Chapter 1859

"Bold maniac, do you want to take advantage of this situation to rob us of our homes? Hum... You are so whimsical! Now which big door, merchant and dignitaries don't have some good skills to guard the courtyard. With all due respect, you two still want to do something to us? Hum, you underestimate us!"

Just now, the man who talked with earth came out of the door and said to them with a very dignified face. It seems that there is someone behind you and you have confidence in your heart!

And after hearing this, the earth was angry in her stomach and didn't fight at all!


He was so angry that he didn't know what to say!

"I have a military uniform and a token, but you say I'm fake?"

Shisheng pointed to his clothes and took out his waist tag. He was so angry that he stammered!

"Hum, military uniforms and tokens may be fake! In today's situation, I can understand your sergeant's requisition of grain, grass and salaries, and your requisition of cloth, silk and satin. Even if you requisition firewood and dung balls for fire, I can understand. Why do you requisition our wine? Wine can cure diseases? Ha ha ha, laugh off my big teeth, what diseases can it cure? It can cure your greed Are you ill? "

The man laughed as he spoke, which made the boys nearby laugh like a coax.



Shisheng was so angry that he had to say something, but he was interrupted by the equation!

"Forget it, don't tell them so much and waste time! Let's not requisition it. Let's buy wine directly. It's always OK!"

Then he walked forward, took out two gold deeds from his baggage, and handed them to the man in charge of the wine shop!

The man looked at the equation with unbelievable eyes, then put his eyes on the gold deed in his hand, and then... He took a breath!


He clearly saw that they were two gold deeds of one thousand gold ingots, but they were two thousand gold ingots, gold ingots, not silver ingots!

The man in charge of the wine shop turned his eyes, and he didn't know what kind of ideas flashed one by one!

"How about buying all the wine in your stock? Is that enough?"

He looked at him and asked directly!


The man stared at the gold deed in his hand for a long time, and then made a look as if he had suddenly realized it.

"Oh... I see. This golden deed... Must be false!"

As soon as this remark came out, the always indifferent equation also silently scolded a "lying trough" at the bottom of my heart! Is this man... A victim delusion?

"Hum, military uniform tokens can be forged. This gold deed... Can also be forged. You... You are a liar! Hum, we don't sell or give our wine... You don't want to take away a jar!"

This man recognized the equation from the bottom of his heart. They are liars. How to say... It's hard to work!

"You're really sick!"

Shisheng couldn't help it, and then turned to the equation.

"What should I do, doctor Fang?"

He also asked helplessly.

"Don't worry about them. You go in and get the wine. If someone stops you, I'll solve it..."

Equation doesn't want to spend any more time with such people. He tells Desheng to go straight to the door to get the wine and solve all other problems himself!


Shisheng also heard their military chief talk about the legendary doctor Fang. Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, with his admiration for the military chief, what the military chief said... Must be true, so what the military chief said about the doctor Fang must also be true!

So Shisheng began to walk to the wine shop without scruples!


The man in charge of the wine shop couldn't help laughing when he heard the conversation between the two people!

"Just you two want to break into our restaurant? It's a joke..."

He looked at the weak look of the equation, and his face was full of undisguised contempt and ridicule!

"Don't talk nonsense. If you can... Just go!"

As Desheng said, he really began to rush into the wine shop quickly!

"Stop him!"

At the command of the man in charge, a dozen boys rushed towards Shisheng immediately!

Although Di Sheng believed in the equation in his heart, he suddenly saw the dozen boys rushing towards him with sticks. This visual impact was still very strong, so Di Sheng subconsciously stopped and raised his hand to stop the other party's attack on him. But he kept his head down for a long time. Shisheng didn't wait for the pain when the stick fell on his body. When he looked up, he saw that several boys had fallen to the ground and seemed to be unconscious!

Shisheng couldn't help looking at the equation next to him in surprise.

"Doctor Fang, this..."

"It's all right. I just fainted, so they can't come out and make trouble!"

The equation waved his hand, indicating that he didn't hurt himself!

"OK, I'll go in!"

The ground grew and breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he completely believed the equation, so he ran towards the wine shop without scruples!

Equation was also worried that he would encounter obstacles from others in the wine shop, so he immediately followed up.

At the door of the wine shop, there was only one man in charge of the wine shop who was messy in the wind. He just finished more than a dozen big men under his control in an instant. He didn't blink or see what happened! At the moment, he was so scared that he couldn't move his legs and feet. He lowered his head and looked at the two thousand Liang gold deeds in his hand. It was the wine money that the equation had just paid him. He said it was true


The man trembled and gradually clenched the gold deed in his hand!

Shisheng broke into the wine shop. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a group of people hiding in the corner of the main hall, looking at him very nervously!

It's a group of old people, women and children. It seems... It's the family of this family! Their eyes showed fear, as if they really regarded him as a bandit who robbed the door!

"You... What have you done to my son?"

An old man stood up. Although he looked nervous, his words were still very powerful. It seemed... This should be the old man of the big wine shop, and the man who was just silly outside should be his son!

"Old man, we are not bad people!"

Shisheng looked at these old and weak women and children. He really couldn't be fierce and move his hand on them! He is a soldier and a soldier guarding the people in the city. Now he really has no choice in the face of these unarmed ordinary people!

"Desheng, go get the wine and I'll tell them!"

Fortunately, the equation arrived in time to solve Di Sheng's embarrassment! Shisheng nodded quickly when he heard the speech, and then ran to the backyard where the spirits were stacked!

"Don't touch our things..."

The old man wanted to stop, but he was stopped by equation., the fastest update of the webnovel!