Little Sugar Cake’s Public Execution


No matter how well-educated Su Bolun is, he still couldn’t help but tremble at this moment, and said: “Fu Xiao, what’s your relationship with Xiao Ning? What did you do to Xiao Ning?”

Fu Xiao’s heart tightened, his brows slightly frowned as he was thinking about what to say.

In total, he and Uncle haven’t even met a few times, telling him about his relationship with Xiao Ning at this time, Uncle Su may not accept him so easily. It’s better to take it slowly, and he’s always been very patient.

Thinking of this, Fu Xiao thought about his words, and was about to explain the matter:  “Uncle Su——it wasn’t what you thought——” 

Before he could finish speaking, Su Zening held Fu Xiao’s hand intimately, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Fu Xiao on his cheek.

Fu Xiao: ……

Su Bolun: !!!

Su Bolun looked at his baby boy in disbelief, and then at Fu Xiao. His eyes almost swallowed Fu Xiao, as he pointed at Fu Xiao: “You——you——”

His baby boy is definitely not the issue, so naturally, it was Fu Xiao who had the problem.

And Su Zening still didn’t notice it. He smiled sweetly, tilting his head innocently and looking at his parents, he playfully blinked his blue eyes and said: “Dad, this is Fu Xiao, my boyfriend. He’s handsome, right?”

Fu Xiao looked at Su Zening’s smug face and sighed, what is there to hide? Step by step in hell, the jar was already broken, so he hugged Xiao Ning’s waist and said: “Uncle, Xiao Ning and I are already together.”

Yi Yi was taken aback. Although she was surprised, she was not a rigid person. What’s more, being romantic by nature, she had always believed that love itself is a beautiful thing. She just felt a little bit reluctant for her little baby to have someone he likes so soon, but she still smiled and said: “Really? Baby is awesome!” 

And Su Bolun objected without even thinking about it. What a joke, his Xiao Ning is only 19 years old! He doesn’t know the age difference between Fu Xiao and Xiao Ning, but it looks like he has bad intentions.

Just when Su Bolun wanted to object, Su Zening looked over with his blue eyes. His baby boy looked at him sweetly and obediently, full of expectations and said: “Dad, you won’t object, right? Dad, you’re the best!”

Su Bolun’s face froze: !!!

Su Bolun, this old father, was full of sadness and tears. He swallowed the objection in his mouth, and could only smile forcefully: “How could it be? Baby, as long as you are happy.” 

Fu Xiao’s eyebrow couldn’t help but twitch. He looked at Xiao Ning. Xiao Ning must have done it on purpose. Let him speak, anyway, he’s definitely much better than himself. His heart warmed, he looked at him and made a solemn promise: “Uncle and aunt, I will take good care of Xiao Ning.”

Su Zening breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled sincerely, then took his mom and dad’s hand and introduced them: “Fu Xiao is really good.”

Being held by the hand, Su Bolun and Yi Yi were taken aback for a moment, then trembled after a long while, and held Xiao Ning’s hand tightly.

The couple looked at each other with sadness and joy in their eyes. 

They had never been hugged by their child like this before. Because of Xiao Ning’s illness, not long after Xiao Ning was born, they never got to touch him.

Su Bolun looked at the healthy and lively Xiao Ning in front of him, and thousands of thoughts flashed in his eyes, then he smiled in relief. Before, had he ever thought that such a day would ever come?

This present day is already more than he could have dreamed of, what more could he ask for?

However, Su Bolun looked at Fu Xiao carefully, and he still had something to tell Fu Xiao. 

After Su Zening changed his clothes, the four of them went downstairs.

Along the way, Su Zening excitedly took his dad and mom’s arms and introduced every place in the Fu family’s villa. Fu Xiao doesn’t like an outsider entering the big study, but it could be opened with the small cat door, so he secretly hid the small dried fish in the antique vase.

He doesn’t know how to describe it, as Su Zening speaks all the way, only then did he realize that he has so many memories here.

Yi Yi and Su Bolun looked at each other with smiles in their eyes, and felt relieved. 

Xiao Ning couldn’t hide the joy in his heart.

They just came downstairs.

Outside the door, a girl with pink hair stood at a loss in the living room. When the girl saw them coming down, her eyes lit up, and she called out: “Biao shu.” 

Su Zening took a look, isn’t this Fu Mingming?

Why is she here?

Fu Mingming trotted up to the two of them, she glanced at Fu Xiao and lowered her head, a little embarrassed. She also already knew what happened to Xingchen. Biao shu has nothing to do with the Fu family now, which is actually good.

Not long after biao shu left that day, the police immediately went to Xingchen and arrested biao shu‘s father. Old master Fu also fainted in a fit of anger. 

