The Cats’ Gifts


In the early morning of winter, even the air is filled with the smell of lingering cold.

In Fu Xiao’s bedroom on the second floor of the Fu house, the ding-ding-ding sound of the alarm clock suddenly rang in the dark room.

In the dimness, deep inside the light blue quilt, a hand turns off the ringing alarm clock.

The owner of the hand seemed to be still feeling sleepy and paused for a moment before sitting up from the bed, and pulled the lily-patterned pull ring hanging from the antique brass table lamp on the bedside table. In the bright yellow light, Fu Xiao could clearly see the current time, 4:30 in the morning.

Very good!

Fu Xiao looked at the culprit who set the alarm clock time last night.

A beautiful fluffy white cat was sleeping on his back under the blanket. His chubby belly rose and fell, and the earth-shattering alarm just had no effect on him.

There was no disturbance in Fu Xiao’s heart, he should have thought of it earlier. The function of the alarm clock for Little Sugar Cake was probably to have the alarm clock wake himself up, and for him to wake him up. 

Fu Xiao accepted his fate, he stretched out his hand and shook Little Sugar Cake’s stomach.

However, Little Sugar Cake just opened his eyes and hummed a few times, and hugged his hand coquettishly, then continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

“Aren’t you going to catch troublemakers?” Fu Xiao said lightly.

As soon as his words fell, Little Sugar Cake blue eyes opened abruptly. The snow white kitty yawned, but his eyes were full of vibrancy, and his mouth kept meow meow meow with high spirits. 

This matter began some time ago.

Not long ago, Fu Xiao moved from the Fu family to the Song Mansion. Everything was fine at first, but a strange thing happened at the gate of the Song Mansion these days.

Every morning the butler would find some dead animals at the gate.

At the beginning, there were a few small mice and birds here and there, and the butler didn’t care about it. He just thought it was a prank by the children nearby, so he only talked to the security guards. The security guards swore that no one would come at night, the butler didn’t quite believe it, but the security guards were always serious, and it was not good to be harsh because of occasional mistakes. The security guards also tried to guard the gate, but it will appear in other places again, so the security guards had no choice but to give up. 

However, things intensified. Yesterday morning, the butler even found a neat row of dead rats at the gate. From small to large, very elaborate, there was even a bloody rabbit inside, and the servant who opened the door in the morning was startled.

This kind of thing happened the day before New Year’s Eve, and the butler was really worried.

Originally, the butler would know who did this by checking the monitoring system, but they just moved into the Song Mansion. The surveillance system hadn’t been installed yet, so the butler asked all over Fu family, except for learning that the things would be put around 5 o’clock in the morning, he found nothing more.

Just when the butler was worrying about this matter, Little Sugar Cake happened to bump into him. 

Little Sugar Cake saw it, how can this be!

Which little spicy chicken rushed to make trouble at his door.

Little Sugar Cake eagerly volunteered, he set the alarm clock last night, and secretly made up his mind to help the butler solve this matter and find the villain who played a prank on the gate of the Song mansion.

So there was today’s scene. 

Little Sugar Cake shook the fur on his body and valiantly jumped on the glass window in high spirits. He was about to jump out of the window and lurk in the bushes at the gate of the Song Mansion, and when the prankster appeared, he would catch him straight and scratch that person’s face.

Lf gjlrfv tlr ajli, ragfamtfv bea tlr oeggs qjkr wjpfralmjiis, jcv kjr jybea ab qert bqfc atf uijrr klcvbk jcv gert ab tlr yjaaifolfiv.

Ktfc tf tfjgv Me Wljb’r ojlca nblmf ogbw yftlcv: “Lbk wjcs alwfr tjnf P abiv sbe cba ab pewq bea bo atf klcvbk, fc?”

Ktf ktlaf xlaas’r wbnfwfcar ogbhf, jcv tf pewqfv vbkc ogbw atf klcvbk rlii lc j vfpfmafv wjccfg. Lf kjixfv ab Me Wljb’r offa byfvlfcais, jcv geyyfv tlw byfvlfcais. 

While wearing a down jacket, Fu Xiao said: “Wait for me, I’ll go out with you.” Early mornings in winter are no fun. A moment out of the door can freeze Little Sugar Cake to the point of screaming.

Little Sugar Cake looked up and down at Fu Xiao suspiciously.

Can Fu Xiao do it?

Don’t drag him back! 

Seeing the undisguised dislike in Little Sugar Cake’s eyes, Fu Xiao was angry and amused. He took out a brown plaid scarf from the cloakroom and wanted to wrap Little Sugar Cake, but Little Sugar Cake raised his paw to resist without hesitation.

What a joke, he has thick fur, he would not look good wearing that!

Fu Xiao didn’t force it, and just wrapped the scarf around his neck, then walked out with Little Sugar Cake in one hand.

He pushed open the living room door. 

