao Xue’s thoughts and said: “If your owner really loves you, he won’t do that.” Just like his owner, he never let it suffer a little bit, and he never looked at other cats more than once.

I just don’t know if the owner is doing well now.

Xiao Xue still didn’t understand the difference, all it could think about was Little Sugar Cake. Its eyes lit up and it said to the old cat expectantly: “I’ll go find Little Sugar Cake now, and ask him if he likes me. Grandpa, do you know where Little Sugar Cake is?” 

The old cat couldn’t bear to reject Xiao Xue, and Little Sugar Cake seemed to be near its owner’s workplace, maybe it could still catch a glimpse of its owner from a distance.