The trajectories of fate meet again


[In the parallel time and space; Xiao Ning recovered from illness, Fu Xiao went directly to recuperate abroad after the car accident, and did not return to the country]

In the courtyard in the early morning, the air has the unique fragrance of the grass after trimming. 

The black-haired teenager squatted in the yard, and hugged the black cat in his arms. It was probably because the teenager had food in his hand, although the black cat with golden pupils looked very impatient, it still licked the cat food in the teenager’s hand arrogantly.

The teenager took this opportunity to rub the black cat. He touched it several times, and just when he was greedy enough to extend his claws to the black cat’s soft belly.

Suddenly, familiar footsteps came from behind.

The black cat’s ears trembled, and it quickly jumped out of the teenager’s arms. Before running away, it cleverly snatched away the last small dried fish.

The teenager clapped his hands in disappointment, and sighed as he watched the black cat leave.

After feeding it for so long, it was still afraid of people, ah.

The footsteps have stopped behind him.

With a slight curvature on the corner of the teenager’s mouth, he turned around and raised a big smile towards the person behind him: “Dad.” 

Su Bolun held a coat. He just walked out of the corridor of the courtyard, and he looked at the teenager with a slight disapproval, then put his coat on the teenager, and said with concern in his voice: “Xiao Ning, why don’t you take a good rest in the room, you just recovered, be obedient.”

“I’m already very obedient. The uncle doctor said that I should take a walk outside more now.” Su Zening eyebrows arched as he obediently put on the clothes. He knew what his dad was worried about, he held Su Bolun’s hand and said with reassurance: “It’s okay, Dad, you see, I’m in good health now.”

Su Bolun sighed, he let Xiao Ning go, and didn’t say anything.

Thinking of Xiao Ning’s violent attack a year ago, he still has lingering fears. 

That time, he almost thought that Xiao Ning couldn’t hold on anymore.

Fortunately, with God’s blessing, Xiao Ning miraculously survived, and everything after that was like a dream.

Not long after, a Swiss research institute made a breakthrough in the clinical treatment of Xiao Ning’s disease, and selected Xiao Ning as a clinical trial subject. Over the past year, Xiao Ning’s illness has improved at an astonishing rate.

Six months ago, Xiao Ning was even allowed to have short contact with the outside world for half an hour. Then the time got longer and longer, and up to now, except for taking medicine every day, Xiao Ning is almost like a normal person. 

All of this was like a dream. He’s always afraid that one day, he will wake up from this dream and have nothing left. Therefore, time is a matter of gain and loss.

As if sensing Su Bolun’s mind.

Su Zening intentionally jumped on the spot twice, he pulled the sports wear on his body and said: “Dad, I can run three kilometers in one breath now. I’m very healthy.”

After finishing speaking, he stared at the belly under Su Bolun’s shirt, and said with no deep meaning: “I’m stronger than you, dad, right now. But I heard mom say, recently, you have to order new clothes to attend Uncle Lance’s banquet.” His voice paused slightly, and said with sentiments: “You should count, dad, you’re getting old too, ah.” 

Su Bolun coughed lightly, and immediately retorted: “There’s no such thing, when do I need new clothes, don’t listen to your mother’s nonsense.” He touched his stomach a little guilty.

Su Zening made a look of ‘I know everything’, and generously said: “Yes, yes, you didn’t, I know.” After he finished speaking, he waved to Su Bolun and said: “I’m going out for a run.” After speaking, he ran outside the manor.

“Why are you starting now? Do you have all of your stuff?” Su Bolun couldn’t help rambling behind, “Did you warm up?”

The teenager had already run away in a hurry, and he probably couldn’t hear him anymore. Su Bolun looked at the back of the teenager running away with some worry. Sighing, he just couldn’t help but worry. 

However, to his surprise, the teenager came back and poked his head out of the door with his feet in place and replied seriously to him: “I’ve done the warm-up la, don’t worry dad.”

After speaking, he ran away again.

Ve Dbiec’r tfjga kjgwfv, jcv tf rtbbx tlr tfjv tfiqifrris jr tf ibbxfv ja atf affcjufg ktb tjv vlrjqqfjgfv lc j oijrt.

Llr Wljb Rlcu lr jikjsr rb byfvlfca. 

Ve Ifclcu kjr gecclcu jibcu atf agjli.

