Lin Yi once worked as a manager. He calculated the time. Today is really a pawnbroker's weekly meeting time.

He went to the reception area and sat down: "since the general manager is in a meeting, I'll wait for her here. After the meeting, please inform me that Linxi is looking for her ····"

the receptionist kept smiling and said, "yes, sir, I'm sure I'll help you convey it ·····"

however, the receptionist kept smiling At the same time, he looked at Lin Xi with his spare light and muttered: "what's the origin of this man? What a big shelf he is. Who does he think he is? He even wants to see the general manager. Can you see the general manager if you want to see him?"

fortunately, she just thinks that as a special receptionist, it's necessary to be professional and face the guests It's not her business how the general manager decides.

As for her malicious speculation, she was just venting her dissatisfaction with life, that's all.

After calling Lin to sit down and bringing tea, the receptionist came to the meeting room. Seeing that the door of the meeting room was closed, the assistant of the general manager stood outside and quickly conveyed Lin's words.

As time goes on, Lin has been waiting for a long time. It's almost ten o'clock at noon, and the general manager hasn't come down yet. He also asked the receptionist, but the answer is that the meeting is not over. Lin Xi has to be patient and continue to wait.

It's not a good way to sit down like this. He has already drunk two pots of tea, and his stomach is full of water. He can even hear the sound of water. He just stands up and walks around, and comes to the display platform to see if the objects on display are attractive.

Not to mention, the painting of spring outing by Zhan Ziqian in the Sui Dynasty entered his eyes.

If Lin Yu remembers it well, Zhan Ziqian has his own painting traces to test. At present, the only painter of Sui Dynasty occupies an important position in the history of traditional painting. He is especially good at landscape painting, with meticulous description of characters, and coloring his face with color and scenery. When he paints horses, he has a full potential immediately, and when he lies on a horse, he has the potential of leaping. When he writes about mountains and rivers, he has the potential of thousands of miles away. He is known as the "ancestor of Tang painting" ”His representative work "spring outing" is a unique style of landscape painting, and also the oldest landscape painting in the world.

In this painting, near the first section of the painting, there is a slanting path leaning against the mountain and overlooking the water. The road passes along the mountain. It is not until you see a woman standing in front of the bamboo fence door that it appears to be wide. Then, up the mountain, the side of the mountain is limited, and the trees are hidden. Through the small bridge, there is a flat slope, and the yacht is covered in it.

In the lower corner, there are potuo flowers and trees. Around the villa, they depict the beautiful spring scenery and the way of enjoying themselves with tourists in the mountains and rivers. All kinds of flowers and trees dot the mountains and fields, with peach blossoms and willows green.

On the whole, it shows the connection of water and sky. There are green mountains and lake water. There are also scholars who take the mountain path or stop by the lake. There are beautiful ladies boating on the water. The wind is warm, the water is sparkling, the peach and apricot are blooming, and the grass is green.

From the point of view of technique, the painter emphasizes the landscape with green, depicts the foot of the mountain with mud and gold, fills and dyes the tree trunk with ochre, takes a panoramic view from afar, and has a proper layout of the characters, which is the first of the splendor landscape in the Tang Dynasty. No wonder it is famous and representative.

"It's a pity that it's not an authentic work, if it's copied by later generations"

Lin Xi saw it from the beginning to the end. Although he saw it with relish, he recognized it at a glance, which is not the true work of Zhan Ziqian.

I remember that there are six characters on the original painting: "the painting of zhanziqian's spring outing" inscribed by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty. If you look at this painting again, there are no these six characters. Moreover, the original painting of spring outing is well known for its collection in the Palace Museum.

Although it is not the true work of Zhan Ziqian, it can not be said that it is a fake. Therefore, Lin Xi saw the seal of "Hengshan Jushi" at the end of the scroll, which was the name of Wen Zhengming in Ming Dynasty. Lin Xi had seen his work before. No matter how well he painted it, he could be sure that it was a copy of Wen Zhengming.

From this point of view, even if it is not authentic, it has great collection value.

