Chapter 96: Chapter 96: Vampiric Dungeon Diving V

Chapter 96: Chapter 96: Vampiric Dungeon Diving V

[3rd POV] [Vampire dungeon]

Turns out finding Vampire Lords were incredibly easy...especially when they come to you on their own.

'Huh, thought it'd be harder to find these ones' Talia thought, gazing at the 5 Vampire Lords.

3 of them men, 2 women. All of them were human in appearance, but their beauty was cranked up to the max, and were all pretty pale. Sorta like Twilight vampires.

"So you're the one that's been slaughtering the peasants" A feminine voice sounded out, causing Talia to gaze at one of the women.

'Hmm, which one to get rid of first. Probably the 2 women as they feel stronger, then the men. The Supreme and High Level vampires should be enough to take care of them' Talia thought, as slowly out of her shadows, the supreme level vampires rose, with 50 high level vampires appearing behind them.

"You think those worms can stand up against us?" A blonde woman with deep red eyes said, a scowl on her face.

Talia ignored her in favor of mentally speaking to her familiars 'Kill the two women, I'll fight the men. Once the women are dead, help me take care of any of the Lords that may be living' Talia ordered, causing the familiars to blur off.

The supreme and high levels swarmed to the women, making sure to blast them away from the men, as Talia blurred and struck at one of the men who was distracted.

"This shouldn't take too long"

Talia's statement was quite correct.

The 2 Female Lords had died rather quickly, due to the overwhelming amount of foes. At first, they were obliterating them, but after Talia felt the struggle her familiars were having, she sent in the rest of her High Levels (500 in total). The sheer numbers were more than enough to overwhelm the 2, even if they were far stronger. As even the strongest of foes, can't defeat hundreds of others attacking at the same time.

The 3 male lords had been felled byTalia herself, although with a bit of difficulty. Her control over blood had been stronger than theirs, thanks to the amount of growth she had been having, since entering the Vampiric dungeon.

Walking to the 5 corpses in front of her, Talia cut her finger, allowing 50 drops of blood to cleanly flow out. Each of them imbued with more power than she had ever given, a total of 5% of her total magical power. All for these 5, all because of their natural jump in strength, and the fact that they'd be given a strength bump through being turned. Roughly 25-50% of a bump at that.

Watching as the 5 of them glowed powerfully, Talia's smile widened drastically at the sight, as they slowly got to their feet and kneeled before her.

""We Kneel before our Queen"" The 5 spoke, causing Talia to blink.

'Seems the stronger ones keep their sentiance, to an extent. Kinda like Solo Leveling' Talia thought with a small smile, as the new familiars returned to her shadow.

[Part of Quest Complete!]

Kill the 5 Vampire Lords - 15 Levels.

Turn 1 vampire lord into your familiar - 15 levels.

[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Turn all 5 Vampire Lords into your familiar - 20 Levels, 1 Sword Saint Technique.

'Hmm, about what I was expecting, for the hidden quest at least. System, go ahead and claim the levels'

[Sword Saint] [Level - 128/200] [6 Star]

[Please select a new Subclass]

[Class: Veela | Harry Potter]

[Class: Hellhound | Teen Wolf]

[Class: Cold One | Twilight]

'Hmm, each of these are pretty decent. Veela has their affinity with fire, heightened beauty, and other things that I'm sure wasn't shown. Hellhound is immortal, has possession, fire powers, and some other stuff. And Cold One/Twilight Vampires, are stronger and faster than your average TVD vampire. They also have gifts, but...that's about it' Talia thought, looking over the three.

'I'm sure I can get the other two eventually either way, and with the rate of leveling, I'll have it maxed pretty soon anyways' Talia thought, before selecting Veela.

[Veela (Harry Potter): Veela's are harpy like beings of fire and beauty. They were so beautiful that they could memorize others just from seeing them, they are naturally seductive, and skilled in it, including other things such as dance. Unlike normal Veela that would need to learn to control their allure, the user does not need to do this, as it is completely under the users control. The allure only applies to women, and only with the users permission. The user also has a harpy esque form, while in this form, the users magical power, fire power, and allure is boosted by 5x. The users harpy form is...different than canon, being more...refined and without the beak and all that. Every level increases the users beauty, magical power, affinity with fire, strength of allure, seduction, and all other natural attributes of a Veela]

'Hmm, actually better than I thought to be honest'

[Due to the users Animagus form, Phoenix, the Veela class shall undergo an evolution]

Raising an eyebrow, Talia watched as the words changed.

