She never expected that the one who raised objection was Fu Xiao


He called out to Su Zening.

Fu Xiao walked over with a cold face.

Actually, it’s not Fu Xiao’s fault.

Although Rong Hang had good intentions and helped Su Zening to block it, to outsiders, it looked like Rong Hang was holding the teenager gently in his arms. Fu Xiao knew very well that Su Zening was very flattering to Rong Hang during his time as Little Sugar Cake. 

He just left for a while, and Su Zening already ran away with others, how could he not be vigilant towards Rong Hang?

Of course, if Fu Xiao could understand the meowing on the table, he would find that it was not Rong Hang, whom he should be very vigilant here.

Xiao Xue crushed the rogue cat as if it was not afraid of death. It shook its head desperately, and shouted loudly: “Xiao Xue is so scared, but Xiao Xue wants to protect Little Sugar Cake.”

The rogue cat said angrily: “Little sissy——”

Before it could even finish speaking, the old cat waved its claw.

The three cats on the table gnawed at each other into a ball, and although Xiao Xue was useless, it was still young. The old cat has a rich experience, while the rogue cat has been wandering for many years, and its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. For a while, the three cats were indistinguishable.

Old man Wu was the first to react, and hurried off to help Dark Cloud fight, and it seemed that he usually won’t do this kind of thing.

With sharp eyes and agile hands, Su Zening picked up Clear Sky’s neck and threw it into Feng Jiaming’s cat bag without mercy. 

The rogue cat patted the cat bag angrily: “Fuck, let me out quickly, little beauty, you wait for me.”

Su Zening said expressionlessly: “Shut up. If you don’t shut up, I’ll send you to be sterilized.”

The rogue cat was startled: ???

Old man Wu held Dark Clouds in his arms in distress and said: “My poor Dark Cloud, you have lost so much weight during this period, and I don’t know where you have suffered so much.” 

Su Zening: ???

He stared at the slick old cat in Old man Wu’s arms, which he had raised for a while. From where did old man Wu see that the cat was suffering?

Old cat: Hehe.

If it doesn’t come back, could it be when it comes home again, its cat nest would already be taken over by stray cats from nowhere? 

The old cat was unmoved, it let out a whimper, and walked to Su Zening’s side, then it turned around and licked its paws coldly, while staring at the cow cat in the cat bag.

Xiao Xue’s shining eyes looked at Su Zening, and its whole cat rubbed around Su Zening while blowing rainbow farts: “Little Sugar Cake is amazing.”

Ktf nfgs tfiqoei Ve Ifclcu ragfamtfv bea tlr tjcv ab abemt atf oieoos oeg bo Wljb Wef.

Cr j gfreia, Wljb Wef kjr qlmxfv eq ys j ylu tjcv atf cfza rfmbcv. Me Wljb ibbxfv ja atlr Olaaif Veujg Jjxf’r mja obiibkfg, jcv bcmf jujlc ofia j rfcrf bo mglrlr. Pa kjr jigfjvs nfgs tjgv obg tlw ab uejgv jujlcra j tewjc glnji, vbfr tf ralii tjnf ab uejgv jujlcra j mja? 

Su Zening felt guilty, but then thought of Fu Xiao who couldn’t understand meowing, and said confidently: “Fu Xiao, you’re here, ah.”

Fu Xiao: …

Can he not come?

As soon as he heard that Su Zening was in charge of receiving Rong Hang, he knew something was wrong. Until now, the TV in his living room is still playing Rong Hang’s TV series every day. 

He will never forget that his cat pushed him away more than once because he blocked Rong Hang’s TV series, and even the butler would show disapproval when he switched the channel away.

Su Zening looked at him face to face without showing any timidity. He and Rong Hang had worked together long ago, and his relationship with Rong Hang is completely a pure idol love, so what’s going on with Fu Xiao, ah?

Sensing the atmosphere at the moment, Rong Hang wiped his nose and said: “Mr. Fu, hello ah.”

Probably because the atmosphere was too embarrassing, Rong Hang couldn’t help but find a topic and said: “Where is Little Sugar Cake? How is Little Sugar Cake doing?” 

Su Zening: …

Fu Xiao glanced at Su Zening: Hehe.

At this moment, Feng Jiaming looked at the strange and familiar man in front of her with complicated expressions. The man looked much more vivid, and her lips couldn’t help but move and she said: “Ah Xiao?”

Fu Xiao: … 

Su Zening’s eyes widened.

Still Ah Xiao?


Even if it was Fu Xiao, he couldn’t help being a little embarrassed at the moment, and he looked sideways at Su Zening. 

Su Zening turned his head and pouted.

Fu Xiao looked at Rong Hang and then at Feng Jiaming. He couldn’t help but think, what is this all about?

Rong Hang finally couldn’t bear it anymore, he looked around and said: “Why don’t we sit down and have a chat?”

The shop manager cleared the table again, and several people sat down again. 

The old cat jumped into Su Zening’s arms under the anxious eyes of old man Wu.

Su Zening, who had already figured out what happened from the meowing just now, looked at the rogue cat, who continued to scold, in the cat bag, then at the almost identical old cat in his arms, and then at the disheveled old man Wu.

