When a wall is about to collapse, everybody gives it a shove


Feng Jiaming forced herself to calm down and said: “Fu Xiao, what do you mean?”

And at this time, her cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from her manager. She hung up without thinking, she was not in a mood to answer her manager’s call right now.

Fu Xiao tapped on the table and said softly, like a joke and whispered: “What do you think of Xiao Ning?”

Old man Wu was taken aback, and looked at Xiao Ning. He liked Xiao Ning very much, but Xiao Ning didn’t have much experience. Can Xiao Ning adapt to such a large-scale evening party? 

Feng Jiaming said as if hearing some joke: “On his own?”

Her cell phone rang again persistently, and it belonged to her manager. She hung up the phone and looked at Su Zening with disdain.

Su Zening thought it was nothing at first, but the person competed with such a tone, and he just couldn’t let Feng Jiaming look down on him, so he opened his mouth and said: “What’s wrong with me?”

Feng Jiaming ignored him, with trembling lips, she took a deep breath and looked at Fu Xiao with a complicated expression and said: “Are you trying to get revenge on me?”

Fu Xiao hasn’t answered yet.

When Su Zening fiercely pinched Fu Xiao’s palm without showing any traces.

How could Fu Xiao have the face to blame him?

He never blamed Fu Xiao for those messy things, didn’t he at least manage to get his fiancée out, ah? 

Fu Xiao’s face twisted, but he held Su Zening’s hand reassuringly.

Su Zening’s complexion improved.

Fu Xiao said: “Miss Feng, did you misunderstand something? Revenge? There is no revenge between us. As for the gala, I can only say that I am very sorry, the sponsor of the gala is Xingchen, I think I am fully qualified to decide who will be the finale.”

What Fu Xiao said is not wrong, he does have this himself. 

Feng Jiaming knows better than anyone else.

When she debuted, her starting point was higher than anyone else, and it was precisely because Xingchen paved the way for her.


She couldn’t help but look at Su Zening, and clenched her hands tightly. No way, she hasn’t lost yet. 

She argued with Fu Xiao: “Although you are the president of Xingchen, Xingchen is not up to you alone. Not to mention that Yi Ning has no reputation and experience, his current image is not suitable to appear at the Gala, right? Even if you are crazy, you can’t drive the whole company to be crazy with you.”

Her cell phone came up again at an inopportune time, still from her manager.

Feng Jiaming hung up again in agitation.

What’s the matter with this manager, why is she calling her so persistently? 

But fortunately, she acted first, thinking of those comments on the Internet, she finally felt relieved.

Yi Ning has no fans, and has no power to resist the public opinion.

With Yi Ning’s current public image, it is even more difficult to get this opportunity. Fu Xiao can’t decide everything in Xingchen.

But as soon as she finished speaking, a smile appeared on Fu Xiao’s face. 

This smile, when Fu Xiao faced his opponent, Feng Jiaming had seen it countless of times. Feng Jiaming suddenly had a bad feeling.

Her phone rang persistently again.

Valii tfg wjcjufg.

Feng Jiaming’s heart thumped, and she picked up her phone with trembling fingers. The manager’s anxious voice was on the phone: “My ancestor ah. Why are you answering the phone now, don’t worry about anything right now, don’t ever go out, wait for me, I’ll be there soon.” 

Ktf wjcjufg rffwfv fzagfwfis yers, rtf kjr bc atf qtbcf ktlif cbaloslcu batfg qfbqif, jcv atfc rtf tecu eq atf qtbcf joafg rqfjxlcu.

Cr lo gfjilhlcu rbwfatlcu, Mfcu Aljwlcu ibbxfv ja Me Wljb, rtf ibbxfv eq ja Me Wljb jcv rjlv: “Qtja tjnf sbe vbcf?”

Me Wljb rjlv lcvloofgfcais: “P’w cba rb regf jybea atja.” Lf kjcafv ab wjxf j wbnf, yea tf vlvc’a tjnf alwf ab vb jcsatlcu. Ktbrf qfbqif atja Mfcu Aljwlcu tjv boofcvfv yfobgf kjlafv jcv kjamtfv obg j ktlif, jcv joafg wjxlcu regf atja atfgf kfgf cb Wlcumtfc yftlcv Mfcu Aljwlcu, atfs mbeivc’a kjla ab wjxf j wbnf.

Of course, he won’t deny it, without his help, it wouldn’t have developed so fast. 

The people sitting here are all smart people, most of them know what happened, and they all have a look of understanding on their faces.