Ktlr Dglalrt-rasif wjcbg lc atf vffq wbecajlcr kjr ulnfc ab tlr vjv ys tlr vfmfjrfv ugjcvojatfg. Dfmjerf bo tlr liicfrr, tlr ojwlis tjr cfnfg yffc tfgf, yea atlr alwf tf lr lc ubbv tfjiat, rb tlr vjv abbx atfw ab atf wbecajlcr obg njmjalbc.

The air in the manor is very good, especially suitable for running in the morning.

Wearing earphones, Su Zening trotted along the path of the manor. He ran along this trail every day, and the extroverted Su Zening was already familiar with other people in the manor. 

Everyone also likes this sweet-mouthed, good-looking and eye-catching teenager.

Uncle Sam, the gardener of the manor, threw a fresh apple he just picked from the tree to Su Zening, who was running by the roadside: “Hey, spirited lad, you must try this fresh-picked apple, I swear you’ll love it.”

Su Zening reached out to take the apple, he raised a big smile and stuffed the fresh apple into his pocket, then waved goodbye to Uncle Sam, and said: “Thank you.”

He continued to run forward until he came to a clear blue lake. He couldn’t help slowing down, and looked back and forth on the lakeshore several times. When he saw that the lakeshore was empty except for the golden leaves dancing in the wind, Su Zening lowered his head in disappointment. 

The man did not come?

Su Zening forgot when he started to notice that man.

The man looks like he is in his early thirties. He always wears a black sweater and is extremely thin. However, it’s still difficult to conceal his deep and handsome facial features. His slightly dark eyes were indifferent and calm, and there was no warmth in them as he looked at the world.

The man has the same obvious oriental ancestry as him, and he is particularly noticeable in the all-blond hair and blue eyes here, but this is not the reason why Su Zening noticed the man the first time he saw him. 

Su Zening noticed the man because the man was in a wheelchair.

Yes, such a person is sitting in a wheelchair.

No matter who passed by the lake, they couldn’t help but look at the man with regret.

Su Zening is no exception. 

One day, two days——

Su Zening gradually discovered that the man would come to the lake every morning, doing nothing, he just looked at the lake quietly. And Su Zening is used to seeing that figure from the back every day by the lake.

Why didn’t he come today?

Su Zening suddenly felt an indescribable loss in his heart, as if he had lost something important. He looked at the lake without hesitation, he detoured his usual running route and ran to the lake. 

He looked left and right by the lake, but there was still no sign of anyone ever being there on the shore of the lake.

Su Zening stopped, looking around in a daze, what happened to him, just because of a stranger, whose name he didn’t even know.

Su Zening shook his head, and was about to leave, when he heard a mournful cry that seemed to come from the woods on the lake shore.

It sounds like a cat meowing? 

Su Zening frowned, he picked up a dry wooden stick from the ground, he pushed aside the weeds next to it, and walked towards the nearby woods following the sound.

The direction of the sound deviated from the path in the forest, and the road began to be difficult to walk. He walked carefully, and then he was taken aback——

Not far away, he saw the man——

The indifferent man was in a bit of a panic at this moment. One side of his wheelchair was stuck in a pit, unable to move forward or push back even a bit. The net rope that came from nowhere on the dead tree next to him trapped a pitch-black cat. The pitiful cat struggled desperately, but it just got tighter and tighter, and it’s golden eyes were full of pain. 

And the man’s hand was trying to reach the branch where the rope net was hanging from, but no matter how hard the man tried, the man, whose wheelchair was stuck, couldn’t reach it.

Su Zening broke in suddenly, breaking the calm here.

The eyes of the two men met.

The man’s eyes passed Su Zening indifferently, as indifferent as a knife, as if Su Zening did not exist, he moved away and continued to do what he was just doing. 

Su Zening pursed his lips slightly, and the trapped cat next to the man suddenly became excited, as if recognizing Su Zening, it stretched out its paws towards Su Zening, screaming as it continued to struggle.

Su Zening also recognized this cat, it’s the same one that cheats on food and drink at his place everyday.

Seeing that the rope net was getting more and more tied as the cat struggled, Su Zening didn’t think much about it. He broke down the branch, and held the cat in his arms, then he squatted on the ground, and slowly untied the rope from its body.

However, the black cat that had regained its freedom not only did not show a slightest bit of gratitude, but it also jumped quickly, and mercilessly used Su Zening’s face as a stepping stone. It stepped on his hair, then leapt backwards and quickly disappeared into the forest. 

