All the items in the pawnshop are dead pawn items, and each display item has increased by 20% on the basis of the original price.

Anyone who knows the business knows the hidden rules. If you buy something in a pawn shop, you'd better go to an auction house.

Even the pawnshop itself didn't want to sell.

Therefore, the main function of these display items is to display and reflect the strength of pawnbrokers.

If someone is really absent-minded and is willing to pay for something, they can't get it. It's like picking up a leak and earning extra money.

The old man's clothes are really ordinary, but it's strange that he can afford them! So that the reception staff complained: "don't make fun of me, old man. As long as you don't make trouble for me, I'll thank God. You watch first, and I have to work ·····"

the old man laughed and didn't say anything more. When he walked into the exhibition area, the reception staff didn't have any vigilance when they saw him more. They went back to their posts, whatever the old man wanted Do it.

The old man came all the way and stopped in the coin area.

Baoguo temple is mainly composed of coins and stamps. The players who come in and out of the temple also rush for these items, so there are not a few of these two kinds of things in pawn shops.

Just the location of the old man, with Linxi across a display area, happened to be opposite.

"Grandfather, grandfather, I'm going there ···"

after the old man saw it for a while, the little boy was stubborn and soon could not help being lonely. He grabbed the old man's arm and wanted to play opposite.

At this time, the old man picked up a five baht coin in his hand. He was a little distracted and was shaken by the little boy. Maybe he was a little impatient. He let go and begged for mercy and said, "OK, grandpa is looking at the object. Go and play by yourself, OK ·······"

the little boy was holding a lollipop, and the cute little boy said: "OK ·····"

then he spread his feet and ran away The old man ran to the opposite side of the exhibition area, and the old man said, "be careful, don't fall"

the little boy was happy, and he didn't respond to the old man, so the old man was relieved. He continued to look at the coin. After all, it was safe enough in this pawnshop.

"Brother, brother ···"

since the old man came in, Lin didn't pay attention to it and continued to watch the picture of spring outing until he was surrounded by a young voice, which disturbed his mind.

Lin Xi came back to look for the source of his voice, and his voice was closer. He called out again: "brother, brother... Suddenly, he lowered his head. Lin Xi saw the source of his voice, and found that it was the little boy. He didn't know when he arrived, raised his beloved head, stared at his big black eyes, and looked at him.

Lin Yu looked at his side and made sure there was no one else. Then he pointed to his nose and asked, "are you calling me..."

the little boy came up and tried to hold Lin Yu's hand, but because of curiosity, he was a little timid and afraid. He just touched his finger, then he drew back and giggled.

Seeing that he was cute and only two years older than his junior, Lin didn't take him seriously. He turned to the exhibition area to look for the traces of the old man. However, he didn't know when the old man was no longer looking at the coins. Instead, he went to the miscellaneous area, picked up a bunch of hands, and looked at them carefully.

Lin Yu looked back, looked down at the little boy, and reminded him with a smile: "it's not appropriate for you to call me brother, you should call me uncle ···"

the little boy is a kid. He seriously shakes his head, holds the unfinished lollipop, and obstinately shouts: "you are my brother, brother, brother ···"

Lin Yu has some helplessness, it's not the difference of generations !

But the little boy was cute, which aroused his interest, so Lin Xi squatted down, stroked the little boy's head, and said with a smile: "then you tell your brother, what's your name ····"

looking straight at Lin Yu, the little boy's watery eyes were so cute. Lin Yu was very kind to him, as if he had been born with it, and finally he just came back It comes down to, maybe, eye contact.

The little boy bit his finger and looked innocent: "grandpa won't let me tell you"

won't you tell yourself?

Lin Yu was stunned. They didn't know each other. They just ran into each other by chance. Besides, he was not a bad man. Why didn't the old man tell him?

On second thought, Lin scolded himself for being confused. The little boy said "you", which should be all "strangers". After all, people are unpredictable. No one knows whether the person standing in front of him is good or bad.

For the little boy, Lin Xi is no doubt a "stranger"!

Since the little boy didn't say anything, Lin didn't ask, but at this time, the little boy secretly turned his head and looked at the old man in the distance. He found that the old man was attentive and looked at the string of hand beads. Then he hooked his finger and motioned Lin Xi to come and whisper.

Out of curiosity or childlike innocence, Lin Zhen squatted down on the ground, got close to the little boy and stretched out his ears.Holding Lin Xi's ear, the little boy solemnly told him: "I'll tell you secretly. You can't tell your grandfather that my name is little potato"

it turned out to be little potato.

Lin Xi suddenly lost his smile. He could not help laughing when he saw the lovely appearance of small potatoes, which were round and full of meat. This nickname is really appropriate.

Lin Xi asked again, "this is your nickname, what's your nickname"

little potato shook his head hard, covered his mouth with his hands, and the voice came out: "grandfather won't tell you, don't let me tell you, little potato can't tell his brother"

Lin Yu didn't ask, and didn't take it seriously: "it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, but my brother wants to tell you I'm so old. Maybe I'm about your father's age. You should call me uncle. You know what?

little potato looks like he doesn't understand.

Lin Yu had no choice but to explain again that he didn't want to be inferior to a child.

However, Lin Xi didn't find that the old man holding a string of hands in front of him didn't pay attention to the string of hands since he squatted down. Instead, he looked at his back, his eyes were shining, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Especially when he saw that Lin Yu was very interested in the title of "little potato" and looked like a brother and sister, his smile became more and more gratifying.

He had been waiting for so many years, but he didn't expect that he was going to die soon. Finally, he was willing to die.

"Don't just look at it, old man, whether you want to buy it or not, but you say something"

but at this time, the waiter in charge of the exhibition area stood inside the counter and saw the old man holding his hands for a long time, but he still didn't move. He was impatient and couldn't help reminding and urging.

And obviously, different from the complaints of the reception staff, the disdain in the eyes of the waiters, as well as the hidden impatience, are almost beyond expression.

She is the same as the receptionist. She is very punctual every day. When she sees the old man coming, she always comes back empty handed. In the first few days, she also received him attentively. Now, as time goes on, she has no patience to know the old man's temperament.

Different from the receptionist, the receptionist stands at the door, which is to greet the guests. No matter how much dissatisfaction she has, she can't express it easily. The reason why she dares to complain is that she is familiar with the old man. Knowing that the old man has a good temper, it doesn't matter if she complains.

The waiter in front of her is only responsible for the three-thirds of the land. Any guest who buys or sells goods from her can get a lot of reminders, so even if there are rules, it's hard to avoid watching the butterflies serve and watching people through the cracks in the door.

"I'm old and confused. Buy it! Little girl, I don't know the price of this string of beads "

hearing the waiters' shouts, the old man immediately responded, took back his loving eyes, turned to pick up the string of beads, and asked about the price of the string.

"I said, old man, you really want to buy it. You won't interrupt me"

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