One month after the start of the school year, the medical department led by the student union prepared a singing competition.

Shi Ning, as an officer of the Student Union Organization Department, naturally took the lead and was mainly responsible for the registration of the audition.

During the week from the beginning of registration to the end of registration, Shi Ning and two other officers took turns looking after the booth set up in the school to promote the competition, it was also responsible for publicizing and statistics.

That day, Shi Ning rushed to the booth after class, replaced one of them, and look after the book with another girl from the propaganda department.

At ten o’clock in the morning, it was the rush hour for the next major class. A few minutes after coming, the booth was already full of people, most of whom came for consultation, and a few who were more straightforward who filled in the registration form on the spot.

“There are so many people today.” Amidst the busy work, Shi Ning sighed ruefully.

The girl who was looking after the booth with her said with a smile, “That’s because you came. It wasn’t so lively before you came. The face of our medical school is here, which naturally attracts a large crowd of onlookers. After all, in this face era, who doesn’t like beautiful women?”

Shi Ning smiled and didn’t say anything more.

After a while, Yao Yao, the head of their department, came over, carrying a cup of milk tea in her hand.

“Minister.” When all was said and done, she was still her senior, even if there was a little grudge, she must still show manners.

Since she knew that Shi Ning was Shi Chen’s sister, Yao Yao’s attitude towards Shi Ning changed drastically.

Not only did she stop arranging messy things to embarrass her, but she also helped her get a lot of work done in private. Her attitude was not the same as before, usually, she would raise her chin and would look at her nostrils flaring up but now she was so respectful that Shi Ning suspects she was the Minister and Yao Yao was the assistant secretary.

Yao Yao put the milk tea on her table and said to her with a smile, “You’re here. It’s so hot, so have a cup of milk tea.”

Shi Ning pushed back and said, “No need Minister, please drink yourself.”

Yao Yao: “I’ve already had it. I bought it for you.”

Shi Ning couldn’t refuse her the second time, so she could only accept with a smile: “Thank you, Minister.”

Yao Yao asked about today’s registration. After Shi Ning reported to her, Yao Yao nodded and said to her, “Shi Ning, I think you’ve been here for a long time. Why don’t I help you? Go back and have a rest.”

“I’m fine, this is what I should do.”

Of course, Shi Ning couldn’t let her look after the booth for her, this was her job. The reason she had an argument with Yao Yao before, was because Yao Yao accused her of dumping her job on other people.

She would not do less than she should do, and she would not suffer that loss if she should not do it.

Yao Yao saw her reluctance and whispered, “Shi Ning, are you still angry with me?”

“No.” She didn’t have much hatred at first, so she didn’t really bother herself with this.

“Then can you help me say something nice in front of your brother? Because he saw us quarreling before, and now he treats me with a businesslike face.” Yao Yao asked.

Shi Ning: “Minister, I’m not in charge of my brother’s business. It’s your business whether you can catch up with him or not. But I will make it clear to him that there is no misunderstanding between us. You can rest assured.”

“That’s enough! Just don’t let senior hate me.” Yao Yao said happily.

“But I have a condition.”

“Just say it.”

Shi Ning pushed her cup of milk tea back.

“Let’s just get along normally in the future, don’t do these kinds of things.”

She doesn’t want to make enemies with anyone, but Yao Yao was not a friend she could make.

Shi Ning just hopes that their interaction was only limited to work. This kind of hospitality is much more, and she feels uncomfortable and troubled.

Seeing this, Yao Yao took away the milk tea and said with a smile, “It’s all up to you. If it’s okay, I’ll go first.”


After Yao Yao left, the girl sitting next to Shi Ning came up to her and said, “Your minister is very kind to you. I heard that the head of the Organization Department is cold and arrogant, but unexpectedly, she is so kind to her subordinates and even came to give you milk tea.”

Hearing this, Shi Ning smiled bitterly and said, “Then you haven’t seen how she treated me before.”

If it wasn’t because of Shi Chen, Yao Yao wouldn’t be so amiable with her now.