"I say, old man, why are you here again"

because of the time, there are not many customers in the pawnshop at this time. After all, it's not very strange that the pawnshop has just opened.

But at this time, the previous receptionist, quite helpless voice, rang in Lin's ear, attracted his attention, and couldn't help looking at the door.

In front of the receptionist and opposite the waiter, there was an old man in plain clothes. He had a long beard under his jaw, and his eyebrows were all white. He was not less than 80 years old. Fortunately, he was still strong.

I don't know if it's a delusion. From the old man, Lin Yu sensed that the inexplicable breath was more profound than when he faced Hong Jiao. But in the twinkling of an eye, when Lin Xi went to see it again, the old man was ordinary, even a little humble, not a little special.

What's more strange is that when Lin Yu saw the old man, he was vaguely familiar with him, as if he had seen him somewhere. He had a divine will to connect them.

While looking at the old man, the old man also looked at Lin Yi. Although he just looked at him at random, his eyes met in the air.

The old man's eyes were bright, shining like stars, shining with the light of wisdom, and at the moment of seeing Lin He, they showed inexplicable colors, like comfort, identification, and relief and guilt, which recalled his memories. There was a sense of helplessness after the changes of the world.Fortunately, these looks are fleeting, not let Linxi aware.

Around me, I was followed by a little boy, who was six or seven years old. He was very obedient, quiet and quiet, holding a lollipop in one hand, looking around curiously, quite handsome and lovely.

But I don't know whether it's an illusion or not. When Lin Yu saw the little boy, he also felt familiar, but in his memory, there was no memory of the little boy.

What the hell, are you hallucinating?

In a flash, the old man took back his eyes and said with a smile to the receptionist, "you don't look down on the old man and grandson when you open the door to do business. Why don't you let us in? There is no such rule in Kyoto "

the receptionist is very helpless. The rule of the old man moving out makes her unable to argue and even coerced.

When the new pawnbroker store opened, the general manager repeatedly stressed the problems of service and attitude, and set strict rules. Therefore, last month, the floor manager of the pawnbroker District ignored an ordinary guest. He was not only reprimanded by the general manager, but also deducted his performance for half a year. His tactics were vigorous and resolute, which set up prestige and scared everyone into silence. No one dared to violate them.

From that time on, they realized that although the general manager is a woman, it is not only a woman, but also the beginning. In fact, the real iron wrist is after that.

Only these "family affairs" are not enough for external humanity.

"How dare I, old man? Please come in, please come in "

the reception staff didn't want to be killed by the general manager, so they made way for the old man and the little boy to come in.

The old man led the little boy into the store and walked to the exhibition area. The receptionist followed him and said with a bitter smile: "since our store opened, you always come here with your little grandson every day. You are more punctual than anyone, but you just look at it and don't buy it every time. How do you want us to do this business in the future? People don't know, they think you have done it As the receptionist said, since the opening of the pawnshop, the old man and the little boy have appeared in the pawnshop on time at 10:30 every day.

At the beginning, the pawnbroker's Guild received him seriously, but later found that the old man could not drive him away because he only saw but didn't buy. These days, he has seen him many times, so he is used to it, but he can't help complaining:

since you don't buy, and you're not here to pawn, why do you waste everyone's spirit? Your old man is too old to worry about his grandchildren, But we have to work! I'm tired enough from work. You always come to amuse us. It's not sincere.

Fortunately, the old people have a good temperament. Even if they see their dissatisfaction and hear their complaints behind their backs, they are not angry and angry. They have arrived on time every day, which is much more active than going to work.

Now, hearing the receptionist murmur, the old man said, "are you still happy to have the old man, a regular customer, come to take care of the business every day? If there is a good object, I will buy it when I meet something I like. If I don't meet it, how can I buy it? ····· "

at this point, the old man raised his eyes again. If he looked at Lin with deep meaning, he continued to laugh and say:" maybe today, I will see something I like, and I can't say if I buy it. ····· "

the receptionist was not satisfied Letter, and look at the old man's body, how do not look like a rich man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!