Now that the Fu family is in a mess, it’s good for her biao shu to leave.

It’s just that she heard people say that her biao shu is going to move out today, and she is afraid that if she doesn’t come, she will never have the chance to see him again. And she had always been thick-skinned, she just doesn’t know if her biao shu, who cut off all relationships from the Fu family, is still willing to recognize her as his biao zhinu.

Me Zlcuwlcu vlvc’a xcbk tbk ab rajga. Obbxlcu ja atf yfjealoei rwjii uloa ybz lc atf ilnlcu gbbw, rtf atfc delmxis ygbeuta atf rwjii uloa ybz bnfg: “Ktlr lr j uloa P ygbeuta ab Olaaif Veujg Jjxf ktfc P kfca bearlvf ab qijs. Qtfgf lr Olaaif Veujg Jjxf? Qtfgf lr la? Pa klii vfolclafis ilxf la.”

Little Sugar Cake? 

Su Zening’s eyes lit up, and he pulled Fu Xiao’s clothes.

Fu Xiao had no choice but to end up with the small gift box, and handed it to Su Zening.

Fu Mingming breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at the two guests behind her biao shu and said hastily: “Biao shu, you still have guests, so I’ll leave first.”

Fu Xiao nodded without holding back, and glanced at Su Zening: “Mingming, you go back first, Little Sugar Cake is playing outside and will come back in a while. I will give the gift to Little Sugar Cake.” 

Fu Mingming turned around and left feeling a bit disappointed. Could it be that his biao shu really doesn’t want her as his biao zhinu?

“When Little Sugar Cake and I move to our new home and get settled, the butler will pick you up.” Fu Xiao paused and said the second half of his sentence.

Fu Mingming paused and turned around in surprise.

Biao shu means, do he still recognize her as his biao zhinu? 

Fu Mingming was pleasantly surprised and nodded heavily: “En!”

Su Zening looked at the small gift box in his hand. A cute cat was drawn on the small gift box. There was a green plant next to the cat. The gift box said mint candy.

Is it candy?

Su Zening opened the small gift box. Inside the gift box were candies. The candies were a bit strange, they have a fixed round shape, and it exudes an alluring sheen. 

Since it’s for Little Sugar Cake to eat, he can eat it by himself.

Su Zening tore open a piece of candy, then pulled the candy off the wrapper, and was about to put it in his mouth.

Yi Yi said softly: “Xiao Ning, isn’t this for Little Sugar Cake? How could you open it, Baby, it’s very rude, oh.”

Su Zening and Fu Xiao looked at each other, and the corner of their mouths curled. 

Su Zening chuckled, then put the candy into his mouth, and mumbled with the candy in his mouth: “Mom, it’s okay.”

Fu Xiao glanced at Su Zening, and shook his head helplessly: “Little Sugar Cake is my cat, and he has a very good relationship with Xiao Ning, so it’s the same if he unwrapped it.” There was sugar residue at the corner of Su Zening’s mouth, and Fu Xiao couldn’t help reaching out his hand to wipe the sugar residue at the corner of his mouth.

Then there was a coughing sound from the side.

Fu Xiao immediately put his hand down, but the sugar residue was a bit strange. Why was there some herbal medicine in it? Fu Xiao frowned, and put his index finger on the tip of his nose and smelled it, this smell? 

Fu Xiao had a bad intuition.

This is catnip, right?

He couldn’t help looking at Su Zening.

Over there, the black-haired teenager felt dizzy at the top of his head. The world was spinning, he couldn’t help pointing in the air, and smiled at Fu Xiao stupidly: “Fu Xiao, look there is a lot of food!” 

This is bad!

Fu Xiao hurriedly wanted to support Xiao Ning, when a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, with a bang, Xiao Ning disappeared, only his clothes were piled on the ground, and something was digging out of the white jacket.

Looking at the scene in front of them, before Yi Yi and Su Bolun could react, they saw Fu Xiao calmly picking up the pile of clothes on the ground. He looked around to make sure that there was no one else around except them. He breathed a sigh of relief visibly, holding a pile of clothes, he then walked into a room. 

Yi Yi and Su Bolun looked at each other and quickly followed Fu Xiao into the room.

In the room, Fu Xiao skillfully pulled out a snow-white long-haired kitty from the white hoodie. The kitty’s eyes are as blue as gemstones, and looking closer, it can be seen that there’s an irregular golden ring around his eyes, which is magnificent and beautiful. The kitty’s fur was fluffy, and at this moment, the kitty squinted his eyes, turned his belly, and flicked his fluffy tail in great enjoyment, rubbing against Fu Xiao’s hand, while meowing.

This—— this——

Su Bolun and his wife were so shocked that they couldn’t speak, and they stared at Fu Xiao with wide eyes. 