[Solaris Veela Queen - Veela's are usually harpy like creatures, but instead, the user is Phoenix like, now that their animagus form has been assimilated into this class. Still being a being of fire and beauty, the natural powers of this class are far stronger than before, roughly 5x the strength. The users beauty is practically divine in nature, giving off a natural warmth. The seduction, dance, and skills in both has been drastically boosted. The users control over their allure is absolute now, with no possibilities of mistakes. The users allure is strong enough to control the minds of even the most strong willed of women, with only other psychics and unnaturally strong willed individuals having the ability to resist, also does not work on divinity, and men, as the user is not attracted to the latter. The users immunity to fire is heightened, making them immune to just about any normal fire. The user can now resurrect through phoenix fire, doubling all their attributes after this resurrection. The user can now teleport through fire, at immense ranges, across continents, and even beyond. The users singing voice is now (like their beauty) practically divine in it's elegance and beauty. The users bodily fluid (Tears, sweat...other things) now heals others, bringing them from the brink of death to perfectly healthy, and healing any poison (besides those divine in nature). The user can speak "Phoenix" the language of Phoenixes, when spoken while casting fire based spells, doubles the power of said fire spell, although it sounds sort of like squawks, so it may be embarrasing. Increases the users affinity with all creatures aligned with beauty, women, flames, The Sun, and life. The users fire power is doubled while in Sunlight. Due to the Dragon Flame, the users Phoenix wings will naturally be composed of dragon flame, just as the flame teleportation is made up of dragon flame. The user has a form that is similar to their. The users allure/seduction/beauty is especially powerful with their mates, due to the natural connection the user has to them, it does not manipulate their emotions. Every level increases the users already practically divine beauty, their magical power, affinity with fire (which is already immense), strength of allure (including it's range), seduction, Strength, and all other natural attributes of a Veela and Phoenix] Seaʀᴄh the Novelƒire.n(e)t website on G00gle to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'I was hoping I'd get some more use out of my animagus form. But this is way better than I hoped. Solaris Veela a pretty neat name too. I guess I'd be considered their Queen if I ever met Veela's? Interesting. Maybe a short visit to Harry Potter will happen in the future' Talia thought with a pleased smile.

'Go ahead and assimilate, System' Talia thought, wanting to get the assimilation done now, instead of later.

As she thought this, flames poured from her being, surrounding her in a beam of fire.

As it continued to surround her being, it slowly began to flood back into her, revealing her form. Two large glowing red wings sprouted out of her back, glowing red and silver eyes, and

a massive increase in beauty.

"Wow, this feels...great" Talia said with a small smile, forming on her face. Her voice was...almost divine, made to pull others in and enthrall them. Her wings slowly receded back into her back, causing Talia to sigh.

"Even better than I thought, especially for a Subclass" Talia said with a smirk, happy with the new influx of power filling her. It wasn't a massive increase, but it was noticeable. The massive increase mostly came in the form of her beauty, natural seduction and charm, voice, and all of those things. She was pretty sure she'd be even better in bed than before...something she was very excited to test out later.

"System, go ahead and claim that technique"

[Sword Art - Heavens Slash: One of the most powerful techniques of the Sword Saint. This is

due to it's nature. Allows the user to cut EVERYTHING hit by it, down to the very concepts "slashed". This technique is immensely draining, but also immensely powerful. EX: The user slashes the concept of fire within a fireball, extinguishing the fire within the fireball. The user cuts the concept of life within a being, killing them. Downsides: Has to be in range to properly slash, is incredibly draining, can be dodged, and does not work on divine beings. Talia just blinked as she read through the sword art, eyes wide 'Holy shit...that's insane!' 'Being able to cut concepts...that's something way beyond me. What sort of being was a Sword Saint, if they could literally cut concepts? It must be draining, even for me, as otherwise...this would be one of the most powerful techniques I could EVER learn. It not working on Divine beings makes sense, considering their nature. If it did work on them...better not to think about that' Talia thought, incredibly happy with her new technique.

