Can’t Escape

After finishing his dirty deal with the little kitty.

Su Zening bought Fu Wei and Kong Linghe’s shocking secret with three small dried fish stolen from the kitchen. 

These three small dried fish can’t be bought in vain, he can’t be fooled.

Su Zening looked at the one-eyed tabby cat squatting on the ground eating the small dried fish deliciously, and he rubbed his chin thinking deeply.

The one-eyed tabby cat vigilantly hid the small dried fish behind it: “What? Are you regretting it? It’s too late!”

Su Zening: …

As thick-skinned as Su Zening also couldn’t help but show kindness: “In the future, if you still have news, you can still come to me, and I will give you three, um, four small dried fish!”

The tabby cat’s eyes brightened, as if it had found a way to make a fortune.

So much so that a long time later, Kong Linghe and Fu Wei never understood where they let the cat out of the bag.

After sending away the tabby cat, Su Zening carefully analyzed the clues given by the tabby cat. Although Fu Wei and Kong Linghe would not shy away from the tabby cat, because the tabby cat is not sensitive to human language, the process of retelling is also mixed with the tabby cat’s strange understanding of the human world, and the meaning it conveyed has become indescribable. 

How did Su Zening know that what the tabby cat said was its subjective guess.

Because the tabby cat told Su Zening that Kong Linghe and Fu Wei were plotting to seize a small dried fish warehouse, which contained endless small dried fish.

And Fu Wei’s elder brother is a bad two-legged beast, because Fu Wei’s grandfather said that he always bullied Fu Wei and didn’t even lick his fur!

This can be said to be very excessive in the tabby cat’s eyes! 

There are only two things Su Zening can be sure of. First, Fu Wei is the grandson of Kong Linghe, and his mother is Kong Linghe’s daughter. In the story, it was Kong Linghe who helped Fu Wei turn defeat into victory.

Second, Kong Linghe definitely has bad intentions towards Fu Xiao, even everything that Fu Xiao encounters in the story has Kong Linghe’s shadow, otherwise how could it be so coincidental that Fu Wei is the biggest beneficiary of everything?

Only this time, they don’t know what else to pull off. Now that Fu Xiao has never been kidnapped or had a car accident, and Xingchen is firmly in his hands, what else can shake his position?

Su Zening had a premonition, the last bit of his completion degree is on Fu Wei and Kong Linghe. 

But how can he get more detailed information?

Su Zening rolled his eyes and thought of a bad idea.

After a while, there was a rustling sound in the bushes, then a beautiful white long-haired cat stepped out. He looked around with his blue eyes, and after finding no one was there, he stretched out his fluffy paws, and pushed a pile of clothes inside, and walked out swaggeringly.

That’s right! 

After careful consideration, Little Sugar Cake resolutely decided to do it by himself!

Prc’a atja pera fjnfrvgbqqlcu?

Sjrs! Lbk mbeiv la yf vloolmeia obg tlw!

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf rageaafv lc atf wjcbg, jaagjmalcu mbecaifrr rajoo jibcu atf kjs. Mffilcu atf olfgs ujhf bo atf rajoo, Olaaif Veujg Jjxf gjlrfv tlr tfjv fnfc wbgf qgbevis! 

Lbkfnfg, atlr lr pera ktja tf atlcxr. Llr rqgjlc tjv cba tfjifv sfrafgvjs, jcv tf mbeiv cba erf tlr ogbca qjk sfa, rb tf ilwqfv jr tf kjixfv. Lf pera uba bea bo atf yertfr jcv tf kjr mbnfgfv lc vfjv ifjnfr.

A dirty, limping cat passed by in the yard, as miserable as it could be.

In the beautiful yard, a black car parked steadily in the middle. Next to the black car, the staff opened the door for the distinguished guests. When he saw a dirty little white cat limping past the corner, he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion to his colleagues: “Where did this little wild cat come from? How did it get so miserable? Our little tabby cat here has fared much better than it.”

Little Sugar Cake froze, then he looked down at his dirty paws in chock, his eyes were filled with disbelief! 