The confused Su Zening looked at the other three bewildered cats.

Did he miss something?

Why can’t he understand? Su Zening looked around, then he tugged at Fu Xiao’s hand, and asked in a low voice: “What’s wrong? Did you do anything?” 

Seeing that he still couldn’t figure out what was going on, Fu Xiao felt a little helpless, but Xiao Ning’s movement of holding his hand pleased him very much. He squeezed Su Zening’s palm without showing any traces and said: “I just helped my cat out.”

Su Zening, whose palm was pinched suddenly, stood up abruptly. Seeing everyone looking at him, he sat down embarrassedly. He couldn’t help but stare at Fu Xiao.

What a rogue!

Yi? Helping his cat out, isn’t that just him? 

Su Zening belatedly felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, Feng Jiaming’s manager finally arrived. She walked in anxiously, and was taken aback when she saw Fu Xiao who was sitting on the side, then she smiled guiltily, and did not greet anyone else. She just pulled Feng Jiaming and said: “Let’s go from the underground garage.”

Feng Jiaming hadn’t fully figured out what happened.

She shook her manager’s hand: “What’s the matter?” 

The manager hurriedly said: “Let’s leave first, I’ll tell you later.”

After finishing speaking, she ignored Feng Jiaming’s reluctance and pulled her towards the door.

But just after a short delay, the door was already surrounded by reporters, and the dazzling flashing lights kept on facing Feng Jiaming unceremoniously. Because of the flashing lights, Feng Jiaming couldn’t open her eyes.

Before she could react, the entertainment reporter asked a sharp question one after another—— 

“Miss Feng, you have never admitted your relationship with the President of Xingchen before, but this time, your driver broke the news that you were in a relationship with the President of Xingchen. So what do you think of the photo of you secretly dating and kissing his younger brother, Fu Wei?”

“Miss Feng, is it true that you are stepping on two boats and dating two brothers from the Fu family at the same time as it was revealed on Weibo?”

“Miss Feng, are you dating Fu Wei, the second young master of the Fu family?”

“Did the second young master of the Fu family know that you were Mr. Fu’s fiancée when he dated you?” 

A reporter then threw a stack of photos in front of Feng Jiaming.

Feng Jiaming’s eyes widened, and she opened it with trembling hands. These were all photos of her dating Fu Wei, and even their kissing photos. These were when she was still maintaining the contract with Fu Xiao.

Feng Jiaming’s mind went blank.

Her manager snatched the photo, and threw it on the ground, then she nervously protected Feng Jiaming and squeezed out of the crowd: “These are all nonsense. Our Jiaming and Mr. Fu have always been good friends. As for Jiaming’s relationship, it is her personal matter, so please don’t pay too much attention to it.” 

As she spoke, she led Feng Jiaming out.

The group of reporters, like flies smelling rotten meat, followed them as they drifted away.

Several people in the room looked at each other.

Old man Wu sighed and said: “If you do this, who do you want me to find for the gala ah?” 

At this time, Rong Hang suddenly said: “A gala?” He looked at old man Wu with a smile yet not a smile, and said: “I have nothing to do recently, and I also want to cooperate with Xiao Ning. I wonder, how about I take Xiao Ning there?”

Rong Hang smiled at Su Zening and said : “Are you willing?” Rong Hang’s smile was as gentle as the breeze and the moon.

Su Zening was dizzy, he didn’t even listen carefully to what he said, and just nodded quickly.

Fu Xiao paused. 

Both of them are smart people, and Rong Hang is actually doing this to return the favor for that contract.

And he has to say, looking at Xiao Ning’s bright eyes, Rong Hang’s action really made him unable to refuse.

It’s just——

Looking at Rong Hang, Fu Xiao felt his teeth itch for some reason. 

Old man Wu clapped his hands in surprise: “This is great, there is nothing to hesitate.” It would be an absolute surprise for Rong Hang to come, and he would have no problem bringing one monkey there.

Just like that, the baffled Su Zening somehow agreed to go to the gala.

When several people were about to leave and got up.

The cat bag on the booth made a slapping sound, and the rogue cat inside patted the bag impatiently, and said: “Let lao Tzu out quickly, little ones.” 

Everyone looked at each other, Feng Jiaming left in a panic, how could she remember to take the cat away.

Old man Wu seemed to be unable to bear it, and just wanted to stretch out his hand.

When the old cat in his arms meowed coldly.

Old man Wu immediately withdrew his hand and said to Su Zening: “Xiao Ning, don’t you have a stray cat rescue there?” 

