Congratulations Mr. Fu


In the blink of an eye, it’s New Year’s Eve again, and the whole Fu family is decorated with lanterns and colored banners. As soon as you look at it, you will see a festive red color, full of the atmosphere of the New Year.

This is their first year after moving out of the Fu residence, and it can be said to have a special meaning for Fu Xiao.

And ever since Fu Xiao left Xingchen, he has been staying at home behind closed doors. He has no intention of comeback at all. There were people talking outside, who were watching Fu Xiao’s next move silently, focusing their attention on this place.

Therefore, Grandpa Butler worked hard earlier on, and a month ago, he took the servants and started to arrange all the necessary items for the celebration, ready to make a big deal out of it and finish the Spring Festival in a grand manner, so that those people outside would not dare to belittle. 

Early in the morning on New Year’s Eve.

In the yard, Grandpa Butler enthusiastically arranged for everyone to put up the couplets. These Spring Festival couplets were written by Grandpa Butler a week in advance with Fu Xiao after blocking him to write. After writing more than a dozen couplets, only then was Grandpa Butler was satisfied and let Fu Xiao, who didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, go away.

At this time, Grandpa Butler looked at more than a dozen pairs of spring couplets and felt worried. He held the couplets and asked hesitantly: “Young master, which couplet do you think is suitable for sticking to the gate?”

Su Zening looked over, and saw that Fu Xiao’s handwriting on the red gold-sprinkled paper was strong and powerful, and the turning point of his brush point was sharp, it’s like an enlightened famous sword. Although it’s not the first time he saw it, Su Zening still couldn’t help but praise it.

He looked at each couplet carefully, only to feel that every couplet was good, and it’s difficult to choose.

Now wonder Grandpa Butler couldn’t decide.

While Fu Xiao only glanced lightly, then pointed to one of the couplets: “Just this one.” It seemed that he had already made up his mind.

“Why?” Su Zening looked curiously. There was nothing outstanding about that couplet. How could Fu Xiao choose this couplet? 

Fu Xiao glanced at Su Zening meaningfully: “Some people really have a bad memory.”

With his slender fingers, he opened the lower part of the couplet that was covered by other couplets.

There is a small plum-shaped paw mark on it.

Su Zening couldn’t help but blush, he remembered. When Grandpa Butler asked Fu Xiao to write couplets in the study that day, he just changed back to his original form, eating cake beside him. Out of curiosity, he jumped onto Fu Xiao’s desk. 

Who knows that in a moment of carelessness, his left front paw actually stepped on Fu Xiao’s inkstone. His front paw, which was stained with ink, accidentally stepped on the couplet written by Fu Xiao, so it was in the couplet. His little paw mark was left on the red gold-sprinkled paper.

But why did Fu Xiao choose this pair? This is too bad ah, his paw has stained the couplet.

Posting this couplet on the door for a year, isn’t this a public execution for him?

Does he not want to save face? 

Su Zening picked up the couplet in embarrassment, hid it behind his back and said: “This pair is not allowed, the others are fine.”

Fu Xiao smiled. Relying on his height advantage, he took a step forward with his long legs and walked to Su Zening’s side, and easily snatched out the couplet that Su Zening hid behind his back: “I could only see this pair, it’s very good.”

Seeing Su Zening’s annoyed expression, Fu Xiao paused, and then explained: “This is our home, and we wrote this pair of couplets together. So this pair is the best.”

Is this what it looks like? 

Su Zening suddenly understood Fu Xiao’s thoughts, so he no longer objected, but comforted himself that his paw was also very good-looking, unique and stylish, fresh and natural, that it resembled nature itself. Many painters are not so realistic in their paintings!

The butler looked at the two people smiling, and smiled: “Everyone is too busy today, so we can only ask young master Xiao and young master Ning to help us post the couplets.” After speaking, Grandpa Butler dropped a bunch of couplets and disappeared.

Fu Xiao shook his head helplessly and could only take Su Zening to post these couplets together.

The two of them worked for a long time, and finally posted all these couplets. 