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but stare in awe. Under the light outside the door, the garden was covered with snow. From a distance, the roof was also covered in white snow. The sky and the earth seemed to change color overnight.

Is it snowing?

Little Sugar Cake looked outside excitedly.

This is not the first time Little Sugar Cake has seen snow, but the snow he saw before was all light snow, only a thin layer, which melted in a short while, so it’s all meaningless. 

And this time.

Little Sugar Cake stretched out his paws tentatively, the soles of his feet were soft, and his body sank deeply into the snow.

At once, the snow almost covered his front paws, Little Sugar Cake spread his paws and rolled around in the snow.

There are beautiful plum blossom prints left in the snow. 

However, a few minutes later, Little Sugar Cake, who was screaming from the cold, huddled obediently in the zipper of Fu Xaio’s down jacket, and only his small cat head was exposed from the scarf around Fu Xiao’s neck.

Little Sugar Cak hid in Fu Xiao’s clothes, wrapped in Fu Xiao’s body temperature, and Little Sugar Cake finally felt that he had survived.

It’s really cold outside, ah.

Little Sugar Cake, who originally wanted to hide in the bushes, looked at the snow gradually falling from the sky with hesitation, showing a tangled expression. 

Finally he made up his mind, he reluctantly looked at the gentle and soft place in Fu Xiao’s arms, and wanted to jump out of this tenderness with unwillingness.

But Fu Xiao took the first step to hold him down.

Little Sugar Cake looked up suspiciously.

But Fu Xiao pointed to the garden. There was a glass greenhouse in the middle of the garden, and Fu Xiao flicked Little Sugar Cake’s head: “Little fool, we can just go there and guard.” If he really wants to stay outside, Little Sugar Cake might freeze to pieces. 

Little Sugar Cake’s eyes lit up, that’s right, why didn’t he think of it.

One person and one cat came to the greenhouse. Some flowers were planted in the greenhouse, but because the gardener had just arranged it not long after moving here, there were not many flowers blooming, still there were still some flowers blooming, and the air was filled with the faint fragrance of the flowers, making Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but sneeze.

The greenhouse was still relatively warm. Fu Xiao untied his scarf, and Little Sugar Cake jumped out of his arms, looking at the greenhouse curiously.

Fu Xiao didn’t care either, sitting on the rocking chair beside him, he couldn’t help closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. Last night he was looking at Heishan’s financial report for this quarter, because the profit rate for this quarter hit a new height, so in the middle of the night, as he returned to his room and passed the corridor, he saw Little Sugar Cale sleeping in the cat nest in the living room with the alarm clock in his arms. He thought it was Little Sugar Cake just tired from playing with Uncle Su and Aunt Su last night, and just slept in the living room, so he picked up Little Sugar Cake and the alarm clock back to his room. 

Thinking about it now, Little Sugar Cake probably slept in the living room because he didn’t want to wake him up.

Little Sugar Cake over there also saw the tiredness in Fu Xiao’s eyes.

He roughly remembered that Fu Xiao slept very late last night.

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but sigh, Fu Xiao must be under a lot of pressure now. 

It costs a lot to maintain such a family, but now Fu Xiao didn’t have a job, and without a job, he had no income. His dad asked Fu Xiao about his future plans in a roundabout way, but he just dodged past it.

Fu Xiao must have been worried about these things last night, that’s why he couldn’t sleep and was in the study.

Little Sugar Cake feels that he has to bear the burden of earning money to support his family. How can a good man make his partner worry about money? Little Sugar Cake, who deeply felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier, thought of Angus fat fish’s good friend, who wanted to sign a contract with him not long ago. Should he show the contract to his dad?

Making up his mind, Little Sugar Cake looked at a beautiful light white flower in the middle of the greenhouse. His eyes lit up, and he jumped forward, then bit the flower off. He walked up to Fu Xiao, then stretched out his paws, and gently pushed Fu Xiao’s shoulder. 

Little Sugar Cake likes this flower very much. When he was still in Fu residence, he used to loosen the soil and catch bugs for it everyday. He hoped that the little buds on it would bloom soon, but he didn’t expect that this flower would be brought from Fu residence, and surprisingly, the flower buds has already bloomed.

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but want to give Fu Xiao the flowers he raised

Fu Xiao opened his eyes.

He saw Little Sugar Cake holding a flower in his mouth for him. 

Fu Xiao was taken aback for a moment before he responded with surprise: “For me?”

Little Sugar Cake nodded with embarrassment.

Fu Xiao picked up the flower and sniffed it lightly on the tip of his nose, and a faint fragrance came from it, and then he fiddled with the flower in his hand. First of all, let’s not to mention Little Sugar Cake, he doesn’t have a problem receiving flowers. He vaguely remembered that a business partner, who once had a business relationship with him, gave him an orchid that was said to be worth millions. He gave it to the butler, and it became the butler’s treasure, the apple of his eyes, and he held it in his hand and bring it everywhere.

