He seems to have forgotten something

In the courtyard of the Fu family in the early morning, the breeze blows as the first snow of winter falls, and the whole courtyard is beautifully white.

This can be regarded as the first day of Little Sugar Cake’s return to the Fu family. Last night, Little Sugar Cake was brought home by Fu Xiao. He was simply treated like an emperor, and all the stars held themselves around the moon was not an exaggeration. From the butler to the kitchen chef in the Fu family, they all circled around Little Sugar Cake, and even Fu Xiao’s position went down to second place. 

Today, Little Sugar Cake met the cat group officially for the first time.

Little Sugar Cake stood in one of the stone benches in the middle of the pavilion. His snow-white fur is exceptionally smooth, and there is a beautiful bow tied in the middle of the chubby belly. The white cat raised his head proudly and screamed: “Meow~”

This scream announced his official return.

Most of the cats in the yard were eating cat food without even raising their heads. Only a few kittens meowed excitedly holding the scene.

The cats eating cat food rolled their eyes, didn’t they just meet? During this period of time, they saw Little Sugar Cake turning into a two-legged beast everyday, only the group of uninformed kittens made a fuss.

Seeing that there was no one supporting him below, Little Sugar Cake was grunting in anger as he scratched the stone bench with his front paws.

Fu Xiao raised an eyebrow, and stretched out his hand towards Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake put his head on it, Fu Xiao then reached out his hand and scratched Little Sugar Cake’s chin. Little Sugar Cake hugged Fu Xiao’s hand angrily. 

Over there, the grandpa butler ran over in a hurry, it was rare for him to lose his composure: “Young master.”

It must not be a trivial matter to make the butler lose his composure like this.

Fu Xiao wanted to walk over, but his hand was hugged by Little Sugar Cake. Little Sugar Cake was acting like a baby refusing to let go. Fu Xiao liked this behavior very much in his heart, and he was eaten to death by his own cat. He hugged Little Sugar Cake in his arms while stroking along Little Sugar Cake’s back, brushing Little Sugar Cake’s fur contentedly: “What’s wrong?”

Ktf yeaifg uijcmfv ja Olaaif Veujg Jjxf lc Me Wljb’r jgwr jcv rjlv: “Tbecu wjrafg, Yiv Zjrafg Me tjr gfaegcfv ab atf mbecags.”

What, grandpa Fu is back?

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf ifa ub bo Me Wljb’r tjcv, jcv ibbxfv eq ja Me Wljb. 

Yglulcjiis, Xgjcvqj Me gfaegcfv ab atf mbecags joafg Me Wljb tjv j mjg jmmlvfca, rb vbfr atlr wfjc atja Me Wljb’r mjg jmmlvfca tjr qjrrfv?

Fu Xiao paused for a while while stroking Little Sugar Cake, and the smile on his face slowly retracted: “When will he get off the plane?”

Butler: “Ten o’clock in the morning.” He hesitated and said: “Young master, are you going to pick him up from the airport?”

Fu Xiao squinted his eyes and looked at Little Sugar Cake: “Go, of course go.” He will not forget that he got Little Sugar Cake from old master Fu. 

Not only would he go himself, he will also take Little Sugar Cake with him.

In the airport, people come and go.

Little Sugar Cake was obediently being held in Fu Xiao’s arms, neither noisy nor disturbing. The combination of a handsome man and a cute cat attracted frequent glances from passers-by. 

Little Sugar Cake secretly raised his chest higher. Fu Xiao noticed this careful thinking of Little Sugar Cake, and couldn’t help shaking his head.

However, Fu Wei also came. This was beyond Little Sugar Cake’s expectations, after all, Fu Wei had a falling out with old master Fu in name.

After a while, a silver-haired old man came out from the VIP passage. He saw Little Sugar Cake and Fu Xiao, his eyes lit up, and was about to walk over.

Fu Wei, who was standing in front of them, moved his lips and called out: “Grandpa.” 

Old master Fu turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and restrained his smile: “Why are you here?” How could this grandson of his be so confused, there’s so many women under the sky, but he insisted on choosing Feng Jiaming, and let others see all the jokes of the Fu family.

He hasn’t calmed down yet.

But unexpectedly, Fu Wei still had a bit of backbone, and he still didn’t retreat, this made him look at him a bit higher.

Fu Wei didn’t care, he just smiled and said: “You are my grandfather, I should see you no matter what.” 

Old master Fu’s complexion improved a bit: “You have a bit of conscience.”