After pasting the last pair, that is, the pair with the paw prints, the two looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

A group of cats were meowing under their feet.

Elsewhere in the courtyard, the servants added New Year’s food to the cats’ rice bowls. in addition to two fragrant small dried fish, each cat also has a special cat meal, which is made of Q-bomb prawns balls and beef cubes, delicious and chewy, it’s loved by cats.

Ktf obbv ybkir bo fjmt xlaafc jgf qlifv oeii, jcv rbwf rwjii wlix mjar kfgf jirb qea bc gfv ybkr ys atf rfgnjcar jmmbgvlcu ab atf bmmjrlbc, ktlmt lr fzagfwfis meaf.

Ktfgf jgf rb wjcs mjar lc atf sjgv, jcv yfmjerf la’r klcafg, Xgjcvqj Deaifg bqfcfv atf ugffctberf lc atf ujgvfc obg atf xlaafcr ab rqfcv atf klcafg. Pc atf ugffctberf, wbgf atjc j vbhfc mjar kfgf flatfg gfralcu klat atflg fsfr mibrfv, bg kfgf qijslcu abufatfg, bg kfgf ilmxlcu atflg oeg abufatfg, iflregfis jcv tjqqs.

Su Zening looked at everything in front of him, and felt a sense of pride in his heart. 

This is what he raised with money, ah!

Not long ago, after Fu Xiao and dad had seen the contract, he finally signed a contract with Angus’ friend, who was a music producer and became a singer under his name. He then received a check with a large amount of money, and at the same time, he took a photo of an advertisement for cat food under the introduction of Rong Hang as Little Sugar Cake. Not only did he get a large amount of sponsored cat food, but he also got the first endorsement fee in his life. Su Zening, who had double happiness, made a lot of money, and was in such a good mood that he was especially kind to Fat Orange.

At this time, Su Bolun and Yi Yi arrived outside the yard.

The two who had just settled down in this city chose a house close to the Fu family. It took less than 20 minutes to walk here, and since it was Lunar New Year, the two did not return home, but chose to spend the New Year with Su Zening and Fu Xiao. 

The two brought a bottle of delicious fruity carbonated wine, which they planned to save as table wine for the New Year’s Eve dinner.

Su Bolun and Fu Xiao were making tea in the yard. Fu Xiao was sitting upright, like a tall and straight pine tree, while Su Bolun chatted with him, obviously he was almost 20 years younger than him, but the two chatted happily.

Su Zening took Yi Yi to play with the cats in the greenhouse in the yard.

Under the intimidation and lure of Su Zening’s eyes, the mao-mao were forced to do business, and kept rubbing around Yi Yi’s feet. Yi Yi, who had never had a relationship with animals, was overwhelmed by the flattery, completely unaware that in the mao-mao‘s eyes, she was the empress dowager. 

In the afternoon, the butler wrapped a big red envelope for each of the servants, and even prepared canned cat food for each of the cats in the garden greenhouse. Not only that, the butler also gave the servants a holiday. Once most of the servants left, the entire Fu family was empty.

A few days sitting in the living room drinking tea.

Yi Yi suggested: “Why don’t we make dumplings? Just wrap it up and eat it at night.”

Su Zening was refreshed when he heard it, and quickly agreed. 

Su Bolun looked at his wife and son, whose ten fingers had not touched spring water, and couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. 

Yi Yi glared at Su Bolun with her eyebrows raised.

Su Bolun quickly raised his hands to beg for mercy: “Yes, yes, please, let’s make dumplings.”

Yi Yi snorted: “Still looking down on us? Xiao Ning, you and mom and Ah Xiao are in a group. Let your dad be in a group alone, and we’ll teach him some lessons.”

Fu Xiao was taken aback for a moment when he heard that, and there was a strange emotion in his heart when he heard his name. 

Su Bolun smiled bitterly: “How dare I?” After speaking, he winked at Su Zening and said: “Besides, why should our family be divided into two groups, don’t you think so, Xiao Ning?”

