Shi Chen’s voice came over the phone: “Where are you?”

Shi Ning: “The dormitory.”

“Where in the dormitory?”

“Isn’t dormitory just the dormitory, where else can there be ……”

As Shi Ning said this, she realized something was wrong, and turned her head to look, about five meters to her side, her brother was standing there with his phone up, casting a death stare at her.


She was cold.

There were three people under a tree.

Shi Chen looked at a man and a woman standing opposite. In front of her sister, he took out the lighter, blocked the wind, and lit a cigarette.

Shi Ning looked at his brother and whispered, “Brother, don’t you smoke in front of me?”

Shi Chen raised his eyelids and sneered, “I also thought my sister would not find a boyfriend without telling me.”

Shi Ning’s campus card was left in the restaurant, so he brought it up to her but unexpectedly he bumped into this scene.

She immediately shut her mouth and lowered her head again.

Lin Suno: “Brother Chen, I’m the one who chased her, come to me.”

Shi Ning immediately blocked-in front of him.

“No, brother, this is something I did willingly, you can’t just blame Nono.”

“Nono?” Shi Chen chewed her words on the edge of his mouth, “You’re even calling him now affectionately? You two were together for a while, aren’t you?”

Shi Ning immediately said, “No, the two of us just got together and were about to tell brother.”

Shi Chen gave her a sideways glance and laughed: “Just together? Sister, didn’t I tell you that you can lie to anyone, but not to me?”

“How dare you bluff? With your temperament, how can you two hug each other affectionately outside your dormitory, if you’ve been together just recently?”


As expected, nothing could be hidden from him.

She and Suno had indeed been together for more than ten days.

“I wanted to tell you, but you’re busy. And I’m also shy, you don’t ask this kind of thing, so how can I take the initiative to tell you.” Shi Ning hung her head and wrung her fingers, as she said in a low voice.

Seeing her aggrieved look, Shi Chen frowned as he put out the cigarette in his hand and threw it, the cigarette butt fell into the trash can about three meters beside them without fail.

“Come on, I haven’t even started talking about you yet, but you’re already aggravated.”

“I’m afraid you’ll scold me.”

The more she valued a person, the more she was afraid to disappoint them so when she saw Shi Chen frown, she began to panic.

Shi Chen smiled and raised his hand then stroked his sister’s head.

“Fool, you haven’t made any mistakes. Why should I scold you?”

Hearing this, Shi Ning immediately raised her head and said happily, “So you are not angry anymore, brother? Do you agree with us being together?”

Shi Chen sneered again: “Does it matter if I agree or not? Aren’t you two already together?”

“No, no, if you don’t agree, how can we dare be together.”

Shi Ning understands her brother, her brother was in fact a softie and not a tough one, not to mention easy to coax.

“Okay, then I do not agree, you two should break up.” Shi Chen said lightly.

Shi Ning was stunned, how could this be different from what she had imagined, she thought her brother was just a little angry and jealous, so she passed it coquettishly. It was different from what she imagined. How could he not approve of the mandarin duck!

“Do you really disagree?”

She made a bitter face at the thought that she would have to choose between her brother and boyfriend, which made her heart suddenly sore.

Shi Chen: “What’s the matter, you don’t agree? Didn’t you say it, if I don’t agree, you two will break up.”

His expression did not change as he beats the mandarin ducks, and successfully provoked Shi Ning.

She had been pretending to be low-key and confessed her mistakes to her brother before coaxing him, but unexpectedly he actually started to make trouble.

“No, why don’t you agree ah? This is Suno, isn’t Suno good? Isn’t he worthy to be your brother-in-law? I’m telling you, you’re breaking us up now, after passing this village there will be no shop at the next stop so where are you going to find me the exact same one!” Shi Ning said in anger.

Shi Chen looked at Shi Ning with a meaningful gaze, as if she was looking at a woman who was off to marry.

“Hopelessly, it’s hopeless, look at you, rother-in-law? You are going to get married ah? He is now my brother-in-law?”

Realizing that she seemed to have said something wrong too quickly, Shi Ning immediately lost her momentum and braced herself as she said.

“In short, I think Nono is the best.”

Seeing her like this, Shi Chen was annoyed and felt funny at the same time, and in the end, he finally couldn’t help laughing.

He jumped down from where he was sitting and walked over to Lin Suno.

“See, you know how much she likes you.”

Lin Suno nodded his head and solemnly said, “Yes.”

“Treat her well, I put the person I regard as my life in your hands, if you neglect her, I’ll give my life for it.” His words were heavy, and there was no trace of joking in his expression.

Lin Suno looked straight at him, his voice sounded low but very firm.

“I love her more than life.”

Shi Chen looked at him for a long time, before his expression changed from cold to gentle then patted Lin Suno on the shoulder.

“Remember what you said.”

“I’ll be going now.”

He didn’t look back after saying that and even walked forward without saying goodbye to his sister again.

Shi Ning did not know why but seeing his back, his nose was sour.


She gave a shout behind him.

Shi Chen did not stop but raised his hand to her to show that he understood everything.

As Shi Chin walks alone, something came to mind.

She once told him that no matter what happened, she would always be around him.

They would be together for a lifetime.

Everyone who knows him knows that he dotes on his sister, and Shi Ning was the person he loves most.

Everyone only knows what Shi Ning means to him as his sister

But in fact, she was not only a sister but also his sun.

Without her, he would not accept this family. A person without a home was just a lonely soul wandering in the world.

He asked her to love her first, and then to love her family and the world through her.

She was the presence of light.

Now, his little sun was going to illuminate others.

She was right, Suno was really a very good person. Even if she was as arrogant as him, he couldn’t say anything bad about Lin Suno.

The boy has been in love with his sister not for one or two days, he even gives up the qualification for being admitted earlier to college for the sake of accompanying her for one more year.

He just didn’t notice that Shi Ning had been fond of Suno for a while now. Though he had to say among the three boys, Lin Suno was her favorite, unexpectedly he also didn’t notice that the feeling Lin Suno had for his sister was the kind of love between men and women.

Children would always grow up, but he didn’t expect this day to come so quickly.

He was a little caught off guard.

He even got a picture in his head…

On the wedding day of Shi Ning, he and Shi Pingzhan grabbed her by the hand, and two big men cried like two idiots at her wedding.

I must not do this.


Shi Chen said to himself.