Chapter 443 - 204

Name:Under the Oak Tree Author:
The crowd was overwhelming. Maxi took in the sight for a while before making her way toward the flag of Wedon. As she approached, some of the nobles directed curious glances at her. She pretended not to notice the noblewomens' overly familiar greetings and sat down in one of the empty seats. Socializing was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Would you care for a refreshment, my lady?" Gabel, her escort for the day, gestured towards a nearby table as he spoke. Its marble surface was beautifully laden with silver jugs, goblets, flowers, and trays of fruit and bread spread with honey and cream.

Maxi furrowed her brow, repulsed at the idea of eating while watching a bloody spectacle.

"N-No, thank you. Could you...check on today's matches for me instead?"

"I have already sent someone for that, my lady," Gabel responded, picking up one of the silver goblets and offering it to her, seemingly deaf to her refusal.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Maxi reluctantly accepted the drink - a blend of goat's milk and honey. She took a few sips before her attention returned to the arena.

A man, richly dressed and likely an administrator, was perusing a thick stack of parchment. Maxi guessed he was confirming the names for today's events. Fixating on the parchment in his hands, she wondered about the matches. Though high ranking clerics and their acquaintances often knew the details in advance, it was customary to announce the matches on the day they occurred. Anxiously swirling her goblet, Maxi waited.

As she sat there, her attention was suddenly drawn to a knight in a blue cloak, ascending the stairs. She quickly stood up.


"My lady," the young knight greeted, bowing respectfully.

Eschewing formalities, Maxi asked, "Have you checked the matches?"

"I am at least certain that Ulyseon is participating."

Maxi swallowed back a groan. "Then...there is no question that he will be facing Richard Breston today."

"Not necessarily, my lady. Everyone has been acting independently since arriving in Balbourne, so we don't know how many of us entered." Garrow sighed, then said, "It is highly likely that Sir Hebaron is participating as well. The man would never pass on such-"

"I doubt he has the time with that new lover of his," Gabel cut in. He was munching on a green apple, and he wiped the juice from his mouth before adding, "He's gotten himself entangled with another strong-willed woman, whom he has promised to spend the rest of his time in Balbourne with. No one's seen him for days."

Tossing the seeds into a bowl, the knight added apathetically, "He is likely enjoying himself in some noblewoman's bed."

Maxi's eyes widened. She whipped her head to Garrow and Gabel, who looked equally surprised. Turning her attention back to the arena, she saw Sejuleu Aren in heavy black armor and Ulyseon in silver-gray. They entered side by side.

Then who is Richard Breston's opponent?

Maxi was knitting her brow in confusion when another trumpet blast announced the start of the match. She instinctively covered her ears at the loud clash of the knights' initial charge. Overawed by the incredible noise, she momentarily forgot to breathe.

Each collision stirred gusts of dirt, leaving impressions in the ground. It was like watching two colossal steel beasts battling in the arena.

"He won't last long at this rate," Gabel remarked, startling Maxi.

She stopped gaping and glanced at Gabel. To her, the two appeared to be evenly matched, with Ulyseon even appearing to have the upper hand. His ferocious sword swings were truly frightening to behold.

As if reading her thoughts, Gabel explained with a bitter smile, "None of Ulyseon's attacks have been effective. Sir Sejuleu, on the other hand, has been dodging his blows while strategically landing his own. The match will be over soon if this carries on."

Maxi refocused on the arena, where Ulyseon's movements had indeed begun to slow. She noticed spots of blood on his armor, a sure sign of his waning strength. Thankfully, it did not seem like the young knight was seriously injured, though his attacks had lost their earlier ferocity.

Growing anxious, Maxi asked, "Why...isn't he yielding?"

"With that temper of his? That would be the last thing he'd do, my lady," Gabel replied, shaking his head. "To him, a duel only ends when one combatant can no longer fight. He's determined to fight to the end."

Maxi frowned, puzzled. Even to her untrained eye, the match's outcome seemed inevitable, yet Ulyseon refused to acknowledge it.

After distancing himself to catch his breath, the young knight poised his sword once again. A few seconds later, he charged like a cannonball. The impact of the collision sent a dense cloud of dust swirling, forcing Maxi to shield her face with her coat.

The dust soon settled. Ulyseon was on his knees, Sejuleu Aren's blade poised beneath his helmet. The older knight's deep voice reverberated in the hushed stadium.

"Do you yield?"

After stubbornly clutching his sword with both of his hands, Ulyseon spat out through gritted teeth, "I yield."

"Good grief," Sejuleu said as he withdrew his blade. He gave a hearty laugh. "You are much more fierce than you look."

He helped Ulyseon to his feet, shaking his head. The audience erupted into deafening cheers.