'I wonder...could I combine this with something like Reality slash? Cutting both Reality and Concepts at the same time? Could I combine this with techniques from a place like Demon Slayer? Definitely going to have to test that in the future' Talia thought, contemplating how to best use this new technique of hers.

'For now, let's get out of here. Next time I'm here...will probably be the last time' Talia thought, as she disappeared from the dungeon.

[Morningstar Manor]

Reappearing back in the manor, Talia walked through the hallways, smiling at the sight of her mates sitting on the couch, watching the show of the world she planned on going to next. "You three seem to be enjoying it" Her voice sounded out, causing their heads to snap to her.

Immediately their faces went red, blushing brightly. "O-oh w-wow" Clary stuttered, taking in Talia's new figure, enhanced by her Veela genes.

"U-Um wh-what happened?" Hope asked, trying to control the blush. At the same time, Isabelle was just starting at her, practically drooling.

"Hmm? Oh you mean all of this?" Talia asked with a small smirk, motioning to her new and

improved body, which they all nodded at.

"Well, darlings, I underwent a bit of an...evolution. A side effect of you know what" Talia

said, causing them to all blink, before understanding that Talia couldn't speak more on it. "Do I really look that much better?" Talia asked, walking closer to the still blushing girls.

"Y-yes. You were already beautiful before, but an entirely different level" Hope said, causing Talia to smile.

"Well, I'm glad you three like it so much, as It'll only continue to increase for a while" Talia said, trying to contain her amusement at their reactions. The girls looked sort of happy, probably because it meant their already drop dead gorgeous mate, would become even more


"So, how did the dungeon diving go?" Talia asked, sitting next to Hope, with Clary on her


Hearing her question, the girls eyes brightened. "We got to Floor 40! It's a lot more difficult

than Floor 39, but it's going to be good for our growth. Oh, and Hope developed a new skill too!" Clary answered, causing Talia to raise an eyebrow.

'Seems they have to complete the floor for me to get the rewards from it' Talia thought.

"Oh? A new skill?" Talia asked, looking at Hope in interest.

"Magic Boost, it lets me double the power of a spell when the skill is used. I think I can make it even stronger, but I have to train it more" Hope answered with a small smile. "Not bad love. I'm sure it'll be especially useful once you start learning some stronger spells"

Talia said with a smile, happy for Hope. Afterall, such a skill could become very very powerful in the future, once she learns some new and stronger spells.

"Maybe I'll teach you some new spells? If you'd like that?" Talia asked, causing Hope's smile

to widen and immediately nod.

"Yes please!"

"And I'll teach you two some more runes" Talia said, looking to Clary and Isabelle. She had

taught them a few runes, but not all of them, especially not the stronger ones. Talia had taught Hope some spells, but she decided it was time to teach her some stronger ones, something like Fiendfyre could be a boon in Hope's repertoire.

Isabelle and Clary looked happy with this, excited to learn some more runes, especially from

their mate.

"Which types will we learn?" Clary asked in interest. Both of them were interested in the new runes that could be added into their repertoire.

"I'm thinking of some new tracking runes, some more runes for stealth, and maybe a couple

of attack runes" Talia replied, smiling at their excitement.

"And for your spells love, I'm thinking of teaching the Patronus charm and Fiendfyre" Talia

said, turning to Hope.

Hope's eyes widened "You mean that spell you used when we first met, the one that uses

happy emotions? And isn't fiendfyre one of your stronger spells too? Is it really okay to teach me them?" Hope asked in surprise.

"Yep! Of course it is okay, especially if it means you're stronger, and safer" Talia replied with

a small smile.

Hope cracked a small smile at Talia's response."""You're the best"""The three said, after

hearing what she said.

"I'm glad you think so, my loves. Now, who'd like to learn first?"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will probably be the end of the Vampire dungeon, which will include some very

important moments.

Solaris Veela Queen sort of came to mind, after I read through some species from Harry Potter, and then I realized that she already had Phoenix, and Veela's are connected with Birds.

The next world will be happening within a couple of chapters or so.

The sword art...was randomly chosen from a wheel of techniques I've made. It's also one of

the best techniques she could have possibly gotten lol.

Sword Saint isn't going to be a long class, which I'm sure all of you have realized. But she

might return to it in the future, so...yeah.

This might be a mass upload, as I'm in a writing mood, and I feel the need to make up for the

lack of updates for like 20 days lol.

Anyways, have a good day, see you later!