July, inside Yangchuan High School.

The scorching sun seems to evaporate the whole world, and the asphalt road on the campus was burnt white and shiny. The trees on both sides of the main road look more and more verdant and lush in the booming summer, and the shadows of the trees also benefit the passers-by.

After half a year, Shi Ning and Lin Suno who were already college students returned to their alma mater again.

At this time, most of the universities has already had a holiday, while the high school holiday was later so when they came, students in Yangchuan were still in class.

Yangchuan was near the center of Yangcheng City so walking into the campus from the downtown area, there was always this different kind of quietness.

When they returned from vacation, they wanted to visit their alma mater and their teachers.

“Back to Yangchuan again, how do you feel?” Shi Ning asked the person beside her.

Lin Suno: “Endless papers and questions in front of me.”

Shi Ning smiled, “What a coincidence, me too.”

Even after they went to college, they never slacked off and just repeated their daily routine when they were in high school for three years after all they may not have a second time.

The two walked towards the teacher’s building together.

Shi Ning: “Teacher Liu should be teaching freshmen now.”

Lin Suno: “En, I asked him. He is now in the competition class of freshmen.”

“There is not a competition class in freshmen year? We don’t have it until the second year of high school.”

When they went in, it happened that Teacher Liu was not in class and when they knocked on the door of the office, there was only him and another female teacher in the office.

“Here you are, sit down quickly.” After they entered, Teacher Liu asked them to sit down.

The two sat down against Teacher Liu’s desk, while Teacher Liu stood up to pour them tea: “Do you need more tea?”

“No need teacher.” Shi Ning hurriedly said.

How should they describe this feeling after going back to school and their teacher’s attitude towards them was much warmer than before.

“Teacher Liu, these two are your former students, right? Here to see you?”

The female teacher looked unfamiliar yet familiar to them, so they couldn’t call out her name and could only politely say hello.

Teacher Liu on changes his serious expression when teaching them to a face full of smiles, looking at Shi Ning and Lin Suno, his eyes were full of pride.

“Don’t you know them? Shi Ning and Lin Suno, the first and second place students last year, are also the first and second place in the province!”

Hearing this, the female teacher immediately remembered.

“That’s why they were so familiar so, it was them.”

The female teacher smiled at Shi Ning and Lin Suno and said, “You two are really outstanding, I didn’t teach your grade at that time but I heard a lot about you two, you won an honor for our school.”

“No wonder Teacher Liu is so happy today. It turned out that his most proud student came to see him.” The female teacher quipped.

“That’s right. These are the golden boy and jade girl in our last class. I was lucky to have two such excellent students in one class.” Teacher Liu chimed.

The female teacher was sharp-eyed, she looked at them suddenly and half-jokingly said: “You said golden boy and jade girl, is indeed true, I also think they are a good match.”

Teacher Liu seemed to have noticed something and held up his glasses: “You two are the only ones who came to see me today, was this a coincidence? Tell teacher the truth, are you in a relationship?”

Even in university when asked this kind of question Shi Ning still lacks confidence in answering the question, especially with their high school teacher.

She bowed her head slightly and said nothing.

Lin Suno, on the other hand, was frank: “Yes.”

Teacher Liu slapped his thighs: “Still want to hide it from your teacher! Actually, I already noticed that you two are a little bit fishy since high school when Lin Suno who usually doesn’t want to have a deskmate gets one, it turned out that what he was looking for was not a deskmate but a girlfriend.”

The homeroom teacher used to be serious when he was in class, so they didn’t expect that once they graduate, he would completely change the way he gets along with them.

Shi Ning didn’t expect that she would be blushing because of her teacher’s teasing when she came to visit.

“Teacher don’t talk nonsense ah, our high school is pure.”

At that time, she was a good young girl who loved studying and didn’t have any thoughts of falling in love.

Teacher Liu seemed to be remembering what happened back then and smiled.

“Don’t try to lie to your teacher. Even if you it was once puppy love, you already graduated so what can I do to you?”

“We’re really not together before.” Shi Ning was a little bit dumbfounded.

Teacher Liu Wei stared slightly at her and pretended to be angry: “You still want to lie to me, if you really were not together at that time, would this kid give up entering the national training team for you? This is equivalent to giving up the qualification to be sent to Qingbei. I thought he planned to go abroad but it turned out this kid volunteered to apply to Beijing University, isn’t that silly? I didn’t understand it at that time, but now I do.”

“Teacher, what did you say? He gave up his qualification to join the national team?” Shi Ning was surprised.

Teacher Liu looked at their expressions, one was calm, while the other was surprised.

He held the eyeglass frame, coughed, looked at Lin Suno, and asked, “She doesn’t know?”

Lin Suno: “She didn’t know it earlier but now she knows.”

“……” Teacher Liu was silent.

He wondered if he did something wrong, Lin Suno, this student whom he was so proud that he would talk about for several years, wouldn’t come to see him again after today.

After leaving the teacher’s office, Shi Ning preemptively: “Why didn’t you go?”

He originally wanted to make up a reason to tell her, such as wanting to take the entrance examination, or not wanting to continue to engage in competitions.

Unfortunately, he also knew that she would not believe these reasons.

“Don’t you already know it?” He whispered.

“So, what Teacher Liu said is true. You really gave it up for me?”

“It makes no difference to me if I’m accepted or not, there’s no way I can get into Qingbei.”

“What about the competition? There are only a dozen or so places in the country that can enter the national team. It is an international competition, the world’s best competition, who doesn’t want to compete with global experts, so you just give up?”

He was silent for a few seconds and said in a low voice, “You can also participate in the competition in college.”

“Can it be the same? What did you think then, how could you give up entering the national team for me?” Thinking that Lin Suno had done this without her knowledge, Shi Ning was heartbroken and angry.

The two have been together for half a year, and have hardly ever quarreled, or even quarreled.