The Little Prince—— Zhi-Zhi


When Fu Xiao said that a friend came, he was not lying to Grandpa Fu. It’s that he really has friends coming.

Fu Xiao doesn’t have many friends, and this time Little Sugar Cake also knew them. They are Nie Changyuan and his younger brother.

This time, Nie Changyuan will specially take Nie Changmo to the United States to see a doctor and recuperate. He changed planes in this city halfway, so Fu Xiao naturally has to do the duties of a host.

Picking the two into the car, Nie Changyuan smiled brightly: “Ah Xiao.”

Fu Xiao reluctantly showed a sincere smile: “How long are you going to stay here?”

Nie Changyuan put Nie Changmo’s luggage into the trunk, then he opened the car door, after letting Nei Changmo in, only then did he go in: “A few days. The flights for these few days have been canceled because of the blizzard over there.”

Nie Changmo’s face was still pale, but he was in good spirits.  He was holding the black cat, Zhi-Zhi, in his arms, but Zhi-Zhi was not very energetic. It jumped out of Nie Changmo’s arms curiously, and walked to the side of Little Sugar Cake, it sniffed him, and titled its head to look at Little Sugar Cake curiously.

Little Sugar Cake immediately recognized that this was the unlucky cat that was mistakenly identified, and he greeted it familiarly: “Long time no see, Zhi-Zhi.”

The cute black cat said in surprise: “How do you know me, ah!”

Little Sugar Cake smiled triumphantly. Not only did he know Zhi-Zhi, he also knew that Zhi-Zhi liked a dirty ball of yarn it got from nowhere some time ago. It was so stupid that it gave up its cat nest to the ball of yarn and slept on the floor itself. 

These were what Momo and him chatted on his mobile phone.

At this time, Nie Changmo suddenly said in surprise: “This is Little Sugar Cake.”

Little Sugar Cake proudly raised his head and meowed.

While turning the steering wheel, Fu Xiao wondered: “Xiao Mo, how do you know about Little Sugar Cake?” 

Little Sugar Cake froze and felt something bad, and just wanted to stop Momo, but Momo already blurted out: “Ning Ning told me. He said that he had a cat named Little Sugar Cake, he often sent me photos of Little Sugar Cake, and he often praised Little Sugar Cake for being beautiful.”

After speaking, he took out a photo from his mobile phone. In the photo, the snow white kitty was squatting in front of the glass window as it rained. It was looking at the neon lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, its jewel-like eyes were pure and clear, and anyone who saw this photo would praise the cat for its beauty.

Nie Changyuan recognized at a glance that the place in the photo was Fu Xiao’s office, and he smiled ambiguously at Fu Xiao. Being able to take pictures in Fu Xiao’s office, the relationship between Su Zening and Fu Xiao is indeed extraordinary.

Fu Xiao did not explain, the photo was indeed taken in his office, but the person who took the photo was actually him. 

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake meowed at himself with a guilty conscience.

No wonder he always took out his mobile phone before, so that’s how it is.

It’s just that, praising himself for being beautiful, Little Sugar Cake can really do it, ah. 

Little Sugar Cake did not think so. If Momo hadn’t praised Zhi-Zhi for being smart and beautiful every time they chatted, he wouldn’t have given this photo to Momo.

Where can a black cat look better than a white cat ah?

Why can’t he boast that he is beautiful ah!

Little Sugar Cake flicked his tail and jumped into Momo’s arms. 

Momo was flattered and hugged Little Sugar Cake, and couldn’t help but say: “It’s heavier than Zhi-Zhi, ah.”

Zhi-Zhi: !!

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf: !!

Ktf akb mjar ibbxfv ja fjmt batfg, jcv rmjccfv fjmt batfg’r ybvs eq jcv vbkc, jcv atfc kjixfv jkjs klatbea mbcolvfcmf. 

Rlf Jtjcuwb geyyfv Olaaif Veujg Jjxf’r mtlc jcv lcagbvemfv Itl-Itl rbifwcis: “Itl-Itl, atlr lr Olaaif Veujg Jjxf, sbeg ilaaif ygbatfg. Tbe tjnf ab qijs kfii klat la jcv vbc’a yeiis la.”

Zhi-Zhi glanced at Little Sugar Cake in his arms as it nodded sensibly. Seeing Nei Changmo hugging Little Sugar Cake, it squatted listlessly to the side. A black shadow then flashed outside the window, and Zhi-Zhi suddenly cheered up and looked out the window, then it sighed in disappointment and returned to the seat.

Little Sugar Cake asked curiously: “What’s wrong with you?”

Zhi-Zhi lay sadly in the middle of the seat: “It’s nothing, I just thought I saw a friend.” 

Nie Changmo asked expectantly: “Where’s Ning Ning.”

Fu Xiao looked at Little Sugar Cake meaningfully: “Him, you will see him later.”

Little Sugar Cake pretended not to hear, and continued to lick his paws.