Su Zening covered his face, and looked at the heartless cat in disbelief. Like being betrayed by a heartless man, he looked resentfully at the cat’s distant back: “Wow, how can you do this, it’s too much.”

Thanks to it, he even went to the kitchen to steal small dried fish for it.

Not worth it!

There was an imperceptible chuckle from the side, and there was a little indescribable joy in his voice, as if he was thankful that he was not the only one who suffered all this. 

Su Zening felt even more heartbroken when he heard it. He raised his head and looked at the man. The smile in the man’s eyes hadn’t dissipated yet, just like the early winter when the ice and snow had just disappeared.

But it was inexplicably familiar, as if he had seen it thousands of times before.

Su Zening couldn’t help being stunned, and many memories rushed into his mind in an instant, but they were fleeting, as if something had just gone by.

He thought—— 

If there is a previous life, they must know each other.

However, the man should have heard his words just now.

So he can understand Chinese?

Su Zening stood up, patted the dust on his body, and asked cautiously: “Can you understand what I said? Are you also from country Z? My name is Su Zening, what’s your name?” 

The man glanced past him and didn’t speak.

Can’t understand it?

Frustrated, Su Zening repeated it several times in English, French and clumsy Japanese.

But the man still didn’t answer. The vividness of that second just now seemed to be Su Zening’s hallucination. 

Probably didn’t want to acknowledge him!

Su Zening thought sourly, he clearly saw the man reading an original French book by the lake.

Su Zening, whose heart had been broken into several pieces, walked up behind the man firmly, and carefully pushed his wheelchair out.

He can’t leave the man here alone. 

Along the way, Su Zening kept babbling: “That cat is too much. It cheated me with small dried fish everyday. So creatures like cats ah, tsk, tsk, tsk, are so hypocritical.”

“I will never keep a cat in the future.”

“It’s really immoral to sell your soul to me just for a small dried fish.”

Although the man was silent all the way, it didn’t dampen the teenager’s interest. 

After criticizing the black cat from top to bottom, even to the nails, Su Zening closed his mouth contentedly.

A grown man plus a wheelchair weighs a lot. Su Zening still struggled to push the wheelchair to the trail in the park before releasing it. After some hesitation, Su Zening still turned around and left.

After all, they were just passers-by who met by chance. It’s just that they have passed by each other on the lake for several months. What’s more, the man doesn’t like to pay attention to his presence.

Their fate probably ends here. 

Su Zening didn’t know why he felt a little sad in his heart, he couldn’t help but turn around after taking a few steps, while the man sat there quietly without moving, looking at him alone.

The two looked at each other.

The man’s body was terribly thin, he looked like a walking corpse.


He shouldn’t be like this!

Su Zening couldn’t help but pursed his lips. He didn’t know why, but he always felt that there should be light in a man’s eyes. He should be a star in the sky, born to be the center of attention.

He shouldn’t be so silent.

What happened to the people around him who should be taking care of him? 

For some reason, the softest part of his heart seemed to be touched, and Su Zening’s eyes couldn’t help but get wet with tears.

Feeling the coolness in the corner of his eyes, Su Zening was taken aback——

What happened to him?

Obviously, he should be leaving. 

But Su Zening was stunned, and trotted back, squatting in front of the man, looking into his eyes for a while, as if there were countless words in his heart, but he was speechless when he opened his mouth, unable to say anything.

Yes, what can be said?

They are just strangers, ah.

He was silent for a while, and finally took out the apple from his pocket in frustration, put it in the man’s palm and said dryly: “It’s delicious, try it, ba.” 

The man did not speak.

Su Zening thought to himself, this man must have thought that he’s a crazy person.

He turned around and prepared to leave in a lonely way, silently making up his mind that he would never run on this road again, he couldn’t afford to lose face!

However, he didn’t even take a few steps. 

When a hoarse voice came from behind him, like someone who hadn’t spoken for a long time, his voice was arduous and terrible.

That person said——

“My name is Fu Xiao.”

The trajectories of fate finally intersect again at this moment. 

Sunnyshies: I like this extra very much. When I read this, I already imagine countless novels with the same ml in wheelchaired and happy go lucky mc…and their in entertainment novel too…

hahaha…Anyway, last chapter coming!!