In order to celebrate the successful completion of the events on the first day, the school allocated funds from the entire student union of the school to have dinner together.

This was the first time for freshman students of the medical department to participate in dinners other than classes and group meals.

The place for their dinner was a restaurant near the school, reserving two tables.

When it was almost time for dinner, Shi Chen came in.

Seeing Shi Chen coming in, everyone in the room was boiling with excitement.

After all, this faculty president was a god to them. And just like gods, he was rarely seen going out with other students, in his junior year because he was too busy with academic matters Shi Chen let his assistants do things in the union such as participating in gatherings on his behalf.

So, he was rarely seen participating in any of the gatherings.

“President, you’re here, come and sit, come and sit!”

The head of the propaganda department greeted Shi Chen. Except for a few ministers and deputy ministers, the freshman secretaries were not very familiar with Shi Chen but they all look up at him with awe just like their seniors.

“I heard that the president is very busy preparing his SCI paper this semester.”

“Only the third year can publish a few SCI papers, the president is really awesome.”

“So handsome, oh, as expected worthy to be called our male god. I just don’t know if he will stay here for graduate school or oes abroad, if it’s the latter then I’ll be very sad ah.”

After Shi Chen nodded and greeted the people he knew, he sat directly beside Shi Ning.

It just so happens that the minister of the propaganda department, who was on good terms with him, was at the next table and upon seeing this he was unwilling to give up.

“President, I invited you to sit in here but instead you sit at the table next to us, say aren’t you being partial.”

“Of course, we have Shi Ning at this table, her sister is here, so he would obviously sit here.” The vice minister of the organization department joked.

After Shi Chen sat down, the waiters served all the dishes one after another.

Just like every student meeting, everyone thinks that it wouldn’t be complete without some alcohol, and this dinner was no exception. Secretaries were offering toasts to ministers, while ministers offer a toast to the president.

Shi Ning who was sitting next to Shi Chen, watched her brother drink a glass of alcohol one after another without blinking.

Shi Ning followed the other secretaries and gave a toast to the minister and deputy minister of her own department.

She had just finished drinking when Ji Chu, the head of the publicity department came over. He first gave a toast to Shi Chen, and then picked up another glass of alcohol and said to Shi Ning.

“Little beauty, can I have a drink with you? From the first time I saw you, I thought you look very beautiful and familiar, we seem to have met somewhere.”

It’s the 21st century, so Shi Ning didn’t expect that someone would use such old-fashioned pick-up lines.

But since the other party was her senior, when the alcohol was brought to her, Shi Ning could not refuse. So, she filled half a glass of beer and was about to drink it but the glass was snatched by the person next to her.

Shi Chen: “If you really want to drink that much, I’ll drink with you.”

Ji Chu: “President, when it comes to drinking, who among us has out drunk you? It’s only a few sips of beer, it’s not like I can get your sister drunk. Aren’t you a little strict, which girl in our department does not drink a few beers?”

Shi Chen picked up Shi Ning’s glass and finished the beer in one gulp, smiled, and said, “I only have only this one sister, naturally I have to watch closely.”

Seeing how overprotective he was with his little sister, they couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahahahaha, little Shi Ning, being so tightly controlled by your brother, isn’t it putting you under a lot of pressure?”

“President, can’t you be too strict with Shi Ning? Such a beautiful sister will be missed by others, when she and I were at the stall, every day someone used the registration as an excuse to strike up a conversation with Shi Ning.”

Ji Chu has a good relationship with Shi Chen, and naturally, he has no restraint, unlike others. After drinking, he joked: “President, you can’t do this, with you the big Buddha in front, which boys dare to chase Shi Ning? Are you not afraid that you will drive away your sister’s peach blossom?”

Shi Chen glanced sideways at his sister sitting next to him.

“She’s still young, what peach blossom.”

They were only in their freshman year, and those boys who were eager to find a girl to date when they just entered the campus were not good people. His sister was so good, who could match her?

Even if there someone was really worthy, it has to pass his test first. We won’t let some Tom, Dick, or Harry get his sister.

After hearing what his brother said, Shi Ning reasoned in whisper.

“Brother, I’m not young anymore, I’m an adult.”

“You’ve just become an adult not even a year ago, aren’t you still a kid?”

Ji Chu said: “Look at it! Your sister doesn’t like you being so strict, the child is all grown up, it is time to let go, president! I think Shi Ning really wants to fall in love, right Shi Ning.”

“Actually I ……”

She and Lin Suno have not been together for long, and her brother has been busy every day recently, so the two siblings do not have time to see each other.

So, Shi Ning did not have the chance to tell him about her and Suno being together. She just thought about taking this opportunity to confess to her brother and let it pass.

“What did you say?” Shi Chen throws a cold stare at Ji Chu.

“Do you think my sister is you? As a brother, how can I not understand what she is like?”

A lot of people take turns in proposing a toast to Shi Chen, and although he was not that drunk, there was no doubt that he was tipsy and spoke much louder than usual.

Tapping his finger on the table, he said confidently, “I know what my sister is like. She has absolutely no desire to fall in love now! So you boys, don’t think about it.”

As he said this, he squinted his eyes and looked at the men present with a warning look

It’s an attitude saying that whoever dares to touch his sister would be killed.

“Yes, yes. Don’t worry, President. With you here, who would dare!”

“That’s right, we have the heart but not the guts, don’t we? Besides, chasing someone like Shi Ning we need to look at the mirror first.”

“Good, you have self-awareness.”

Shi Chen withdrew his murderous eyes, obviously satisfied with how he was able to frighten these thieves, and continues to drink with others.

After drinking for a while, he seemed to think of something and turned his head to ask Shi Ning.

“Ning Ning, did you just have something to say to me?”


Originally there was, but now I don’t.

She couldn’t possibly slap her brother in the face quickly right after he finished saying those.

“It’s nothing, brother, as long as you are happy.” Shi Ning smiled at him obediently.


The author has something to say: Ning Ning: Brother you will regret it.