Fu Xiao took them to his villa. He seldom came to live in this villa, but there were people maintaining it on a daily basis. It would not be a problem to accommodate Nie Changmo and Nie Changyuan. 

Nie Changmo couldn’t help it: “When will Ning Ning come ah?”

Little Sugar Cake gave Fu Xiao a wink.

He also wanted to go out and play with Momo as an adult, but Fu Xiao sat on the sofa chatting with the brothers as if he couldn’t understand his expression.

Little Sugar Cake jumped off Nie Changmo, then walked to Fu Xiao’s feet, rubbing against Fu Xiao’s feet with a wink as he looked at Fu Xiao coquettishly. 

His voice was so delicate that it seemed like a drop of water.

The black cat Zhi-Zhi looked at Little Sugar Cake in shock. Playing like this, it didn’t expect Little Sugar Cake to be such a cat.

Fu Xiao held out his hand.

Under Zhi-Zhi’s dumbfounded gaze, Little Sugar Cake fell down on Fu Xiao’s lap, while holding Fu Xiao’s hand tightly with an extremely flattering gesture. 

Nie Changmo said enviously: “Zhi-Zhi would never let me hug him like this.”

Zhi-Zhi screamed and immediately hid far away, resisting with all its body and mind.

Finally, Fu Xiao said with smiling eyes: “It’s almost time, I’ll take you to dinner. When we come back, Xiao Ning should be here.”

As Nie Changmo got good cat food for Zhi-Zhi and Little Sugar Cake, his eyes lit up, looking forward to it. He hasn’t seen Ning Ning for a long time, la. 

When the two brothers came back, Su Zening was already waiting for them in the living room with Zhi-Zhi in his arms.

Zhi-Zhi sniffed Su Zening curiously, the smell of this person was similar to that of Little Sugar Cake, ah.

“Momo, you’re here.” Su Zening hugged Zhi-Zhi and sucked the cat frantically for a while. It’s a pity to say that even if he sucks all the cats in the world, he can’t suck himself.

Nie Changmo rushed over, he hugged Su Zening and said: “Ning Ning, I miss you so much, ah.” 

Although the two have been chatting online, this is the first time they have met since their separation.

Nie Changyuan was a little jealous, and sighed: “Xiao Mo, you never said you missed me.”

Nie Changmo took his elder brother’s hand and said: “You are different.”

“You’re the best at fooling me.” Nie Changyuan said helplessly: “Okay, okay, hurry up and hang out with your Ning Ning.” 

Fu Xiao added: “Don’t go far, there will be a whole fish feast tonight.”

Su Zening’s eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he turned to look at Fu Xiao and wanted to ask something, but he was pulled away by Nie Changmo.

Until after the two had walked away.

Only then did the smile on the faces of the two men in the living room disappear. 

Nie Changyuan fell on the sofa tiredly and rubbed his forehead.

His cell phone kept ringing.

Nie Changyuan took a look at it, then hung up and threw it aside.

Fu Xiao glanced at it, then picked up the tea that Xiao Ning had brewed before, he took a sip and said: “You can hide it for a while, but you can’t hide it forever.” 

Nie Changyuan smiled wryly: “When Xiao Mo and I go abroad, they won’t be able to find me.”

Fu Xiao glanced at the man he had known for nearly ten years and said: “Are you sure it’s worth it? Resigning asZhuo Yue‘s President?”

Nie Changyuan shook his head: “It’s not about it being worth it or not, the thing I want to do the most now is to go abroad with Xiao Mo and take good care of his body.”

He glanced at Fu Xiao and said with a smile: “Ah Xiao, I am different from you. From the moment we met, I knew that you yearn for the highest place. You will not allow others to use your name, you are more ambitious than me, and you will go higher than me in the future. I think you will create a miracle.” 

“But I’m different. I just want Xiao Mo to be happy. I just want our family to be whole. Xiao Mo is the only relative I have left, I can’t live without him.”

Nie Changyuan didn’t know if Fu Xiao could understand.

Fu Xiao was silent for a moment, he frowned and said: “I understand that you want to be with your younger brother, but do you have to quit your job? You managed to pave the way for Zhuo Yue for the past few years with difficulty, and Zhuo Yue also managed to soar by leaps and bounds over the years. When you come back in a few years, Zhuo Yue may not be the Zhuo Yue you have right now.”

Nie Changyuan heaved a sigh of relief. Fu Xiao is his friend. Fu Xiao did not object but still supported his decision, he smiled: “Money can be earned endlessly. You are not an outsider. I might as well tell you that Xiao Mo’s situation is not good. In the past few years, not only Xiao Mo has had a tough battle to fight, but also me. I did not regret being in Zhuo Yue in these years, but I know that if I can’t stay with Xiao Mo right now, I will definitely regret it.” 

Fu Xiao was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t expect Xiao Mo to be so seriously ill, he patted Nie Changyuan on the shoulder and said: “Don’t hold back, tell me if you have any difficulties.”

Fu Xiao couldn’t help thinking, if that person was Xiao Ning, what would he do?