However, looking at Little Sugar Cake’s expectant eyes, Fu Xiao smiled and said: “I like it very much.” 

Little Sugar Cake meowed shyly.

He knew Fu Xiao would like it.

At this time, there was a rustling sound outside the glass greenhouse.

Little Sugar Cake’s ears trembled, and he looked up. 

In the snow at the gate, a tabby cat came from the darkness. The beautiful and strong tabby cat held a dead mouse in its mouth and placed it on the doorstep.

Little Sugar Cake’s widened in disbelief. He knew that cat. That tabby cat belonged to the cat group. How could it have left a dead mouse at the door, and why did it do it?

Little Sugar Cake was about to rush out to ask for clarification.

But Fu Xiao held him down. 

Little Sugar Cake raised his head in confusion.

Fu Xiao said lightly: “Look again.”

Before the tabby cat left, another tortoiseshell cat walked over in the darkness with a dead mouse in its mouth. After the tortoiseshell cat put the mouse down, it had a face-to-face meeting with the tabby cat.

The tabby cat proudly said: “The mouse I caught is bigger.” 

The tortoiseshell cat snorted arrogantly: “You’re just lucky.”

The tabby cat lamented: “There are many mice, Little Sugar Cake’s two legged beast probably won’t be hungry.” It heard that the two legged beast lost his job and will soon be sleeping on a park bench, but how can he stand the winter, ah.

The tortoiseshell cat sighed: “Two legged beasts are really difficult to raise. We wouldn’t have known it if Fat Orange hadn’t told us that two legged beasts don’t eat cat food.” Two legged beasts are really weird, they don’t know how to hunt and don’t eat cat food, it must be very hard for Little Sugar Cake to catch mice and feed him everyday, so this is all they can do, la.

The tabby cat was still worried: “Yes, but this can help Little Sugar Cake, and that trash Fat Orange was not useless.” 

So that’s the reason?

Little Sugar Cake looked at the two cats and was touched, and he immediately understood.

Seeing Little Sugar Cake’s moved expression, Fu Xiao seemed to understand something in his heart.

In just half an hour, Little Sugar Cake saw them coming continuously. Until the daylight dawned, Little Sugar Cake finally saw Xiao Hei appearing at the gate. 

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t bear it any longer and jumped out of the greenhouse and ran to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei was startled, the thing in his mouth fell to the ground, and Silly Bai Tian behind him quickly pressed it down.

Xiao Hei was relieved to see that it was Little Sugar Cake and smiled embarrassedly: “I was discovered by you, ah. In fact, these are everyone’s thoughts.” Actually, there is one thing that everyone didn’t say. In everyone’s mind, Little Sugar Cake is really not the kind of cat that can catch mice. They have no choice but to work harder. Little Sugar Cake is everyone’s boss, and the boss’ two legged beast is their own two legged beast.

This bit of brotherly kindness, it still has it in it. 

Little Sugar Cake felt warm in his heart. It’s not easy for these cats to catch these prey, and he was moved: “No…it’s okay, I can catch it myself.” Little Sugar Cake felt extremely guilty about having withheld canned cat food and small dried fish to raise Fu Xiao, and he couldn’t tell the truth to the cats, so he could only vaguely mention it.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Hei awkwardly avoided his sight and murmured vaguely.

Little Sugar Cake suddenly understood and said in grief and indignation: “Do you think I can’t catch it!”

Xiao Hei retorted subconsciously: “No, not really, how could it be.” 

Little Sugar Cake doesn’t believe it.

Silly Bai Tian also said sweetly: “Little Sugar Cake, you are already busy protecting us, let us do these little things.”

Xiao Hei quickly agreed: “Yes, yes!”

Little Sugar Cake and saw a black thing moving in the snow under Silly Bai Tian’s feet. Little Sugar Cake insisted: “Let go, I’ll catch it for you to see.” 

Silly Bai Tian looked at Xiao Hei in embarrassment.

Xiao Hei nodded hesitantly, since it was here anyway.

Silly Bai Tian let go of its paws.

Little Sugar Cake threw himself on the ground, his paws pressing down on the black thing. Little Sugar Cake swung his tail triumphantly, and meowed to the sky. 

Silly Bai Tian blew a rainbow fart and said: “Little Sugar Cake is really amazing.”

Little Sugar Cake felt that the soles of his feet were slippery, and couldn’t help but look down, and he was scared out of his wits.

Meow meow meow!

How could it be a snake, ah. 

A few minutes later, Little Sugar Cake’s fur stood on end, and like an octopus, he grabbed on to Fu Xiao.

Silly Bai Tian pressed the snake and said: “Little Sugar Cake, it’s okay, you can come down now, la.”

Little Sugar Cake looked down at the two cats by Fu Xiao’s feet, who was staring at him with round eyes, then looked at Fu Xiao’s eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and covered his eyes with his paws in despair.


How could even Silly Bai Tian catch it, ah!

His lifelong reputation, ah!