Unexpectedly, Su Zening hid behind Yi Yi’s back with a heartless smile, he stuck out his tongue at Su Bolun, and refused to speak for Su Bolun: “No, I think it’s interesting to compete in making dumplings, ah.”

Su Bolun couldn’t do anything to this pair of mother and child, and just helplessly swayed his hand: “Good, okay, okay.”

In a short while the filling and dough are ready. 

Out of the four people, except for Su Bolun, none of them had ever been in the kitchen.

The thing that was wrapped was hard to explain in a few words.

With great difficulty, Su Zening pieced together the whole dumpling in his hand, and saw Fu Xiao throwing an open dumpling into the trash basket without changing his face. And Yi Yi over there is not as good as the two of them, and hasn’t even rolled out the dumpling skin yet.

Only Su Bolun made small dumplings one after another, and his progress was far ahead of everyone else. Su Bolun was born in a traditional Chinese family, making dumplings is something he does every New Year’s Eve, and the others’ skills are simply incomparable. 

Although it was three-on-one, Su Bolun could easily beat them.

But Fu Xiao is smart, after secretly observing and trying a few times, he also mastered the essentials, and the dumplings in his hands gradually took shape.

It’s just that this is not enough, Su Bolun’s speed is still faster than them.

Fu Xiao thought for a while and said to the other two: “How about this, Xiao Ning rolled the dumpling wrappers very well, so you should concentrate on rolling the dumpling wrappers. Auntie, you are responsible for putting the stuffing on the dumplings, and I will wrap them.” 

Su Zening’s eyes lit up, this is a good way.

The three of them divided the work, and their speed really increased, and Su Bolun surprisingly also fell behind.

Unexpectedly, near the end, Su Bolun squinted his eyes, sighed and said: “Ah, not bad, I’m going to show my strength now.” After speaking, his fingers moved as if they were flying, and his speed was more than twice as fast.

Su Zening’s eyes widened. 

Yi Yi couldn’t help but say: “Good, ah, you actually kept your hand in.” Now there are still thirty minutes left in the game, they are definitely going to lose.

Su Zening rolled his eyes, and said to the other three people: “I seem to have left something in the garden, I’ll look for it.” After speaking, he slipped out and disappeared.

If they can’t win by strength, they can only rely on other methods, la.

Anyway, we must make my mom happy. Su Zening made up his mind. 

The wrapped dumplings were sent to the kitchen on two different colored plates for storage. Dad and Fu Xiao’s wrapping method is the same, as long as he switches the dumplings from dad’s blue plate to their red plate, then they will win.

And dad has no proof, even if he suspected it, because none of them had ever been in the kitchen.

As for him?

He went to the garden, and the garden and the kitchen are not connected. 

The corners of Su Zening’s lips curled up. In the greenhouse in the garden, Little Sugar Cake came online, and the snow-white kitty stretched himself, and climbed from the window on the second floor to the kitchen.

The garden and the kitchen are not connected to people, but not to cats.


Finding the two colored plates in the kitchen, Little Sugar Cake pushed seventeen dumplings to their plate with his paws. After doing everything overnight, Little Sugar Cake turned around contentedly, then his eyes swept over the table, and he couldn’t help but be attracted. 

What is that pale pink liquid in that beautiful glass container?

His nose twitched, and there was a fruity aroma, could it be fruit juice?

Little Sugar Cake’s eyes lit up, he couldn’t help poking his head in and stuck out his tongue and licked it, and then took another.

Seeing that the liquid in the container was reduced by one-fifth, Little Sugar Cake reluctantly raised his head, ready to leave. 

As soon as he left, Little Sugar Cake realized that something was wrong.

What? What? The windowsill is spinning again? Is there an earthquake?

No, even the sky is turning.

Little Sugar Cake ran back to the garden in a daze, and finally fell asleep in the middle of the garden. 

His last thought was——

It turned out that it was wine, not juice.

When he woke up and opened his eyes, all he saw was the windowsill bedside lamp, and on the other side of the bed, Fu Xiao was browsing through a book with his eyes.

