It’s difficult to guard against wild cats even with tens of thousands of defenses.

Yi Xiu just hung up the phone.

Yi Ning glared at him fiercely, he looked at the crowd, and then he rushed out of the door. 

But at this time, the weather turned gloomy, and it was about to rain.

Rong Hang was worried and prepared to chase after him.

But Yi Xiu blocked him: “Don’t pay attention to him, let him go.” Although he said it harshly, in fact he is the one who dotes on Yi Ning the most, and he follows Yi Ning every day to clean up his mess. But this time, he finally made up his mind to clean up Yi Ning.

But when he saw Yi Ning running away, he still looked in Yi Ning’s direction frequently.

He really owed Yi Ning, this evil person, in his previous life.

Seeing this, Su Zening said: “Yi Ning has never been here before. I’m afraid he’ll get lost if he runs alone. He has a stubborn temper. He will definitely not bow his head first. If it rains later, he will get sick again and delay your return, so you’d better go find him.”

Yi Xiu smiled gratefully at Su Zening, and said kindly: “Then I’ll go and get him back, so that he won’t get sick in the rain and delay our return.”

Su Zening looked at Yi Xiu’s figure and sighed. 

He was an only son, and had no brother.

But he thought Yi Xiu must be a good brother.

Seeing this, Fu Xiao rubbed Su Zening’s hair with gentle eyes.

His Xiao Ning has always been like this. 

Fu Xiao sat down and chatted with Rong Hang.

Ebcu Ljcu rwlifv kgsis: “Jbeiv la yf atja P kjr abb fjrs ab vfmflnf, P gfjiis gfujgvfv tlw jr ws sbecufg ygbatfg.” Po Me Wljb tjvc’a abiv tlw jcsatlcu, tf kbeivc’a tjnf xcbkc Tl Rlcu’r lvfcalas. Lf tjv jikjsr gfujgvfv Tl Rlcu jr tlr sbecufg ygbatfg, yea bynlberis, Tl Rlcu tjv abb wjcs atlcur ab tlvf ogbw tlw.

Even that one, which he thought was a chance encounter, was not a coincidence at all.

Fu Xiao didn’t take it seriously: “It’s just planning a coincidence, you are open and honest, so naturally you won’t think there’s anything wrong.” 

Rong Hang was puzzled: “He is the young master of the Yi family, how could he find me.”

Fu Xiao thought for a while: “When Yi Ning was young, he stayed in a domestic orphanage for some reason, and some bad things happened. Later, because of this, the Yi family all moved abroad.”

Rong Hang’s eyes moved, thinking of something, and he murmured in a low voice: “Orphanage?”

Su Zening poked his head out and asked: “Did you think of anything?” 

Rong Hang shook his head: “I really don’t have any impression.”

Seeing Su Zening’s concerned look, Fu Xiao raised his eyebrows and said: “I’m a little hungry. Xiao Ning, go and see what the restaurant has to offer.”

Su Zening’s eyes lit up, he touched his growling stomach and said: “Okay.”

As soon as he went out, Su Zening realized that he didn’t know where the restaurant was, and he did not see a staff member around, and he was at a loss. 

But fortunately, enemies met on a narrow road, so he met an old acquaintance again.

The one-eyed tabby cat, lying in the middle of the pavilion basking in the sun leisurely flicking its tail, and felt uncomfortable.

Su Zening laughed twice, and walked towards the tabby cat.

Isn’t this a ready-made guide? Does he still need to worry about being able to find the fastest and closest way? 

Soon Su Zening regretted it.

Su Zening pointed to the two-meter-high wall in front of him and asked expressionlessly: “This is the restaurant you mentioned? Do you take me for a fool?”

The one-eyed tabby cat was humiliated and retorted: “Obviously, you have to climb over the wall! I didn’t lie to you.”

Su Zening looked at the wall that was two or three meters high, and then at his white and slender fingers, then sighed in frustration, so started to find the way by himself. 

He finally came back the same way when he saw two living people, one old and one young, talking in a low voice. As if he had been rescued, he walked over excitedly, and the two people over there seemed to have spotted him too, and the two who were talking to each other immediately separated.

Only then did Su Zening realize, aren’t those two people Fu Wei and Mr. Kong?

How could the two of them be here?

Su Zening couldn’t help but frown, and looked back and forth between the two suspiciously. Do they have anything to do with each other? 

Before Su Zening could open his mouth, Fu Wei, who looked a little uncomfortable, said: “What a coincidence, I just came to Kong’s head office. We’re here to talk about the company, and we didn’t expect to meet you again.”