How could he be so dirty! With his idol burden, he ran away with his four little paws, feeling ashamed and angry.

The black car parked in the courtyard, and a couple stepped out of the car and gently thanked them.

Yi Yi heard the staff’s words, and she followed their eyes curiously, and saw a white fluffy tail flicking against the corner of the wall, then it disappeared.

Su Bolun supported his wife with concern: “What’s wrong?” 

Yi Yi shook her head and said to Su Bulon: “Let’s go in, Xiao Xiu is still waiting for us.”

Panting, Little Sugar Cake found a lake. Facing the lake, the white long-haired cat approached the lake, then looked at the dirty kitten in the lake, and licked his fur without tears.

And at that moment, not far away came the sound of two people talking. Little Sugar Cake looked up, and saw Fu Wei and Kong Linghe walking towards this side.

He really didn’t take much effort, Little Sugar Cake immediately hid behind a big rock. 

And Fu Wei actually stopped by the lake.

There was no one around Kong Linghe, he looked at Fu Wei, and his eyes were full of unconcealed kindness and asked: “What’s wrong, Ah Wei?”

Fu Wei looked at his hands in a daze, and looked at Kong Linghe a little at a loss: “Is it right for me to be like this? Elder brother, he didn’t do anything wrong, ah.”

Kong Linghe sighed: “My silly boy, you didn’t do anything wrong, so why do you want to back down? The only fault is that the Fu family is bullying too much.” 

Ah Wei is good at everything, but he is a bit too benevolent.

Fu Wei smiled wryly: “Grandpa, I——”

Little Sugar Cake, who was listening in the corner: !!!

Fu Wei is indeed Kong Linghe’s grandson! 

Kong Linghe interrupted Fu Wei before he could finish speaking, and said firmly in his eyes: “Ah Wei, this opportunity is not to be missed. If we miss it again, it will be harder to find Fu Xiao’s handle. With old man Fu’s personality, he will definitely not tolerate Fu Xiao doing this, they are bound to be at odds, and Fu Xiao would…”

Kong Linghe’s voice stopped abruptly, obviously it was not suitable to say the following words, so he said just to Fu Wei: “Ah Wei, trust grandpa. Grandpa will not harm you.”

Fu Wei nodded hesitantly, he looked at the lake and sighed, then they left the lake.

Little Sugar Cake poked his head out anxiously. 

What will they do to Fu Xiao, ah?

What kind of handle do they have on Fu Xiao?

Seeing the two leaving, Little Sugar Cake quickly wanted to catch up, but the stones by the lake were covered with moss, and were extremely slippery. He slipped on his feet and carelessly fell into the water with a plop.


In the tea room.

The guests of Fu Xiao and Yi Xiu sat at both ends.

Fu Xiao glanced lightly at the couple opposite him—— Mr. Su and Mrs. Su. For some reason, they always gave him a familiar feeling.

It is different from the Yi family and the Fu family who have been doing business for generations. 

Yi Xiu’s distant relative; Mr. Su, who is over forty years old and his family moved abroad many years ago, is a well-known local family. Mr. Su’s family has extensive knowledge, with a refined temperament, he looks like a man with great wisdom, but it was rare that he doesn’t have the aloofness of a scholar. His eyes are sharp and deep, and his words were so polite that everyone present felt like a spring breeze.

Even Yi Ning didn’t dare to make trouble in front of him, so he sat down and drank tea obediently.

Mr. Su poured tea for everyone present.

Fu Xiao took a sip, the tea had a dainty and lingering taste, with a delicate fragrance, it was indeed a rare good tea. 

It’s just that he’s not good at it, but he can’t tell why.

What’s more, he never meditated. Fu Xiao looked at the watch in his hand, frowning slightly.

Xiao Ning has been away for a long time, why hasn’t he come back yet? Did something happen?

Mr. Su, who is very attentive, noticed it, and asked: “What’s the matter, Mr. Fu?” 

“There is indeed something.” Fu Xiao nodded to Mr. Su and said: “A friend of mine has lost his way. I’m afraid I have no fate with this good tea, so I have to go out to find him.”

