This kind of juggling is characterized by thrilling, tense, relaxed and humorous. Thrilling is to make the audience stunned. Humor is to make people laugh. It can be described as both rigid and soft. Therefore, in some places, flag playing is a performance to celebrate the harvest.

After learning the identity of the deceased, Professor Meng looked very puzzled. How could a person who ran the Jianghu and played flags live in a quadrangle?

You know, nearly 20 years ago, although the house price was not as good as that of later, such a single family courtyard was also valuable. It was impossible for craftsmen in the Jianghu to have a place to live, have a warm meal and have no worries about food and clothing. How could they have more money to live in such a luxury house.

People who knew the deceased told Professor Meng that although the deceased was wandering in the Jianghu, his craftsmanship was really excellent. He integrated monkey acrobatics with flag playing. The spectators liked it very much and gave more reward naturally. Over time, it was a large amount. It was not worth buying a quadrangle.

Professor Meng still felt suspicious and returned to the scene, because there was another doubt, that is, where was the dead man's head?

As soon as he returned to the quadrangle, he found something unusual, because there was someone else's breath besides him. He thought it was the murderer who had gone back, but when he found the man, he was stunned to find that it was not a person at all, but a child tall monkey.

The little monkey sat where the dead man was hanged, staring at his scarlet eyes and guarding against Professor Meng's approach.

Professor Meng was surprised. He didn't take the little monkey to heart. He carefully examined the scene, hoping to find the clue of the murderer or the head of the dead. But when he found it in a circle, he didn't find anything. Instead, he found a puppet, a headless puppet, in the dead man's room.

Professor Meng concluded that there must be a connection between the two.

At this time, he smelled the fishy smell, so he checked again. When he found the wooden cabinet, he suddenly rushed out a dirty beggar from the wooden cabinet.

In a trance, the beggar shouted and ran away from Professor Meng.

Professor Meng thought he was the murderer and hurried to chase him. Unexpectedly, he was a little late and was escaped by a beggar.

So Professor Meng went to inquire about the identity of the beggar and learned that he was the disciple of the dead, but no one knew why he was so crazy that he was like a beggar.

At the same time, Professor Meng was surprised to find that the little monkey in the dead man's yard followed him, staring at him strangely with two scarlet eyes open.

Suddenly, the little monkey turned and ran away. Professor Meng noticed that it was wrong and quickly chased him. He ran all the way to the overpass. He saw that there were many frustrated Jianghu craftsmen here. They each occupied a place on the overpass and showed off their skills almost begging.

The little monkey stopped by a man with a thin face, bent waist and back, wearing a worn cotton padded jacket and a dirty beard, grinning and gesturing, as if to express something to him.

Professor Meng walked over, but saw the big beard, grabbed the little monkey, took out an iron chain, tied it to the little monkey, and told Professor Meng that he was the owner of the little monkey and knew the dead.

Professor Meng continued to ask, and bearded then told him that flags and puppet shows were once popular around here. Later, the dead used tricks to drive away the puppet show. Since then, the puppet show has declined, and other craftsmen have been forced to have no choice but to survive on this overpass.

In addition, the man who played the flag knew him well. In the process of communication, he secretly learned his craft, integrated monkey playing into flag playing, and created a new juggling. Since then, the little monkey often followed the dead, so he had feelings.

Professor Meng sighed after listening that the old crafts in the past are facing the trend of loss due to the change of times. He understands the current situation of the craft very much and is more and more sure that the headless puppet in the deceased's home must be related to the death of the deceased.

The descendant of the puppet show must be found to solve this puzzle.

He was about to ask bearded where he could find the successor of the puppet show, but unexpectedly, the locked little monkey caught a mouse from nowhere, stuck a bamboo stick on the mouse, kept pricking blood holes and gnawing at the mouse's head.

Professor Meng frowned and felt that the little monkey was too strange. Although it was an animal, it was the lifeblood of the beard. After orthodox training, how could it be so savage?

Even those mountain monkeys can't eat mice raw.

At this time, not far from the front, suddenly came the sad old tune, babbling, only hearing its sound, it will be sad from the heart, and people can't help crying.

Professor Meng turned around and found someone playing erhu, singing a desolate tune and telling his sadness.

He could not help frowning. I always feel something wrong, but I can't say it again.

As soon as the picture turned, Professor Meng found the successor of the puppet show through his beard. When he found the successor of the puppet show at home, he found that the house was empty and there was no one but puppets on the ground.

Those puppets are very strange, either broken hands and feet, or broken heads and missing bodies. They are scattered everywhere. It is clear that it is broad daylight, but Professor Meng is shocked into a cold sweat.

There was nothing to find here. Professor Meng was ready to leave. As a result, when he just went out and passed the door of the family next to him, he undoubtedly saw an old man in the yard, drawing shadow puppets and singing tunes that didn't know the true meaning.

The old man noticed Professor Meng's eyes and looked up. Then he opened his mouth and showed his scarce rhubarb teeth. He laughed silently. How strange it must be.

Seeing the old man's smile, Professor Meng's scalp was numb, but he was not afraid. He went into the yard and asked the old man about the successor of the puppet show.

The old man told him that the puppet show had long been extinct.

Professor Meng was as like as two peas, but he suddenly noticed a familiar smell. He looked down and found that the source of the smell was the color of the shadow puppet. The taste of the pigment was exactly the same as that of the puppet.

He suddenly realized something and asked the old man in front of him if he was the successor of puppet show?

The old man refused at that time and said that now craftsmen are difficult and will learn more skills. Even if it's just fur, it's better than nothing, otherwise they will starve to death.

What kind of person is Professor Meng?

When the old man told, he had looked at him carefully and found that the traction line of the shadow play was surprisingly consistent with the broken mark on the dead man's neck.

Professor Meng basically concluded that the old man in front of him was the murderer, but he had no evidence, so he pretended to know nothing, talked for a moment, and left here.

I don't know why, when he came out of the yard, he always felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at his every move. When he went to look for it, he couldn't find it. It was really very strange.

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