Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty One – 561

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty One – 561

The shields! Bolster the shields! Yorun, Makewright and Captain of the Ciphers Venture commanded, control rod in hand. The wind was against them now, and his ship was losing powersoon they might all fall into the acid below, but not if he had anything to say about it! Samul! Godwik! Mainsail-haul!

His Wooden Golems pivoted smoothly, oiled joints bouncing smoothly with the turbulence as they carried out his orders.

This is unnatural, Tzfell said amid the chaos. She stood between trotting Golems, scurrying Gnomes, and flinching, fledgling Chanters, calmly regarding the tentacle above. Her bald head gleamed even in the dull winter light, shimmering with geometric patterns etched into her skin. As a Dwarf, the tentacle was easily three times her height in length. It flexed against the barrier generated by the Manaships engines, barbed hooks and suckers grappling and almost digging into the magic. It is hanging on despite our speed, and I cannot Analyze it.

Neither can I, admitted the statuesque Emelda. Her beautiful face was pinched, but only comparatively. They both looked to be carved of stone. This may require more effort than we expected.

Yorun scrambled across the tilting deck, hands digging into the deck as he tried to reach their group. Sorcerers! Can you not cast this thing away? Its destroying my ship!

It is our ship, Captain Yorun, until youve completed your service, Tzfell said, her demeanor as calm as if she were discussing things over tea. Do remember our deal.

I remember! But Im not much use dead! he snapped back. And this ship aint useful to me if its crushed!

Move your Golems and your fellow Gnomes to safety, captain. We shall deal with this, Esmelda stated. She was sweating, but her expression was just as eerily calm as the other. The both of them raised their hands as the shields quivered. Quickly, now.

Yorun threw up his hands in defeat and grasped the control rod hanging from his belt. It gleamed once again as he shoved his Will through its matrices. Spellforms flashed into being, spinning outward on near-invisible lines, straight into the cores of his creations. Corsairs to stern! Drop lines and take shelter!

The moment the words left his mouth, the entire shiphis shipjerked to a stop and threw him into a tumbling roll. Yorun cursed and tried to right himself, but it was drowned out by the sound of shattering glass as the ships barrier collapsed. From above, the nasty beasts tentacle fellright atop a huddled group of younglings.

Look out! he shouted, and his control rod flared.

Two Corsairs leaped across the deck, their wooden and tin limbs outstretched, and tackled the younglings out of the way as the hooked appendage ravaged the deck. One Corsair Golem rolled to safety, arms cradling one of his apprentices and a youthful-seeming Chanter, while the other was split in half at the waistbut not before its arms scooped around two more of his apprentices.

Yorun gasped, relief flooding his very bones. Youngling! Get my apprentices down below!Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

The Chanter in training nodded furiously, her curled locks bouncing, before she and the remaining Corsair hurried away with his apprentices between them.

Yorun got to his feet, his core chugging along inside his chest as his Skills tried to marshalonly to stutter to a stop as he saw the wreck ahead. My ship!

The first tentacle had smashed into the deck too, but its sheer mass had torn open a huge hole in the planks, made worse now by its frenzied thrashing. Splinters filled the air and wet, gurgling screams emanated from somewhere over the railingwhere an acrid smoke and sizzle caught Yoruns attention.

Weve landed in the water! Sorcerers! We need lift! he shouted.

Blood and screams met his words, as more tentacles emerged from the sizzling brine to slap their jagged lengths against wood and sail and line. Golems were smashed, slicking the decks with viscous oils to mingle with pools of dull blood. Magic burned in the air, flashes of light, shadow, flame, and ice impacting the monsters mottled limbs. Claws of force and spears of air stabbed at its rubbery flesh but only resulting in more tentacles rising from the sea.

It iseating our Skills! a Sorcerer cried out. The main deck was swarmed with the robed men and women, all of them singing. Nothing we do is making a mark!

The Dread screeched, a sound made of a thousand voices. Orange and green Mana burst in all directions, smashing into the reinforced shields with enough power to pitch Yoruns entire ship backward. They rode the swell, held in place only by the clutching grasp of the tentacles on their starboard side.

Yorun fell, clutching at his ears. Chanters fell to the deck, eyes and ears bleeding, screaming. Tentacles, hundreds of them, rose from every conceivable direction, filling the fog-ridden air until they all but blocked out the sun.

It has us! Were doomed!


The Dread twisted, wheeling its unveiled maw toward the shore. It screeched, maw wide open, as a bolt of blue-white lightning blasted into its face.

Lightning and fire spun outward bashing into their shields until all Yorun could see was chaos. When it resolved, there was a figurea Humanfloating above the waves. He was clad in only dark green trousers, thick silver bangles around his ankles and wrists, andhis skin wasnt skin at all. Not Human. Yorun pushed himself up. Thatsthats the Autarch. The man from the stories, himself.

The Dread was not done, but it clearly did not want anything to do with the Autarch. It lurched to the side, an orb of condensed acid blasted out of its hideous maw. An orb that was half the size of the ship. It screamed through the air, burning the sky itself as Yoruns stood transfixed by sudden, certain death.

The Autarch raised a single hand. Hand of Catalcysm, he mutteredand the world sang.

The orb burst, scattering in a great arc around the Autarch before it halted entirely. The man curled his claws and the streamers of acid shot backward. Right into the Dreads huge, unblinking eyes.

It screeched, the acid boring sizzling holes in its hide, and the Dread dropped back into the water.


Who are you talking about? The Fiend asked.


The Autarch went stiff, before he looked back at the ship. At Yorun, whos stomach dropped and threatened to rip out of him entirely beneath that gaze. The Autarch turned away, facing the Dread again. They are welcome here. Stand down.

Yorun had a moment of stunned disbeliefsurely this behemoth would not simply go away? And yetit did. The waves parted, and the Bloodbeast sank below, until its lamp flame eyes were swallowed by the deeper dark of the Bitter Sea.


Well that was rough, said the floating Autarch. He floated before Yoruns ship, his mouth wide in a smile and his arms open. Inviting. Hi. Im Felix Nevarre. Welcome to Nagast, members of the Cantus Sodalus.

Whatever the Sorcerers replied with was lost to Yorun, because he could not take his attention away from the Autarch. He knew why the stories called him the Fiend, now. His eyes. Yorun swallowed, and found his throat painfully dry. His eyes burn. Like flames.

Like the Dreads own.