Compared to the tossing and turning on the day he confessed, Shi Ning slept soundly this night.

The next day was Saturday and there was no class.

So people in the dormitory sleep like pigs, and no one got up until nine o’clock.

Shi Ning’s biological clock, on the other hand, was always on the dot, she woke up at seven in the morning, and slept back until eight.

Seeing her roommates hadn’t woken up, she simply plugged in her earphones and listened to the morning English broadcast in bed.

After listening, she played on her phone until nine o’clock when suddenly her phone vibrated.

Shi Ning took a look, it was a call from Lin Suno.

She picked up the phone and whispered, “Hello?”

“Are you up yet?”

“I woke up early, but none of my roommates seem to be awake yet.”

“I see, so that’s why you are whispering.”

“What happened?”

“It’s nothing, just bought you breakfast, you go downstairs and get it.”


During this time in school, Shi Ning occasionally noticed boys downstairs early in the morning delivering breakfast to their girlfriends.

And when talking about bringing her breakfast, Shi Ning suddenly remembered that the two seemed to have confirmed their relationship yesterday.

However, he was drunk last night, he must have had a hangover today, right? But when he woke up, he could still think of bringing her breakfast, which was very sensible of him.

She thought Suno was as inexperienced as she was and knew nothing about it.

“Oh well, where are you, call me when you get there.”

“I’m already downstairs.”



How can he be so fast!

“Then wait, I’ll be right down.”

After hanging up the phone, Shi Ning change her clothes and was about to rush downstairs but when she got to the door, she turned around and ran to the dormitory bathroom to look at her reflection.

In the mirror, she saw her disheveled reflection and her messy hair.

Well, it was not like she couldn’t meet people with this look before.

It’s just that every time she sees him, he was clean and meticulous, and if she goes out like this…

So, Shi Ning brushed her teeth, washed her face again as fast as she could, and combed her hair before going downstairs.

“Suno.” She shouted when she saw him.

Lin Suno turned his head, and the morning warm sunlight hit his side profile, the teenager in white and black pants, with his lean and tall body. And the always cold and ascetic face slightly raised his thin lips and smiled the moment he saw her.

Seeing this, Shi Ning’s heart uncontrollably thumps straight up.

Knowing that he was the top beauty that would make anyone stunned no matter how many times they look at him, Shi Ning has to be mentally prepared every time she sees him.

But today, she was still indisputably charmed again.

Forget it, she’ll just be charmed.

Anyway, he was already her boyfriend, and there was no shame in being charmed by her boyfriend.

She walked over and took the breakfast Lin Suno bought for her.

“What made you think to send this to me?”

“Isn’t that the way it should be?” He said in a light voice.

Shi Ning smiled shyly: “Aiya, which has what should or should not, even if we are together, we can still get along as before, and be comfortable with each other.”

After she finished this sentence, she looked at Lin Suno: “You should remember what happened last night, right?”

She was afraid that he was really drunk and forget all about those things the next day.

“Of course, I remember, and you’re not allowed to renege.” He chuckled.

“Of course, I’m not going to renege, after all, look how much of a bargain I picked up.” She looked at his exquisitely handsome face and muttered in a small voice.

He reached out and touched her hand, “Well, you go up first, I waited for a while now, and the food must have cold later if you don’t eat it now.”


Shi Ning answered, took the food, and went back to her dorm room with light steps.

By the time she got back to her dorm room, the lights were on, He Songxue had gotten out of bed, and the other two were awake and lying on the bed playing with their phones.

Lin Suno bought her quite a lot of breakfast, so Shi Ning asked He Songxue to eat with her.

After He Songxue brushed her teeth and washed her face, she sat on the table, picked up a dumpling, and stuffed it into her mouth.

“You didn’t buy this breakfast yourself, someone brought it to you, right? I was woken up by your phone call this morning, tell me, who is the person who delivered the breakfast?” He Songxue asked.

“It’s good to have food, but you still pay attention to where it came from?” Shi Ning sucked on the soy milk to hide her guilt.

Yan Fei poked her head out of bed: “Eh, did Lin Suno give it to you? I heard from the both of them that after my boyfriend invited you for dinner last night and we left, you didn’t go back with Ling Ling and Songxue but were kidnapped by some handsome guy.”

“Tell me, what happened afterward?” He Songxue took her hand and hook her arms.

Since her roommates asked her like this, Shi Ning has nothing to hide.

“Nothing happened, just took the revolutionary friendship into a higher level.”

“Ahem.” He Songxue choked on the bun and coughed one after another.

Shi Ning handed her water, “What’s the surprise?”

The two people who were on their beds poked their heads out.

“Surprised? The right word should be, immensely surprised.” Ji Ling said.