The pig teammate, Little Sugar Cake


Faint mist linger in the winter morning.

And the Fu family has already become lively.

Grandpa Butler commanded the servants at home, and they were so busy, they couldn’t breathe. At this time, there are many boxes piled up in the normally tidy hall. The servants were busy in and out. Some were busy packing their luggage, some were busy putting on labels, and some were checking lists. Everything is neat and orderly.

They will move out from the Fu residence in the afternoon, and they will not come back for a long time, so they must not leave anything behind. 

Grandpa Butler breathed a sigh of relief and was satisfied, but then he frowned as he walked towards the kitchen. He was not relieved until he saw the rich breakfast on the table when passing by the dinner room.

Although they were going to move out of the Fu residence today, as a good butler, he should do his best at all times, so how could he let the young master and Little Sugar Cake not have breakfast.

He looked at everything in front of him with satisfaction, and a sense of pride welled up in his heart.

At this time, ding ding ding, a ring sounded in the living room.

The phones at home are all internal lines. At this time, only the young master will make this call.

What’s the matter with the young master at this time?

The butler picked up the antique brass telephone suspiciously, and the young master’s rare panicked voice came from the other end of the phone: “Xiao Ning’s parents will come to visit later and have lunch together.”

The butler turned pale with shock: “What? But——” How can they receive guests in the house with such a mess? 

Fu Xiao’s voice came along with the rustling of clothes: “I know, but Xiao Ning’s parents finally took the initiative to ask to come and see. I have no way to refuse, or should I just ask them out to dinner.”

The butler hurriedly replied: “How can that work!” Can eating out be the same as eating at home? Not to mention that young master Ning’s parents have a bad impression of the young master.

“But——” Fu Xiao still has hesitation in his voice.

“No, but.” The butler said with a solemn expression: “Please, leave it to me, young master! I will take care of it for you no matter what. Today is the first time for Young Master Ning’s parents to come over, I will make sure that the arrangements are properly made and will definitely not be rude!” 

“That would be great.” Fu Xiao’s voice was silent for a moment, as if he was pondering over his words and said awkwardly: “However, Xiao Ning’s parents are more conservative——”

Grandpa Butler was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and said kindly: “Don’t worry, I will tidy up young master Ning’s room.” The words “young master Ning’s room” were especially emphasized.

“I’ll leave it to you.” Fu Xiao on the other end of the phone was visibly relieved after hanging up the phone. Looking at his empty bed, then at Xiao Ning’s scattered pajamas on the room carpet, and then at Xiao Ning’s toothbrush and towel in the bathroom, and he sighed.

Uncle and aunt don’t know their relationship yet. 

Since Xiao Ning moved in, he just pretended to live in his own room for a few days, and then sneaked over in the middle of the night, turning into Little Sugar Cake. However, as the weather got colder, Xiao Ning didn’t even bother to put on a show, and went directly to his room every day.

Xiao Ning’s room is basically useless. Most of his things are here in his room, and uncle and aunt can tell it just by looking at it. And if they knew that he and Xiao Ning had been sleeping in the same room, even if he has ten mouths, he probably can’t explain it properly.

But if it’s really what aunt and uncle thinks it is, he must admit it. But the point is that he really just hugs Xiao Ning to sleep every night and does nothing.

After hurriedly getting dressed, Fu Xiao started looking for Xiao Ning. 

Uncle Su’s phone call came late. When his call came, Xiao Ning had already gotten up, but he didn’t know where he went to play. Recently, he didn’t know where Xiao Ning learned sophistry. He feels that getting up from the warm bed everyday and wearing clothes against the winter cold is the most terrible thing ever. And when he found out that his thick fur after becoming a cat can completely avoid this problem, every morning, he will definitely get up in the form of Little Sugar Cake, and only after he sweats outside will he come back satisfied.

Sure enough, Fu Xiao found Little Sugar Cake standing on the stone bench in the courtyard, and was meowing at the cats with his head held high.

Pa’r pera atja tf vbfrc’a xcbk ktja Olaaif Veujg Jjxf rjlv. Cr rbbc jr tf olclrtfv ajixlcu, atf oja bgjcuf mja lc atf mja ugbeq yfibk pewqfv eq jcv wfbkfv nlbifcais.

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf ibbxfv ja Mja Ygjcuf wfbklcu lc qgbafra bc atf ugbecv, jcv yfmjwf fzagfwfis geatifrr: “Ktfgf klii yf cb rwjii vglfv olrt bg mjccfv mja obbv lc atf oeaegf, pera cb wbgf. Rba fnfc lo sbe rmgfjw jujlc.” 

Fat Orange looked at Little Sugar Cake, as if looking at a fool, who was bewitched by demon concubine and protested: “Why are you deducting ours, because of your two-legged beast?”

“What deductions! It’s just for everyone to overcome difficulties for the time being.” Little Sugar Cake looked at his paw with a guilty conscience: “Fu Xiao has no job now, so of course, I want to support him.”

