At 7:30 in the evening, Shi Ning received a text message from Lin Suno.

[Is the dinner over?]

Shi Ning replied: [No, we’ve already eaten, but they are still drinking. It should be over soon.]

Lin Suno: [Okay, I’ll pick you up.]

Shi Ning wanted to reply ‘okay’, but seeing her brother at the corner of her eyes sitting next to her, she felt guilty and deleted the word, then change it to:

[No, let’s meet later]


[My brother is here…]

It took longer for the other side to reply before sending the message.

[Your brother doesn’t approve of us?]

Shi Ning: [No, he doesn’t know yet.]

Hiding from Shi Chen, she sent another message secretly.

[Also, my brother doesn’t seem to want me to be in a relationship.]

Lin Suno who saw the message was lost in his thoughts

Of course, your brother doesn’t want you to be in a relationship, how can he be willing to hand over his precious little sister whom he has been protecting for so many years to other men so easily?

[It’s okay. I’ll face it. I’ll talk to Brother Chen.]

[No you can’t!]

Coming right now to talk to her brother, wasn’t he looking for a fight?

She couldn’t bear to let Suno face these alone.

[My brother has been busy doing experiments and writing papers recently and is not in a good mood meeting with this kind of bottleneck. Let’s find a better time to invite him to dinner and tell him!]

They should be a little more serious about this, as long as her brother feels the importance she attaches to him, and the jealousy in her heart disappears, he would probably be happy for them.

[Okay, I’ll listen to you.]

A few seconds later, he sent another message.

[But I still want to see you tonight]

When Shi Ning saw this message, she couldn’t help smiling.

She thought that if he fell in love he would be insipid and independent, but it turned out he was clingy.

[Then wait for me downstairs in the dormitory. I’ll go back to the dormitory with Feifei. See you later.]

“Who are you chatting with that you’re smiling so happily?” Shi Chen asked beside him.

Shi Ning looked away from her phone and said, “Me?”

“Yes.” Shi Chen looks at her suspiciously.

“Oh, my roommate and I just talked about an interesting thing.” Shi Ning explained.

Shi Chen didn’t ask any further questions and continued to chat with several ministers.

Originally, Shi Ning didn’t think it would be boring to sit here. Anyway, no matter how much they drink or talk, they should be done at around 8:00, so she just had to sit quietly for half an hour.

But after answering Lin Suno’s message, as soon as Shi Ning thought that she would be able to meet her boyfriend right away after walking out of there, she felt like going home earlier.

So, when she saw that two girls had left, she pulled Yan Fei: “Feifei, let’s go back to the dormitory too.”

Yan Fei: “Isn’t it good to leave early?”

Shi Ning: “It’s okay. I can talk to my brother.”

“All right then.”

“Brother, can I go back first?”

Shi Chen looked at his phone and said, “Sit down for a while, and I’ll take you back.”

Shi Ning: “No, I can go back with my roommate. You can sit with everyone for a while longer.”

Shi Chen looked at Yan Fei standing next to Shi Ning and nodded: “Okay, you two pay attention to safety on the road.”


After getting permission, Shi Ning pulled Yan Fei and the two of them walked out of the restaurant.

After leaving the restaurant, Yan Fei joked, “Why not wait, it’s an honor to be sent home by the president personally. I want that honor.”

Shi Ning told her honestly, “My boyfriend is waiting for me downstairs in our dormitory.”

Yan Fei clicked her tongue and said teasingly, “I was just wondering why you want to leave early, it turns out that you are in hurry to date! Poor president, I almost laugh when he said you have no intention in dating yet. Ai, your brother didn’t know you were in love.”

“Didn’t you see his reaction, how can I dare to tell him easily?”

“That’s true. Your brother is a typical patient with sis-con. If he knows you are now dating someone, he can’t accept it for a while. After all, he has raised his sister for so many years and knows how good you are, he won’t just let some cheap boys take you away.”

“But my point is, your brother hasn’t even dated yet, but you already are, and you did it without telling him! Tsk tsk, I can already imagine the president being down after knowing the truth as he turned around hiding the tears that were about to fall, and as the wind blow his back will look so lonely.”

Yan Fei used both expressions and tones, that Shi Ning almost see the picture in her head.


She stopped Yan Fei from stirring up her emotion.

“Well, my brother will certainly accept it. After all, he knows Suno so there’s nothing to worry about. I just wasn’t able to tell him because every time I felt scared, it felt like I was a child facing my parents as if I am confessing I did something bad

Yan Fei: “You’d better talk to him quickly. Don’t be caught on the spot by your brother one day.”

“Don’t make it sound like I am cheating! How can I talk to him?”

Shi Ning said and went to hit her.