After finishing speaking, he ignored Fu Wei, he walked up to Fu Xiao and asked: “Where’s your father?”

He didn’t know where Fu Yunxi had been fooling around at this time, since the last time he invested in a real estate project. Fu Yunxi has been socializing outside everyday, so he doesn’t know what he is doing. He didn’t even come back to the family for a long time, so how could he have time to pick up grandpa back home.

Fu Xiao is happy to be at ease, he didn’t care where Fu Yunxi was, but in front of grandpa Fu, he still smiled and mocked: “He has his own business too.” 

Grandpa Fu understood everything, he knocked his crutch angrily and said: “What a sin, still so stupid even at this age.” He sighed and said to Fu Xiao: “I’m getting old, in the future, you should stop your father more, lest he do stupid things.”

It never occurred to him that his incompetent son would even give him a little grandson. What a sin, this little grandson, he would believe it more if they said he is Fu Xiao’s son.

But Fu Xiao smiled: “You’re joking, how can I control him?”

Grandpa Fu sighed, how could he not hear, Fu Xiao still didn’t regard Yunxi as his father. 

For so many years, he has seen everything. What fame and fortune, what power can be more important than having a happy and joyful family together.

It’s just that his grandson has always had a foul and hard temper, even using his glib tongue was not least bit useful.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

At this time, a series of impatient meowing sounds came from Fu Xiao’s arms. 

Seeing the familiar big white cat in Fu Xiao’s arms, old master Fu said in surprise: “Little Sugar Cake, do you still remember, grandpa?” Little Sugar Cake has very beautiful fur and bright eyes. It can be seen that Fu Xiao has been taken care of it very well. Grandpa Fu is very pleased.

He just doesn’t know if Little Sugar Cake, who has lived with Fu Xiao for so long, still remembers what its parent look like, but it doesn’t matter, he will take Little Sugar Cake back, and it will gradually get acquainted with him in the future.

Little Sugar Cake squatted on Fu Xiao’s body and meowed sweetly, then stretched out his head, and rubbed against Grandpa Fu thoughtfully.

His palm was being rubbed against by a fluffy and cute cat, making Grandpa Fu happy, and he said: “Sure enough, you still remember grandpa. It’s worth it for grandpa to love you for so long.” 

But Fu Xiao hugged Little Sugar Cake back.

Grandpa Fu was a little upset, what’s wrong with him getting affectionate with his own family cat? Why did his grandson come to disturb him?

But Fu Xiao said: “Recently, there are many things in the company.” He looked at Fu Wei: “The cooperation with Mr. Kong Lington’s company is about to start signing. Speaking of which, Fu Wei is currently working with Mr. Kong. With the cooperation between the two side, Fu Wei would probably become an additional force.”

Fu Wei, who was suddenly named, was a little guilty, and he hesitated: “Yes, no. Xingchen is still stronger.” 

Being interrupted by this. Grandpa Fu looked at Fu Wei in surprise.

He didn’t expect that Fu Wei would work in the Lingtong Group.

Fu Xiao said seemingly unintentionally: “Mr. Kong is about the same age as you are, you should be able to talk together.”

Grandpa Fu smiled: “Is that so? It’s a pity I’ve never been able to talk to him before. I didn’t even have the chance to get to know Mr. Kong formally.” 

Fu Xiao looked at Fu Wei: “You will always have a chance in the future, right, Fu Wei?”

Fu Wei  reacted quickly: “Yes, Mr. Kong has always said that he wants to meet and chat with you.”

“Then it’s settled. Find a chance, and I’ll make an appointment with Mr. Kong for you.” Fu Xiao hugged Little Sugar Cake in his arms and said very naturally: “You’re tired too, so go back and rest early. I have friends coming later, so I’ll leave first.” 

After saying that, Fu Xiao was about to leave.

Grandpa Fu was taken aback, and quickly said: “Are you coming back for dinner tonight?”

Fu Xiao paused as he walked away quickly, and said simply and neatly: “No.”

Grandpa Fu wondered, why did Fu Xiao leave so fast? Could it be that some important friend had come? 

But he felt faintly in his heart that he seemed to have forgotten something.

What had he forgotten?

The author has something to say:

This is from yesterday. Because the end is coming soon, I often have to think about it for a long time, so the update will not be fixed in the recent period, but I should be able to maintain the daily update in general. 

(Secretly whispers: Don’t trust this pigeon spirit)