Sister Qiu Yue paused and added: "the records of the three trees only exist in myths and legends, and are extremely vague. No one has seen them with their own eyes. I can't really be sure. This is the legendary three pearl tree..."

As a white headed husband and wife, Su min knows sister Qiuyue very well. If she is not confident enough, she will never mention it easily. What she said is uncertain, but there is no direct evidence.

In other words, it is now certain that the giant tree in front of us is the legendary three pearl tree.

"The legendary sacred tree appears here. What should we do..."

Unlike sister Qiuyue, Xiao Min doesn't have many complex ideas. He only has one idea, forward or backward.

If he moves forward, he won't blink, even if it's a sea of fire. If he moves backward, he won't turn back and run faster than anyone.

The point is, someone has to make up his mind.

The man who makes up his mind. Not Xiaomi. Because of his mission. To help Lin Xi. Protect sister Qiuyue and them. So how to choose? It fell on sister Qiuyue.

in fact. Sister Qiuyue is also struggling in her heart. When the legend shines into reality, it should be said that he is not flustered. No wishful thinking. He doesn't believe it himself. More importantly. This legendary sacred tree. Stand in their way. And still in this situation. It's not weird. Who believes it?

So he is also very tangled and nervous. How should he choose? If the choice is wrong, wait for their consequences. At the cost of life.

Ever since the general's tomb. He and Su min already understand. In this situation. All dangers are based on life. Then the choice is particularly important. Equal to wandering on the line of life and death.

”We can't wait any longer. “

Sister Qiuyue is hesitant to make up her mind. It shows that he immediately stood up and looked at the front with dignity. The candle is the legendary sacred tree. And close it to the bottom of your eyes. Made a solemn decision.

At this stage, there is no possibility of retreat. The task assigned by Professor Meng. At all costs. It must also be completed.

Sister Qiuyue's hesitation lies in her fear of the unknown. But with the title of the book, he was like a backbone, and his fear quietly dissipated. His eyes were firm and said, "then go on, Xiaomi brothers. well done. “

Xiao Ming nodded. It doesn't mean anything. Put your weapon in front of you. Slowly approaching the three trees. And on the way. Adjusted the direction of advance to avoid the trunk of trees. Plan to pass from the side and calculate 60 at the same time. Watch out for the movement of the sacred tree. But the candle is the legendary sacred tree. But it's like food. It's scary to be close. As if solidified.

”Xiaomi brothers. Be careful. “

Xiao Ming just took the first two steps. The title of the book standing behind. Reminded him again.

Xiaomi paused, nodded again and continued to approach. Sister Qiuyue followed. After Shu min cushion, three people form a three talent formation back-to-back. Be vigilant in all directions. Just bypass the mangosteen tree. The road ahead is smooth, and you can go directly to the Ming Palace.

So at this moment, their nerves are tense. It's like walking a tightrope on a cliff. Unknowingly. A cold sweat came out of his forehead. Keep rolling down. They didn't notice. Still alert to the silent space.

In the precipitation, only their footsteps, their breathing and their heartbeat. Together. But it's like the meaning of a demon. Tap their hearts. Hit their nerves. An unspeakable fear grew up.

”Gollum. “

Seeing the sacred tree getting closer and closer. There are only two distances. Their tight nerves have reached the extreme. And was shrouded in the huge shade of the divine tree. Like three ants.

Fortunately, I came all the way. Peace, no imagined danger. Just cross the trunk and reach behind the divine tree. Out of the scope of the divine tree. It's completely safe.

But just then. In the silent precipitation. Suddenly there was a strange noise. Something seems to be coming out of the void. Sound penetrates into the eardrum. It makes the scalp numb.

Xiaomin and them at the same time. He stopped at once. Find the source of the sound. When they see the end of the world. The pupil shrinks suddenly. The white eyes are full of blood, which shows their horror. Even their heartbeat reaches the extreme at this time. Like a thundering drum. deafen the ear with its roar.

They are the end of the world. It is the trunk of mangosteen. And in the middle of the trunk. It's creeping slowly. Open it from bottom to top. Showed a pale eye.

The pupil of that eye is plain white. Take the bark as the white eye. Above the whites of the eyes. Grow fine vines. Vines are like blood vessels. One by one. Dense. Like a mess.

After the eyes emerge. A grunt. The pupil is lower. It fell on the three of them. As if looking at them. Those tangled vines. Peristalsis is also more rapid. It's like seeing prey. It made them ecstatic.

Anyway. That eye is evil. Weird.