Fat Orange couldn’t help but roll his eyes: “How could your two-legged beast need you to raise him? If your two-legged beast has no money, there will be no rich two-legged beasts in this world. Don’t be stupid——ah, why did you hit me!”

Before Fat Orange could even finish speaking, it was scratched by Xiao Hei, who’s at the end of his patience. It looked at Xiao Hei with teary eyes, covering its head. Xiao Hei ignored it and said to Little Sugar Cake seriously: “It doesn’t matter, the cat group is much stronger now. You don’t need to feed us, we can get through the winter safely. You only have to take care of yourself and your two-legged beast, Little Sugar Cake, ah.” 

“Meow~ I heard that two-legged beasts are poor without a job. I know a two-legged beast who has no job and lives on a park bench every day.”

“Yes, there will be no food. They can’t catch mice themselves, it’s miserable.”

“Then will Fu Xiao be so miserable too!”

“Fu Xiao is too pitiful.” 

Under Little Sugar Cake’s feet, his enthusiastic little brothers were eager to get into action, saying: “Yes, Little Sugar Cake, I’ll catch mice for you to eat, we can raise you and your two-legged beast.”

“Yeah, don’t worry, Little Sugar Cake!”

“Little Sugar Cake, we are here.”

“Little Sugar Cake, are you short of that thing called money? I can go to a human’s house and steal it oh!” 

“Yes, we can jump in through the window and steal it out for Little Sugar Cake, ah!”

The more the cats talked, the more excited they became, and the eagerness to try was shining in their eyes.

Little Sugar Cake, who almost witnessed the birth of the cat group becoming cat thieves, quickly said: “No, no, you can’t steal, it’s a crime if you steal.”

So, the cats showed their disappointment. 

At this moment, Fu Xiao walked over, and a swipe of a few dozens of pairs of cat eyes looked over.

Fu Xiao, who was always calm, couldn’t help but pause for a while, and then walked over calmly after a while. Familiarly hugging Little Sugar Cake in his arms, Fu Xiao left as usual.

As soon as he took a few steps, a black cat with golden eyes jumped out, it stood in front of him, raised its head and meowed at him earnestly. It was obviously a cat, but Fu Xiao felt somewhat solemn.

Fu Xiao fell into suspicious silence. 

Of course he didn’t know that the black cat in front of him was very loyal and was making a solemn promise to him. As long as it has something to eat, it will not starve him and Little Sugar Cake.

Fu Xiao always felt that the cat was talking to him. He looked down at Little Sugar Cake.

The snow-white long-haired cat in his arms hides his eyes guiltily with its front paws.

Not only that, the cats who seldom paid attention to him today were meowing at him all the way. But for some reason, Fu Xiao felt that the group of cats looked at him with sympathy and encouragement. 

The corner of Fu Xiao’s mouth twitched, looking at the culprit who knew everything in his arms. His instinct told him not to ask why, because he definitely didn’t want to know the answer.

Fu Xiao took Little Sugar Cake back to his room and forced him to change clothes to look like a human.

Not long after, the doorbell rang, ding dong ding dong.

Fu Xiao looked at the door, he took a deep breath. He adjusted his suit, put a rare smile on his face and opened the door. 

Outside the door, Su Bolun was wearing a brown windbreaker with a straight shirt and vest inside. He is over 40 years old but still has a gentle and elegant demeanor. Yi Yi next to him has a black hair hanging down and is wearing a beige dress, looking smart and beautiful. She looks more like Xiao Ning’s sister than her mother.

Su Bolun smiled apologetically: “I’m sorry to disturb you so early in the morning.” He actually knew that it was not suitable to visit so early, but how could they bear it. As soon as he dealt with the things abroad, they flew back immediately. The moment they got off the plane, they couldn’t help but look for Xiao Ning. It wasn’t until he saw his baby boy appearing in front of his eyes that his heart, which was floating in mid-air, fell down.

Beside him, Yi Yi took out a bottle of red wine and said with a smile: “We brought a little gift, I hope you like it.”

Even if Fu Xiao didn’t look at it, he knew that the bottle of red wine must be precious and extremely valuable. In just a few days, he has investigated Xiao Ning’s identity. Xiao Ning’s mother is from the Yi family, and his father is from a well-known family in country C. The couple both love music, and they teach in world-renowned music schools, and their identities are not simple. 

Fu Xiao took the red wine and smiled slightly: “You don’t need to be so polite, this is also Xiao Ning’s home.”

Su Bolun’s eyelids twitched and he hurriedly said: “You have taken care of Xiao Ning for so long, this is our small thank you.” He felt something’s wrong in his heart, he already had a guess, but he really couldn’t believe it.

Inside the door, Su Zening looked at the people strangely and said: “What are you guys doing standing at the door? It’s so cold outside, come in quickly.”

