The two argued like elementary school children, arguing how the other was the best one than the other for a long time before they finally smiled at each other.

Shi Ning smiled and shook her head, “What are we fighting about this for?”

The other side did not say anything, his hand moved towards her little by little probing for expectation.

Shi Ning’s hand rested on the bench, and out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed his movements which made her grab the edge of the wooden chair involuntarily.

Finally, those slightly cool, bony hands took hold of her small hand.

Instead of avoiding, she relaxed and clasped his fingers.

And for a while, the two held hands as the cold wind blows in the park.

Finally, it was Shi Ning who said, “If we walk back now, we can still make it to the dormitory before it closes.”

“En, go back to your dorm.”

Shi Ning and he walked the whole way, while still holding hands.

He never let go even after walking down to the dormitory building.

Shi Ning: “I’m here.”

“So, I’ll go up first?”


Shi Ning didn’t leave not because she was reluctant but because she couldn’t leave at all, since her hands were still being held.

It’s been almost an hour since they held hands and she has been thinking of letting go to let their hands breathe but he seemed to lack awareness as he kept holding her hand like a child, afraid of letting go.

“That, can you let go of my hand?” Shi Ning held up the hand held by both of them and waved them in front of his eyes.

He shook his head.

“No, what if you let go and you’re not my girlfriend tomorrow?”

He also lowered his head after saying that, and his shaggy black hair rubbed against her shoulder.



Is it usually like this when a serious person is drunk?

But isn’t he a little too cute!

Who can stand this!

Shi Ning’s other hand covered the little heart that was about to pop out of her chest.

“Of course not.” She brushed the tip of her tongue across her lower lip and smiled down sheepishly. “Tomorrow, it’s yours, too.”

“What about the day after tomorrow?”

“The day after tomorrow, too, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, it’s always yours!”

When he heard that, he smiled contentedly and dutifully let go.

Shi Ning cupped his face with both hands, Suno’s skin felt more tender than other girls, and his hands feel smooth and soft too.

“Our Nono looks so cute when he’s drunk. Promise me that when you go out with other girls in the future, no drinking is allowed.”


He allowed her to ravage his face as he contentedly smiles.

“Okay, go home now.” After cupping his face, Shi Ning waved her hand and said to him.

After saying that, she turned around and intended to leave, but unexpectedly she was taken into someone’s arms in a second.

The distinctive crisp aroma of his body mixed with the smell of alcohol surrounded her, and this made Shi Ning instantly blush.

She nestled in his arms and whispered, “What?”

“Afraid it’s not real, feel your presence again.”

The feeling of distressed came up again.

Shi Ning hugged him back.

The two hugged for several more minutes downstairs in the dormitory. Finally, the dormitory aunt came out and looked at the two of them and joked.

“Little miss, if you continue hugging, I’ll close the door and you can’t get in.”

Shi Ning quickly released his hand, and like a little rabbit, she turned and ran into the dormitory building.

Lin Suno kept watching her back disappearing out of sight before he left.

Shi Ning thought he was drunk.

But it was not the alcohol that was intoxicating, but her.

Although he rarely drinks, a few beers weren’t really enough to get him drunk.

Whether it’s not contacting her these days or this meal, it was all carefully planned by him.

In order for Shi Ning to really be able to see his heart clearly.

Frankly speaking, that night he saw Nan Xiao hugging her, his first reaction was indeed jealousy and anger.

Thinking about it afterward he understood.

The words that Shi Ning said to him that day were actually telling him that she had him in her heart.

He knew her temperament, there was no way she would still fall into Nan Xiao’s arms after saying something like that to him.

And that night, it was clear that Nan Xiao had taken Shi Ning into his arms after seeing him.

So, he guessed that night Nam Xiao must have done it for him to see.

It’s just that this man was always his greatest adversary.

He understands the nature of Nan Xiao, once he likes someone, he would definitely not let go.

Shi Ning once even likes him. A moment of chance was already big enough to shift the position between the two friends.

This gives some shameless people an opportunity to take advantage of it.

So, fake depression or, being cute and pretending to be drunk was all planned.

He was just trying to get rid of all that unnecessary time wasted between him and Shi Ning.

Lin Suno took the phone out of his pocket.

And sent a message to Nam Xiao.

[I’m with Shi Ning. In the future, no hugging my girlfriend.]