Chapter 1860

Equation naturally won't do it to the old man. He just stopped the old man gently with his spiritual power, and then stepped back a few steps slightly!

"Old man, I'll just say it once. Believe it or not, I've paid your son 2000 gold ingots! Your son says my gold deed is false. You can take it to the bank to identify it. If it's false, you are welcome to confront me at the beast City Inn at any time!"

Having said this, he wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, he stopped and turned to look at the shocked old man.

"We are not evil people, nor will we kill or set fire, nor will we rob our homes. We want to requisition your wine because high-purity wine can temporarily disable the scavengers attached to the patients, so that we can carry out the next important treatment. So now we need a lot of wine to save people. Since you don't want us to requisition it I'll pay for your wine now, so don't spread rumors about our sergeant's forcible robbery! "

Then he turned and ran towards the backyard!

Seeing the equation rush into their own backyard, others hurried forward.

"Master, they..."

The old lady said eagerly to her wife!


The old man motioned the old lady not to speak. He looked in the direction of the backyard for a long time, then took back his eyes and looked at the door of the wine shop again!

"I'll go and see what's going on!"

The old man walked to the door tremblingly, raised his eyes and saw the boys all over the ground. He couldn't help but take another breath. He was stunned for a while. Then he came forward, squatted down, stretched out his hand to explore the boys' nostrils, and found that everyone breathed peacefully, not in a hurry, but he was relieved when he fainted!

The old man stood up and turned to look for his son. Then he saw his son standing aside and looking at something in his hand!

The old man as like as two peas, and looked forward, he found that he was two gold coins with one thousand gold ingots, which is exactly the same as what the man said just now.

The man in charge was looking at it. He didn't know whether the gold deed was true or false. Suddenly, he stretched out a hand and robbed the gold deed on his hand. He was about to scold, but he saw his old father standing beside him.

"Father... Father?"

The old man stared at him and then looked at the gold deed in his hand. After only looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"This... This golden deed is true!"

The old man has been doing business all his life. If he can't tell whether the gold deed is true or false, his life will be in vain!


The man in charge was surprised when he heard his father's words!

"How is it possible? Aren't they thugs? Aren't they robbers? How... How can they give me real gold deeds? Are these... Fools?"

He couldn't help wondering!

"Just... What did they say?"

The old man asked his silly son patiently!

"What did you say? What did you say..."

The man in charge began to recall his conversation with them.

"They say... They want to expropriate our wine? Hum, they think I'm a fool. I can understand why they expropriate food, cloth and even go directly to the bank to ask for money. What are they doing with wine? They're wearing a wrinkled military uniform and holding a signboard to say they're the City guard. It's a lie to get too old..."

However, before the man finished his words, a slap hit him on the head.


The old man scolded angrily!

"Hmm? Father, how did you hit me? I... am I wrong?"

Some wronged men covered their heads and stared at their father!

"Wrong? You're totally wrong! You said it yourself. You can understand the requisition of grain, cloth and even go directly to the bank to ask for money. Why don't people go to these places to cheat if they are liars? Why do they cheat you? It's heavy and difficult to transport. How much money can they sell?"

After listening to the old man's words, the man in charge seemed to suddenly realize that he looked at the gold deed in his hand. For a moment, he didn't know what to do!

"As you said, people have to work hard to make fake military uniforms, fake tokens and fake gold deeds for you, just to cheat you a few jars of wine? Do you have a brain?"

After his father's advice, the steward man fully understood that he seemed to have... Really made a mistake! He was at a loss. Er, looking at his father, he seemed to hope that his father could give him a little advice and tell him what he should do at this moment!

"Now go to help the two military masters carry the wine, and then return the gold deed to others! Now it's a time of crisis, how can you collect people's money..."

But before the old man finished talking, equation and Desheng had already pushed out a cart full of wine jars! They are worried. They have just wasted a lot of time with the man in charge!

The old man and the man in charge saw that they had come out and hurried forward.

"Two! Two, wait a minute!"

The old man said to them politely!

Equation and Desheng suddenly heard their family talking to themselves in such a polite tone. They couldn't help but be stunned. They looked at each other with vigilance in their eyes. They seemed to be afraid that the wonderful people in this family would have any different means to deal with them.

While they were stunned, the old man turned his son with his arm! The man in charge immediately understood and hurriedly handed the two gold deeds in his hand to the equation!

"Well... Here... Here you are!"

The steward man stammered and listened to the equation strangely!

"Give it back to me? Why?"

The equation asks.

"Because... Because I believe you are the real master of the army, and I did requisition my wine for some reasons. I just... I didn't know what happened just now. I was a little too defensive! I misunderstood you two. I... I apologize to you. I have eyes..."


He seemed to be going on and hurriedly interrupted him. I was worried. The man wasted time again and again.

"Listen, whether you believe us or not, I don't care. I care about the safety of the people in the city, even... The safety of the people in Xinjiang and the whole world. So I don't have time to waste time with you. I'll give you the money, we'll take the wine, and don't stop us..."

With that, he pushed his cart towards the door of the wine shop, behind him... Followed Desheng!, the fastest update of the webnovel!