He had just finished speaking.

When the one-eyed tabby cat on by Su Zening;s feet meowed disdainfully——

“He’s just fucking with you. I heard all their previous conversations. He even called that old man grandpa. These two-legged beasts are all hypocrites.” 

Su Zening: !!!

Seeing Su Zening’s expression, Fu Wei's heart tightened Just now, they probably didn’t reveal anything. Right now, no one knows his and grandpa’s identity. He didn’t even say anything about it with Jiaming, so he calmed down and asked: “Did you come here with elder brother? What a coincidence, ah.”

The tabby cat licked its hind feet and meow meow meow disdainfully——

“Hypocrite! He and that old man knew that his elder brother was coming. They also said just now that the news was correct, his elder brother was here, and the plan was going well.” 

Mr. Kong also smiled, as if he couldn’t see a slightest hint, he smiled kindly towards Su Zening and said: “Isn’t this the assistant next to Mr. Fu? Sure enough, he is a good-looking talent, and people like Mr. Fu is always surrounded by talents. If the people around me were half as smart as you, I’d walk up laughing in the middle of the night.”

The tabby cat shook his head, full of contempt for human beings, and mercilessly revealed the two people thoroughly: “Lies! He even said earlier that Mr. Fu was talentless and incompetent and wanted his grandson to be on it!”

Su Zening: …

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao and Mr. Kong who were unaware, and smiled at them with complicated expressions: “Mr. Kong is flattering. Mr. Fu and I also came here to meet friends. I didn’t expect such a coincidence.” 

Su Zening didn’t know whether he should be shocked by the relationship between Fu Wei and Mr. Kong, or felt sympathetic to the fact that their secrets were just mercilessly exposed by a cat.

He picked up the tabby cat that was on the ground, and gave the tabby cat a look, and said towards the two people: “I’ll take my leave first, you guys talk about Fu Xiao slowly.”

Fu Wei’s breath was stagnant.

Su Zening quickly said: “No, I mean, you guys talk slowly, Fu Xiao is still waiting for me.” 

He left after speaking.

Kong Linghe and Fu Wei, who stayed where they were, heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

Fu Wei was worried: “Did he hear it?”

Kong Linghe thought for a while: “No, we are so far away, he can’t hear it.” 

Fu Wei hesitated: “Are we really going to do this?”

Kong Linghe sighed: “Ah Wei, Fu Xiao has always been cautious, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get those photos. You must not be soft-hearted. Besides, you didn’t wrongfully accuse Fu Xiao, does he dare to do it but dare not to behave?”

Fu Wei no longer hesitated: “Good!”

Kong Linghe nodded in satisfaction, and repeatedly asked: “This matter is of great importance, you must keep it secret, and don’t tell anyone about it.” 

Fu Wei nodded: “I have a measure.”

And under their feet, a one-eyed tabby cat flicked its tail leisurely.

After a while, the tabby cat slipped out, but blocking its road, a black-haired teenager was holding two dried fish that had just been fried in the kitchen, showing his tiger teeth: “Tell me everything they said and I’ll give you these small dried fish.”

The one-eyed raccoon cat smiled contemptuously: “What? You want to buy me with just two small dried fish?” He is a cat who has seen the world. People in the world call him the one-eyed cat master, how can it be bought with just two small dried fish! 

Su Zening was taken aback, showing admiration. This is probably the most virtuous cat he has ever seen, and he couldn’t help saying seriously: “Then tell me what you want.” The cats in his yard were all cats who could sell their soul for small dried fish. After a long time, he thought that all cats were all like this.

He’s the one who’s shallow.

The one-eyed tabby cat smiled evilly and said: “I, at least, need three!”

Sunnyshies: I feel redundant, hahaha, but really (this comment was written long time ago…) Su Zening is an only child. I forgot about it, so when I tled the earlier chapters, I was confused. No, no, I know he doesn’t have any siblings, that’s why I was confused with the translation…in earlier chapters, Little Sugar Cake mentioned “elder brothers and elders sisters” so many times that I was confused. But later I realized that he was talking about his father’s students… 

I forgot about it and I just remembered it recently when I read one of the reviews in NU. One reader there said that “the author somewhat forgot mc’s siblings” or something…so I remember this. hahaha….I thought of hunting for the word “siblings” in the chapter, but I got lazy, until I reached this chapter. While tling it, I finally searched “the siblings” in chapter 5…and edited it!!

I already edited chapter 5 when I was tling this, and I haven’t found anything else with “siblings”, so if you find something, then just comment on it!