Wow, it’s almost like a cat version of a stand-in white moonlight.

It was brilliant. 

Beside him, Rong Hang and Fu Xiao drank a cup of black tea at the same time, while Feng Jimaing kept looking at them. Even though Xiao Xue was held in Fu Xiao’s arms, it still desperately wanted to run into Su Zening’s arms.

Obviously, Su Zening never thought that he is not qualified to speak like this.

Old man Wu looked at Su Zening and the old cat in his arms and said gently: “Was Dark Cloud living in your house these days?”

Su Zening nodded in relation to Dark Cloud, he thought for a while and said: “I found Dark Cloud near the company, and then I took it home and took care of it for a while.” 

Old man Wu was very relieved: “Thank you.” Old man Wu looked at Dark Cloud and said: “You’re killing me, please don’t run away.” When Dark Cloud disappeared, he couldn’t even sleep peacefully every night, worrying about Dark Cloud all day.

He stretched out his trembling hand and touched Dark Cloud’s head.

The old cat finally jumped back into the arms of old man Wu. It licked the old man’s hand, then looked at Xiao Xue hesitantly. It actually wanted to take Xiao Xue away.

He’s getting old and won’t live long. Xiao Xue is well-behaved and obedient, except that it was a little timid. However, courage could be cultivated. In short, Xiao Xue is better than that fake rogue cat. He even hopes that Xiao Xue can accompany its owner for it, but is Xiao Xue even willing to leave Little Sugar Cake? 

Xiao Xue seemed to understand its eyes, it looked up at Su Zening, and said innocently and expectantly: “Little Sugar Cake, Xiao Xue likes you so much, do you like Xiao Xue?”

Su Zening was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head imperceptibly.

The rogue cat in the cat bag held its belly and laughed: “Haha, I’m dying of laughter. Little sissy, don’t waste your energy!”

Xiao Xue stared at the rogue cat aggrievedly, then looked at Su Zening and said in a crying voice: “Is it because Xiao Xue got into a fight just now, and it’s not good-looking, so Little Sugar Cake doesn’t Xiao Xue?” 

Su Zening didn’t speak, but just held Fu Xiao’s hand tightly.

Xiao Xue understood something, and looked at the two of them. It thought for a while, then jumped out of Fu Xiao’s arms, and walked into the old cat’s arms, and said to Su Zening: “Little Sugar Cake, I think, I want to be with grandpa. I might be gone for a while.”

Su Zening gently touched Xiao Xue, which seemed to give Xiao Xue courage. Xiao Xue ran to the old cat, and rubbed the old cat affectionately, while the old cat licked its fur.

In the eyes of others, it’s just cats meowing cutely, and then Su Zening couldn’t resist touching them. 

Rong Hang smiled and spoke to break the embarrassment: “Xiao Ning and the cats have a good relationship, don’t they?”

Xiao Ning?

How long has it been, when did it become Xiao Ning?

Fu Xiao tightened his grip on their hands, then raised his eyebrows and said: “Xiao Ning has always had a good relationship with animals.” 

Feng Jiaming looked at their tightly held hands, and felt that it was very dazzling. She took a deep breath, then politely smiled at everyone and said: “Station Manager Wu, I’m leaving first. I hope you will think about the cooperation before.”

She finally knew that Yi Ning’s hostility towards her was not an illusion.

So it turned out to be this case?

Feng Jiaming’s nails sank deeply into her flesh, and she couldn’t help but have distorted thoughts in her heart, if she hadn’t quit by herself—— 

How could he have the opportunity to be with Fu Xiao?

Obviously before, Fu Xiao was still——

No, she couldn’t think that way.

Fu Wei is also very good. 

He understands her better than Fu Xiao.

Thinking of this, Feng Jiaming forced a smile.

Old man Wu was a little embarrassed, he just saw the old cat that resembles Dark Cloud, and couldn’t care about anything for a while, but now that he thinks about it, this incident is riddled with weirdness.

How could there be such a coincidence? 

Moreover, with Clear Sky’s apparently wild and untamed look, it didn’t look that close to Feng Jiaming.

Old man Wu is not a person who will make mistakes. Just as he was about to say something.

Feng Jiaming smiled and said: “Station Manager Wu, as far as I know, the one who was supposed to be the finale of the gala should be temporarily busy, and has no way to attend, right? So I am only your best choice.”

She was determined to win that finale, not to mention her arch-rival was also at the party. 

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Fu Xiao, before she would never look like this. Whenever she asked for something before, has she ever needed to open her own mouth?

The Station Manager was a little hesitant. What Feng Jiaming said was indeed good. Although she was only one of the best choices, she did have the qualifications.

At this moment, Fu Xiao suddenly said: “Not necessarily.”

Feng Jiaming was taken aback for a moment, she never expected that it was Fu Xiao who raised the objection! 

Fu Xiao would never reject her.

Fu Xiao glanced at her with a slight mockery, his eyes seemed to see everything.

Feng Jiaming felt like falling into an ice cave, and couldn’t help thinking, could it be that Fu Xiao had already discovered what she did. Impossible, how could he know?

Or, is Fu Xiao really going to make things difficult for her because of that Yi Ning?