He was extremely thankful that Xiao Ning was in good health.

“Don’t act like this.” Nie Changyuan said with a smile: “The medical research institute I funded abroad has been researching specific medicines for Xiao Mo all these years, and I have gained something in the past few years.” 

“In the past few days, when I finish my work here, I will go abroad to see you.” Fu Xiao then added: “But does Xiao Mo know about your resignation?”

Nie Changyuan didn’t speak but smiled wryly.

Fu Xiao understood, he shook his head and said: “Although Xiao Mo has been sick all the time, he has always had his own ideas. You can’t keep it from him, obviously you still treat him like a child. If he finds out about this, he will surely make a fuss.”

Nie Changyuan smiled wryly: “In a few days, we will be abroad, no one will talk much to him then. We’re just staying here for a few days, it won’t be that coincidental.” 

Fu Xiao raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief: “I hope it will be as you wish.”

Fu Xiao stood up and took out a cigarette in a rare moment.

Nie Changyuan raised his eyebrows, then also took one out of Fu Xiao’s hand, he lit it and took a puff, then exhaled a puff of smoke. He looked out of the window and said slowly: “Do you still remember the year we graduated? We also drank and smoked together like this. You have always been heavy-hearted, hiding everything in your heart, but your eyes are full of ambition when you look at the world, but I am different. I just want to protect Xiao Mo.”

Nei Changyuan’s eyes were gentle: “Xiao Mo is different, do you know that? Because of Xiao Mo’s existence, I have never been afraid of failure in my career for so many years. Xiao Mo is the only person in the world who is willing to love me unconditionally. You may not understand when I say it out loud, but sometimes I think he is like my anchor in this world. With Xiao Mo around, I will never be lost. As for the loss of my career, I’ll just go beyond and leapfrogging later.” 

Fu Xiao looked at Nie Changyuan. He had known Nie Changyuan for so many years, and Nie Changyuan’s eyes had never been so firm.

As it turns out, an anchor, huh?

Fu Xiao thought about it thoughtfully.

Nie Changyuan said to himself. He extinguished the cigarette in the crystal ashtray, then shook his head and said: “What am I doing talking to you about this.” 

But Fu Xiao didn’t answer him, he just looked out of the window in a daze.

Nie Changyuan laughed deeply, he thought about the teenager who appeared before. He shook his head thoughtfully, and patted Fu Xiao on the shoulder.

Su Zening dragged Nie Changmo down the most luxurious commercial street. 

Zhi-Zhi lay obediently on Nie Changmo’s arms, a little listless.

Nie Changmo sighed and said: “I know, I also don’t know what’s going on recently. It always lacks energy.”

Su Zening glanced at the black cat, Zhi-Zhi didn’t say that it was not feeling well all the way. It should have no problem with its health, instead, it was looking around all the way, as if it was waiting for something.

Nie Changmo touched Zhi-Zhi’s head  in distress, then he saw a pet store, and said to Su Zening: “Let’s go buy something. It just so happened that all the things Zhi-Zhi had had to be shipped abroad first, so I wanted to buy something for it. You can also buy something for Little Sugar Cake.” 

Shopping for Little Sugar Cake?

Seeing the dazzling array of goods in the cupboard, Su Zening couldn’t help swallowing, and nodded.

But then he saw a sign of Zhuo Yue on the mall next to the pet store. Su Zening looked out: “Ning Ning, does this belong to your family ah?”

Nie Changmo glanced and nodded: “Yeah, but this store should have opened only recently.” 

The two walked into that store, being able to open in the city center, the pet products in here are naturally unique. Although the butler and Fu Xiao would buy a lot of things for Little Sugar Cake, after all, he didn’t choose them himself. And there are many weird things in this store, for example, the cat massager, the cat nest that can glow ah, and a cat teaser that can move by itself ah.

Su Zening needs all these ah.

Zhi-Zhi, who was hugged by Nie Changmo, was like a little prince. It had long been used to this kind of battle, and its round cat pupils didn’t even lift up.

Nie Changmo: “Which is the best cat food here?” 

The service attendant smiled and recommended the best: “These three are the cats’ favorites? The reviews are good.”

Su Zening looked down. He has been making money to support his family for a long time, and he can see at a glance that these three are very expensive. But there are many flavors of these, not sure which one is better?

Unexpectedly, Nie Changmo said without batting an eye: “Get a box of every kind.”

Su Zening, a poor country side cat, stared wide-eyed. 

The service attendant smiled and said: “Good, there are still many toys here.”

Nie Changmo teased Zhi-Zhi with a feathered cat teaser with great interest.

Nie Changmo took one with great interest and teased Zhi-Zhi with a feathered cat teaser.

The service attendant was about to happily take it down. 

When Nie Changmo continued: “In addition to these two, I need one of each.”

Su Zening: !!

He looked at Zhi-Zhi with envious eyes.



Fu Xiao received a photo on his mobile phone.

He clicked on the photo, and there were a bunch of cat toys inside.

Fu Xiao: ??