Yi Xiu interrupted: “Has Xiao Ning not come back yet?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Su’s steady hand shook, and the hot tea was splashed on his hand.

Even Mrs. Su next to him instantly became ugly. 

Fu Xiao handed over the wet towel beside him, his eyes thoughtful.

Mr. Su was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: “Thank you.”

Yi Xiu suddenly felt that he had slipped his words, distress flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly said to Fu Xiao: “Hurry up and get him back. This manor is quite big, if he got confused, he might not be able to walk back.”

Fu Xiao nodded and went to find Xiao Ning. Naturally, he had a way to find Xiao Ning. Following the location on his phone, Fu Xiao found a lake, and finally located him behind a half-person-high stone. 

Fu Xiao looked around and didn’t think there was a person hidden in that stone. Surrounding the stone are half-person-high shrubs.

Where is Xiao Ning?

Just as he was about to call Xiao Ning’s name, he heard a meow coming from behind the stone.

Fu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, could it be Xiao Ning—— 

He walked over, and sure enough, behind the stone, a pitiful long-haired cat squatted on the ground like a drowned chicken. With dead leaves and algae hanging on his body, his thick fur was all wet, and his gem-like eyes looked at him very aggrieved.

If this isn’t his own Little Sugar Cake, who else could it be?

A gust of cold wind blew, and the still dripping Little Sugar Cake could not help but sneeze and meowed pitifully.

Fu Xiao careless about being angry, he took off his jacket and wrapped up Little Sugar Cake and went to the courtyard. This vacation manor also prepared a room for them to rest in the afternoon. Fu Xiao walked into the room with Little Sugar Cake in his arms, and asked the staff for cold medicine. 

Once in the room, Little Sugar Cake got into the bath towel, and a moment later, a naked teenager appeared in the bath towel. He pitifully wrapped himself in the bath towel, and even sneezed a few times.

Along the way just now, the water on Little Sugar Cake’s body also got into Fu Xiao’s body. Fu Xiao took off his shirt, and changed into a bathrobe in the room, and looked at Xiao Ning, who was trembling slightly.

He needs to take his medicine quickly, otherwise, he’ll get sick.

The doorbell rang. 

Fu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and saw the staff standing at the door, holding a cup of cold medicine in his hand.

“Thank you.” Fu Xiao, who was wearing a bathrobe, took the cold medicine.

And Su Zening came over wrapped in a bath towel, he whispered hoarsely to Fu Xiao: “Fu Xiao, don’t go.” He still has a big secret to tell Fu Xiao!

Fu Xiao stroked his hair: “I’m not leaving. I’ll give you a bath later.” If Little Sugar Cake is not washed, even if he blow-dried him, he would still be dirty. 

Su Zening nodded as a matter of course: “Yeah.” How can he have snow-white fur if he doesn’t take a bath? He doesn’t want to be dirty.

The staff member smiled and said to Fu Xiao: “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Fu Xiao said: “Prepare two sets of clothes for us, I’ll trouble you.”

The staff smiled perfectly: “Yes!” 

At the workstation, a staff member said: “I can’t believe that Mr. Fu and his friend have that kind of relationship, ah. But how did Mr. Fu do it, ah. His friend looks so young, I don’t know if he’s only eighteen years old.”

The other said: “Did you make a mistake, ah? Are you saying that they are not necessarily friends?”

The man said: “Impossible, they said they want to take a bath together! Do friends take a bath together?” 

Another said: “Isn’t Mr. Fu’s fiancée that Feng Jiaming?”

The man said: “I heard that they haven’t split up yet, ah! But who knows, rich people have this kind of virtue in their private lives.”

Outside the door, Su Bolun, who was passing by, frowned. Originally, he heard that Fu Xiao and his friend were coming back, and wanted to go and have a look, but now it’s not the right time.

But, is Fu Xiao such a person? 

Su Bolun shook his head, but he was wrong about him.

Sunnyshies: Bad impression just in the first meeting!! Papa Su, you just missed your baby!