Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty – 560

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty – 560

Oh, that makes more sense, Felix said, sometime later. The gray sand beneath his feet was just as pale and gritty as he remembered, as were the green vinegar waves that crashed nearby. Theyre in a Manaship.

A fair distance out, barely a speck on the horizon, was a Manaship flying a series of colorful flags. Zara said they were traditional indicators of peace, prosperity, and deferencecommon flags to fly when entering another nations sovereign land.

Did you think they traveled the Bitter Sea on an ancient sailing ship? Zara asked.

We dont have Manaships on Earth. Well, we have planes, but thatsmy point is, the water isnt made of acid where I come from. Just salty. Felix scanned the beach and the horizon, feeling strangely vulnerable. Im used to folks sailing on the water, not over it.

Ah. So that was why you were so comfortable with our trip through the Leviathan Depths. Zara nodded to herself. Aside from the Yttin, your warriors were terrified of sinking.

Huh. I recall their fear, but I just figured they were just scared of what was in the water. Felixs eyes never stopped moving, his Perception flared as much as he could manage. I am. Especially here. These waters are even more dangerous than the Depths.

The Dread, I believe you called it? Zara frowned at the green swells, nose wrinkling slightly at the astringent breeze that carried off of it. A Bloodbeast.

Mhm. Felix hadnt seen the Dread in almost a year, not since it had almost killed him. Not since it had Marked him for the Maw, and changed everything. Tell me more about the Cantus Sodalus.

Zara regarded him a long moment before speaking. As you wish. I told you of our purpose, and perhaps I could regale you with the struggles of our storied past. The conflicts resolved between nations and Territories, the monsters bested and cities saved. I do not think you are so interested in those, however.

Felix smirked. I mean, that sounds cool and all, but no. Not at the moment. Tell me about the summoning. How did it work?

The summoning is an ancient ritual, perfected by the Nym but rarely used. It takes a great deal of power to enact, and a greater amount of concentration. The Hierophant performed the ritual atop her Shining Palace, at the apex of EnCridhe. The Star of Heaven in the old tongue, believed to be built by the Nym. Zara showed her sharp teeth, still staring at the green waters. The official history claims it was the Pathless himself who lifted the alabaster towers. Mortals, it seems, are almost as good at erasing history as the Ruin itself.

Star of Heaven. Sounds like the Nym, thats for sure.

It is obvious, isnt it? Regardless, the Hierophant controls the Shining Palaceit is the Seat of her Authority, after all. So the summoning ritual was performed there, and you Unbound were intended to be brought directly to EnCridhe. Would have been, had we not interfered.

How? Felix asked.

Zaras veiled Spirit rippled, a faint, vague emotion that Felix suspected hid a great deal more. Some of our own sacrificed themselves to take the place of the lesser clergymen. They disrupted the ritual at the last moment, turning the summoning toward chaos. Dissonance.

And had us all flung across the Continent, Felix finished for her. Why not alter the ritual so that we were summoned to a place you chose?

Zara clenched her jaw, eyes still distant. The wardings around the Shining Palace are too great. The time, Skill, and power required to alter the ritual was not available to uswe learned of the Hierophants plan too late. Considering the state of the Foglands at the time, it is a wonder that I found you at all.

You have the Maw to thank for that, he muttered. Felix had wondered more than a few times where he might have landed and what might have become of him, had the Maw not apparently tipped the scales in its favor. Okay. So the ritual was disrupted, all the Unbound got summoned but scattered, and you Chanters went out searching for us. Now you found me, Isla found Beef...what about the rest?

That is what I hope we can discover together. She nodded at the oncoming ship, now a slightly larger speck on the horizon. Others are still searching, and only Mauvim knows all the details. Part of the reason she wished to come here. To meet you.

Mauvim. Youve spoken of her before. Whats she like?

She is the oldest of us, but the founders of our order were dust long before she was born. She is wise, but not the kind to take fools lightly. Felix could all but feel Zaras side-eye, but he ignored it and she moved on. There are others among the order that hold influence, but she is the one to convince. If you have Mauvim on your side, then we can move with greater assurance.

On my side? Felix asked. I thought we were all supposed to be on the same side?

We are as all people, from the lowest valleys to the highest peaks. The Cantus Sodalus is united in our cause, but not in how to serve that cause. Zara sighed. This shouldnt be news to you. Youve met Isla.

You are lucky to be alive. Unveiling a Core Manifestation so early would have ripped anyone else apart.

I had that feeling, yeah. Felix frowned at his scaled hand against his soft green shirt. Tell me about the Tapestry Stage. Youre there already, right?

I am. It is incomplete for now, but I know the path forward. Youve already advanced through the Weaving Stage with incredible speed and potency. That firm foundation will serve you well, as you consider the whole.

The whole?

Its called the Tapestry Stage because you must pull back and take in the whole of your core spaceand draw out a Revelation. You, Zara cut herself off, laughing. You have a hint for yours already. Thishand you summoned.

Felix wrinkled his nose. My Tapestry Revelation is a big hand? Thats a little underwhelming.

Describe it, if you please.

He did, noting the color, the apparent construction, and even the feel of it as it manifested. She seemed intrigued by all of it, especially the eye within the palm.

It didnt really look like an eye, I guess, but thats the best way I can describe it, Felix said. It justshattered the Frostfather.

Incredible. I cannot draw your conclusions for you, Felix, but focus on what you know of this clawed hand. The experience of it, and how it relates to your own core space. Your Revelation need not be momentous, just significant, for that is what fuels it. You must gather greater and greater significance to complete the Tapestry Stage and unify the whole of your core space.

Unify. Felix rubbed at his chest absently. Alright. Ill think on it. Oh, he snapped his fingers. I used the hand before. It was what I defeated the Creature with, back when I ate it in Khasma.

Zaras eyebrows climbed nearly to her hairline. Two manifestations? One internal and one external, and still you live. I urge you to show more caution Felix. That hand will kill you if you continue to use it before you are ready. Without your Revelation, you sacrificed parts of your Aspects to draw that power out, that is why you felt so terrible afterward. Too many times and your core space will fragment and your Skills will sunder. All of them, all at once.

Thatsnot good.

I know youve experienced a sundering before, but things are different at your stage of power. Before you could break a few Skills and survive with some pain. Your core space is fundamentally you now. Break it, and you break the very nature of who you have become, and it will never return.

Well. Shit.

Felix sat with that knowledge for a bit, turning it over in his head. A companionable silence stretched between them, interrupted only by the crash of the vinegar surf and the faint cry of distant birds.

Eventually, Zara gestured around the beach, empty except for the two of them. Even Pit had remained in Zaras house to gorge himself on Glitterhog. Are you sure you do not wish for a more royal entourage? We are not far from Elderthrone, you could have the Legion and your Shadows in place in short order.

I dont need a retinue. If theyre going to meet me, theyre gonna meet me. Felix squinted. Wait. Are they riding even lower than before?

The Manaship was closing in on the shore fastbut for some reason it was almost touching the waves below it, creating a huge wake behind it. Things stirred in the waters, leaping at the craft, but spherical barriers flashed where monstrous fish dashed themselves fruitlessly against it.

They are. Zara sounded just as concerned as Felix felt. What is

A piercing shriek split the sound of wave and wind, followed by a massive, hooked tendril that slammed into the ship.

Goddamn it! Felixs hands burst alight with lightning.

The Dread had come to play.