At this moment, seeing her a little angry he immediately panicked.

Lin Suno held her hand and said softly, “I don’t think it’s a sacrifice, but after weighing the pros and cons, I chose to be by your side, you see, I haven’t lost anything now at most I missed a good competition opportunity but I have such a good girlfriend.”

Shi Ning remembered that her learning journey was not always smooth. When she first entered the science class, she could not keep up with the progress of the competition class. At this time, he was helping her, so she could adapt to the rhythm of the competition class quickly.

“Are you worried about me, so you stayed?” Shi Ning asked.

“At that time, you rank second in the class what should I be worried about? Surpassing me?” Lin Suno smiled.

He bent over and pinched her face.

“Well, don’t think so much about it. I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for me. Every day I sit and study with you, I’m happy. I just wanted to make it last a little longer.”

He wasn’t completely sure he could get her to stay with him at that time, he just wanted to stay with her a little longer, that’s all.

Shi Ning took the initiative to take his hand and said with a smile, “There will be long, long days like this in the future.”


He doesn’t seem to need that kind of worry now that his future life will be without her.

Shi Ning took out his phone and looked at the time: “It’s almost the appointed time, let’s go to the hotel now. ”

After going to college, it was rare for everyone to get together again, and since they were all back this summer, Jin Sihan proposed to get together.

Lin Suno studied driving during summer vacation to get his driver’s license, but he usually drives at home than at driving school.

The two drove all the way to the agreed restaurant, and after entering the private room Nan Xiao and Wan Yue were already in the room, sitting.

Shi Ning: “You guys are really early, I thought we would be the first ones to arrive.”

Wan Yue smiled at her: “You’re finally here, I’m going to die of embarrassment sitting next to him if I had known that he and I would be the only ones here first, I should have come later.”

“What’s the matter? Don’t you two get along now?” Shi Ning asked with a smile.

She remembered that when she and Wan Yue were deskmates in high school, Nan Xiao would come to their class every day after lectures to find fault in Wan Yue. It didn’t affect Wan Yue but it affected her studies.

“He has such a bad temper, it’s strange to be able to get along with him.” Wan Yue complained as his eyes circled around Shi Ning and Lin Suno. “On the contrary, you two are here very fast. You’ve been together since you just went to college.”


Nan Xiao put the cup he used to drink water on the table. He used his strength to hit the bottom of the cup on the wooden table, making heavy noise.

He suddenly stood up, jumped over two seats, and sat beside Wan Yue.

“What are you doing? Are you going to fight?” Wan Yue looked at him with a vigilant expression.

But Nan Xiao hooked his hand and put his hand on his shoulder: “It’s boring to fight. Think about it. It’s because of her that we didn’t like each other at the beginning. Now that she is with others, we should be friends. She’s right. We should make up.”


Although he was sad for a while after knowing that Shi Ning and Lin Suno were together Wan Yue could not believe that Nan Xiao dared to say this in front of the person concerned, was he intending to embarrass others.

Sure enough, embarrassment appeared on Shi Ning’s face.

Wan Yue pulls his hand down to smooth things over.

“Who wants to be in the same boat as you, I already have my brother, where is my brother? He was the one who wanted this, but his not even here yet?”

Shi Ning: “Big star, we need to be understanding.”

Jin Sihan’s schedule this year was extremely busy that he rarely takes a few days off, and whenever he was home, he just wants to get together with some of his friends.

A while later, the door of the private room was opened again, it was Jin Sihan who wrapped himself up and walked in.

As soon as he came in, he took off his hat, sunglasses, and mask and collapsed on the seat, panting.

“I’m already dressed like this but I was still almost recognized on the road.”

He took a cup and poured himself a glass of water, then gulped everything down.

“You don’t know, what I fear most when I walk on the road is that someone suddenly rushes up to me and asks,” Hello, are you Jin Sihan? ”

“And even if I said no, they would still want to chase me!”

Nan Xiao looked at the things he put on the table and said: “It’s summer, you cover your face that much? Isn’t it hot?”

“It’s hot but what can I do? Blame it on me for being too popular.”

“Get lost.” Nan Xiao kicked the leg of his chair.

After Jin Sihan arrived, the original dull atmosphere became more active, and the delicate relationship among all present was relieved.

Waiters then pushed the carts with food to serve the dishes one after another, after everyone settled.

The people present were all holding their breath, and it was clear that today was not a simple meal.

When Shi Ning saw bottles of wine on the table, both red and white, she asked genuinely, “Can those who don’t drink not join you?”

Jin Sihan smiled at her, “Of course.”

Just as Shi Ning breathed a sigh of relief, she heard him continue, “But only for girls.”

“How can you do that, there are boys who can’t drink, too.” Shi Ning protested.

Jin Sihan’s smile immediately disappeared and he glared at her.

“You’re at it again, aren’t you? I’m telling you, you’re not going to protect him today.”

Who doesn’t know that among the four boys present, all of them could drink except Lin Suno.

“You guys are doing it on purpose.” Since they came in, all of their eyes were throwing knives at Lin Suno.

“Well, we did it on purpose.” Nan Xiao admitted generously, took the lead and poured himself a glass, raised the glass, and shook it in front of Shi Ning, the corners of his lips half hooked, there were a few moments of coldness in his smile. “Who let him, take away what others like.”

Today’s dinner was not an ordinary gathering of friends, but an alliance of vengeance.


The author has something to say: for a second I feel sorry for Nono hahahah