Su Zening stood up suddenly and said: “What’s wrong? Did we win the game?” 

Fu Xiao closed the book, put it on the bedside table and said: “We won.” What he didn’t say was that he actually calculated that Uncle Su could actually win at his speed, but in the end Uncle Su slowed down, and they have two more than Uncle Su.

But in the end it turned out that there were nineteen more of them than Uncle Su.

As for how there was so much?

At dinner, he understood everything just by looking at the plum blossom pawprint on a certain cooked dumpling in his bowl. 

Su Zening breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to get up after lifting the quilt: “That’s good.”

Fu Xiao couldn’t help but pull Su Zening back, turned over and held him down: “Don’t you have anything to say?”

Surrounded by Fu Xiao, Su Zening felt extremely oppressed, but he still insisted: “What do you mean? What do I have to say——”

Before he finished speaking, Fu Xiao couldn’t help biting Su Zening’s chin, not too lightly, not too heavily. 

God knows what he felt when he saw Little Sugar Cake lying motionless in the garden, especially when he learned about Xiao Ning’s previous experience from Uncle.

It was only after he smelled the alcohol smell around Little Sugar Cake that he realized what had happened. Angry and helpless, he carried Little Sugar Cake back to his room, and had dinner with Uncle and Aunt Su alone. Until they left, Little Sugar Cake didn’t wake up.

Su Zening was itchy from being bitten, and he couldn’t help avoiding it, and said aggrievedly: “It’s my fault for drinking secretly, why did you bite me?”

Fu Xiao was said to have no temper at all, he hugged Su Zening in his arms with itchy teeth. With a guilty conscience, Su Zening didn’t dare to break free, and didn’t dare to dislike Fu Xiao and just acted obediently. The two of them didn’t do anything, and there was a peaceful atmosphere flowing between them. 

Fu Xiao looked at the ceiling and said suddenly: “I have set up a fund dedicated to the research of special and rare congenital diseases.” The proceeds of Xingchen’s shares were used.

Su Zening was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: “This is a good thing.”

He seemed to think of something, he broke away from Fu Xiao’s arms. With half of his body in a quilt, while the other half was on the bedside table, rummaging through his pile of sundries. He found a small box, and took out two thin sheets of paper and handed them to Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao simply took it without knowing anything, only to find that it was two checks. 

Su Zening coughed softly, and said solemnly: “Here’s your New Year’s Eve money. I said that I will support you, and you only need to do what you are happy with from now on.”

Fu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, the corners of his mouth could not help but raise up, and he leaned over to kiss Su Zening.

After the kiss was over, Fu Xiao reluctantly parted. After whispering in Su Zening’s ear for a long time, he sat up from the bed with great willpower, and took a deep breath to calm down his restless blood.

Su Zening tilted his head to stop him, and said seriously: “I’ve made up my mind! I want to be with you.” 

Fu Xiao took a breath, and asked solemnly and cherishingly: “Really?”

Su Zening hooked up the corners of his mouth for a moment, then raised his head to look at Fu Xiao, his blue eyes were smiling like stars in the sky and said: “I know you always think that I am much younger than you, but I have now proved that I can take care of you, and I will try my best to catch up with you in the future. So please treat me equally as your partner, not anything else, is it okay?”

He wanted to stand with Fu Xiao on an equal footing.

With gentle eyes, Fu Xiao held his palm, kissed him lightly on the lips and said cherishingly: “Okay.” 

In the distance, the first crackling sound of firecrackers sounded.

The new year is here again.

Their story has just begun.

The author has something to say: 

Sprinkle flowers for Mr. Fu~

Seeing this, if there are no accidents, new chapters will not be updated in the future, but there will be extras. In the last few extras, the author has something to say about the update, as a benefit:

[Tentatively, Little Sugar Cake’s road to domination, the story of parallel space, life after a few years, the love and hatred of cats, these (may also change)]

Remember to check back more often. 


Thank you all.