Chapter 442 - 203

Name:Under the Oak Tree Author:
442 Chapter 203

As Maxi left the stands in a daze, Sidina's animated voice broke through her thoughts.

"Sir Riftan's feats have become a sort of legend here in Balbourne! Think about it. He burst onto the scene like a comet, winning Sir Khan Miguel's sword in a tournament. He bested the strongest knights with ease. Then, after more than a decade, having won the name of Rosem Wigrew, he returns to become the Ascalon's new bearer. Doesn't it sound like an epic? His story is the talk of every tavern."

Maxi turns to Sidina in surprise. She knew Riftan's bastard sword was among the most prized in the Seven Kingdoms, but she had not realized it belonged to one of Darian the Monarch's twelve knights.

She swallowed hard, scanning the crowd at the exit. Everyone's faces were alight with excitement, as if they were about to witness a myth come to life. Maxi's heart sank. Just then, a large hand shot out from behind a pillar. She shrieked, startled, then recognized the familiar scent. She looked up into her husband's bronze, chiseled face.


Pulling her close to him, Rifton told Garrow, "You are dismissed. Escort the mages to their quarters."

He then turned and walked away without waiting for a reply. Maxi, puzzled, followed him like a goat tethered to a leash. Where was he taking her?

He walked along the stadium wall, then veered into a secluded alley. Maxi anxiously glanced left and right.

"W-What is it? Where are we going in such a hur-"

The rest of her words were muffled by a kiss. Maxi's eyes widened in surprise. Riftan lifted her off the ground, kissing her with the hunger of a man starved for days. This passion was a stark contrast to the brief peck they had shared earlier, almost making her wonder if this was the same man who had walked away.

Moaning, Maxi clutched his coat. His tongue, hot and insistent, tangled deeply with hers. When she tried to pull back for air, his lips tenaciously followed. She pushed against his shoulders, but he only sighed in impatience, pressing her firmly against the wall and nibbling her lower lip.

"Stop moving," he muttered, deepening the kiss.

Feeling dizzy, Maxi closed her eyes. The sounds of their fervent kiss filled her ears. Each brush of his hot tongue sent tingles down her nape, and her heart was close to bursting. It was only when she felt on the verge of fainting that Riftan withdrew.

"You must remember to breathe," he said.

Flushed and heaving, Maxi shot him an incredulous look. "I-I would...if you would let me!"

"I am letting you now. Breathe as much as you like," he replied with a benevolent air before bringing his mouth down to her neck. Flustered, Maxi quickly glanced around.

They were in a narrow alley, surrounded by empty cargo boxes and stacks of wood. There was no way to tell what these supplies were for. Clearly, this place was not frequented, but there was always the possibility of someone walking in.

Maxi beat her fist against his shoulder. "Y-you must stop now. We are in public...What are you thinking?"

Riftan stopped nibbling on her earlobe to growl, "I was restraining myself just fine until you provoked me."

"Good Lord, why the anger? Even I'm smiling after the table I prepared was overturned right before my eyes."

As Breston shrugged and roared with laughter, Maxi felt a chill run down her spine. The man was clearly not in his right mind.

"I-Ignore him," she whispered to Riftan.

"Don't worry. I don't plan on causing a scene here," Riftan replied reassuringly before leading them in the other direction.

However, Breston had no intention of stopping.

"That reminds me!" he shouted after them. "I've been matched with that dog of yours tomorrow."

Riftan halted before turning to face Breston.

After gulping from his tankard, the northerner slurred, "Apologies in advance. Someone's got me in a foul mood. With all this rage, I might accidentally cripple my opponent."

"You can try," Riftan replied, his voice chillingly gentle. "Just know I will do accidentally the same to you."

Richard Breston's smile remained despite the menacing threat. Chuckling, he raised his tankard. "Ah, how thrilling. Thanks to someone, I have nothing to lose now."

Riftan regarded the man with a menacing look before walking away.

"W-Who is his...opponent?" Maxi asked urgently.

"From his description, either Rovar or Nirtha," Riftan answered through clenched teeth. There were simply too many participants to be sure.

Maxi glanced around before saying cautiously, "Should we not advise them to forfeit? Who knows what that man will - "

"Are you suggesting I insult my men? Riftan's lips twisted into a sardonic smile. "Do I tell them to back down if they don't want to get hurt? Because Richard Breston holds a grudge against me? I doubt they will listen."

"There's no need to be sarcastic. I am just... worried."

Riftan sighed. "They are not swordsmen who would get themselves thrashed. You needn't worry."

After wordlessly regarding his face, Maxi turned her gaze to the stadium. The circular edifice was now bathed in the red hues of the sunset. She squeezed Riftan's hand, trying to dispel her fears.


The following day, the stadium was packed with an even larger crowd. Unable to find seats in the general area, Maxi wove through the throngs of spectators, heading toward the seats reserved for nobility. She tried to estimate the number of people as she walked. By her rough count, over ten thousand had turned up to watch the tournament. It was truly a daunting sight.