Fu Xiao picked up the kitty in his arms and calmly said to Su Bolun: “Look, it’s really not easy to get Xiao Ning out of these clothes.

Su Bolun: ……

Ten minutes later.

Little Sugar Cake, who had returned to normal, squatted on the table in Fu Xiao’s room with his head bowed in shame. He was speechless when he saw his parents. 

Mint candy wronged him, ah!

Opposite him, Su Bolun and Yi Yi listened to Fu Xiao’s story.

“So that’s how it is.”

“Meow——” That’s it. 

Little Sugar Cake lowered his head and meowed softly.

Fu Xiao comforted Little Sugar Cake, and Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help rubbing against Fu Xiao’s hand pitifully, meowing coquettishly. Because of the medicinal properties of the mint, he has not yet been able to turn into a human.

Su Bolun was still digesting the information.

Over there, Yi Yi had already picked up the cat teasing stick next to her, and curiously put the colored feathers in front of Little Sugar Cake. 

Little Sugar Cake tried hard to control his body not to move, but his almond-like eyes kept staring at the feather.

This damn cat’s instinct, ah.

Still, that feather looks really fun, ah.

Finally, Little Sugar Cake let out a cry of grief and anger, he stretched out his paws with hatred and rushed towards the feather. 

A few minutes later.

Yi Yi hugged the snow-white little kitty, smiling from ear to ear. Little Sugar Cake has messy fur in her arms, feeling unrequited love.

Su Bolun coughed lightly, and couldn’t help stretching out his hand to touch the kitten’s belly.

Fluffy and nice to touch. 

As expected of his own son.

Little Sugar Cake covered his stomach in embarrassment and indignation.

This is a mistake that will cause eternal hatred, ah, his life’s reputation, ah!


After knowing Little Sugar Cake’s identity, the relationship between the three became much closer.

After lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Su bid farewell to the two. They simply decided to settle here, and so they have a lot of things to do.

When bidding farewell, Su Bolun said to Fu Xiao: “Please take care of Xiao Ning for us.”

Fu Xiao nodded solemnly: “Don’t worry.” 

Su Bolun smiled slightly, he could see that Fu Xiao really thought of Xiao Ning very much, and Xiao Ning also trusted him very much, so he was relieved.

Yi Yi touched Xiao Ning’s hair, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: “Xiao Ning.”

Su Zening couldn’t help but hug his mother, feeling very guilty in his heart. He actually missed his dad and mom very much, but he knew that Fu Xiao needed him more this time. Now it can be said that Fu Xiao really has nothing but him and is alone. He couldn’t leave at this time.

Su Bolun shook his head and said: “Why are you mother and son doing this, we’ll see each other again tomorrow.” 

Yi Yi couldn’t help but scold: “Can’t I hug my baby boy again tomorrow, it’s because you saw that Xiao Ning didn’t hug you, right.”

Su Bolun didn’t even think about it: “How is it possible, absolutely not——”

Before he finished speaking, Su Zening hugged him.

Su Bolun’s voice stopped, and he stretched out his arms to hug Xiao Ning: “Take care of yourself, Dad will always be there.” 

Su Zening nodded heavily.

The new home of the two of them is the old house of the Song family.

Su Zening didn’t want to choose this place. 

However, the Fu family villa is very large and there are many staff members. It’s very difficult to find a suitable one when it is very sudden, and they have to leave the Fu family as soon as possible, so this place temporarily solves the problem.

In fact, there are still many that meet the requirements, but the group of cats in the Fu family has a fixed territory, and this is the most suitable one in this territory.

The cats only need to change their meeting place, instead of moving them.

So Fu Xiao chose here. 

Walking in the yard, Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao worriedly.

Fu Xiao smiled, he held Su Zening’s hand, and put a kiss on it and said: “There is a lake behind here, your cats will surely love it.”

Fu Xiao led Su Zening to the study on the second floor.

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao’s expression. 

Fu Xiao looked at the door and was slightly taken aback.

Su Zening pulled Fu Xiao: “Let’s go, it’s okay to move to another place, I can go to the cats every morning, you know I run very fast, it won’t take much time.”

Fu Xiao came to his senses, he didn’t speak, he just smiled, then pushed open the door of the room, and pulled Su Zening in.

He looked around, but there was no wave in his heart. 

He was finally relieved of everything in the past, Fu Xiao turned his head: “No, it’s the same wherever you are.”

He tore open the heavy curtains in the room, and the warm winter sunlight shone into the room that was dark all day long.

Warmth surrounds the two of them.

Fu Xiao never thought that this room could be so warm. 

No, maybe it’s not the sun that’s warm.

Fu Xiao looked down at the teenager beside him and smiled slightly.