”Grunt. “

The evil eyes that have been popping up on the trunk. Stare so closely. Always anyone. I'm afraid my scalp will be numb, creepy and timid. I'm afraid I'll burst my liver and gallbladder. Sister Qiuyue was scared to death on the spot, and they were no exception.

Cold sweat ran down their heads. Uncontrollable shaking of the legs. The heart seemed to resonate. I don't know when. Kept a consistent beat. Let the war drum sound in the silent space become more and more obvious.

But more strangely. Every time the war drum rings. The pupils of strange eyes. It flashes. It seems that there is some connection between the two.

They gulped. Force yourself to calm down. But this is not the case. How can you calm down?

At the critical moment, Xiaomi's mind was significantly higher than Shu min's, although they were also extremely frightened. But it hasn't been submerged. Use all your strength. Roar: "get back. “

Sister Qiuyue and Su min reacted. Control the body back, but the body is like lead. It weighs a kilogram. I can't lift it at all, but it gets more and more sour and soft. It's about to fall down softly. We can see how strange it is in front of them and how much impact it has on them.

See them indifferent. Millet bites the tip of his tongue. The severe pain woke him up again. Huoran turns around, grabs sister Qiuyue and Su minfei, and flies back.


Just ran a few steps. Suddenly I heard the roar of breaking the air above my head. Xiaomin almost subconsciously. Leave sister Qiuyue and Su min behind. Hold the knife in your backhand. The source of the roar of the tide spread its wings.


When I heard a snort, my hand fell from the knife. A vine came out of one arm. He cut it down. Jade beads on vines. It fell to the ground with a clear sound. It can be said that jade beads fall on the plate. Pleasant to the ear.

But it fell in Xiao Min's ear. But it became the magic sound of soul locking. Because there is more knowledge. Hanging from their heads like thousands of javelins. Take it from them.

this moment. He has neglected sister Qiuyue and them. I can only wave the dagger desperately. Move around and give full play to your body method. Avoid the slow coming. However, he knows too much, and then with his strength. Finally, I can't dodge. Entangled in a vine.

He was about to wield his knife and cut at the vines on his feet, but the vines pulled back. The huge pulling force made his center of gravity unstable. It was pulled into the air and hung in the shade of the tree.

But he refused to admit defeat. Struggling in the air, trying to turn over. Cut off your hair. But I didn't expect more hair. To him. A bad moment. They wrapped it into zongzi and let it struggle. Without the slightest effort.

meanwhile. The jade bead nearest to him. Suddenly split on both sides. Like a broken gourd, wrapped around him. Between opening and closing, he will be included. The light began to darken until it was completely dark.

His last touch of Yu Guang saw sister Qiuyue and Su min, wrapped into zongzi and hung on the branches, then swallowed by the cracked jade beads, and slowly closed their eyes.

In the dark. A strange smell came. Made him drowsy. The eyelids gradually fall vertically until they are fully closed. Into total darkness.

Hang them on the branches. After wrapping into zongzi. Eyes on the trunk. Suddenly, there was a grunt. In the sour friction sound. Suddenly split. From one eye to three. Then wriggle on the branches. They came to the zongzi that wrapped the murder. Appear on the planting surface. Between the rolling eyes. It seems quite spiritual and more strange. Seems to be snooping on something?

Let's talk about sister Qiuyue. Wrapped by vines into zongzi, and wrapped by jade beads, it fell into darkness. After losing consciousness. Think of your life. It's almost over.

But in a trance. His eyes suddenly changed. No longer endless darkness. But saw a neck. A woman with a red mole. Looking down at him. With a kind and gentle smile. Show maternal love. And himself. But in swaddling clothes. She is crying. It seems to be because of fear, and it seems to be a baby's instinct.

He couldn't help feeling a little confused. I'm not in your eyes. I met the strange mangosteen tree. Is it hung up? Why are you here?

And the woman in front of him also made him feel familiar. It seems to be in the depths of memory. He looked like him. And engraved on the soul. Never forget.

”Mom. “

He searched for familiar memories. Called out the woman's name. The memory suddenly rolled up. At the same time, the woman heard his call. Suddenly became ferocious, like a fierce ghost from hell, which had a half gentle appearance. He was frightened and closed his eyes.

When he opens his eyes again. The young woman has disappeared. But came a night. The stars on my head are bright, and the full moon is like a silver plate, sprinkling bright brilliance. Put gauze on the earth, quiet and harmonious.

In front of him. It is a villa with a sense of time. It also made him feel quite familiar. It seems in his memory. I had the impression of this villa.

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