Su Zening looked at the extremely lustful appearance of the rogue cat, and said without hesitation: “It’s not a stray cat!”

He will never want it!

In the end, the cat was taken away by old man Wu.

After all, Feng Jiaming had already “gifted” the cat to Old Man Wu. 

Back in the nanny van.

Feng Jiaming was stunned, and it took her a while to react and asked: “What’s wrong?”

The manager gritted her teeth and said: “Do you still remember Secretary Zhang’s father? He used to be your driver. He followed you and took those photos.” Feng Jiaming was still very careful, and basically did not violate the rules with Fu Wei in the car. 

But that Father Zhang actually followed Feng Jiaming, he took those photos, and sold them to the media, and now those photos were in the hands of Feng Jiaming’s enemies.

Since Feng Jiaming left Fu Xiao and went together with Fu Wei, her enemies wasn’t sure about the attitude of Fu family, so they didn’t dare to release it easily, but now that they were sure that the Fu family would not care about this matter, only then did they exploded with confidence.

Although Feng Jiaming has claimed to be single all these years, everyone is not a fool. Because of her relationship with Fu Xiao, she was treated preferentially everywhere, and it was already an open secret in the entertainment circle, even her old fans among the fans knew about it.

Old fans are even very proud of Feng Jiaming, as Fu Xiao’s fiancée, as the future mistress of Xingchen, they often feel that they are superior to others. They think that Feng Jiaming became a singer because she really likes music, and would often practice at home. 

But they never expected that Feng Jiaming would get involved with Fu Xiao’s younger brother.

This kind of scandal will be pointed out in ordinary people’s homes, not to mention public figures.

As for why this incident exploded so quickly, the manager didn’t dare to think about it.

It’s just that the marketing company they contacted before can no longer be contacted. 

The house leaked and it rained all night. Feng Jiaming’s previously recorded program with Yi Ning has also been released. The final edited version is completely different from what Feng Jiaming saw. The final edited version filmed the whole process as it was, and the whole process where Feng Jiaming made mistakes and was pointed out by Yi Ning.

There are also suspected marketing accounts on the Internet pointing out that Yi Ning’s black materials are all paid for by Feng Jiaming.

All of a sudden, when the wall is about to collapse, everyone gives it a shove. Many media outlets have exposed Feng Jiaming’s dirty tricks. Feng Jiaming, who is known as the flower of Gaoling in the singer circle, who has both strength and beauty, has her character design collapse, and a large number of fans have turned black. 

Even Fu Wei has been pointed out from time to time.

The love dwelling of two people, Fu Wei and Feng Jiaming.

After hanging up another contract termination call, Feng Jiaming sat haggardly on the sofa. She looked at Fu Wei and said: “Is there nothing you can do?” 

Fu Wei gently comforted Feng Jiaming and said: “Let’s announce the news of our marriage to the outside world, so that the media will have nothing to say.” Although he knew that it would not be so smooth for him and Feng Jiaming to be together.

He just didn’t expect it to turn out like this.

This is not what Feng Jiaming wanted. Since then, her business that she has been running for many years has been completely destroyed. She said without hesitation: “Is there no way for you to let the media under Xingchen let go? You are also the second young master of Xingchen.”

The speaker had no special meaning, but the listener took it seriously.

Fu Wei felt a sharp pain in his heart and clenched his fists.

He has never participated in the operation of Xingchen, and no one in Xingchen would sell him this face. Not to mention that he had already quarreled with his grandfather, and he didn’t have the face to beg his elder brother. 

It’s just that——

He looked at the woman he loved deeply and felt his own uselessness.

Maybe Mr. Kong is right, power is really a good thing.

At least, he won’t feel this powerless. It’s a pity that he only understands what his elder brother has known since he was a child. 

Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice: “Leave it to me.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around and called Mr. Kong.

The phone rings a few times.

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Kong’s kind voice sounded: “Ah Wei, what’s the matter?” 

With a deep flash in his eyes, he turned toward Mr. Kong and said: “What you said last time, I have seriously thought about it, and I promise.”

The author has something to say:

Since then, Clear Sky has been educated (verb) by Dark Cloud.

Sunnyshies: I don’t like Fu Wei’s character very much. He is innocent and heartless at the same time. I dunno, but I think he didn’t have much empathy, but it’s not to the point of apathy. He’s just selfish, but he didn’t know it. 

Btw, the series is ending? We’re already at 90th chapters, and the main story will end at 106….whoa~