Several people sat in the living room. 

The butler’s work efficiency is very high. In a short period of time, you can no longer see the slightest trace of mess in the house. The living room, where all the decorations stored away, was now adored by freshly picked flowers from the greenhouse. It doesn’t look empty, but very warm.

Several people sat down, and the butler prepared black tea and snacks for them.

Su Bolun smiled and started chatting as if chatting with a junior, and the few of them chatted quite happily.

Su Zening sat beside Fu Xiao, and habitually took the snacks Fu Xiao handed him. After eating, he raised his head towards Fu Xiao. While talking to Su Bolun, Fu Xiao took a tissue and handed it to him. He then wiped his mouth, then handed it back to Fu Xiao, and Fu Xiao threw it into the trash can as usual. 

Seeing this scene, Su Bolun’s eyelids couldn’t help but twitch.

He remembered that there was another person in Fu Xiao’s room at the vacation manor that day.

But Xiao Ning is still so young and doesn’t understand anything. If it was really Xiao Ning, then Fu Xiao——

Su Bulon couldn’t help but frown. 

Yi Yi, who had no idea, had a pleasant chat with Fu Xiao. She looked at the pink princess tent in the living room, and asked: “Do you still have cats at home?”

Fu Xiao felt that Yi Yi would never guess that her son lived in that cat nest. It was still full of treasures that her son had found everywhere. He glanced at Xiao Ning and said vaguely: “En, yeah.”

But Yi Yi was quite interested and kept asking: “What kind of cat is it? How old is it, ah?”

Fu Xiao glanced at Xiao Ning. Xiao Ning’s eyes fluttered, and he had this look of it had nothing to do with me, and obviously didn’t want to tell the truth. 

But he certainly won’t be able to hide this matter from Xiao Ning’s parents in the future. If he lies now, he will be liquidated later. He has a feeling that Xiao Ning’s father has a bad impression of him, but if he tells it now, then he can imagine Xiao Ning’s angry look.

For the first time in his life, Fu Xiao realized what it means to be in a dilemma.

Just as he was about to answer bravely, and wanted to help Xiao Ning get this matter out.

Su Bolun broke the siege and said: “Xiao Ning, you said that you have lived here for a long time, can you take your parents to see where you live.” After speaking, he said to Fu Xiao: “Ah Xiao, you don’t mind, right.” 

Fu Xiao looked at the butler.

The butler nodded incredulously.

Fu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief: “Of course.”

He took the two of them to the second floor and took them into the room where Xiao Ning hadn’t even stayed in for a few days. 

Pushing open the door of the room, the room is warmly furnished, with a soft quilt on the light blue bed. There is a half-turned music history on the bedside table, a limited-edition guitar hangs on the wall, and a few coats were casually draped on the chair next to the table. On the table were the most popular game discs for young people, a cup of tea still steaming on the table, and even the laptop on the table was still on, as if the owner of the room had just left for a while.

It can be said that it is perfect and has no flaws.

Yi Yi looked around and couldn’t help laughing: “Baby is doing well here.”

Su Zening said angrily: “Don’t call me baby.” With a wave of his hand, the tea on the table shook and looked like it was about to splash on him. 

Su Bulon and Yi Yi couldn’t help shouting: “Be careful.”

But it was still a step late, and the tea reached Su Zening’s hands.

Su Bolun and Yi Yi were shocked, he was obviously closer, but they still went to surround them. He stretched out his hand towards Su Zening, but it was flicked away before he could even touch Su Zening.

Su Bolun gestured to the paper towel that was only a few centimeters away from him and said anxiously towards Xiao Ning: “Xiao Ning, wipe it off with a paper towel, how about it? Did you get burned?” 

Fu Xiao had already wiped off the hot water on Su Zening’s hands, and took a closer look. The water in winter is not hot, and his hands are only slightly red, which is not a serious problem.

Su Zening didn’t care about the injury on his hand, but looked at his clothes with regret: “The clothes are wet, ah.”

Su Bolun breathed a sigh of relief: “As long as you are fine, just change your clothes.”

Su Zening nodded, and asked Fu Xiao naturally: “That beige hoodie of mine, the one you always hate, since it’s hard to take off, do you know where it’s kept in your closet?” 

Su Bulon: ??!!

What? Hard to take off?

The way he looked at Fu Xiao was indescribable, as if he was looking at a beast.

The beast Fu Xiao: …… 

Fu Xiao was on the verge of crying, he complained several times. But how can he let Uncle Su know that it is really difficult to take the hoodie off a cat.

The author has something to say:

First of all, let us congratulate Mr. Fu for successfully obtaining the contempt of his father-in-law X2

Cat Sympathy Xn 

Sunnyshies: Don’t ask why they were so casual. It’s already a few days later, maybe even a week. The emotional reunion passed by like a butterfly…no, a fly, more like a mosquito. Can’t even see it…